Catholic Physicians Guild of Dallas

Catholic Physicians Guild of Dallas
June 2015 Newsletter
Neonatal Ethics Discussion
In our last meeting, Dr. Roy Heyne discussed neonatal ethics - specifically physician
attitudes towards resuscitation to neonates but also a broader discussion towards
general resuscitation. He presented evidence that often physican attitudes towards
resuscitation can vary greatly across hospitals and across cultures. Although the issue
would appear to demand a equal, logical approach to human resuscitation, evidence
does not bear this to be the case. And in many ways often the underlying issue is
physician beliefs towards an acceptable "quality of life" - that often physician bias on
who would be considered a "meaningful life" changes who will be resuscitated. We
thank Dr. Heyne on his extensive discussion of the issue.
For those who attended, hopefully you have received your CME. Please let us know if
you have not.
Next event: End of Life Discussion in AUGUST
In our next meeting, Deacon Charlie Stump will discuss end of life issues. Deacon
Stump is the Director of Pastoral Services for the Diocese of Dallas, and he serves as the
Guild's Spiritual Advisor. There will be no meeting in July, so the next meeting will be
on August 4 at 7 PM in the Family Life Center of St. Monica's Catholic Church. For the
foreseeable future, all future meetings for the Guild will take place the first Tuesday of
the month at 7 PM in this location.
SAVE THE DATE - Educational Conference at Medical City
On September 10th, the Catholic Physicians Guild of Dallas will present an educational
conference - Enhancing Patient-Centered Reproductive Health Care:
Understanding and Addressing Unmet Ethical and Clinical Concerns. The
keynote speakers will be Dr. John Bruchalski (Founder, Tepeyac Family Center in
Fairfax, VA) and Dr. Vincent Rue (Institute for Pregnancy Loss). Dr. Bruchalski
practices Ob-Gyn and NaPro Technology and will present evidence of the physical
effects of abortion. He will also present fertility-based methods of family planning. Dr.
Rue will discuss the mental health issues surrounding pregnancy loss to women and
men who have been involved. Published clinical evidence will be presented on the
topic. Diana Morin, LPC, LMFT will discuss healing after a pregnancy loss. The event
will take place at Medical City, and further information will be forthcoming....
SAVE THE DATE #2- Catholic Medical Association National
Another friendly reminder that the next National CMA conference will take place in
Philadelphia (which should prove to be an exciting place to be this Fall) on October 13. The theme is Healing the Wounded Culture and will include speakers such as
Gianna Jessen, Dr. Thomas Hilgers, Fr. Thad Pacholczyk, Dr. Peter Kreeft, Fr. Robert
Spritzer, and more! Registration has opened, click here for more information.
As Catholics we believe in the dignity of each and every human being made in the
image and likeness of God. As such, we accept all persons with respect,
compassion, and sensitivity and must be mindful that, even in polarizing times,
there is no place for derision or smugness. I pray that all persons who hold dear
the civil liberties afforded by the United States Constitution will join us in working
to safeguard the rights of people of faith to live and exercise that faith as they
believe God requires- Bishop Kevin Farrell