1.03 Demonstrate desktop publishing vocabulary Art Illustrations


1.03 Demonstrate desktop publishing vocabulary

Art Illustrations and photographs used to convey meaning and add appeal.

Balloon Circle or bubble enclosing copy in an illustration; often used in cartoons.

Bleed A print effect in which layout, type, or pictures appear to run off the edge of a page.

Body The bulk of the text, including headlines and decoration.


Short phrase telling the author’s name. It can appear at the beginning or end of an article.

Caption A phrase, sentence or paragraph describing the contents of an illustration or photograph.

Caption Also called call-out, label used to identify parts of an illustration; can be in the form of a text box or a balloon.

Column Guides Lines that control the flow of text within columns and keep text out of the gutter (space between columns).

Continuation head Appear at the top of a continued article. Identifies the page from which the article was continued.

Deck One or more lines of text between the headline and body.

Dropped Cap An enlarged characte r at the beginning of a paragraph; used to grab the reader’s attention.

End Mark A symbol, such as a wingding, that indicates the end of an article.

End Sign Any symbol used at the end of an article to signal to the reader that they have reached the end of the article.

Format Considerations Selection of one or more document sizes and layouts for a project.

Grid Desktop publishing tool used to ensure consistent placement of logos, graphics, and other objects throughout multiple documents, such as a print media kit.

Guides (guidelines)

– non-printing lines that appear on a document in desktop publishing software during the design phase to assist the developer in placing objects.

Headline Identifies each article.

Jumpline Line at the end of a continuing article that tells readers which page to refer to for the rest of the article.

Kicker A short phrase above the article headline. It serves as an introduction or section heading.

Mailing Panel Contains the return address and mailing address for newsletters that are self-mailers (newsletters that are folded and mailed without being inserted into an envelope).

Margin Guides Lines that indicate the space between the edge of the page and the document contents.

Master Page Includes items and formats common to every page; used to maintain layout consistency.

Masthead The section that lists the publisher, staff names, contributors, subscription information, addresses, etc.

Mug Shot

Photographs of a person’s head and shoulders with that person looking straight into the camera.

Nameplate Banner on the front of the newsletter. Contains the publication name, logo, subtitle, motto, volume, issue and date.

Page Numbers Page numbers can appear at the top, bottom or side of the newsletter.

Prototype Also called mockup, an example of how the final document should appear.

Pull Quote

A small quote taken from an article and enlarged to catch the reader’s attention.

Pull Quote

A small section of text “pulled out and quoted” in a larger font size; used to draw attention.

Reverse Text Dark background and light text; used for emphasis.

Ruler Guides Used to align objects.

Rules Lines around articles or graphics used to direct the flow of a publication and organize its content.

Running Footers Running text at the top and/or bottom of a document.

Running head Also called a running header. Repeating text at the top of every (or every other) page.

Running Headers Running text at the top and/or bottom of a document.

Sidebar A smaller self-contained story inside a larger one which may or may not be related, usually boxed with its own headline and set off from the main text.

Subhead Appears within the body text. Divides the article into smaller sections.

Table of Contents List of contents of a publication

Template A standard pre-formatted layout which may contain a color scheme, font scheme, pictures, and preset margins.

Text Box Container for text that can be placed and formatted randomly.

Watermark A semitransparent image in the background of printed material; may be text or object .
