Publications - Jornadas de Hemato Oncología Pediátrica

Anat Peles Bortz
Home Address:
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Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Anat Peles Bortz, RN, PhD
Mishol Haahava 11/7, Kefar Sava, Israel
09 – 7668064
11 October 1966
Married +2 Children.
Advanced statistics analysis in SPSS (35 hours), SPSS education center,
Petach Tikva.
Research Methods-course at medicine faculty, continuing education (64
hours), Tel Aviv University.
GCP (Good Clinical Practice) course.
PhD Awarded at February.
2003 - 2009
PhD student at School of Health Professions, Tel Aviv University.
Research subject: Bereaved mothers: The relationships between the
memory of establishing re- normalization during their child's cancer,
optimism, pessimism, and the expressions of grief after his death
Professor Tamar Krulik and Dr. Ruth Malkinson.
1995 - 2001
M. A. at Department of Nursing at Tel Aviv University. Research Thesis:
Parenting among Chronically Ill Mothers to Children Aged 6-13 Years.
Supervisor: Dr. Tamar Krulik.
1991 - 1993
B. A. at Department of Nursing at Tel Aviv University. Graduated Cum
Laude and received Dean Scholarship for academic Achievement.
1991 -1988
Registered Nurse Diploma: Dina School of Nursing.
Employment History
Editorial member of "Guf Yeda"-The Israel Journal for Nursing Research.
Tel Aviv University, senior academic member, nursing department.
2010- Present
Research manager at nursing headquarter of "Clalit Health Services".
2010- 2011
Supervising research seminar at Wolfson Academic School of Nursing.
2010- 2011
Supervising "Evidence Based Nursing" course (for nurses with Masters
degree), supported by "Clalit Health Services".
2007- 2010
Nurse Director of the Hemato-Oncology Center at Schneider Children's
Medical Center of Israel.
2007- 2010
Editor: “Israel Journal of Oncology Nursing”.
2005 – Present
Tel Aviv University: Teaching course focusing on Essential on pediatric
2003 - 7002
Pediatric Bone Marrow coordinator at Schneider Medical Center of Israel.
1999 - 2003
Nurse Manager of the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant unit at
"Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel".
Ministry of Health: Group leader of project: “Training of the professional
care taker”.
2003 - 7002
Editorial member: “Israel Journal of Oncology Nursing”.
2001 - 2005
Tel Aviv University: Teaching Yearly course focusing on Nursing
Innovation on a practical level.
2000 - 2010
Lecturer Clinician Seminar of Coping with Pediatric Cancer at Wolfson
Academic School of Nursing.
1998 – 1999
1995 - 1997
Teaching assistant of the late Dr. Shira Katz in Tel Aviv University.
1997 - 1999
Teacher: Academic Dina school of Nursing at Beilinson hospital.
1994 – 1997
Work as registered nurse at the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant unit at
"Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel".
1991 -1994
Work as registered nurse at the General Pediatric department at
"Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel".
1985 - 1987
Military Service: Worked at education base leading courses.
Peles Bortz, A., Malkinson, R., & Krulik, T. Bereaved Jewish mothers of children
who died of cancer: The relationship between the mother and the deceased child
and the mother’s perceived. Cancer Nursing. Accepted for publication. doi:
Zilber, R., Peles Bortz, A., Yaniv, I., & Tamari, H. Analysis of health-related
quality of life in children with immune thrombocytopenia and their parents using
the Kids’ ITP tools. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, 34(1), 2-5.
Peles Bortz, A., Malkinson, R., & Krulik, T. Grief reactions of bereaved
mothers' to children who died of cancer. Book capter (Hebrew). Editor: Shanun
Filin, A., Treisman, S., & Peles Bortz, A. Radiation therapy preparation by a
multidisciplinary team for childhood cancer patients aged 3 ½ to 6 years. Journal
of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 26, 81-85.
Stein, J., Peles Bortz, A., Buchval, I, Klein, A, & Yaniv, I. The bereavement visit
in pediatric oncology. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24(22), 370-3709.
Peles Bortz, A. Preparation of pediatric patients for bone marrow transplantation:
A comparison of different countries. Journal for BMT Nursing, 2, 21- 23.
Note all these are in Hebrew
Godinger, R., Zilber, R., & Peles Bortz, A. Formation of infant's skull
deformations due to reclining position and prevention. Israeli Nurse, 186,
Bereaved mothers coping with the loss after their child's death of cancer.
Peles Bortz, A., Malkinson, R., & Krulik, T. Oncology Nursing
Nurses attitudes towards involvement in convene bad news. Ronen, I.,
Zilber, R., & Peles Bortz, A. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Pediatric cancer. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Pediatric cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Support groups- Literature review. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Supportive care for children with cancer. BAMA Publication
Myths and pain: Comparison between nurses perception’s of developing
countries and nurses from Israel. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among pediatric cancer survivorsLiterature review. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Parenting among chronically ill mothers. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Isolation and its consequences on children undergoing bone marrow
transplantation. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Early complications and nursing interventions after pediatric bone marrow
transplantation. Oncology Nursing Publication.
Family relationship during pediatric bone marrow transplantation.
Oncology Nursing Publication.
International Conferences
Poster presentation in SIOP (International Society of Pediatric Oncology)
conference. Sexuality among children with cancer: Nurses and social
workers perception. The poster made with: Y. Ben gal, I. Yaniv.
Lecture in the first nursing international conference at Beijing, regarding
nursing management skills at the Hematology-Oncology division.
Oral presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT),
research subject: Re-admission after discharge from bone marrow
transplant. The survey made with: R. Baslo, A. Yahel, J. Stein, I. Yaniv.
Oral presentation in the APHON (Amarican Pediatric Hematology and
Oncology Nurses): Relations between optimism/pessimism, functioning
perception, and relation to the deceased, among bereaved mothers of
children who died of cancer.
Segundas Jordnadas Latinoamerican-Israelies De Hemato-OncologiaPediatrica, Montevideo. Lecture sbjects: nursing research, nurse
coordinators, palliative and end-of-life care, and the child with cancer and
his family: individual and family coping strategies.
Poster Presentation in SIOP conference: Forgiveness between children and
adolescents with cancer and their friends. The poster made with: Y. BenGal, A. Yahel, A. Klein.
Oral presentation in the Pediatric working party of European Bone
Marrow Transplantation (the presentation gave by other colleague): Child
and adolescent nutrition during bone marrow transplantation. The research
made with: R. Baslo, S. Zalmanovitz, I. Yaniv, J. Stein.
Poster presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation
(EBMT), research subject: Post-thawed analysis of peripheral blood
derived stem cells- handle with care and let them breath. A. Grunspan, Y.
Kodman, Y. Sverdlov, A. Peles Bortz, A. Davidson, I. Yaniv, J. Stein.
Oral presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT),
research subject: Information that parents relay to siblings of children
receiving haematopoietic stem cell transplant. L. Levin, A. Peles Bortz, R.
Baslo, J. Stein, I. Yaniv.
Workshop presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation
(EBMT), subject: Family care-coping strategies in the course of pediatric
and adult stem cell transplant
Oral presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT),
research subject: Bereaved mothers of children who died of cancer:
relation with the child in his life and after his death.
Oral presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT),
research subject: Reconstruction of the past: The images of children who
died of cancer and following stem cell transplantation, in memorial books.
Poster presentation in the European Bone Marrow Transplantation
(EBMT), research subject: Pain: Is it a subjective sign for the quality of
peripheral blood stem cell collection in unrelated donors?
Oral Presentation in the International Conference on Death and
Bereavement: Interventions for bereaved parents from childhood cancer.
Oral Presentation at the Conference of Association of Pediatric Oncology
Nurses (APON). Lecture subject: The life after: Individual and group
interventions for bereaved parents whose child died of cancer.
Oral Presentation at EBMT: Nursing care of children and adolescents
undergoing stem cell transplantation- Results of an international multiinstitutional survey.
Poster Presentation in EBMT: Adherence of Cyclosporine A to central line
catheters results in increased blood levels long after switching to oral
therapy in pediatric patients.
Israeli Conferences
Poster presentation in the International center for the study of loss,
bereavement and human resilience/Loss, bereavement and human
resilience in Israel: Bereaved mother's memory of their child's pain while
having cancer. The research done with Krulik, T., and Malkinson, R.
Poster presentation and prize winning (2nd place) in the Israeli Society of
Quality in Medicine: Are patients willing to request the medical staff to
perform hand hygiene? The research done with: Fedorovsky, R., Madar,
H., Granot, T., Rubinowitch, B., Zanhendler, N., Zitzling, T., & Peles
Bortz, A.
Oral presentation in the 10th annual meeting of the Israeli Society for
Nursing research: PICC line catheter nursing care: Knowledge, expertise
and sense of control. The research done with Chayat, J., Liberty, A.,
Rotman, H., Klein, B., Breditzer, F., & Peles Bortz, A.
Oral presentation in the first annual conference of allied health in Tel Aviv
University: Functioning dimensions of bereaved mothers to children who
died of cancer.
Oral presentation in the meeting of community nurses. Presentation
subject: The emotional aspect of treating and not treating child's pain in
medical setting.
Oral presentation in the meeting of pain management nurses. Research
subject: Bereaved mothers remembrance their child's pain due to cancer.
Oral presentation in the annual meeting of the Israeli Association of
Palliative Care. Research Subject: Bereaved mothers of children who died
of cancer: relation with the child in his life and after his death.
Oral presentation in the Meeting of Israeli Nurses: research subject:
Reconstruction of the past: The images of children who died of cancer in
memorial books.
Oral presentation in the annual meeting of oncology nurses: research
subject: Bereaved mothers of children who died of cancer: relation with
the child in his life and after his death.
Oral presentation in the annual meeting of oncology nurses: research
subject: Reconstruction of the past: The images of children who died of
cancer and following stem cell transplantation, in memorial books.
Oral presentation in the Meeting of Israeli Nurses: Interventions for
Bereaved Parents of Childhood Cancer.
Oral Presentations in the annual meeting of oncology nurses:
1. Nursing interventions for bone marrow transplanted children- results of
International Multi-Institutional Survey.
2. Interventions for Bereaved Parents.
Oral Presentation in the Meeting of Israeli Nurses: Motherhood in Health
and Illness.
Oral Presentation in the annual meeting of oncology nurses, research
subject: Parenting among Chronically Ill Mothers to Children Aged 6-13
Oral Presentation in the annual meeting of oncology nurses, research
subject: Fatigue among Adolescents with Cancer: Comparison in
Perception between Adolescents and the Multi-Disciplinary Staff.
Israel Cancer Organization: Nursing research.
Martha Brodayee Prize, at the Annual Oncology Nurses Conference.