Irresistible Fiction

Doing What the Best Authors Do to Make Your Novel Sell
Victoria Mixon, Author & Editor
SFWC 2016
Do you ever wonder why readers become addicted to an author, buy the all of the
author’s books, become passionate fans—and whether you can be an author like that?
These three secrets make or break every novel. They're easy to learn, but most new
writers don't know them or how to use them. Bring your manuscript and/or ideas and
be prepared to walk out with a story to knock your socks off.
Handouts and free ebook of Secret Advice for Writers.
You will learn:
#1: Impossible Choice—Make Your Character Addictive In 3 Clear Strokes
Understand Your Genre Reader
Plug into Their Deepest Needs
Use Their Own Addictions
#2: Train Wreck—“Grow Plot Out Of Character” In 3 Simple Steps
Plot toward Your Genre Climax
Pull Out of the Station on Parallel Tracks
Merge the Tracks
#3: Survival—Why Readers Read Genre Fiction
To Learn Something They Don’t Already Know about Survival
To Be Reassured that Life Is Worth Surviving
How the Reader Chooses Their Favorite Genre:
Thriller/Mystery/Suspense (top-selling genre)
Romance (top-selling genre)
Other Genres:
Fantasy (including Paranormal & Dystopian)
Commercial Fiction
Children’s Fiction
Literary Fiction
Mixed Genres & Subgenres
Victoria Mixon has been a writer and editor for over thirty years, editing bestsellers
and award winners. She is listed in the Who’s Who of America, and her blog, Victoria
Mixon, Author & Editor,, is a Top 10 Blog for Writers and
Writer’s Digest 101 Best Writing Blogs. She has taught fiction through Writer’s
Digest and the Mendocino Writer’s Club. Her books include Art & Craft of Writing
Fiction, Art & Craft of Writing Stories, and Secret Advice for Writers.
Fee: $79 for attendees, $99 non-attendees.