Coordination & Subordination

First, a few definitions!
Coordination – the organization of different things or
activities enabling them to work together effectively.
“Co-” is a prefix, meaning: Together with, mutual
“Ordin-” comes from Latin, meaning “order”.
Subordination – the organization of things or
activities into different levels of importance.
“Sub-” is a prefix, meaning: At a lower level or
position – below
Coordinating Conjunctions
For And Nor But
Or Yet
Coordinating conjunctions connect
words, phrases, and clauses.
I like tea and coffee.
I like tea, coffee, milk, and juice.
I like tea, coffee, milk and juice.
Coordinating Conjunctions
Use a coordinating conjunction when you want to
give equal emphasis to two Independent Clauses.
Ind. Clause ,
Coordinating Conjunction
Ind. Clause
I might go to graduate school after college,
or I might decide to find a high-paying job.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Use a subordinating conjunction when you want to
give unequal emphasis to two or more ideas.
Ind. Clause
Subordinating Conjunction Dependent Clause
I went swimming even though it was raining.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Use a subordinating conjunction when you want to
give unequal emphasis to two or more ideas.
Subordinating Conjunction Dependent Clause
, Ind. Clause
Even though it was raining, I went swimming.
Subordinating Conjunctions
As if
As long as
As much as
As soon as
Even if
Even though
In order that
Now that
So that
Please correct the faulty
coordination/subordination in the following
I applied to Tsinghua University,
and I was rejected.
I applied to Tsinghua University,
but I was rejected.
The weather in March is cold and rainy, and
sometimes it is warm and sunny.
Although the weather in March is cold and rainy,
sometimes it is warm and sunny.
Grandpa often walks twenty minutes to my home
and carries my favorite dishes in a basket.
Grandpa often walks twenty minutes to my
home, carrying my favorite dishes in a basket.
Mr. Wang dropped the Qing vase and he broke it
and the museum made him pay 2000 yuan.
Because Mr. Wang dropped and broke the Qing
vase, the museum made him pay 2000 yuan.
The museum made Mr. Wang pay 2000 yuan for
the Qing vase he had dropped and broken.
He heard that the children were safe and sound,
and he breathed a sigh of relief.
Having heard that the children were safe and
sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that
the children were safe and sound.
The exam was over, immediately the children
rushed out of the classroom, and they laughed
and shouted joyfully.
Immediately after the exam was over, the
children rushed out of the classroom, laughing
and shouting joyfully.
My cousin phoned yesterday and he asked me
how my first week of college had been.
My cousin phoned yesterday to ask me how my
first week of college had been.
The search party was leaving, but they heard
some noise in the pit.
The search party was leaving, but then they
heard some noise in the pit.
The search party was leaving when they heard
some noise in the pit.
Those pears are grown in northern Hebei
Province and the climate there is most suitable
for them.
Those pears are grown in northern Hebei
Province where the climate is most suitable.
My sister and I looked at each other, and we
didn’t say a word and then decided to give our
parents a pleasant surprise.
My sister and I looked at each other and,
without saying a word, we decided to give our
parents a pleasant surprise.
With a quick knowing glance at each other, my
sister and I decided to give our parents a
pleasant surprise.