Chapter 7 Section 3 Objectives Explain the meaning of solubility and

Chapter 7
Section 3
Explain the meaning of solubility and compare the solubilities of various
Describe dilute, concentrated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions.
Relate changes in temperature and pressure to changes in solubility of solid and
gaseous solutes.
Express the concentration of a solution as molarity, and calculate the molarity of a
solution given the amount of solute and the volume of the solution
Solubility in Water
Solubility is the maximum amount of a solute that will dissolve in a given
quantity of solvent at a given temperature and pressure.
Some substances, such as oil, are insoluble in water, meaning they never
Other substances are said to be soluble in water because they dissolve
easily in water.
However, there is often a limit to how much of a substance will
Different substances have different solubilities.
To express how much of a substance can dissolve in a solvent, you need to use
the concentration.
Concentration is the amount of a particular substance in a given volume of
A solution whose ratio of solute to solvent is relatively high is referred to
as concentrated.
A solution whose ratio of solute to solvent is relatively low is referred to
An unsaturated solution contains less than the maximum amount of solute that
can dissolve.
A saturated solution is at a point where no more solute can be dissolved under
the same conditions.
If you add more solute to a saturated solution, it will simply fall to the
bottom of the container.
A supersaturated solution holds more dissolved solute than is required to
reach equilibrium at a given temperature.
To make a supersaturated solution, you raise the temperature of a
solution, dissolve more solute, then let the solution cool again.
Gases can also dissolve in water.
Unlike solid solutes, gaseous solutes are less soluble in warmer water than they
are in colder water.
Example: Soda goes flat quickly at room temperature.
The solubility of gases also depends on pressure. Lowered pressure of gas
above a solution leads to dissolved gas bubbling out of the solution.
Example: When a can of soda is opened, carbon dioxide gas that had
been dissolved in the soda bubbles out of solution.
Example: If a scuba diver surfaces too quickly, dissolved nitrogen gas in
the bloodstream bubbles out of solution, which causes a painful condition
called the bends.
Concentration of Solutions
There are several ways to express the concentration of solutions, but one of the
most useful ways is by using molarity: moles of dissolved solvent per liter
of solution.
Note that molarity is moles per liter of solution,
not per liter of solvent.
A 1.0 M, which is read as “one molar,” solution of NaCl, contains 1.0 mol of
dissolved NaCl in every
1.0 L of solution.
Other measures of solution concentration can be used.
These include:
mass percent (grams of solute per 100 g
of solution)
Ingredients in many food and household products use mass
parts per million (grams of solute per 106 g
of solution)
Used for very small concentrations, such as for
environmental regulations.