Digestive System Foldable

Fold your papers like your teacher shows you.
Ingest & chew food
Mechanical Digestion- chewing
Chemical Digestion- amylase- a special
chemical called an enzyme that breaks
starches into sugars
Transports food from mouth to stomach by
way of peristalsis.
Breaks down food and soaks it in acid (gastric
juice) to begin digestion of Proteins.
Coated in a thick mucus to protect itself from
its own acids.
When there is a hole in this mucus, the acid
burns a hole in the stomach called an ulcer.
*Accessory Organ-food does not travel here,
but it participates from the side lines.
Digests nutrients
Sends chemicals to appropriate places in the
Filters waste out of the blood!
Stores vitamins and
*Accessory Organ
Collects waste from the liver
Makes bile – which helps digest fats!
*Accessory organ
Produces juices that aid in digestion
Delivers these juices to the small intestine
Received food from the stomach
Extracts chemicals and nutrients through
blood vessels in the villi (finger-shaped
structures attached to the intestine wall)
Soaks up water and
solidifies waste (makes
Removes waste from the
Cleans intestine by
moving indigestible food
(fiber) through them to
remove waste.
If too much water taken
out = constipation
If too LITTLE water
taken out = diarrhea
Removes solid waste from body.