Parent - West Edmonds Co

West Edmonds Cooperative Preschool
October Parent Meeting
Date: October 22, 2011
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: WECP Classroom, Melody Hill Center Room 9
Minutes Recorded By: Cindy Goergen, West Edmonds Cooperative Preschool Secretary
In Attendance: See Parent Attendance Sheet (not included)
Next Parent Meeting: Wednesday, November 16th, 2011.
1. Submit any Read A Thon pledges by Friday, October 21st.
2. Deadline for selling Chinook Books is Tuesday, November 1st.
3. Glazed and Amazed coupons available soon for purchase from your class fundraising committee
4. Submit reviews of our preschool online. Links in the October newsletter.
5. First Aid/CPR class tentatively scheduled for November 12th. Cost is $18 and will be
approximately 7 hours long.
6. Utilize the Parent Resource Center! Hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 2:30.
7. Print your roster and keep available in case of school closure.
8. Campus Cleanup Saturday, October 22nd.
10. KIDS NOT TO HAVE GUM IN CLASS, Parents are asked to lead by example.
11. Keep kids and siblings off play structure during pick up and drop off.
12. Please limit phone and texting in classroom for emergency use only.
Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m.
Elizabeth welcomed everyone to the meeting. Prior to the class parent meetings, representatives from
the school district spoke to us about how our preschool is used for kids in the district who have been
screened to be in their early childhood program. It was very informational. Ask Teacher Connie or Miss
Margo for any questions or necessary referral paperwork.
1. Approve Meeting Minutes – Elizabeth
Leslie Wilkie made a motion to approve the April Parent Meeting Minutes as written.
Allison Croft seconded. The motion passes.
Mary Kate McDermott made a motion to approve the September Parent Orientation Meeting
minutes as written. Anne Lombard seconded. The motion passes.
Anne Skaar made a motion to approve the September Parent Meeting Minutes as written.
Carlene Urrutia seconded. The motion passes.
2. 2’s Class – Kim
The class had a field trip to The Farm in Snohomish on Tuesday. Enrichment has started. A new
family is being welcomed and oriented into the class.
3. 3’s Class – Tina
The class had a field trip to Fairbank Farms in Edmonds. Enrichment is also starting. We have a
full class!
4. 4’s Class – Jake
The 4’s field trip to the pumpkin patch at Fairbank Farms in Edmonds was really fun. The kids
were really involved and listening to the Farmer who led the tour. Enrichment has started. The
kids are really enjoying the drawing and the story telling in their class.
5. Teacher Connie Curriculum Updates – Connie
Teacher Connie reported that she has been bringing outside elements into the class room
including pine cones and bark. She will be bringing in pumpkins that the class will carve next
week. Most of the kids have separated really well from parents. Kids are interacting with each
other and each parent really well. The parents are interacting well with the kids.
6. Miss Margo Curriculum Updates – Margo
In the 3’s class, the kids are spending more time in areas and getting more involved with details.
In 4’s class, the kids are expanding on imaginative play. The farmer’s market theme in the
dramatic play area has launched dramatic play. Next month both classes bulletin boards will
have “thankful trees” on them and the kids will add leaves every day with things they are
thankful for.
7. Parent Educators – Nat, Jannie and Kate
Nat reports the 2’s are doing wonderful. Parents are getting down on floor and playing. The
kids are managing some sharing and taking turns. They are still having a hard time with the
outdoor cars in terms of sharing and waiting for a turn.
Jannie reports a smooth day today in the 3’s class. She feels the kids are making great
transitions. They are picking up and helping to clean up. They have good social skills emerging
with sharing and taking turns. Empathy was the topic of discussion in the class meeting tonight.
She is seeing empathy in the kids.
Kate reports that everything is good in the 4’s class. She feels the classroom is really fun. She
reported that the kids are great thinkers and making connections and extending the play. The
kids are making relationships and getting what it means to be a part of a team. She is seeing
more impulse control and waiting for their turns.
8. Treasurer – Allison
Allison reported that we all should have gotten the email with the monthly financials. She
reports that we had a financial review that went well. Last month we had professional
development expenses for the teachers. Allison reports that writing one check for multiple
things to the preschool is fine, just please write a note showing the breakout of the payments.
Thank you for paying tuition on time!
9. Registrar – Lisa S.
Lisa reports there are 15 kids in the 2’s class. There are 16 kids in the 3’s class and there are 15
kids in the 4’s class.
10. Fundraising – Mary Kate
The Read A Thon went well. The kickoff was great! Thank you Anne Lombard for a great
afternoon! It was a good balance of “adult talk” of why reading is good and having free reading
time for the kids. Please have all your pledges collected by Friday, October 21, 2011.
There is less than 2 weeks to go for Chinook Books. Sell them!
The Glazed and Amazed fundraiser will be November 1st to November 23rd. There are three
choices for your coupon purchase. You may purchase a plate, coffee mug, or sun
catcher/ornament. As of November 1st, each class will get coupons. Members will buy through
the class fundraiser representative. Last year, each class organized a play date, which was fun.
These can also be done individually. All items need to be created by November 23rd. $5 per
coupon purchase goes towards your fundraising obligation. Each plate and mug sell for $15 and
the sun catchers sell for $17. These make great gifts! You can sell coupons to your friends as
well. The play date organized by your class fundraiser coordinator.
11. Marketing – Lisa P.
Thank you to those who wrote online reviews. If you didn’t get one done, but want to, the links
are listed in the newsletter!
12. Risk Management - Jennifer
There is a sign up sheet for the First Aid/CPR class. It is tentatively scheduled for Nov 12. The
class will last about 7 hours. The cost is $18 for the class and all the money goes to the Red
Cross. This is a great deal! Thank you Dan for donating your time to teach!
Immunization records have been changed. If you waive immunizations, the form must be signed
by a primary care provider’s office. This is a new requirement mandated by the state.
13. Newsletter– David
The October newsletter was emailed out this week. It looks great!
14. Parent Resource Center – Elizabeth
The Parent Resource Center is available to us through FLED at EdCC. Families can go and check
out toys, games, puzzles, big toys, parachutes, etc. It is located on our campus! The Center is
open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 2:30. Please use this center! The more we use it,
the less likely it is to be cut in budget cuts.
15. School Closure Policy - Jake
Our school follows Edmonds School District snow closure policies. If ESD announces that classes
are cancelled for the day, we will not have school. If they have a late start, our morning classes
will be cancelled but the 4’s class may happen at Miss Margo and the Coordinator’s discretion.
The class roster is your phone tree. If you get the call you must call the next person below you
on the list. If you don’t talk to a person, leave a message and then move to the next person. You
must keep calling down the list until you reach a live person. Please print the phone roster and
keep it by phone as in the event of a closure, the power could be out and you may not be able
to access your computer to use the roster! 
16. Snack Policy and Procedure – Leslie
Leslie reviewed that we are a no nut school! There has been some discussion on dairy. It is okay
to bring dairy. We do need to watch when kids are sensitive. Leslie pointed out the allergy list.
Placemats now have alerts on the them. When kids are in a big group, kids get excited, which
increase the risk of choking. Parents need to be on alert for this risk. If kids get up from the
table, we need to ensure that they do not have food in their mouths or in their hands. There is a
great resource on the Children’s Hospital website for healthy snacks for kids. Part of the snack
experience is experimenting!
17. Campus Cleanup Day – Cindy
Antonio Juarez, father in the 3’s Class and owner of Juarez Landscaping has graciously
volunteered to lead a group of volunteers in beautifying our campus. Risk Management has
concerns regarding the safety of the field behind the school. It has garbage and broken glass
present. The teachers would like to utilize this space more. We need a lot of volunteers to help
make this day a success. We will blow the bark back to the play structure. Antonio will do some
light pruning of bushes and blackberry elimination. We would also like to edge the walkways
and weed whack the weeds along the fence lines. We have extended the invitation to the 2
daycares on campus as well as Mountlake Terrace Coop. Bring your family and friends to help
out! We will meet from 8 to 12 on Saturday, October 22nd.
18. Reminders – Elizabeth
Not hot beverages in the classroom. Keep all drinks on the back counter or top shelf out of
reach of the children.
Texting! Please limit your texting or phone use. It is distracting to the children if you are
constantly using your phone.
If you are having a hard time staying engaged, utilize the cards on the walls. Also, please help
direct kids with clean up.
There is a no gum policy in the preschool for 3’s and 4’s class. We also ask that the adults lead
by example, and not chew gum as well.
3’s and 4’s parents are asked to stay outside until class is over. Please keep siblings in our
covered area and not on the play structure as it disrupts the other classes.
19. Adjournment – Elizabeth
Tina Soubeih made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Carlene Urrutia seconded the motion.
The motion passes. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.