Critical and Literary Theory Question Grid


Critical and Literary Theory Question Grid

Critical theories were developed as a means to understand the different “ways” people read the world. Literary theory grew out of critical theory as a way for people to understand literature. The question grid is helpful for your to recognizing what theory or lens you are using when you ask specific questions.

Reader’s Response Feminist/Gender Social Class Critical Race Theory

Examines the relationship between the text and the reader (you!) personal reactions, how the reader creates meaning

 What am I thinking as I read?

 How do I feel about what I am reading?

 What personal characteristics, qualities, or elements of my personal history might be relevant to how I read this text?

 What properties of the text(vocabulary, sentence length, punctuation, structure, etc) affect my reading or response? Why?

 What meaning did I find in the text?

 Why am I reacting in a certain way (positively or negatively) to the text?

Examines power, gender, and how they interact

Examples: Gender roles, how different genders are portrayed, etc

 How are women portrayed or represented?

 How are men portrayed or represented?

 How are the relationships between men and women shown?

 What are the power relationships between men and women?

Which gender has power?

 How are female and male roles defined?

 Do characters take on traits of the opposite gender at any point?

Examines power, social class, and money in order to show social injustice. Based on the theories of Karl Marx

 Who benefits if the text is accepted or believed?

(those with money, those without money)

 What is the social class of the author?

 What social classes do the characters represent?

 What values does the text support?

 What values does the text criticize?

 How do the characters from different classes interact, communicate, or conflict?

 How do the more powerful characters hold the other ones down?

Examines how people of different races are portrayed

 What races are represented in this text?

 Does this text portray any stereotypes?

 Is this text “good” for people of color?

 How does the text portray people of color?

 Does this text exclude people of color?

 Does this text silence people of color?

 Is this text historically accurate?
