April 2015 - Sunset Village

Sunset Village Community Association
Madison, WI 53705
Meeting Minutes – Final
Minutes distributed April 8, 2015
Date of Meeting: March 19, 2015
Meeting Location:
Madison Sequoya Branch Library
4340 Tokay Blvd
Madison, WI 53711
Ken Raffa, President
Brian Andersen, Treasurer
Josh Arnold, Secretary
Jenni Briggs
Marge Hamacher
Sue Reynard
Peter Krug
William Cross
Vaughan James
Susan Smith
Tim Gruber
Paul Dreifus
Karen Nuber
Diane Peltin
Ulrike Dieterle
Liz Vowles
Liz McBride
Cindy Grindeman
Steven Siehr
Richard D. Crabs
Carolyn Ridgely
Kay Michaelis
Bruce Michaelis
Susan Savage
Mary Allen
Roger Kruk
Andrea Kruk
Fred Clark
Kerry Schumann
Lindsay Koth
Ashley Bruckner
Luke Bruckner
Mary Norton
Steve Yuroff
Robert J. Hart
Alex Saloutos
Anne Badey Raffa
Barb Gerloff
Chris Schmidt, City of Madison District 11 Alder
Eric L. Dundee City of Madison Department of Public Works, Engineering Division
Meeting brought to order 6:33 p.m.
Sign up sheet was circulated and introductions
Call for Adjustments to Agenda: none
Approval of Minutes: revised minutes from the December meeting approved, no
Report: Community Orchard at Lucia Crest: Brian Andersen
 $2,000 grant to plant fruit trees – Apple trees, cherry trees, shrubs
 Volunteers are welcome on Saturday April 18 around 10 am at Lucia Crest
 Possible rain date on Sunday April 19
 Please bring a shovel
New Business:
Sunset Village Neighborhood 5-yr Construction Planning (Eric Dundee, Guest)
Contact information for guest:
Eric L. Dundee, P.E., Principal Engineer
Department of Public Works, Engineering Division
City of Madison
Information is available online at:
You may also register for project update emails through the website above.
Please see handouts for additional details.
Purpose of the Project
 Replace asphalt roadway
 Install curb and gutter to reduce shoulder erosion
 Replace backyard sanitary sewer and water main
Location of Work (maps available
 Hillcrest Dr (Midvale to Glenway St)
 Hillcrest Circle
 Owen Dr (Mineral Point to Hillcrest)
 East Sunset Ct (Mineral Point to Hillcrest)
 Westmorland Blvd (from Mineral Point to Hillcrest)
 Hammersley Ave (Westmorland to Larkin)
 Standish Ct and Alden Dr (from Hammersley to Hillcrest)
 Glenway (from Mineral Point to Regent)
 Ross and Zwerg (from Glenway to Franklin)
Project Planning and Engineering Update
 Vaughn Court removed from 5-year plan
 Back yard sewer and water main replacement on Hillcrest Circle and Glenway
Street has been removed from schedule
 Rain garden eligibility, county grant for rain gardens in 2015
 Coordination has begun with contractor for private relocations on Larkin Street
 S Owen Drive construction starts at the beginning of April
 Possible Westmorland intersection reconfiguration
Neighborhood Construction Schedule
Source: City of Madison Engineering Public Information Meeting handout 3/19/15
Addition of Curb and Gutter
Source: City of Madison Engineering Public Information Meeting handout 3/19/15
Overview of Areas with Backyard Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Relocation
Note that the shaded area on the map around Hillcrest Circle was removed due to
engineering assessment of existing bedrock depth in the area.
Source: City of Madison Engineering Public Information Meeting handout 3/19/15
Project Background:
 This area was identified due to old infrastructure – many roads in this area were
rated at 6 or below on a scale of 1-10. 4 or below is a gravel road.
 Primary reasons are flooding, poor quality, sanitary sewer or water main issues.
 With proposed curb and gutter improvements, a model shows that the
improvements take out approximately 70% of phosphorous that is currently going
to the lakes for this watershed area.
 Additional project background information distributed in a meeting from October 2,
2014 is available on the City of Madison website:
Planning for 2016 projects:
 Public meetings to happen this end of summer or early fall
 Public notice for the meetings, SVCA will help distribute information
 See map above or website for proposed locations
 Engineering will attend future meetings to update neighborhood on planning and
What happens to existing sewer and sanitary for locations?
Existing sewer and sanitary is not removed, but the city will not take them out. The city
plugs the existing systems.
Neighbors interested in environmental design options for streetscape, curb and gutter.
Example of Shorewood Hills streetscape is an example that might be of interest on Alden
and Hammersley or other locations.
Do property owners receive notice if a surveyor is working in their backyard?
City contracts with surveyors to mark backyards. Concern that property owner wasn’t
informed that a surveyor was in their backyard. Request for notice of surveying. Contact
City of Madison engineering if you have a complaint about a surveyor.
A property owner is currently planning a landscaping project at their location that will be
part of the construction project in the future. Should the property owner continue with
their landscaping project? City engineering would recommend holding off on landscaping
until the construction is finished.
Can we remove the blue flags from the area?
Yes, property owners can remove blue flags.
What if contractors are working prior to 7 a.m.?
Contact Engineering Division if you see contractors working prior to 7 a.m. or have other
questions or concerns.
Could the neighborhood property owners get a checklist from City Engineering to outline
the key action items that they must take if their property is part of the curb and gutter or
sanitary sewer area?
Yes, City engineering will work on that. Property owners can also contact City
Engineering for specific questions. Our guest Eric Dundee is willing to return to a
subsequent SVCA meeting in the fall to discuss more questions and give another update.
What about the grants for Rain Garden?
Before, a property owner pays $400 and the city pays for the rest of the installation, no
maintenance. City won a grant – now only costs $100 for the property owner.
View the map of qualified rain garden locations: Owen, Westmoreland, Standish, Alden
(see map above) or email Eric directly. City will send letters about rain gardens to eligible
property owners. Property owners should generally wait until curb and gutter construction
is complete before seeking to install a rain garden, but the city could look at a specific
location to consider installing rain gardens earlier than curb and gutter construction
completion. The city seeks to avoid damaging rain gardens during curb and gutter
construction. Notify the city now of your interest. It is never too early to express interest,
but once construction starts, it is too late to notify of your interest. Please see attachment for
a map of possible Rain Garden locations from City of Madison engineering.
Rain Garden maintenance (Liz McBride)
People may be interested in helping to maintain rain gardens at eligible locations, even if
the property owner is not able to do so.
Hillcrest – traffic engineering and Westmorland and Hillcrest intersection.
What can a property owner do to ask for traffic management or traffic calming
Neighborhood owners must sign a petition to notify traffic engineering of interest in traffic
calming, using link below:
Water/sewer steps for property owner:
1) City notifies property owner of relocation.
2) Property owner must coordinate and pay for relocation with approved contractors
3) City reimburses property owner for costs. Reimbursement requires proof of
payment to the contractor. The city will work with property owners to make timely
reimbursement payments. Property owners will be billed the year after
construction completes. Financing may be available from the City of Madison if
Summary: (Ken)
SVCA would like to obtain the following information from the Engineering Department:
 Checklist for property owners (contractor, reimbursement)
 Information about rain gardens
 Environmentally friendly curb and gutter constructions
 Stay in touch with SVCA and return to an SVCA meeting
Continuing Business: Accessory Dwelling Units: Ken Raffa, Ulrike Dieterle
Committee: (Ken Raffa, Ulrike Dieterle, Brian Andersen, Jenni Briggs, Jason Valerius)
Committee made recommendations in January 11, 2015 letter to Ald. Chris Schmidt and
Matt Tucker. Please see the letter for recommendations.
Group discussion regarding committee’s recommendations for ADUs.
City of Madison Midtown Police District (Ken Raffa, Sue Reynard)
West Police District building design: Peter Krug, Sue Reynard
Demolition of current building in 2015. Design and construction in 2016-17.
Informational meeting scheduled for April 6, 2015 at Queen of Peace at 6:30 pm.
Information about the project is available on the City of Madison’s website:
Proposed SVCA resolution regarding the Midtown Police Station (Sue Reynard)
(Please see handout dated 07 March 2015 for additional detail)
1. Favor design features that optimize the feeling of safety and security of the
2. Favor designs that minimize any detrimental impact on the quality of life of the
surrounding neighborhood
3. Favor designs that minimize negative environmental impacts
4. Favor exterior designs/landscaping that are consistent with the “neighborhood in a
forest” characteristic of Sunset Village, as highlighted in our Neighborhood Plan.
Resolution approved.
Announcements & Reports
Madison Police Department – Neighborhood Liaison Officer (Ken Raffa)
 The neighborhood liaison officer for 2015 is Officer Sam Brier, 5086. His phone is
608-575-9026. His work hours are 2 pm – 10 pm or 3 pm – 11 pm.
Friends of Hoyt Park (Ken Raffa)
 Thanks very much to Cheri Swenson for her excellent work in keeping SVCA in
contact with Friends of Hoyt Park. Cheri’s volunteer term is coming to completion.
A thank you card was passed around the meeting and will be sent to Cheri.
 Anne Raffa has volunteered to be the new liaison.
Upcoming Social Events: (Josh Arnold)
 Lucia Crest Orchard planting April 18 (Brian Andersen)
 Make Music Madison – June 21 (Tim Gruber)
 Neighborhood garage sale – weekend of July 25 (Amanda Moss)
 Ice cream social – August 15 (Brian Andersen)
 Hillside Terrace Block Party – TBD (Josh Arnold)
Treasurer’s Report (Josh Arnold)
 Brian Andersen reported that the SVCA bank account balance is $6,375.33.
Newsletter: (Liz Vowles)
 The next deadline for submitting to the SVCA newsletter is April 12.
Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan: (Ken Raffa)
 Ken notified the group of the University Hill Farms Neighborhood Plan and
circulated a copy of the executive summary of the plan. The plan is available online
at: www.cityofmadison.com/planning/universityhillfarmsplan/
 Please see handout for additional details.
Update on Intersection of Mineral Point Rd & Midvale: (Ken Raffa, Ald. Chris Schmidt)
 Construction of left turn lanes scheduled for mid-June and to be completed by
Labor Day 2015. Some utility relocation in April 2015.
 The project manager is Chris Petykowski – 267-8678 or
 Information is available online at:
 Please see handout for description of intersection and proposed work.
Suggestions for future meeting presentation topics:
 Inventory of trees or plaque in Sunset Village
 Rain Gardens/Friends of Lake Wingra
 Emerald Ash Borer
 Pedestrian safety (specific to Mineral Point & Midvale)
 Transportation Study
Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Josh Arnold, SVCA Secretary