
The Dinoff School Summer Reading
Edited from a unit by ©Nicholas)Reitz)
1. Each Chapter has vocabulary words. Look up the words in a
dictionary. Use context clues to make sure it is the correct
definition. If you find other words you don’t know, write them and
their definitions down as well.
2. Carefully read your book. Keep in mind that each section is told
from a different person’s perspective. Pay attention.
3. On a separate sheet of paper answer the questions in complete
sentences. You may write questions and answers from more than
one chapter on the same page. Be sure to use correct punctuation.
You may also write on the back of the page.
4. Finish any other required activities on the sheets provided.
5. Be prepared to turn in all work on the first day of school.
6. Enjoy your book!
Part One – August
Ordinary p.3
Vocabulary –
other words you don’t know
Comprehension Questions:
1. If August could have one wish, what would it be?
2. How does August know that Via doesn’t see him as ordinary?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think August means when he says that his parents see him as extraordinary?
Why I Didn’t Go to School p.4-5
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
1. What grade will August be in soon? Why hasn’t August been to school before?
2. How many surgeries has August had since he was born?
Inferring Question:
Why do you think August is so focused on the birthday parties he has been invited to? Why would
being invited be so important to him?
How I Came to Life p.6-7
Vocabulary –
cleft palate
Comprehension Questions:
1. What was unusual about the nurse in the delivery room?
2. What did August’s mom say she noticed about him when she saw him for the first
Inferring Questions:
1. Why did the room get quiet when August was born?
2. Why do you think August describes his family at the end of the chapter?
Christopher’s House p.8-9
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Question:
What were some of the reasons August’s mom gave for wanting him to go to school?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think he wants his dad to win the fight?
Driving p.10-14
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How long have August’s parents been thinking about sending him to school?
Inferring Question:
Why does August miss being a baby sometimes?
Figurative Language:
Simile - “my head on Via’s lap like she was my pillow” – p. 10
Simile – “like a lamb to the slaughter” – p. 10
Personification – “her smile kind of hugged me” – p. 11
Puns – p. 13
Paging Mr. Tushman p.15-16
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Did Mr. Tushman look like August expected?
Inferring Questions:
What kind of person does Mr. Tushman seem to be?
Figurative Language:
Sarcasm – “Did you think we were going to the movies?” p.16
Simile – “It (the school) smelled like a hospital.” p. 16
Nice Mrs. Garcia p.17-18
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What happened when Mrs. Garcia saw August?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August prefers Mrs. Garcia’s smile when it isn’t “shiny.”
What did Mrs. Garcia mean when she told Isabel that she had made her day?
Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte p.19-23
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does Mr. Tushman mean when he says he thinks he is called other things he doesn’t know
Inferring Questions:
Why is Isabel’s voice higher than normal? What would be making her nervous?
The Grand Tour p.24-26
Vocabulary –
baritone horn
Bunsen burners
Comprehension Questions:
What did Julian ask August?
What were the questions August had for his peers?
Inferring Questions:
What kind of people do you think Julian, Jack and Charlotte are?
The Performance Space p.27-30
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What questions did Julian ask?
Inferring Questions:
How has Julian prejudged August? Why has he made these judgments?
How do you think August felt when Jack held the door for him, looked him in the face, and smiled at
The Deal p.31-32
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What was the secret signal August could use when he wanted to leave?
Inferring Questions:
Why is this chapter named “The Deal?”
Home p.33-34
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What is August’s dog’s name?
Does August want to go to school?
Inferring Questions:
Why did August want to wait until he got home to talk about the tour?
Why did August feel happy and sad at the same time? Have you ever felt that way?
Why were Isabel’s cheeks bright red after hearing about the tour?
First-Day Jitters p.35-36
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How do the people in August’s neighborhood treat him?
Inferring Questions:
Why does August avoid going to blocks of the city where kids are?
How do you think Via feels about August?
Why did the whole family want to walk August to school? What does this show?
Locks p.37-40
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Henry do when he was forced to sit near August?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think it made August feel when no one would sit next to him besides Jack?
Based on his behavior in class, what kind of student do you think August will be?
Around the Room p.41-42
Vocabulary –
• Wall Street
Comprehension Questions:
What did Charlotte share with the class about herself?
Inferring Questions:
How can we use the things Julian and Charlotte shared to compare and contrast them?
Lamb to the Slaughter p.43-44
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What two things did August share about himself?
Inferring Questions:
Why would Julian make the comment about Darth Sidious?
Was he trying to hurt August on purpose? Why do you think he would do that?
Choose Kind p.45-48
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What was “the most important thing,” according to Mr. Browne?
Inferring Questions:
What effect did Mr. Browne have on August?
Possible Extension:
Writing prompt/Discussion – Have the kids write about Mr.
Browne’s precept just like the kids in the book will have to.
Lunch p.49-50
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did August first discover that he eats differently than other children?
Inferring Questions:
What effect does the way he eats have on what August thinks about himself?
The Summer Table p.51-53
Vocabulary –
• n/a
Comprehension Questions:
Who is allowed to sit at the summer table?
Inferring Questions:
Why does Summer clarify at the end of the chapter that anyone who is nice can also sit at their table?
One to Ten p.54-56
Vocabulary –
• n/a
Comprehension Questions:
Why does August’s mom ask him, “one to ten?”
What did August rate his first day of school?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think August feels when he says “We’re kind of like Beauty and the Beast?”
Padawan p.57-60
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does August’s dad call him? Why?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August cut his braid?
Why was Via upset that he had cut his braid?
What might be going on with Via at this point?
Wake Me Up when September Ends p.61-62
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Is August angry at the other kids about the way they notice him?
Inferring Questions:
Why does August choose to compare himself to a wookiee?
Jack Will p.63-64
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does Jack ask August during class?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August is able to joke with Jack about his facial anomaly?
Mr. Browne’s October Precept p.65
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did August compare deeds to?
Inferring Questions:
Do you agree with what August wrote about the precept?
Apples p.66-67
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Did August enjoy his party?
Inferring Questions:
Do you believe everyone that couldn’t come already had plans?
Halloween p.68-69
Vocabulary –
politically correct
Comprehension Questions:
What restriction did the lower school students have to follow for Halloween?
Inferring Questions:
Do Summer and August seem like good friends? Give examples from the text to support your idea.
School Pictures p.70
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Did August’s mom make him get his picture taken?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think August got out of taking his portrait?
The Cheese Touch p.71-72
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What Text-to-Self connection did August make?
Inferring Questions:
What are some reasons August would not like dance class?
Why didn’t anyone have to dance together?
Possible Extension:
Have kids make a Text-to-Self connection like August did.
Costumes p.73-75
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What was Julian’s reaction when he heard August was going to dress as Boba Fett?
Inferring Questions:
What could have happened to August’s astronaut helmet?
The Bleeding Scream p.76-78
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Julian dress as for Halloween?
Inferring Questions:
Is Jack the person you thought he was? Why or why not? What does August mean when he says he
wants a little black hole to fall into?
Names p.79-80
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What reason did August give for going home from school?
Inferring Questions:
If August is used to people treating him differently and calling him names, why did this event upset
him so much?
Part Two – Via
A Tour of the Galaxy p. 82-83
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What are some of the ways Via has had to fend for herself in order to take pressure off of her
What does Via say about Daisy?
Inferring Questions:
What does Via mean when she says she is a “planet” and August is the “sun?”
Before August p.84
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Via’s Gran give her to help prepare her for having a sibling?
Inferring Questions:
What does Via mean when she says she can tell by pictures that she was the first child, grandchild
and niece?
Seeing August p.85
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did Via feel when she saw August after her trip? How did she feel about herself after this?
Inferring Questions:
How does the way Grans acts show her feelings for Via?
What does Via mean when she asks if she’ll see Grans again, or is it just a fairytale?
Portuguese to English Translation:
Menina querida – baby girl
Tu es meu tudo – Thou art my everything
August Through the Peephole p.88-90
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How does Via think August should be treated?
Inferring Questions:
Which of the “3 Augusts” do you think August sees himself as being?
High School p.91-92
Vocabulary –
birth defect
Comprehension Questions:
How did the girls play with August when he was little? Did he enjoy the attention?
How did the girls respond when they all got into the same high school?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Via goes by Olivia at school?
What could be happening at school that Via doesn’t understand?
Major Tom p.93-94
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Which of the three girls was nicest to August?
What surprised Via on her first day of high school?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Miranda changed so much over the summer? Why didn’t the girls include Via?
After School p.95-96
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Via lie to her mom about going for pizza and having homework? Why didn’t she want to talk
to her mom about her first day of school?
Inferring Questions:
How are we learning more about August through Via’s story?
The Padawan Bites the Dust p.97-98
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Did Via’s mom come back that night to see her? Do you know why not?
How did Via’s dad cheer her up?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Via wanted to have Daisy sleep with her that night? Do you think August would
have liked Daisy’s company also?
An Apparition at the Door p.99
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Via think when she saw her mom?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Isabel was standing outside the door?
Do you think she ever stands at Via’s door?
Why do you think this chapter was included?
Breakfast p.100
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does Isabel have to cut August’s grapes in half?
What reason does Via’s dad give in support of her riding the subway?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think her dad is supporting her about riding the subway?
Genetics 101 p.103-104
Vocabulary –
gene pool
genetic counseling
Comprehension Questions:
Why does August have the issues he has?
Inferring Questions:
What does Via’s understanding of the scientific jargon tell us about her?
What might Via think about the fact that she carries the gene for what caused August’s deformity?
The Punnett Square p.105-106
Vocabulary –
Punnet Square
Comprehension Questions:
Does Via ever plan to have her own children?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think about Via’s chances of having a child like August one day? Can you understand
what she means when she says that her babies will never be born? How do you think she feels about
Out with the Old p.107-108
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What happened to Via’s friendship with Miranda and Ella?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Via and August can go days without crossing paths? Do you think this is why Via
hasn’t told August about Miranda saying hi? If not, why hasn’t she then?
October 31 p.109-110
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did August need to be picked up from school?
What happened when August came home that day?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think Via feels about the fact that Isabel puts a lot of effort into August’s costumes but not
hers? She says she won’t mention it, but she does. Why?
Trick or Treat p.111-113
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why was August so upset?
What did Via do to help make August feel better?
Inferring Questions:
How can we tell that Via loves her brother?
Time to Think p.114-117
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Miranda call the house?
Is August going back to school after all?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August agreed to return to school?
Why does it make Via feel happy to know that Mirandamisses her?
Part Three – Summer
Weird Kids p.119
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Summer sit with August the first day? Why does she continue to sit with him?
What are kids at school calling August?
Inferring Questions:
What is your first impression of Summer? What can we tell about Summer’s character from this
chapter? How does she see August?
The Plague p.120
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did Summer learn about the plague game?
Inferring Questions:
What does it tell us about Summer that she isn’t willing to play the plague game? Would you
participate if this happened at our school?
The Halloween Party p.121-123
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Is Summer popular? What is keeping her from being popular?
Inferring Questions:
Why did Savanna ask Summer where her boyfriend was?
Do you think Julian and Summer would make a good couple? Why or why not?
November p.124-126
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Summer lie to Savanna about?
Why was August being rude to Summer at lunch?
Inferring Questions:
Do you believe Summer when she says Mr. Tushman never talked to her about August? Why does
August find it hard to trust her?
Do you think Summer and August will continue to grow
as friends?
Warning: This Kid Is Rated R p.127-130
Vocabulary –
platoon sergeant
Comprehension Questions:
What new things did we learn about Summer?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think losing her dad has affected Summer?
How does August feel about himself when he is around Summer?
The Egyptian Tomb p.131-132
Vocabulary –
• tomb
• exhibit
• illuminate
• dramatic
• oath
Comprehension Questions:
What time of year is it now? Have we seen this part of the story from a different perspective yet?
Are Summer and August better friends than before or not? Has August made up with Jack?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Jack will understand the hint Summer gave him? Do you predict that Jack and August
will become friends again? Would you forgive Jack?
Possible Extension:
This is the end of Part Three. Now would be a great time
to compare this part to the others and do a comparison
on how Summer and the others see August.
You might mention to the students that Part Four will
be from Jack’s perspective.
Part four – Jack
The Call p.134-135
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why doesn’t Jack want to go meet August?
Why does Jack’s mom want him to go?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think Jack knows who August is?
We know Jack will go in the end. What do you think changed his mind?
Carvel p.136-138
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Veronica make the kids leave the ice cream shop?
What did Jamie think about August?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Veronica was getting mad at the kids?
Why did she say, “That poor lady” instead of “That poor child?”
Why I Changed My Mind p.139-141
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Jack change his mind about meeting August in the end?
Inferring Questions:
Why is she surprised that Jack agrees to meet August without having to be lectured first?
Four Things p.142-143
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What are some of the things Jack likes about August?
Inferring Questions:
Hearing this from Jack’s perspective, what are your thoughts about the Halloween incident now? Why
did he says the things he did?
Ex-Friends p.144-145
Vocabulary –
dis (slang for disrespect)
Comprehension Questions:
Who does Jack blame losing his friendship with August?
Inferring Questions:
Are the good things about not being friends with August worth it to Jack?
Snow p.146-147
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Jack name his sled?
Inferring Questions:
What does Jack mean when he says he feels “rainy, yucky and slushy” inside?
Why do you think Jack didn’t try to tell August about his new sled?
Fortune Favors the Bold p.148
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Jack want to write about? Why didn’t he write about this? What did he end up writing about?
Inferring Questions:
It has been over a month since Halloween and Jack is still upset about losing August’s friendship. Do
you think they will ever become friends again?
Private School p.149-150
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why do people assume Jack’s family is rich? What do Jack’s parents do for a living?
What are the two theories of how Skeleton Hill was named? Where did Jack’s sled come from?
Inferring Questions:
What does Jack mean when he says he lives on the side of town where people don’t like to park their
Julian calls Jack lucky. Who do you think is more lucky?
Why do you think the author included this chapter?
In Science p.151-152
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How does Jack feel after realizing what he had done?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think will happen now that Jack has realized his mistake? What could he do to solve this
Partners p.153-154
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What comparison does Jack make to his teacher?
What happened when Julian insulted August?
Inferring Questions:
Why did Jack punch Julian after he called August a freak? Is there another way he could have
handled this? What would you have done?
What do you think will happen to Jack as a result of
Detention p.155-157
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What is the “pumpkin” picture Jack is staring at?
Why does Jack believe telling why he punched Julian would just make things worse?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think Mr. Tushman might have whispered to Jack’s mom?
Why do you think Mr. Tushman didn’t expel Jack from school? What does this tell us about Mr.
Season’s Greetings p.158-159
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Julian’s card look like? August’s?
What did we learn about Julian’s family?
Inferring Questions:
What can we infer about Julian’s mom by the fact that she photoshopped August out of the class
Why do you think Jack finally told his mom about what is happening at school?
Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts p.160-167
Vocabulary –
Impressionable enlisted
developmentally delayed
Comprehension Questions:
What position does Julian’s mom hold regarding the school?
Where does the relationship between August and Jack currently stand?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Mr. Tushman understands why Jack hit Julian?
How do you think August feels about Jack defending him and apologizing? Do you think they’ll be
able to mend their friendship?
Back from Winter Break p.168-169
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How are the kids at school treating Jack?
Inferring Questions:
How do you think Jack will react to having “the plague?”
The War p.170-173
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What change has the school made for August’s benefit?
What reasoning has Julian given for his bullying behavior against Jack?
Inferring Questions:
Why is Charlotte helping Jack?
Why is Charlotte so nervous to be seen with Jack?
Switching Tables p.174
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Jack think that he would be okay at lunch this time?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Jack never sat with August and Summer at lunch before now?
Why I Didn’t Sit with August the First Day of School p.175-176
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why didn’t Jack sit with August the first day? What about the following days?
What does Jack think about Summer?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Jack realized that August has always had the problem of people not sitting with him?
Sides p.177-179
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Who has more support, Jack or Julian?
Inferring Questions:
What does it show us that August is able to joke about dating with his two friends?
How do you think August feels about his future regarding dating?
August’s House p.180-183
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What project does Jack want to do? What about August?
What is August’s dog’s full name?
Inferring Questions:
Are there things August takes for granted?
Via is bringing a friend over to the house. When we last saw the story from Via’s perspective it was
months before. What might have changed in her life since then? Who could the person she’s bringing
over be?
The Boyfriend p. 184-185
Vocabulary –
zydeco band
Comprehension Questions:
What is the silver case that Justin has brought?
Why do the boys tell him he should tell people it’s a machine gun?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Justin seemed nervous?
Do you think Justin is Via’s boyfriend?
Why do you think Justin is interested in fiddling? Why
do the kids find this unusual?
Why do the kids find it funny that Justin is “from Brooklyn?”
Part five – Justin
Olivia’s Brother p.187-189
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did Justin react when he saw August?
How does Justin describe Via as being different from other girls?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Via was nervous to bring Justin over? What is she worried might happen?
Valentine’s Day p.190-192
Vocabulary –
folk music
Comprehension Questions:
What have we learned about Justin?
Inferring Questions:
Why had Justin’s tics stopped by the time he left?
How have Justin’s feelings changed throughout the chapter?
Our Town p.193
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why was Via relieved to not get the lead female role in the play?
What are some of the things Justin is worrying about?
Inferring Questions:
Why would Via not like people looking at her?
Ladybug p.194-195
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What are Justin and Via doing before Via catches the ladybug?
What does Via say the ladybug is a sign of?
Inferring Questions:
What does Justin mean when he says that Via has so many things she could wish for? Doesn’t he
have just as many things?
The Bus Stop p.196-199
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Does Justin want children one day?
What is another way Julian is bullying Jack?
Inferring Questions:
Why did Justin say something to Julian and the other boys?
What was he implying when he tapped his fiddle case?
Rehearsal p.200-201
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What was Via’s idea to help Justin with the play?
Why was Justin surprised to hear that Miranda knew August?
Inferring Questions:
What can we learn about Miranda from the fact that she still has August’s picture in her wallet?
Do you think she will become friends with Via again?
Bird p.202-203
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does Via say she is an awful person?
How does Justin respond to this?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think it is awful for Via to feel this way?
What can we tell about how Justin feels about Via?
The Universe p.204
Vocabulary –
periodic table
Comprehension Questions:
What are the things Justin is thinking about?
How does Justin think the universe has evened out August’s life?
Inferring Questions:
Does Justin have an easy life? Does he have things in his life to balance it?
Part six – August
North Pole p.206-207
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What made this school event harder for August than the others?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think kids and parents seek out friends like themselves? Why?
The Auggie Doll p.208-210
Vocabulary –
• n/a
Comprehension Questions:
What were some of the ways Jack and August were being bullied?
When did most of the boys become neutral in the war? What was the final straw for most of them?
Inferring Questions:
Why do the boys not consider what they are doing to Jack bullying?
Lobot p.211-213
Vocabulary –
• audiology
• impressions
• bionic
Comprehension Questions:
Why can’t August have normal hearing aids?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August is so opposed to wearing hearing aids?
Do you think the doctor is right about August wanting to wear them eventually?
Hearing Brightly p.214-215
Vocabulary –
• white noise
Comprehension Questions:
What has changed about how August hears things with his new hearing aids?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think these new hearing aids will have a positive effect on August’s life?
Via’s Secret p.216
Vocabulary –
• taciturn
Comprehension Questions:
Why doesn’t Via want her parents to come to the show?
Inferring Questions:
After it got too quiet for August to hear, what might have been said between Via and her mom?
My Cave p.217-219
Vocabulary –
• n/a
Comprehension Questions:
How did August react when his mom tried to make the play seem boring? Is his mom lying?
Inferring Questions:
Why did August’s mom tell him he wouldn’t like the play?
Why are Via and her mom shocked when he calls them liars?
Goodbye p.220-222
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Have the events of this chapter been foreshadowed? When?
Inferring Questions:
The loss of a pet is hard for anyone. Why might it be especially hard for August?
Daisy’s Toys p.223-225
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did August’s parents come back without Daisy?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August was surprised by Daisy’s sickness?
Did anyone else treat August like he was completely normal?
Heaven p.226-227
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Has August made up with his mom?
Inferring Questions:
How is August feeling right now? Do you think he understands what Via was feeling?
How has Daisy’s death put things into perspective for the family?
Understudy p.228-230
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did we learn about Miranda’s family?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August doesn’t want to be called Auggie Doggie anymore?
Why do you think Via is in the lead female role? What could have happened to Miranda?
The Ending p.231-234
Vocabulary –
standing ovation
Comprehension Questions:
What is the reason given for why Via was in the performance?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August started to feel weird after the show?
Why do you think Mr. Davenport paused when he Via introduced August? Surely he had already seen
him standing there.
Part seven – Miranda
Camp Lies p.236-238
Vocabulary –
et cetera
Comprehension Questions:
Why didn’t she call Via when she returned from camp?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Miranda is not close to her mom?
Why do you think Miranda was lying to people at camp?
School p.239-240
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does Miranda say she and Ella stopped being friends with Via?
Why did Mr. Davenport change the theater production at the last minute?
Inferring Questions:
What is the real reason Miranda stopped being friends with
Why do you think Miranda signed up for the theater elective?
Why do you think she lied to Mr. Davenport?
What I Miss Most p.241-242
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does Miranda miss most about Via’s friendship?
Why was she surprised to learn that August was attending school?
Inferring Questions:
Why does Miranda feel safer in Via’s house than her own?
How do you think she feels about August?
Extraordinary, but No One There to See p.243-245
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does this chapter’s title refer to?
Does Via suspect that Miranda isn’t really sick?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think she lied about feeling sick so that Via would have the part?
The Performance p.246
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What happened that made Miranda feel a little regret?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think it was worth it to Miranda to not be in the play? Why?
Does she truly care about the Pullman family? How can we tell?
After the Show p.247-248!
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Are the Pullmans happy to see Miranda?
What does Via do that shows she is thankful to Miranda?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Via and Miranda will be able to be friends
again? What makes you believe that?
Why do think Miranda feels happy now?
Do you think she will continue to tell lies?
Part eight – August
The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat p.250-251
Vocabulary –
nature reserve
Important Events –
Comprehension Questions:
Why is August nervous about the class trip?
What happened when August tried to sleepover at Christopher’s house?
Inferring Questions:
Have you ever had a time where your emotions were conflicted? Which of August’s emotions do you
think will win out? How can you tell?
Known For p.252
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does August want a new duffle bag?
Inferring Questions:
Besides his facial abnormality and Star Wars, what could August be known for?
What do you think about his attitude of changing what he can control?
Packing p.253-255
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What is Baboo? Why does August want to bring Baboo?
Why did August take down his poster?
What must August remember to do if he swims or it rains?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think his mom asks him several times if he needs to take Baboo?
What does Isabel mean when she says that August has grown up so much this year?
Daybreak p.256
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did August feel when he thought he saw Daisy?
What did he leave for his mom to find later?
Inferring Questions:
Why would seeing Daisy’s “ghost” make August feel confident?
Do you think his mom will miss him? What might she be feeling?
Day One p.257-258
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why did Julian say he wasn’t coming on the trip?
Has August enjoyed the trip so far? What was a big reason he was nervous?
What part of the trip has August enjoyed the most so far?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think Julian might have had different reasons than the one he gave for skipping the trip?
The Fairgrounds p.259-260
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why isn’t August used to seeing sunsets?
What was the gossip going around at the fairgrounds?
Inferring Questions:
How might this trip have been different if Julian had come along?
Be Kind to Nature p.261-262
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why was August happy about the movie choice?
Inferring Questions:
Do you think all of the kids will follow the rules of the announcer?
What might happen if the kids lose interest in the movie?
The Woods Are Alive p.263-264
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did Henry warn the boys about? Was he serious?
What did the boys hear in the woods?
Inferring Questions:
Did you expect August and/or Jack to be one of the students
who broke the rules? Why or why not?
Alien p.265-267
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Are the girls in Eddie’s group okay with the way he is acting?
Who helped August get away from the group of bullies?
Inferring Questions:
August is usually very aware of how his facial anomaly makes others react. Why do you think he
didn’t understand what the girl was reacting to when she screamed at first?
Voices in the Dark p.268-270
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Who was pulling August through the woods? Is he afraid of the plague anymore?
Why does August feel like he is underwater?
Inferring Questions:
Why did Amos tell August that he is “one brave little dude?”
How might August’s parents react to him losing his hearing aids?
The Emperor’s Guard p.271-272
Vocabulary –
Important Events –
Comprehension Questions:
What did losing them remind him of?
Is August planning to report the seventh graders?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August isn’t planning to report the
seventh graders?
Why were the boys guarding August on the way back to their spot?
Sleep p.273-274
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What would August say are the two most horrific days of his life?
How are the students on the trip treating August now?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think he ranks the two days he lists as the two most horrific days in his life?
August says that something had changed when they got back to the group. What was it?
Aftermath p.275
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What does August suspect might have happened to his hearing aids?
Inferring Questions:
What did Mr. Tushman’s silent hug mean?
There’s no dialogue in the chapter other than Isabel saying, “Ready.” Why do you think that is?
Home p.276-280
Vocabulary –
cretinos (Portuguese)
Comprehension Questions:
Why doesn’t August want to finish telling his mom the story of what happened?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Mr. Tushman left some details out of what he told Isabel?
What do you think August will think about the new family dog?
Why do you think his parents chose this moment to get the dog?
Bear p.281
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Besides playing with the new puppy, what was nice about this day for August?
Why don’t August and Via spend as much time together as they once did?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think August’s parents let him and Via stay home? Was it just because of the new
The Shift p.282-283
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What were two big changes that occurred because of the incident in the woods?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Amos protecting August has caused the kids at school to treat August differently?
Do you think August’s problems are over now?
Ducks p.284-287
Vocabulary –
juvie (slang for juvenile)
Comprehension Questions:
Was August able to handle 5th grade academically? Socially?
What special meaning did Mr. Tushman think August’s duck picture had? Did it have meaning?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Julian won’t be returning?
Do you think August will have a good 6th grade year?
The Last Precept p.288
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What did the kids think at the beginning of the year when Mr. Browne said they could send him a
precept over the summer?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think this precept means?
Do you think the kids will actually send him precepts?
The Drop-Off p.289-293
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What actually happened to August’s astronaut helmet? How did August react to his father’s
What are some of the ways August has changed over the year?
Inferring Questions:
Did you suspect the truth about the helmet? Why do you think Nate thought it was bad for August to
wear it?
Why do you think August was mad about the helmet, but then forgave his dad quickly?
Take Your Seats, Everyone p.294-297
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does Jack think the ceremony is going to take forever?
What does Jack say he could win an award for?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Jack has never mentioned that he liked Summer before now?
Do you think August will get any awards?
A Simple Thing p.298-301
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Did Mr. Tushman give a long speech like Jack predicted? Did the parents and students enjoy it?
What was the main point Mr. Tushman wanted to make?
Inferring Questions:
What do you think inspired Mr. Tushman’s speech? Would his speech apply even if August weren’t
What would life be like if people followed the rule of being kinder than necessary?
Awards p.302-304
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What are some of the traits that Mr. Tushman says makes up a person?
What does Mr. Tushman say the Beecher medal is for?
Inferring Questions:
Why do you think Mr. Tushman kept getting choked up?
Does August have the traits Mr. Tushman mentioned? What are some examples from the story of him
showing these traits?
Floating p.305-306
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
What was going through August’s head when he was receiving the medal?
Does August think other people have more difficult lives than his?
Inferring Questions:
Does August think he’s done anything to receive the award?
Does he understand why he is being given the award?
How do you think August felt about his standing ovation?
Pictures p.307-308
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
How did August used to feel about getting his picture taken?
Inferring Questions:
How has August grown as a person?
Do you think he will continue to grow? What new challenges might he face as he gets older?
The Walk Home p.309-310
Vocabulary –
Comprehension Questions:
Why does August thank his mom?
Why does she thank him?
Inferring Questions:
How might things have been different for August if he had decided not to go to school? Would he
have had the same amount of growth do you think? What about the other characters in the book?