Games - Medium Term Plans

Games Medium Term Plan
Term: Autumn
Year Group: 2
Topic(s): Football Skills
Footballs, Cones, Bibs, Whistle
To begin to
how to dribble
a ball.
Main Activities
Warm up
Remind children of the need to warm up and how it
‘prepares our bodies for exercise’. Today we’re mainly
going to be using our legs so they need to be focused
on specifically.
Children to get into pairs, and get a football between
them. They then practice moving around dribbling the
ball; start walking, and then build up to jogging. Every
time the teacher blows their whistle, children to swap
over and partner dribbles whilst they run behind them.
Cool down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.
A game of numbers; Say 1= jump up, 2= touch the
floor, 3= run on the spot, 4= 5 star jumps. Followed by
some simple stretches.
For the next 3 or 4 weeks we are going to be focusing
on Football and looking at the different skills to do
with Football.
Progression; encourage children to use both feet in an
alternating manner.
Ask children to demonstrate their good skills and refer
to success criteria as often as possible. Can the
children spot good technique?
Team races.
Demonstrate or ask a child to demonstrate how to
dribble the ball using the inside of the foot. It gives us
better control.
Talk about how to be successful. Eye on the ball, lots
of little touches, keep the ball close, use the inside of
your feet.
Play ‘Relay’. Organise children into relay groups of 4-5.
Lay out 3 cones in front of them and quick fire, shout
numbers 1-3. Children have to dribble to that cone and
To practice and
develop the
Warm Up
Warm up by playing the ‘Traffic Light’ game.
Children in a suitably sized area.
Begin by dribbling around the area keeping the ball
under close control at own pace.
Children to look for “traffic lights” which the teacher
holds up in the air.
 Red cone means “Stop”
 Yellow cone means “Change direction”
 Green cone means “Speed up”
Recap on what we were learning last week; dribbling
the ball. How do we dribble? How can we be
To practice
passing the
Warm Up
Play ‘Keep ball’. Split group into 2 groups. Children in
a 10 x 10 yard sized area. Choose 2 or 3 children to
be defenders (Bibs needed) who will try to get the
other children’s balls out of the square. Children in
the game dribble their ball around the area trying to
keep possession of their ball by close control and
change of pace and direction.
Players who have been successfully tackled should
stand on the side and wait till the game has ended.
Can they spot any good techniques?
Model passing a ball or get a pair to model. Use the
inside of their foot to push the ball across to their
partner. Their partner should then stop it with the
side of their foot – cushioning it. Success criteria;
pass with the inside of the foot, swing through the
ball, body weight through standing foot.
Have cones set up; different shapes e.g. L shapes,
Diamond shapes, in a circle. Allow the children to
dribble the ball around the cones, setting up a starting
point for the next child so they know when to go.
Split the group into 3 groups and have them work
through the different shapes to see how they
attack/deal with each shape.
Cool Down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.
Progression; encourage children to use both feet in an
alternating manner.
Play ‘Relay’. Organise children into relay groups of 4-5.
Lay out 3 cones in front of them and quick fire, shout
numbers 1-3. Children have to dribble to that cone and
In pairs, a few steps from each other, children to pass
the ball to each other using the correct technique. If
they are successful 5 times, then they can take a step
Play ‘Piggy in the Middle’ (groups of 5) where they have
to pass the ball to their friends and the person in the
middle needs to try and block the pass. Set up a small
square 4 x 4, children to stand on each cone to
encourage correct passing technique.
Progression: Encourage them to move around, not
remaining static whilst they pass.
Those that can pass under pressure, in their small
square 4 x 4, children to move within the cones to
encourage passing on the move.
Cool Down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.
To practice
passing the ball
to a partner.
Warm Up
Play ‘Robin Hood’. Split the children into 4 teams
placed in the corners of a large square – 16 x 16 or
bigger. Have hoops set up around the space. Place
footballs in the centre. The children are Robin hood
who steals the treasure ‘balls’ from the sheriff. The
children run to the treasure (the balls in middle of
field), steal a ball and dribble it back to their hoop.
Team with most balls at the end of ‘time’, wins the
game. Extend to dribbling back and then pass to a
team member from x steps away.
Recap on the skills learnt in the last lesson(s);
dribbling and passing the ball.
To practice
passing the ball
to a partner
whilst moving.
Warm Up
Play ‘Robin Hood’. Split the children into 4 teams
placed in the corners of a large square – 16 x 16 or
bigger. Have hoops set up around the space. Place
footballs in the centre. The children are Robin hood
who steals the treasure ‘balls’ from the sheriff. The
children run to the treasure (the balls in middle of
field), steal a ball and dribble it back to their hoop.
Team with most balls at the end of ‘time’, wins the
game. Extend to dribbling back and then pass to a
team member from x steps away.
Recap on the skills learnt in the last lesson(s);
dribbling and passing the ball.
Keep children in their groups. Get them to stand in a
circle. First activity is to dribble across to a friend and
pass the ball to them. They stand in the place they
have dribbled to and their friend dribbles to another
Children who struggle with passing may need to repeat
steps from previous session before moving onto next
Cool Down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.
Play ‘Hot Potato’. Split children up into groups of 6-8
and get them to stand in a circle.
Children to pass the ball around as accurately and fast
as possible across the circle so that every person has
passed it. Once they have all touched it, someone starts
a countdown of 30 seconds and the child with it at the
end is out. When they are out, they stand in the middle
and attempt to block the passes. If they successfully
block a pass, they move back into the circle.
Play ‘Goal Rush’. On the field, set up lots of goals
(cones 1 step apart) at random.
Explain to the children that they will need to dribble
around to each goal and then pass the ball to their
partner through the goal to score a point.
Allow children practising time to get the hang of the
activity. Once children are secure, give them a 1
minute time to score as many points as they can.
Game – ‘Goal Rush’
Split the field and goals in half and split the class into 2
groups. Explain that they will be doing the same as
earlier but there will be defenders (3 per group) trying
to stop them. In partners, dribble and score points.
Cool Down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.
To watch, copy
and describe
what others are
Warm Up
Warm up by playing the ‘Traffic Light’ game.
Children in a suitably sized area.
Begin by dribbling around the area keeping the ball
under close control at own pace.
Children to look for “traffic lights” which the teacher
holds up in the air.
 Red cone means “Stop”
 Yellow cone means “Change direction”
 Green cone means “Speed up”
Possible Progression: Introduce a Blue cone, which
means “Look and Pass”. Children must use eye
contact, voice, body language to find a partner and
pass/ swap balls accurately.
The main target of today is to have them in smaller
group games, practising the skills they have learnt.
Split the class into 6 groups. Repeat games from
previous sessions e.g. piggy in the middle, goal rush,
hot potato etc.
Whilst they are doing this, rotate the children round so
sometimes they are sitting watching. Whilst they do so,
encourage them to watch each other playing and
describe what's happening. Help them to explain what
they find works well and to use different ideas in their
Give them opportunities to talk to each other about
what they have done and how they do it, and ask them
to copy each other.
Cool Down
Finish off with some
gentle movements e.g.
mimic a partner and
their movement, gentle
jog etc. Discuss why it
is important that we
cool down - so our
muscles don’t get stiff
and sore.