Best Practices for Success - United Way of Olmsted County

Running Start for School
Collection Partner
8 Best Practices to Holding a Successful Collection
1. Define roles and responsibilities – recruit a team!
Recruit a team of enthusiastic, resourceful and committed
people to help you plan and hold your collection!
Set up an initial meeting and delegate responsibilities. You can
ensure success by defining roles and responsibilities for each
person, such as marketing, events, communication, etc…
Invite the Running Start Outreach Assistant to come and
present Running Start! This could be a five minute
presentation, whatever works into your schedule.
6. Say Thank You
2. Set your date - determine your timeline.
The most effective drives are time-defined and goal-oriented.
Set up specific start and end dates and inform your coworkers.
Starting with a clear beginning and wrap up with a great finish.
Be ambitious but realistic so your collection has an attainable
goal to reach & celebrate when you reach it!
Check out our School Supplies Needed List and number of
each item needed to help set your goal!
Running Start for School has over 900 volunteer timeslots that
we need help with. Mobilize your organization, business or
group to volunteer together or as an individual.
Find Running Start volunteer needs at: and
click on the red Running Start bar.
5. Communicate and Publicize
Collections with great visibility encourage everyone to take
part in them. Consider using email, intranet sites, personalized
letters and Running Start for School materials to promote your
campaign -
As your collection comes to an end, it’s time to wrap up and
deliver your collected backpacks and school supplies to United
Way on or before July 23, 2015.
Drop off any monetary donations at the United Way office.
8. Share you Collection with United Way Online - We want to
hear about your collection!
4. Volunteer as a Team or Individually
Thank contributors for participating in your collection with
incentives such as prize drawings, a thank you luncheon or
personal letters or emails!
7. Finalize your Collection!
3. Set a challenging, yet attainable goal.
Hang posters and flyers
in prominent places like
lobbies, kitchens/lounges and elevators to announce your
backpack and school supplies drive!
Photos and events are a great way for us to highlight and
recognize your collection. If you’re posting on Twitter or
Facebook about your collection, we’d love to see it!
Showcasing your collection is a great way to let potential
employees or customers know that your company is about
giving back and we want to give you kudos!
Email us your activities so that we can celebrate and share
your ideas – don’t forget to include photos – we have weekly
spots on Y105 and would love to highlight your collection
Remember to share your campaign success on social media.
Tag us on Facebook ( and Tweet
us at @uwolmsted