CHAPTER 16 FOCUS QUESTIONS Week 1: 16.1 & 16.2, Wed Mar 7

Week 1: 16.1 & 16.2, Wed Mar 7 - Mar 8
Define term mineral.
a naturally occurring, usually inorganic solid that has a characteristic chemical composition, an
orderly internal structure, and a characteristic set of physical properties.
Distinguish between compound and native minerals.
native elements are elements on periodic table, compounds are composed of two or more chemically
bonded elements
Provide examples of metallic and nonmetallic minerals and their uses
aluminumcooking utinsels; foil; cans; airplane, car bodies
chromiumalloy mix for lightweight steel for construction, car trim
coppercooking utinsels, electric wiring, pipes (plumbing)
siicamain component of computer chips
wallboard, concrete
halite (rock salt) seasoning, lower temperature to make frozen desserts
Describe three processes by which minerals form.
cooling of magma
evaporation of water that contains salts
circulation of hot-water solutions in rocks
Describe the manner in which mining companies explore for new mineral deposits.
Rock samples are taken from exploration areas and analyzed to determine ore grade and the metal
content of an ore.
Describe three methods of subsurface mining.
1. Room And Pillar: A network of entries, called rooms, are cut into a seam, a horizontal layer of
coal. Between the rooms, pillars of coal are left standing to support the room.
2. Longwall: A machine called a shearer moves back and forth along the face of a coal seam. As coal
is sheared from the long wall, it falls onto a conveyor and is transported out of the mine. The
miners and their equipment are protected by a row of hydraulic roof supports.
3. Solution Mining: The ore is dissolvd by injecting it with hot water. Compressed air is then
pumped into the dissolved ore, and air bubbles lift it to the surface.
Describe two methods of surface mining.
Open-Pit Mining: ores are mined downward, layer by layer. Explosive are used, if needed, to break up
the ore, before it is hauled out by trucks.
Open pits, called quarries, are used to mine materials such as building stone, crushed rock, sand,
and gravel.
Coal surface mining: Top layers removed to reach coal near surface.
Week 2, 16.3, Mon Mar 19 - Thurs Mar 22
Describe seven important potential environmental consequences of mining
Air and Noise Pollution
Water Contamination
Displacement of Wildlife
Erosion and Sedimentation
soil and materials form non-pont source pollution, can accumulate in waterways
Soil Degradation
process of distrubng natural layers of soil, particularily exposing sulfur rich materials to elements that
can cause acidification
Subsidence (sinking of ground)
Underground Mine Fires (usually in coal mines)
What are the federal laws regarding mining? How do state governments regulate mining?
Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Endangered Species Act
The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
State environmental agencies issue permits to mining a site.
inspecting mines to ensure compliance with environmental regulations
Can mined land be restored to its original condition?
Assumption is yes, laws regulate how this will be done
What is meant by the term reclamation?
The process of returning land to its original condition after mining is completed.