Fragments and Run

Fragments and Run-ons #2
Correct the following 2 paragraphs that contain fragments & run-ons.
1. Today the pyramids of Egypt are fascinating to tourists, archaeologists, and historians. Who
travel to Africa to see them. The pyramids symbolize a great ancient civilization, Egypt was
a powerful influence. For thousands of years in the ancient world. The main purpose of the
pyramids. Was to entomb the pharaohs. Sometimes a pharaoh’s wife was buried with him
in the pyramid. All his worldly possessions also buried food, clothes, and water were
provided for the journey. To the other world. Although many pyramids have been emptied
of their treasures. The pyramids themselves continue to interest people they are the only
one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. That is still standing.
2. Whenever I look at photographs of white-water rafting. I remember what a great time I
had on my first raft trip. The first mile or so of the raft trip was easy. As we paddled slowly
in the moving current. The guide pointed out the strange rock formations along the banks
of the river. Once we got used to paddling. We were ready for adventure we wanted to
experience the thrill of the white water. The guide helped us navigate “the eye of the
needle.” Which was a difficult stretch of the rapids. Paddling through the rapids, I almost
hit a rock. I lost my balance and almost fell overboard, the white water was scary. But was
exhilarating too. I hope I can take another raft trip next summer.