
Name: ________________________________________ Period: _________
“I am the mineral…..”
To become an expert on a specific mineral’s properties and characteristics,
and to develop better writing and research skills in science.
Directions: You will choose one of the almost 4,000 minerals found in the Earth. With
the mineral you have selected, you will tell the story of:
- How you were discovered?
- When you were discovered?
- How you received your name?
- Where you are located? How does one get you out of the ground?
- Why you are important? What are your uses?
- Include facts and characteristics you possess, such as:
crystal form, luster, color, streak, hardness, cleavage or
fracture, density, specific gravity
- Pictures are required
1. Everyone will draw a mineral slip out of a bowl
2. Begin researching your mineral. You may use library books,
your textbook and the internet.
3. Your research should be done using the graphic organizers
provided by your teacher.
4. Begin writing/typing your project. Be sure to follow the proper
writing process. This essay will be written in FIRST PERSON as
if you are the mineral and should be a 5 paragraph essay
(introduction, 3 body paragraphs, & conclusion). Remember,
your introduction must include a thesis statement (overall
message of the essay). Each body paragraph is required to have a
topic sentence and supporting details.
5. Final copy to be typed and handed in on 10/31/11 with sources
properly cited using MLA.
This writing assignment is worth 35 points. Areas to focus on are
described in the rubric.
Focus on
The entire paper is
related to the
assigned topic and
allows the reader to
understand much
more about the
All facts presented
in the paper are
Most of the paper is
related to the
assigned topic. The
paper wanders off
at one point, but the
reader can still learn
about the topic.
Almost all facts
presented in the
paper are accurate.
Student devotes a
lot of time and
effort to the writing
process (prewriting,
drafting, reviewing,
and editing). Works
hard to make the
paper wonderful.
The paper is very
well organized.
One idea follows
another in a logical
sequence with
clear transitions.
First paragraph has
a "grabber" or
catchy beginning.
Student devotes
sufficient time and
effort to the writing
process (prewriting,
drafting, reviewing,
and editing). Works
and gets the job
The paper is pretty
well organized. One
idea may seem out
of place. Clear
transitions are used.
The last paragraph
clearly summaries
the paper. There
are no loose ends.
All references are
presented properly
and sited correctly
using MLA.
The last paragraph
summaries the
paper. A couple
loose ends are
Almost all
references are
presented properly
and sited correctly
using MLA
Accuracy of
First paragraph has
a weak "grabber".
Some of the paper
is related to the
assigned topic, but
a reader does not
learn much about
the topic.
No attempt has
been made to
relate the paper to
the assigned topic.
Most facts
presented in the
paper are accurate
(at least 60%).
Student devotes
some time and
effort to the writing
process but was
not very thorough.
Does enough to
get by.
There are several
factual errors in the
The paper is a little
hard to follow. The
transitions are
sometimes not
Ideas seem to be
randomly arranged.
A catchy beginning
was attempted but
was confusing
rather than catchy.
The solution to the
problem is a little
hard to
Most references
are presented
properly and sited
correctly (at least
No attempt was
made to catch the
reader's attention in
the first paragraph.
No attempt was
made summarize
the paper, in the
last paragraph.
Student devotes
little time and effort
to the writing
process. Doesn't
seem to care.
No attempt was
made to present
and properly site