Fire Mountain Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes—April 20th

Fire Mountain Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes—April 20th
Members present: Dave Henrichsen, Danny Lee, Lynn Strub, Jason Walter, Cari Burdette, Kari Nelson
Meeting began at 7:08pm
Review of mintues—Danny moved to accept minutes as drafted, Lynn seconded, motion carried. Because of low
attendance at the meeting, a discussion over whether or not a quorum was present ensued. It was determined that
a minimum of five voting members did constitute a quorum.
Membership report—Cari will e-mail Dave a list of dues paid members. Dave has had success in updating
members’ contact information through e-mail, and plans to follow up with letters to those members who have not
responded with updated information. Lynn found a free on-line database that Adam will do beta testing with to
determine whether this is site would meet the association’s database needs. The major concern regards security of
Treasury report—Currently we have a balance of $19,630.87 + $5000 in CD. Steven will look into rates for
CD’s and other investment methods.
Merit Badge Extravaganza—510 scours registered for total of 1095 attempted badges; 391 badges were
completed. Concern over the number of partials will have the MBext committee looking over possible reasons.
Question was raised over whether the timing of the event and Easter may have had a negative impact on
attendance for the second weekend. Also need to reconsider options for collecting fees; gathering feedback from
scout leaders and staff. To be discussed in committee.
Dave is drafting a letter to the advancement chair outlining the FMSAA’s assurances that the event is well quality
controlled. He will send a draft to the board for feedback. Dave will also e-mail Kirsten to get a copy of the list
of registered merit badge counselors in the council.
Approximate income and costs from event are as follows:
+$4606 in fees + additional money collected at the event (not mailed) and lunch sales
-$524.12 in printing costs, $75 in merit badge books, & untallied amount for pizza dinner and muffin breakfasts.
Website—no report
Trail—Russ and Brian made progress on the historical trail after the merit badge event. OA is interested in
continuing work on the trail during their next event.
Museum—no report
Patch sales—Alex is willing to help with this project. Danny will follow up with Steven and Alex to determine a
direction for the project.
Scholarship—Jenny will get information on Connor McMillan’s school and his mailing address so that his
scholarship check can be written and sent. Applications for the next round of scholarships are now available and
were given out to some individuals at the MBext weekend.
Staff Area Improvement Project—members present were not sure what had been accomplished over the MBext
weekends but speculated that the last cabin may now be complete. Need to confirm with Ed.
Review of events at camp planned for the summer
 Jim will confirm Alumni day at camp with Jordan—June 27th. Association to provide dinner and s’mores,
and work to find former area directors to spend some time with this year’s area directors that day for planning
tips, etc. Dave will remind Jim of the Alumni Association’s stipulation that green jackets purchased with
FMSAA funds will bear the Fire Mtn. logo, not the council camps logo. Need to get something in newsletter
to advertize alumni day.
 Dave will call Jim Ross to confirm date for waterski party—August 8th. No further planning necessary at the
 Pie night—July 22nd (Happy Birthday Cari!)
 Christmas—July 29th
Paypal—no report
Staff gift—Cari will bring in catalogs next meeting
New business—Dave would like to spend money allotted to uniform bank now during BOGO sale.
Jonathon Dippold is graduating from Air Force Academy in May. Dave will write newsletter blurb.
Lynn moved to adjourn; Cari seconded; meeting ended at 8:00ish
Next meeting May 18th