Materials -

Geography 12
Room 5 OKM
Office hours: Feel free to ask for help!
250 870-5108
Geography 12 is the study of the physical environment and how human interact within the
physical world. Topics of study include plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, weather, climate,
resources and resource management.
You will need:
 A binder with a full year supply of paper
 A pen (blue or black), a pencil, pencil crayons etc.
We will be using the Geography 12 H.P. Sovoio Third edition, supported with The KEY Study
Daily review of notes and text is required.
All assignments are to be completed on time
Geography 12 is a content heavy course. Attendance is important for your success!!
Students are expected to complete any missed notes or make up any missed assignments
due to an excused absence. See me ahead of time if you are not attending a class due to
appointment/etc. Please see me before the next class when you return to confirm we did
not add anything on the class/es you missed. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
Come to class prepared and ON TIME!
Units/topics covered in this course:
Themes and Skills:
 Location, place, movement, regions, human and physical interaction.
 The 4 Major spheres: Atmosphere Biosphere Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
Tectonic Processes:
 Earth’s layers, volcanism, folding and faulting, earthquakes
Gradational Processes:
 Process associated with chemical and mechanical/physical weather
 Features and processes associated with mass wasting
 Erosional and depositional features and processes of : Running Water-Ground Water –
Glaciers –Wind-Waves etc.
Weather and Climate
 Troposphere, stratosphere, temperature, precipitation, pressure, and winds, extreme
events, climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. How climate affects human
 Earth’s major biomes:
 Soil and soil-forming features and processes.
 Causes and effects of and possible responses to deforestation/Desertification/Soil
degradation/ species depletion
 Impacts of human activity according to biomes.
Resources and Environmental Sustainability
 Sustainability, resources-availability, Environmental impact of human activity
 Social, cultural, economic and political consequences
Geography 12 has an optional provincial exam. Check with a school counselor about specific
university requirements or bursaries.
Term #1…...40%
Term #2…..40%
Final exam..20%
Term work consists of:
Class work and Projects and assignments ….50%
Quizes and Exitslips
It is expected that students embrace the ‘safe’ class culture of respect. We are here to learn and
grow so it is my hope that all students come to class with a positive attitude and prepared to work.
I assume that all students will behave in an honest and integral manner during tests and
assignments. There is zero toleration for plagiarism or cheating. I expect the first day will be the
only day we will have to be reminded that there will be consequences for academic dishonesty.