Name: Date: Animal Farm Chapters 6

Animal Farm Chapters 6-9 Study Guide
Animal Farm Chapter Six
Laborious-To exert one’s mind or body
Arable- Cultivated by plowing
Repose-a state of resting
Perpendicularity - something that is standing straight up
Flagstaff- a flagpole
Malignity- evil in nature
Short Answer
What was ironic about the animals working on the windmill on Sundays?
It is supposed to be their day off
Why was the windmill so hard to build?
It was tall and the rocks were down in the quarry. They struggled with moving the
rocks. They have to drop them off the ledge to break them.
3. Without whom would the windmill have been impossible?
4. What did Napoleon tell the hens about giving up their eggs?
They had to trade to help the farm.
5. How is Snowball used as a scapegoat?
They say he was sneaking in at night. When things were going bad in the Soviet Union,
they blamed the USA.
6. Which commandment is changed and how?
No animal shall sleep in beds, with sheets
Animal Farm Chapter Seven
Chaff (75) - to tease
Mangles (75) - a large course of food grown for calves
Infanticide (75) - killing of the young (the chicks)
Capitulated (77) - surrender on certain terms
coccidiosis (77)- a stomach disorder for animals
Stupefied (79) - To make stupid or groggy
Categorically (81) - to deny something that is related to
Countenance (82) - calm expression
Short Answer
1. What was one of the strongest motivations for competing the rebuilding of the
Wanted to show the humans that they could get it back up in a hurry
2. Why did it finally become necessary for the hens to surrender all their eggs?
The animals needed to use them for money
3. What did the hens do to rebel against this?
Refused to give them their eggs and dropped them on the floor and cracked them
4. What else is revealed about Snowball?
He was a traitor and he was sneaking around
5. What do the confessions and executions of the pigs, hens, goose, and sheep
symbolize? Which of the Seven Commandments does this violate?
Show trials
6. What does Boxer think was the cause of the frightening slaughter of fellow
animals? What is his solution?
No animal shall kill another animal
7. What does Boxer think was the cause of the frightening slaughter of fellow
Boxer believed it was his (their fault) that the slaughter took place.
What is his solution?
Napoleon is always right and he will work harder.
Animal Farm Chapter Eight
How did the 6th commandment change?: It originally said, "No animal shall kill another animal,"
but now it says, "No animal shall kill another animal without cause."
.How does Frederick cheat Napoleon: He gives him forged banknotes
Invented titles for Napoleon: Leader and Comrade Napoleon.
Latest information about Snowball: That Snowball is said to be plotting with Frederick to take
over Animal Farm
.Napoleon's precautions for his safety: Squealer and Boxer as food tasters and his dogs guarding
his bed at night
Pig's titles for Napoleon: Father of all Animals, Terror of mankind, protector of the sheep-fold,
ducklings friend
What deal was made with Frederick: He will exchange certain products between Animal Farm
and Foxwood Farm
What did Napoleon inscribe on the barn wall: The 7 commandments and a picture of Napoleon
with his meals.
What did the chickens confess to?: That they could lay 5 eggs in 6 days
.What did the cows confess to: That they can produce more milk
What does Muriel find out about the 5th commandment: It has been changed to read, "No animal
shall drink to excess."
What happens in the battle of the windmill: Mr. Frederick attacks animal farm with 20 men and
dynamites the windmill and the enraged animals attack the men and drive them away; some
animals are killed and Boxer sustains justice
What was done with the woodpile: He will sell it to Frederick
.What was running down Squealer's cheeks when she spoke of Napoleon: Tears from his eyes.
What were the stories about Frederick's treatment of his animals: Flogged an old horse to death;
starved his cows; killed a dog by throwing it into a burning furnace; made cocks fight with razors
attached to their spurs.
Why does Squealer tell that Snowball poisoned Napoleon's food?: Because he knows that
Napoleon is drunk and will live, but it's a way to further blame Snowball
Animal Farm Chapter Nine
Superannuated (105) – to be too old
Complicity (109) – participation in a wrongful act
Knacker (113) – A buyer of worn out animals
Short Answer
What species of animal is increasing in number? Decreasing?
Pig and dogs are increasing everything else is decreasing
2. Why are only the young pigs being educated, and why are they discouraged from
playing with other young animals?
Pigs think their better
How was the president of the new Republic elected?
Only 1 person was on the ballet no one to run against him
What happens to Boxer? Why is this so tragic?
He was working, tripped, and fell. He was the strongest animal.
5. How did the pigs use Boxer’s death to get the animals to work harder?
They said Boxer would have wanted it. They said that Boxer said “Long live Napoleon, long
live the revolution.”