Awards and Graduation Policy - Canberra Institute of Technology

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Policy Name
Awards and Graduation Policy
Policy Group
Education Policies > Teaching and Learning > Assessment,
Recognition and Awards
Policy Reference Number
ED.02.03.02 – 010
To document the policy and procedures for the issuance of CIT Awards and official academic advice
to students who have met the completion requirements of a CIT program.
This policy covers all students who have been enrolled at CIT and successfully completed all or part
of the requirements of a CIT or nationally accredited or recognised program.
There are separate policies covering:
Issuing Awards and Academic Advice Posthumously Policy
Use of a Modified Pass Grade within CIT Policy
Non-assessed Short Programs Policy
Skills Recognition and Articulation Policy
Academic Transcript
An official document, either a Record of Results or a Statement of
Attainment, produced from Banner which shows the details of a student’s
achievements at CIT.
Australian Qualifications Framework.
Australian Skills Quality Authority, the national VET Regulator.
Award Categories
A CIT term used to distinguish between two groups of qualifications and
programs: Category 1 and Category 2.
The official CIT Student Information Management System
Category 1 Awards
A term used on Banner for AQF qualifications where students are eligible
to attend a celebration of graduation event.
Category 2 Awards
A term used on Banner for programs excluded from graduation.
Celebration of
Graduation Event
An event where students celebrate their completions.
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
Page 1 of 12
Date updated: 8 December 2014
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CIT Award
Sealed testamur of CIT and Record of Results issued to students who
satisfy the requirements for the qualification.
Collaborative Award
A CIT Award issued to a student following successful completion of a
program of study by either CIT or a partner organisation, where the
curriculum development and/or teaching delivery is shared between CIT
and the partner organisation.
Higher Education
A program leading to a higher education qualification as defined in the
Australian Qualifications Framework including Associate Degree, Bachelor
Degree, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma.
Honorary Award
A prestigious non-academic award made to a person, other than a member
of staff, to publicly recognise their contribution to the Institute. These
awards are made on an infrequent basis.
National Vocational Education and Training Regulator.
Official Academic
An official document, either a Record of Results or a Statement of
Attainment, produced from Banner which shows the details of a student’s
achievements at CIT.
Any qualification or collection of CIT or nationally accredited or recognised
subjects or competencies which are constructed together by curriculum or
marketed together or grouped together on Banner and when completed
form a subset of a qualification.
Promoted subset of a
A group of competencies, modules or subjects which are promoted
together and given a working title. The competencies must be explicitly
scoped on the national register before the program is advertised and
before students are enrolled or graduated.
An AQF Qualification type.
Record of Results
A record of a student’s results achieved through study at CIT.
Short Course
A VET accredited course developed or adopted by CIT containing national
competencies or modules into which a student can enrol. Short courses
are scoped on the national register.
Issued to a student who has achieved a specialisation within a
Statement of
A statement confirming that the student has satisfied the requirements of
nationally recognised units of competency specified on the statement.
An official certification document containing a CIT seal that confirms that a
qualification has been awarded to a student.
Training Program
A program developed by CIT Program Services containing a subset of a
qualification or explicitly scoped competencies into which a student can
enrol. A Training Program may be a skill set identified in a particular
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Training Package or a skill set identified by CIT as meeting industry needs.
While Training Programs are not scoped on the national register, the
competencies within Training Programs must be explicitly scoped on the
national register before the program is advertised and before students are
enrolled or graduated.
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, the National Higher
Education Regulator.
Unofficial transcript
A document which can be accessed by a student from Banner showing
their study progress against competencies, modules or subjects.
Vocational Education
and Training (VET)
A program leading to a vocational education and training qualification as
defined in the Australian Qualifications Framework including Advanced
Diploma, Diploma, Certificate IV, Certificate III, Certificate II, Certificate I,
Vocational Graduate Certificate and Vocational Graduate Diploma.
CIT will issue qualifications and statement of attainments in accordance with the requirements
of the National VET Regulator (NVR) Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Standards 2015,
AQF, where applicable, Australian Apprenticeships or the Higher Education Regulator TEQSA.
Other variations of an Academic Transcript which are not required by legislation or regulation,
such as competency cards, will not be produced by CIT Student Records & Graduation without
prior negotiation, appropriate resourcing and approval from Deputy Chief Executive.
Timeframes as listed in the NVR Standards around award issuance will be met. Where
issuance of a superseded qualification falls outside the allowed timeframe the student will be
assessed against the current qualification and transferred into the current qualification unless
there is a demonstrable disadvantage to the student which must be approved by the General
Manager, Student and Academic Services.
A student is considered to have completed when a final positive grade is entered on Banner
except for Australia Apprentices who are considered complete after the final sign-off is
received form the employer.
Students who have completed a qualification will be issued with a CIT Award which identifies
that the requirements of the qualification have been completed, at no cost.
Students who have completed a Training Program or Short Course will receive official
academic advice at no cost.
Students who have completed a ‘promoted subset of a qualification’ will receive a Record of
Results showing the competencies and modules/units the student has completed against the
name of the qualification in which the subset exists. It will not identify whether all the
competencies promoted in the subset have been completed.
Where a qualification description stipulates a defined specialisation, students who have
completed these competencies will be issued with a Specialisation Statement.
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
Page 3 of 12
Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Where a particular Training Program or Short Course requires a unique Specialisation
Statement, such as skills set for a particular licencing purpose, or a Collaborative Award, the
College must negotiate with CIT Student Records & Graduation for the development of that
Specialisation Statement or Collaborative Award and approval by the Deputy Chief Executive is
A Collaborative Award can be used where the development and/or delivery is genuinely
collaborative and where there is a written agreement, approved by the Chief Executive on
advice of the Academic Board through the Chair prior to program delivery.
Collaboration will only be acknowledged on a CIT award where a partner organisation seeks
acknowledgement of their role,
the partner takes responsibility for the delivery of at least 25% of the program, or
the partner provides significant intellectual property to the curriculum design and/or
learning resources and takes responsibility for the teaching of some or all of the
program, or
CIT, under contract to that body, delivers an award program to the employees of an
organisation, or members of a professional association or industry body.
If a CIT Collaborative Award is to be issued the CIT Award only bears the signature of the CIT
Chief Executive and Director, and contains words similar to those suggested below:
“This program was delivered in collaboration with (name of the institution/organisation)”
To develop a Collaborative Award See Procedure 1: Collaborative Awards.
In rare circumstances, the logo of a partner organisation may be included on the CIT Award
(Testamur). Only eligible partner organisations can make this request and must be a
university, TAFE institute, an RTO with which CIT has a strong partnership underpinned by a
Memorandum of Understanding, or a professional association or similar body whose primary
role is the maintenance of the standing of a profession. If approval is granted for a partnering
organisation to have their logo on a CIT Award, prior negotiation with CIT Student Records &
Graduation must have occurred and the Deputy Chief Executive must approve positioning.
Written authorisation from the partner organisation of the use of their logo must be obtained.
(See Procedure 1: Collaborative Awards).
CIT Collaborative Awards will not be retrospective, ie for awards already conferred or
replacement awards.
Students may request official academic advice at any time during their study by completing a
request form.
Students completing a ‘promoted subset of a qualification’ must complete a form to initiate
the assessment and production of an Academic Transcript. This request may also be made on
behalf of the student from the teaching area. An Academic Transcript will be issued at no cost
if the teaching College has provided prior information to CIT Student Records & Graduation
that this subset has been promoted together.
A CIT Award will be issued to students within 30 days of a student being complete. In some
circumstances alternative arrangements are made for students to receive their award at a
special ceremony as negotiated with CIT for specific commercial requirements or by College
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
Page 4 of 12
Date updated: 8 December 2014
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CIT will hold Celebration of Graduation events to acknowledge student achievements
a celebration of graduation ceremony for students who wish to attend and are
graduating from a nationally recognised qualification
an international student graduation ceremony each year, unless varied by the Deputy
Chief Executive
Special graduation ceremonies for specific client groups where approved by Director,
CIT Education Services.
A student has one opportunity to defer attendance at a celebration of graduation event.
Refer to the Skills Recognition and Articulation Policy for any CIT Awards or Statement of
Attainments issued by skills recognition.
A qualification of the same name and /or national identifier will only be issued once, unless a
student completes more than one specialisation attached to a qualification.
CIT reserves the right to charge students for replacement CIT Awards and Academic
Transcripts as set out in CIT’s Service Level Standards and Cost for Academic Transcripts and
Awards which is regularly updated. (Attached to the policy as at November 2014)
A replacement award will only be issued if:
the recipient provides a statutory declaration that the original has genuinely been lost or
destroyed, or
the recipient returns the original because the CIT Award has been damaged, the name on
the CIT award is incorrect, or if the recipient provides evidence that they have legally
changed their name.
a replacement CIT Award will not be issued for a short course or training program that
was originally awarded prior to 2014 however students will receive a Statement of
Attainment or Record of Results if eligible.
A student is entitled to seek a review by the ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Chief
Executive’s decision not to issue an award.
In appropriate circumstances, and with the explicit approval of the CIT Deputy Chief Executive,
the CIT logo or acknowledgement of CIT’s role may appear on the award testamur of a partner
organisation. See Procedure 1: Collaborative Awards and Procedure 2: Procedure and
Checklist for Collaborative Awards where the award is conferred by another organisation.
CIT reserves the right to revoke any AQF qualifications, including Statements of Attainment
and Official Academic Advice, which were erroneously issued by CIT or where the student was
subsequently found to have fraudulently achieved the qualification.
CIT will issue students’ academic advice in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2014.
Any student continuing or enrolling at CIT from 1 January 2015 will require a Unique Student
Identifier (USI) number. CIT will not issue a CIT Award or any official academic advice to a
student where the USI is not recorded in Banner. Where a student completed their
qualification prior to 31 December 2014 they will be issued an award without a USI.
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Delegation Manual
Approve written notification
to students who are not
eligible for an award
Director, CIT Education Services
Approve invitations to
students eligible to attend a
CIT graduation ceremony
Director, CIT Education Services
Approve procedures for
issuing CIT Awards and
Academic Transcripts to
students completing a
Deputy Chief Executive
Approve procedures for
issuing CIT Awards,
Academic Transcripts and
Statements of Attainments
for students not eligible for
Deputy Chief Executive
Approve issuing of
replacement awards
Director, CIT Education Services
Approve issuing honorary
Chief Executive
Approve publication of
graduand names
Director, CIT Education Services
Approve special graduation
ceremonies or an out of
session graduation
Director, CIT Education Services
Approve Collaborative
Chief Executive
Approve or change whether
the award can be issued at
graduation, ie the award
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Manager, CIT Student Records &
Manager, CIT Student Records &
Manager, CIT Student Records &
Manager, CIT Student Records &
GM CIT Solutions
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Approve revoking an award
where erroneously or
fraudulently awarded
Chief Executive
Executive Endorsement
Date Endorsed by BOM or BOM
11 December 2000
24 March 2003
19 December 2008
1 April 2009
19 April 2012
19 February 2013
18 November 2013
12 December 2013
24 February 2014
8 December 2014
Review Process (Initial Policy, Major
Review or Minor Amendment)
Initial Policy
Major Review
Major Review
Minor Amendment
Major Review
Minor Amendment
Minor Amendment
Minor Amendment
Minor Amendment
Major Review
Review Date
This Policy is due for review by December 2018 or when changes to work practices or the Authority
Source noted below render the policy out of date.
Minor amendments do not alter the review date.
Authority Source
Canberra Institute of Technology Act 1987
Related Documents
Supporting Guide
Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013
ASQA - Communiques and General Directions
Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2015
TEQSA Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold
Standards) 2011
5. CIT Educational Policy
 Issuing Awards and Academic Advice Posthumously Policy
6. Staff Information Site > Policies > Education > Teaching & Learning
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Policy Owner (Lead Coordinator:
Deputy Chief Executive
Responsible for major review and
any amendments and recommends
sign off by the Chief Executive)
Contact Officer (Responsible for
Director, CIT Education Services
input and advice to the policy)
Mandatory Consultation
I approve this policy.
Acting Chief Executive
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Procedure 1
Collaborative Awards
Partner organisation seeks
acknowledgement on CIT Award
Partner organisation meets criteria for
Collaborative award
College consults with Director CIT Education Services and CIT Student
Records for proposed wording or eligibility for use of logo. Note in most
cases it will be proposed wording that is recommended
Endorsement is gained from Deputy Chief Executive
Written request identifying proposed wording or use of the
partner’s logo is presented to Academic Board; Chair
approves and submits to Deputy Chief Executive
Approval for the wording
gained from Deputy Chief
If logo use has been sought, CIT
Student Records and CIT
Communication Manager
consulted for design placement
and use.
The use of the logo checked against the style guide of the partner organisation
and signed approval obtained from the appropriate officer in the partner
organisation eg Marketing Manager who provides a high resolution log that can
fit directly under the CIT logo
Written approval from partnering
organisation for use of logo obtained
CIT Deputy Chief Executive written
approval for use of partner’s logo in
conjunction with CIT logo on CIT Award
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
Page 9 of 12
Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Procedure 2
Procedure and checklist where the award is conferred by another institution and CIT seeks
acknowledgement of its role on the testamur
College Director supports acknowledgement of CIT’s role in
program delivery on the testamur issued by a partner
organisation for a specific program
College Director completes the checklist below and submits it to
the CIT Chief Executive
CIT DCE approval for the acknowledgement of the
CIT role in text on the testamur of the other
CIT DCE approval for inclusion of the CIT
logo on the testamur of the other
Acknowledgment of CIT role or use of CIT logo on the testamur of a partner organisation
Title of program:_____________________________________________
College Director proposing collaboration: __________________________(Partner
organisation full name) is a reputable training provider
An RTO (national register checked and printout attached)
A university
A professional association
Does CIT deliver at least 25% of the program?
How will CIT benefit through being acknowledged on the testamur?
(Please provide dot points in no more than half a page)
Sufficient evidence provided
Risk of CIT’s reputation being adversely affected is low
Evidence attached
Has the wording of the acknowledgment or use of the CIT logo been endorsed by the
Deputy Chief Executive?
(Email attached)
If it is proposed the CIT logo is used as opposed to just wording, has the proposed use
and placement of the logo been checked against the CIT style guide and approved by
the CIT Communication Manager?
Email attached
Have the arrangements for the provision and secure electronic storage of a high
resolution CIT logo been endorsed by the CIT Communication Manager? Email
Tick if Yes
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Approved / Not Approved
Deputy Chief Executive Signature:
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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CIT Awards and Academic Transcripts
Students completing a qualification will be issued an award, at no cost, with a CIT Award (Testamur)
and an Academic Transcript.
Students completing a Training Program or short course will be issued an Academic Transcript when
the program has been completed at no cost.
Students undertaking a promoted subset of a qualification will be issued at no cost with an Academic
Transcript if prior information to Student Records and Graduation that this subset has been
promoted together has occurred at no cost.
Requests from third parties for academic results are at no cost.
Service Level Standards
AQF Qualifications will be issued in accordance with current regulations
Statement of Attainment for a promoted subset of a qualification
2 weeks
Commercial programs
2 weeks
Issuance of academic advice can be fast-tracked for commercial programs when negotiated with
Student Records and Graduation.
Request for Academic Transcripts
Requests for an Official Academic Transcript can occur during a student’s study.
Service Standard
Cost $40 Priority requests from students who studied from 1998
48 hours
Cost $20 for students who studied from 1998
2 weeks
Cost $50 for records from archives defined as pre 1998
6 weeks
(For students who require 2 or more official transcripts, there is an extra cost of $20 each.)
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
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Date updated: 8 December 2014
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Replacement or Additional Academic Documents
Service Standard
Cost $50 for records 2010 and onwards
2 weeks
Cost $70 for records 1998 to 2009
4 weeks
Cost $100 for records from archives defined as pre 1998
8 weeks
Collaborative Awards
Negotiated between CIT Student Records and Teaching Colleges to determine costs
Awards and Graduation Policy
Contact officer: Director, CIT Education Services
Date created: 07 December 2000
Page 12 of 12
Date updated: 8 December 2014