Troy Intermediate School – Teacher Lesson Plan – for website Teacher Name: Eiswerth_/Course- Science Oct. 26-30__________________________________________ Monday 10/26/15 Standard: S.4.B.3.3 Essential Questions: How will students classify plants and animals? Task/s: Students will describe how to classify plants and animals. HW: Review the vertebrates and invertebrates. Assessment: Students will explain how scientists classify. _______________________________________________________________ Tuesday Standard: S4.B.3.3 10 /27/15 Essential Questions: How will students classify plants and animals? Task/s: Students will describe how to classify plants and animals. HW: Review vertebrates and invertebrates. Assessment: Students will explain how scientists classify. Wednesday Standard: S.4.B.3.3 10 /28/15 Essential Questions: How do plants reproduce? Task/s- Students will demonstrate an understanding of plant structures. HW: Review fertilization and pollination Assessment: Students will list parts of the flower. Standard: S.4.B.3.3 Thursday 10/29/15 Essential Questions: How do plants reproduce? Task/s- Students will demonstrate an understanding of plant structures. HW: Review fertilization and pollination Assessment: Students will list parts of the flower _______________________________________________________ Standard: S.4.B.3.3 Friday 10/30/15 Essential Questions: What is the role of the roots, leaves, and stems? Task/s-Students will discuss photosynthesis. HW: Review chlorophyll and chloroplast Assessment: Students will explain photosynthesis.