Monday, April 20, 2015

Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes
Monday, April 20, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00
Christopher Schedler, Greg Harvill, Ron Tidd, Melanie Palm, Natalie Lupton, Joshua
Welsh, Ping Fu, Bill Thelen, Sue Noce, Michael Moon
Patricia Cutright, Ginger McIntosh, Tracy Pellett, Tina Short, Fillip Jagodzinski, Laura
Portolese Dias
Andreas Bohman
Review of Meeting Minutes 4/6/15
a. M. Moon moved to approve minutes, R. Tidd seconded, minutes approved.
II. Information Items
a. Task Force Updates
i. Proctoring task force
1. Survey went out to all faculty for the Proctoring task force, asking for their experiences
with proctoring solutions. Survey has been out a week, 72 responses out of 700 surveys
that were sent out.
2. Started demos with vendors for online proctoring solutions, look at solutions for passive
proctoring, live proctoring, and algorithm based.
ii. Clickers
1. Have a survey for the Clickers task force that will be going out to faculty that have used
clickers in the past, asking about satisfaction with the two solutions we have on campus:
Turning Technologies and iClicker.
iii. DE-ITV
1. Group will be convening for demos, and everyone that was previously on the task force
is able to serve on the workgroup.
b. EISC Update
i. Received an update on CatPlan project, scheduled to go live in July, currently in the process
of setting budgets and doing integration testing.
ii. Received an update on the HR recruiting solutions, project will be bringing in consultants to
work on it.
1. PeopleAdmin is the current solution through February of next year.
iii. Received an update on data masking project, they are still determining costs for consulting
and licensing.
iv. Updated on Student Tech Fee Committee which has been disbursing funds, some of the
projects that got funded were: classroom tech upgrades, workstation monitors and printers
that went into Brooks library, iMac computers for Hebler, internal hard drives for Shaw
Smyser computer lab, 78 desktop replacement computers for Shaw Smyser labs, 22 Mac
computers in Randall Hall, 50 computers for Mac labs in Black Hall, and funding for Wi-Fi
upgrades student village.
1. All together those accounted for $600,000 in funds that went out, as well as some
funding for Oracle licensing.
c. Nominations for ATAC vacancies
i. Terms are ending for R. Tidd from COB, F. Jagodzinski from COTS, and P. Fu from the Library.
ii. Nominations for re-upping or new members are due to the Faculty Senate April 24.
1. P. Fu will take over from P. Cutright and E. Brown will be nominated as Library faculty.
d. New Task Force: E-textbooks
i. Tasked by Provost with convening a task force to investigate E-textbooks, and the other
major sponsor will be the Bookstore. Asked to look if E-textbooks will be a viable solution,
since many students don’t buy their textbooks, cost has been issue of concern.
ii. Task force will investigate the impact this will have online, on-campus, and at centers, as
well as distribution and financial models and alternatives for students that don’t have
capabilities for E-text or don’t want them.
iii. Investigation and submission report due by mid-July or early August.
iv. Will include Library, potential for OER, Student Services, IS, and Disability Support.
Action: P. Fu will let P. Cutright know to make a nomination to Faculty Senate.
Action: C. Schedler will check to see if F. Jagodzinski has nominated himself for ATAC.
Action: C. Schedler will forward the email from the Provost regarding the E-textbook task force
to the group.
III. Project Status Updates
a. MediaAmp in Canvas
i. MediaAmp is now available in Canvas for all faculty to use. Faculty can now upload, manage,
and incorporate streaming media directly into their Canvas courses using MediaAmp.
ii. Having a workshop on uploading from MediaAmp to Canvas on Faculty Development Day
4/22 in Black 141.
iii. MediaAmp video portal kickoff meeting will be 4/22.
1. Video portal will be the public facing side of MEdiaAmp, public video, and live streaming
of events.
b. Central Learning Academy
i. Found out that some of the modules from SkillSoft on compliance and leadership are not
included on our contract.
1. IS provided some funds to do an addendum on the contract to get those training
c. Classroom Tech Fee Spend Plan
i. Currently in break-fix mode with several technologies in the classroom, failure rate is
increasing significantly. There was never a provision made for providing budgetary
allowance for the maintenance for those systems.
ii. Student Tech Fee supplied $120,000 for keeping those classes running.
1. Z. Smith put together a spend plan, and tried to find a representative set of
classrooms with different genres of technology to allow pulling remaining parts
to be put into the parts pool for reuse and repairs on projects, amplifiers, and
(a) Buildings will be Black, Science, Psychology, Farrell, and Boullion.
2. General price-tag per classroom was about $12,000.
3. Prepared to make a purchase and move forward with the initial amount of
4. Opportunity to look at the next classroom with a task force in the future.
(a) Looking at having switchers that are network connected with centralized
server management, but not at this point.
(b) Benefit in having alerts that go to IS instead of having the instructor call IS.
IV. IS 2020 Plan
a. Discussed the state of information security at CWU.
i. Established policies that form the information security program, data classification,
payment card policy, information security controls, and information security privacy
1. Security decisions through our own risk assessment have defended from attacks
through the Internet. Recently had one where a tool was scanning firewalls, but
C. Timmons caught it and blocked access.
2. Reviewing logs is part of ongoing PCI compliance.
ii. Responsible for sending data out, batch files, email, communications. Noticed that a
lot of confidential information is included in those communications, such as social
security numbers, credit card numbers, etc.
1. Data owner, data custodian, and data stewardship roles have been established,
and are being included in all of our systems, including Organizational
Effectiveness and all enterprise systems.
2. Have the capacity to filter that information. Filters trigger alerts when those
communications leave, about 100 a week.
3. Going to launch a large advertising campaign to bring awareness to it.
Confidential data should never be attached to an email.
(a) Currently focusing on email and contractual agreements with vendors.
iii. Phase 1 is reactionary, up to phase 4 where security is in place; A. Bohman felt we
were at about a Phase 2. Now we are at about Phase 3 for security.
iv. Discussed intent to update Campus Solutions PeopleSoft up to version 9.2 and
upgrade our database and people tools.
1. Need to look at how we integrate the systems into a more cohesive solution,
PeopleSoft module will allow for a lot more integration between onboarding and
current enterprise solution.
v. Discussed the vision what students in the coming generations will want to see on
campus, such as a completely wireless campus where students can bring devices and
seamlessly interface with that environment.
1. Have the capability to give each student a private cloud as they move across the
2. Setting up redundant Internet circuit as the need for cloud based services with a
requirement for Internet access has increased.
vi. Ideally 20/20 visions will have positive impact on student retention, admissions, and
student success.
Next Meeting:
Monday, May 4, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00