Health and Safety FAQs

Explorer Health and Safety FAQ v2012.3
Explorer Health and Safety FAQ
1. What are the California state immunization requirements for preschool?
To attend preschool, children must have immunizations outlined below by age. Parents must
present their child's Immunization Record as proof of immunization. See for complete details.
Age When Enrolling
18 months–5 years..........
Immunizations (Shots) Required
3 Polio
4 DTaP
3 Hep B
1 MMR, on or after the first birthday
1 Hib, on or after the first birthday
1 Varicella (chickenpox)
2. What if my child does not have all the required immunizations?
The law allows (a) parents/guardians to choose exemptions from immunization requirements
based on their personal beliefs, and (b) physicians of children to choose medical exemptions from
them. The law does not allow parents/guardians to choose an exemption simply because the
"shot" record is lost or incomplete and it is too much trouble to get to a physician or clinic to
correct the problem. Please contact the Explorer Health and Safety Chair directly at to address specific questions.
3. Is a Tuberculosis test required for the parent working in the classroom?
4. I haven't gotten my own TB test done, should I turn in my paperwork anyway?
No, please turn in all paperwork together. If scheduling a doctor’s appointment for the TB test is
delaying the submission of the paperwork, please consider getting the test done at a walk-in
immunization clinic such as the Travel Clinic in Santa Clara.
5. Does my doctor have to fill out the Adult Health Screening form, or can I just submit my TB test
The Adult Health Screening form (LIC 503) includes two sections: 1) a general health screening, and
2) a Tuberculosis test. Both sections must be completed and performed and signed by qualified
physician or physician’s representative prior to submitting the form to the school.
6. My TB test is positive. Can I still work in the classroom?
If you have a documented positive skin test, you must have an initial chest radiograph (X-ray). After
that, you still need to be screened every four years. You must present a certificate from a health
provider stating that you are free from communicable TB or have your chest radiograph repeated.
Explorer Health and Safety FAQ v2012.3
7. My spouse might work in the classroom occasionally. Does he need a TB test also?
An adult may work in the classroom one time before it is required to have the Adult Health
Screening form on file.
8. My older child attended Explorer four years ago. Do I need to get another TB test?
Yes. The TB test result is valid for four years. Documentation of an up-to-date TB test must be
9. Do I have to list other emergency contacts or can I just list myself and my spouse?
Please list at least one outside contact besides yourself and your spouse.
10. Do I need to look over the form that the pediatrician fills out, or should I assume it is complete?
The pediatrician is responsible for filling out the Physician’s Report (LIC701). You should verify that
the physician has 1) included the vaccination record, 2) checked the TB test results box, 3) signed or
stamped the form.
11. My husband is travelling and cannot sign the tuition contract, should I send it to the school
Please do not submit incomplete paperwork. It will simply be returned to you to be completed.
12. Do you really need my child's pediatrician's address and phone number?
All sections of each form must be completed. If you choose not to provide information, please
indicate that you are intentionally skipping an entry. Incomplete forms will be returned to you to
be completed.
13. I'm thinking I should maybe not date every form, is that ok?
Please complete the forms and double-check all entries. Incomplete forms will be returned to you
to be completed. Children cannot attend school until all forms are received and complete.
 Please remember to sign and date each form. The forms cannot be accepted otherwise.
 The Tuition Contract must be signed by both parents. Please turn it in with both signatures.
 If you are a returning family and your child is currently enrolled in Together Time, you will need to fill
out each and every form in the registration packet.
 If you are a returning family and your child is currently enrolled MW2, F2, T/TH, MWF, the following
forms are on file and do not need to be resubmitted (Physician’s report, Adult Health Screening,
LIC613A, LIC995).
 A tuberculosis test is required to be on file for any adult working more than once per year in the
classroom. The TB test is valid for four years before it expires. If you are not sure when your TB test will
expire, please contact and we can look it up for you.