Final Exam Study Guide

Final Exam Study Guide
1) Dichotomous keys are used to do what? To identify Organisms________________
2) When an animal or plant is identified using a Dichotomous key it gives you the animals
Scientific Name.
3) Scientific names are made of an organism’s Genus and Species.
4) What tool should be used to identify an unknown animal? Dichotomous Key
5) What are the characteristics of Fungi? Food from dead and decaying material, Reproduce
using spores, don’t contain chlorophyll
6) What are some examples of Non-Vascular plants? Mosses and Liverworts
7) What are the characteristics of plants? Have roots, leaves, stem, cells with cell wall,
contain chlorophyll, different sizes
8) List three functions of a plants root. Absorb water and nutrients, anchor the plant, store
9) List three functions of a plants stem. Transport food and water, support the plant, store
10) What is the purpose of leaves? Make food
11) What is Germination? When seed first begins to grow
12) List the different ways plants reproduce asexually. Stem cutting, runners, tubers, bulbs
13) What plant process is responsible for releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere?
14) What is the purpose of photosynthesis? Make food
15) What resources are used during photosynthesis and respiration? Oxygen, Carbon
Dioxide, Water/H20, chlorophyll
16) What does Respiration do for an organism? Releases energy from food
17) Where does water enter a plant? Roots
18) Why are leaves green? Chlorophyll
19) Where do plants lose water? Pores/Stomata
20) What are the purposes of adaptations? Get food, defend yourself, find shelter, get water
21) What are the characteristics of animals? Breathe, Digest food, Made of Cells, Have to
find food
22) How do tapeworms attach themselves? Hooks and Suckers
23) What percentage of animals are vertebrates and invertebrates? Vertebrates 3 percent and
Invertebrates 97 percent
24) What are vertebrates? Animal with a backbone
25) List four examples of echinoderms. Sea star, Sea urchin, Brittle star, Sea Cucumber, Sand
26) What are the characteristics of a segmented worm? Tube like body, Body in Segments,
Found in soil and fresh and saltwater
27) What is a hard outer covering called on a soft bodied organism? exoskeleton
28) List four reptiles. Snakes, lizards, alligator, turtle
29) What are the characteristics of an amphibian? Ectothermic, live on land and water, moist
skin, no scales
30) List four amphibians. frog, toad, salamander, newts
31) What do some animals do to live through the winter? Hibernate, migrate, thick fur, gain
32) What is a metamorphous? Transformation of body structures
33) List two ectothermic vertebrates. Turtle, Lizard, frog, shark, alligator, fish
34) List two endothermic vertebrates. Bird, Monkey, Deer, Dolphin, Human, Bear
35) How do mammals breathe? Breathe with lungs
36) What are the characteristics of mammals? Breathe with lungs, Have Hair or Fur,
Endothermic, feed young milk, Live birth.
37) What are the characteristics of fish? Breathe with gill, Most lay eggs, have scales,
Vertebrate, Ectothermic
38) What are the characteristics of birds? Endothermic, have wings, lay eggs, have feathers,
Hollow bones
39) What purposes does hair serve on a mammal? Keep warm, Protects animal, Camouflage,
40) List three courtship behaviors. Colorful display, Sing, Croak, Bark, Dance, Light up
41) List the ways animals communicate. Bark, Sounds, Smells, Posture/Body Language
42) What is conduction? Heat transfer through direct contact with or through an object
43) What is Radiation? Energy transfer in the form of waves or rays
44) How are land and sea breezes formed? Land heating and cooling faster than water,
Convection current
45) What happens to air pressure as you get further from Earth? It decreases
46) All energy on Earth originates from the Sun.