CHURCH FAIR NEXT WEEK 21 JUNE 10am at the Weston Hall

21 JUNE 10am at the Weston Hall
The Weston Church Fair is NEXT WEEK!! For the meat stall we are asking
for donations to cover the cost of one sheep which is $120. If you can help
please contact Duncan and Evelyn Taylor, 431 2789. We are planning for
another successful fair. Thank you to all.
Cupcake decorating competition clarification: "Individual entries must be the
sole work of the entrant" applies to decorating only. The cupcakes themselves
can be baked by others, like clever family members  For details see notice
on Weston board or contact Church office.
Monster Mystery Surprise Hamper to be Auctioned!
Donations of surplus unwanted new items (eg unwanted gifts etc.) would be
greatly accepted for the Hamper! (no foodstuffs) If you are able to assist please
leave the items with Sylvia before 17 June...there will be a box in the Church!
Many thanks, Debbie & Colin (Conveners)
More information? Phone Colin, 434 3452. Cell 027 781 2979
Come along to Tangibles for a working bee at 1pm on
Friday 20th June to make posies and arrangements to
sell at the fair. We always have a great afternoon
putting these together. We also need flowers
and greenery which can be dropped off to Tangibles
in the morning. If you have some colour in your garden, we would love to put
any flowers you have to good use. Contact Claire 434 6112
For stall holders and those that bring items for the Church Fair, the Weston
Hall will be open from 4pm until about 6pm on Friday 20th June and on
Saturday from 8am onwards.
Small Groups/ Prayer Groups
1st & 3rd Wed
2nd & 4th Wed
2nd & 4th Wed
4th Wed
4th Fri
1st Sun
Women’s Insight, Marilyn 027 334 7873, 10 Stour St., 6pm
Prayer Walk, Nancy, 4 Avon St., 8.45am, 434 7086
Kevin & Sharyn’s, Reidston 7.30pm, 439 5141
Uwe & Sylvia, 7.30pm, Weston, 434 9066
Women’s Bible Study 10am, Mavis, 439 5459
Men’s Group, Mark Johnson, 7.30pm, Weston Church
APW at Columba 7.30pm
Friday Friends Weston Foyer 10am, Office 434 7293
Columba Church Prayer Group at Columba 9.45am
Sunday 15th June 2014 – TRINITY SUNDAY
9am Weston
10.30am Columba
“One God, Three Persons??”
Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13: 11 – 13; Matthew 28:16 – 20
10.30am Weston
“Finding God in the Darkness”
Jeremiah 29: 11 – 14; II Corinthians 4: 5 - 10
Isaiah 45:3 (NLT) And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret
riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the
one who calls you by name.
Parish Clerk:
Children & Youth
Nancy Parker
434 7293 (office) 434 7086 (home)
Bev Rodwell
432 6766
Nicki & Paul Botting 027 363 5000
434 7293 (office)
Graham & Susan Clark 434 5586
Bob Avis
434 7667
Envelope Secretaries Debbie Caldwell
434 7293 (office)
Pat Avis
434 7667
Church Office
Sylvia Grasmueck
434 7293 (office)
Debbie Caldwell
434 7293 (office)
“At Waiareka-Weston, we are a Church for everyone, sharing God’s love in Christ, to all”
“God’s light on the Hill”
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please enter bulletin notices before Friday 11.30am to office,
Bulletins also available at Weston 4Square. Further notices on notice board or on the wall
planner. Please let the Church office know if you would like the Bulletin emailed. Office times
10 - 3pm Wednesdays and Fridays.
Weston Community Church
Dear friends,
Last Sunday was Pentecost; the coming of the Holy Spirit was celebrated. Today is Trinity Sunday
when we celebrate the three persons in the Godhead.
Parents & Preschoolers meet next Thursday 10am at the Weston Church. Morning Tea
provided. All warmly welcome. For info contact Elizabeth 431 7752
One of the most important truths taught by the Bible is that there is only one God. Because there is
only one God, our highest duty is to worship Him alone. What can we say then of the Son and the Holy
Spirit, whose divinity and equality with the Father are found everywhere in the New Testament? What
is the practicality of the Trinity in our everyday lives? Did you know that the word Trinity is not found in
the Bible?
The character of God is more complex than we can readily understand but what is wonderful is that
within the Godhead is all the practicality we need for everyday living. The New Testament writers had
unquestioning faith: “Our master, Jesus Christ, is on his way, He’ll show up right on time, his arrival
guaranteed by the Blessed and Undisputed Ruler, High King, High God. He’s the only one death can’t
touch, his light so bright no one can get close. He’s never been seen by human eyes – human eyes
can’t take him in! Honour to Him, and eternal rule! Oh yes. (1 Tim 6:15, 16.) Msg.
At the Weston 10.30am service today Sharyn and Ron share on a very interesting topic. I put their
key verse on the front of the bulletin today. I want to encourage Weston folk today as next Sunday is a
Youth led service with Brad Kelderman (the Synod Youth Advisor) speaking. Youth led does not mean
a Youth service. The 10.30am service is not just for Youth but it is a service for everyone led by our
Young people. Brad brings a wonderful message and the young people need our support and
encouragement as they lead worship.
May God bless you all richly this morning and through the coming week.
If you have a prayer matter for yourself or others, please telephone
Judith Perry, 434-5917
Calendar of coming events
Tue 17th Jun Property Managers 7.30pm
C Parish Council 7pm
Thu 19th
Parents & Preschoolers 10am
Mon 16th June Good Companions 1pm
Thu 19th
Fri 20th
Worship Group 7.30pm
Friday Café 12.15pm
Tue 17th
Tue 17th
Music & Movement 10am
Property Managers 7.30pm
Fri 20th
Fri 20th
Sat 21st
Kids Club 3pm
Main Street Youth 6.30pm
Church Fair 10am
Thu 19th
Fri 20th
Choir 4pm
OTT 7 - 8.30pm
Friday Café: at Midori, cnr. Ribble/Humber St., every Friday in June, 12.15 -1.15pm. All
Main Street Youth next Friday 20th June, ” Regressive Dinner” Meet at 6.30pm at MSY
Headquarters, Weston Church. Cost $5. For further info contact Nicki 027 363 5000.
Next Saturday 21st June calling all MSY to help at the Church Fair with the BBQ and
firewood at 10am
If you can help at the North Otago Youth Support Ribble St Youth Centre Friday evening
(shifting furniture) or Saturday afternoon(cleaning) please contact Lyndon McLay 0272217159
Wanted “Little Golden Children’s Books” and old crayons for a craft at Kids Club. See Nicki.
Missing from Church wooden colonial highchair. Please return if you know the
whereabouts. Thank you.
Lost at Church black rimmed glasses. If found please contact Church office.
Wanted: If you love books we are looking for someone to take care of the Church library.
Items for Santi & Luz There is a box in the Weston Church foyer for items to be sent to Santi
and Luz, friends of Robert & Meri Gonzales. Stationary, colouring pens etc welcome.
Do you enjoy a cuppa after the Morning service? Would you consider to help with Morning
Tea? We desperately need more Morning Tea Servers after the Weston 10.30 service. Also
we are very short on Church Cleaners this time. If you would like to serve Christ this way
please let Sylvia know. Also the Welcoming Roster is due for renewal at the end of June.
Please advise Sylvia of any changes.
Lambaerobica The first class will be held on the 19th of June, Thursday from 6 til 7 pm at the
Salvation Army Hall, 255 Thames Street. The class will cost NZ$ 5.00. If you think you have
no coordination, no sense of rhythm, can't shake like a latino, and hate exercise but need to
do it.... then this is the class for YOU. I'll be teaching you the steps and tricks to be able to do
all those moves. YOU CAN DO IT!! And YES, it can be FUN too!! Please send me a text
message so I can put your name down and have an idea of how many people are coming.
See you there Sandra, cell phone 021 213 9328 .
Weston Duty Elder for June: Andrew Paisley
Next week 22nd June:
9am Weston & 10.30am Weston: Brad Kelderman, Youth Advisor, Presbyterian Church,
9.30am Columba at Eveline Church, Ken Baker