A 10/14/15 B 10/15/15 C 10/16/15 D 10/17/15

Period 1 Alg 2
Period 4 Alg 2
Period 3 Alg 1 H
Period 2 Alg 1 H
Parent Function Calculator Lab
Parent Function Calculator Lab
Graphing Functions
Graphing Parent Functions and
their Transformations
Obj: TSWBAT graph several
parent functions.
Obj: TSWBAT graph several
parent functions.
Method: Calculator lab to be
completed with a partner.
Method: Calculator lab to be
completed with a partner.
Obj: TSWBAT graph several
equations (including non-linear)
by creating a table of values
without the calculator.
HW: Worksheet with 4 graphs
HW: Worksheet with 4 graphs
Method; Guided notes/exs.
HW: Worksheet
Obj: TSWBAT graph six parent
functions and then
transformations o those functions
including translations and
vertical reflections.
Method: Guided notes, introduce
using TI84’s to show
transformations. Mini-calculator
HW: Worksheet
Period 2 Alg 1 H
Period 1 Alg 2
Period 4 Alg 2
Period 3 Alg 1 H
Function Notation
Finish Parent Function Calculator
Lab/Begin Transformations Lab
Finish Parent Function Calculator
Lab/Begin Transformations Lab
Graphing Parent Functions and
their Transformations
Obj: TSWBAT graph
transformations of parent
functions including translations,
stretches/shrinks, and reflections.
Obj: TSWBAT graph
transformations of parent
functions including translations,
stretches/shrinks, and reflections.
Obj: TSWBAT graph six parent
functions and then
transformations o those functions
including translations and
vertical reflections.
Method: Go over 1st lab, begin
2nd lab.
Method: Go over 1st lab, begin
2nd lab.
HW: Finish through #4 on
transformations lab.
HW: Finish through #4 on
transformations lab.
Obj: TSWBAT use function
Method: Guided notes.
HW: Worksheet
Method: Guided notes, introduce
using TI84’s to show
transformations. Mini-calculator
HW: Worksheet
Period 3 Alg 1 H
Period 2 Alg 1 H
Period 1 Alg 2
Period 4 Alg 2
Function Notation
Graphing Functions
Obj: TSWBAT use function
2nd Benchmark Test – Graphing –
This test does NOT count
towards a grade.
Method: Guided notes.
Obj: TSWBAT graph several
equations (including non-linear)
by creating a table of values
without the calculator.
2nd Benchmark Test – Graphing –
This test does NOT count
towards a grade.
HW: Worksheet
Method; Guided notes/exs.
Period 7
Period 6 Alg 2
HW: Worksheet
Period 5
Period 8
2nd Benchmark Test – Graphing –
This test does NOT count
towards a grade.
Period 6 Alg 2
Period 5
Period 8
Period 7
Period 6 Alg 2
Period 5
Period 8
Parent Function Calculator Lab
Obj: TSWBAT graph several
parent functions.
Method: Calculator lab to be
completed with a partner.
HW: Worksheet with 4 graphs
Period 7
Finish Parent Function Calculator
Lab/Begin Transformations Lab
Obj: TSWBAT graph
transformations of parent
functions including translations,
stretches/shrinks, and reflections.
Method: Go over 1st lab, begin
2nd lab.
HW: Finish through #4 on
transformations lab.