Dedicated Education Unit Governance Group Notes of meeting held

Dedicated Education Unit Governance Group Minutes
Dedicated Education Unit
Governance Group
Notes of meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2013, 1530 hours
Waihora Room, Level 3 TPMH
Mary Gordon – Chair (via VC), Debbie Cook, Becky Hickmott, Raylene Shaw,
Sarah Gibbon, Janette Dallas, Cathy Andrew, Rose Whittle.
Lynne Johnson, Deb Sims, Michelle Casey
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes from 21 February 2013 meeting were confirmed.
Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
General Business
CLN role: Request for increased hours in ORU/SOU, issue of ‘backfill’
Members of the working group met with the senior nurses within both units. Currently
operating as one DEU; a number of issues impacting on this such as is ORU appropriate as an
acute Medical/surgical placement, currently students rotate across both units - are the bed
numbers able to sustain 2 DEUs? Numbers of students currently 8 x 2 year 2 students and 1 x
year 3 student.
Bed numbers unclear (post meeting confirmed as ORU = 28 physical beds; 24 resourced and
SOU = 42 in total and these are split as 30 ward beds and 12 as special care beds).
Discussion was held regarding the patient mix now in the ORU and the impact of change of
non weight bearing model of care with patients now being sent to Ashburton - has resulted in
patients now being in more optimum level of health for rehab. In addition, acute orthopaedic
volumes appear to have increased - more acute patients are being sent from the acute
orthopaedic wards earlier such as 1-2 days post op.
At this stage it is unclear as to how best to proceed and consideration as to whether it is now
time to create ORU as a separate DEU.
AP: It was decided that there will be no increase in CLN hours and that ongoing discussions
to occur between the units and the working group re how best to progress. Update for
the next Governance Group meeting.
In addition the Forensic DEU wants to increase the number of CLNs to five as they rotate the
students throughout their 3 units within the service. It appears that each unit within the
service operate as separate units. There are 36 beds within this service and there are 9 x
year 2 students. The CLN hours is calculated on the number of students within the rotation
and then is converted into the hours required to coordinate the students’ placement and to
complete the formative and summative assessments.
The Governance Group decided that this was not appropriate and that there was not
a case to increase the number of CLNs.
Inclusion of DENs in DEUs
For this current clinical placement in the Spinal and ORU/SOU there is overlap with BN and
DEN students, therefore each of these areas has on top of their BN students, 2 diploma
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students. It was unclear whether or not the diploma students would attract supernumerary
hours for the CLN to complete the assessments. This overlap occurs at this particular period
in the calendar of clinical placements. Following discussion it was decided that these units
have made significant commitment to students, taking additional to full BN student numbers
and diploma students should be included into the calculation of hours for the CLN to
complete assessments.
Decision that for the times when there is an overlap of students then the DEN
students should be included into the calculation of hours for assessments for the CLN
supernumerary hours. It was noted that this only occurs when there is an overlap.
NetP/BSU research
Brief updated given to the governance group and is still work in progress.
New DEUs
The following are new DEUs under progress:
 Ward 14
 Forensic -30 April
 TPMH – community team 22/23 April
 Focus groups for these areas have also been planned.
For next year the following are in consideration:
 Kaikoura Health Services still keen to progress
 A & D service have indicated semester next year
 Pegasus 24 hour surgery also indicated continued interest, there has been some
issues regarding rostering of the current student numbers. Member of the working
group will arrange a meeting to discuss possibility
The working group are also looking to establish another DEU at TPMH for year 3B students.
Also interest has been indicated for a DEU from operating theatre at Burwood Hospital as a
pilot to focus on DEN students, also operating theatre is a popular option for year 3B students
(approx 20).
ANEC conference
Abstract for the above conference has been submitted (document attached to agenda) and
the timeframe to hear back from the conference committee is sometime in June 2013.
EIT/Hawkes Bay visit
Senior staff from EIT and Hawkes Bay DHB visited Canterbury recently with visits to DEUs in
Wards 12, 17 at Christchurch Hospital, Nurse Maude, Ward 2A at TPHM. It was pleasing to
see that the visitors all understood the key concepts and principles underpinning the DEU
Evaluation Reports
Sarah had circulated the reports to members prior to the meeting and those present
confirmed there were no issues with any of the reports.
Evaluation Reports now to be sent to the clinical practice settings.
Rose raised that they were focusing on the students to complete the CLES+T survey and was
keen to discuss how the feedback from the students should be feedback to the clinical
practice setting and what level of information was to be provided as some may identify
specific individuals. Following discussion it was decided to provide an annual report back to
each area and that the report should be formatted in such a way that the charge nurse could
print the more generic information off for staff notice board or communication books within
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the ward or unit. There was discussion as to how this information should be presented back
to the DHB.
It was decided that it should form the basis of an annual report style and that the
working group may supplement with some basic demographic information such as
the number and mix of students that the DEU had through their area for the year,
brief summary of the key themes from any focus groups or staff feedback.
That a DHB level report that may be formatted into divisional sections should be
presented to the DONs group from the working group on an annual basis and then
from this each DON can feedback to their services down to individual ward or unit.
Other Business
Backfill hours for CLN
As part of the discussion regarding increased hours for CLN for ORU/SOU DEU, it became apparent
that some areas do not code the CLN hours for assessments on Microster whilst others may code
additional hours.
Decision was that the DEU nurse educators will continue to write each semester to each
clinical practice setting outlining the CLN hours and the expectation of the CNM as to how
these should be coded on Microster.
The Nurse Educators will become Microster users so that they can be ‘read only’ access to
the rosters so they can have an overview of what is occurring.
Year 3B Students being incorporated in DEU areas but under the ‘preceptor’ model
This was raised by members of the working group who wanted to clarify what had been decided
when establishing the DEU model. The Governance Group confirmed that year 3 students will be
part of the DEU model; therefore there is no requirement to have a preceptor identified for these
students. It is expected that the CLN will coordinate feedback from the nursing team who has
worked with the students and complete the assessments with the ALN.
It was agreed that the memo that was sent out by EDON in 2010 would be updated and
resent, reminding DEUs that year 3B students are to be part of the DEU model and do not
requirement a preceptor to be assigned to the student.
WiFi Ashburton Hospital
The clinical lecturer is concerned that the students on placement at Ashburton cannot utilise the WiFi
in the hospital, whilst it is acknowledged that students can now have access within the hostel.
Students are able to access clinical information systems such as Health Connect South but cannot
access the WiFi in the clinical areas to access the internet. It is believed that it may be in place as
part of the DHB’s ‘firewall’ protection.
MG to follow up with Chris Dever to discuss.
Meeting concluded at 1630 hours.
Next meeting: Thursday, 9 May 2013, Waihora Room TPMH at 1530hours
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