Alexander*s Terrible, Horrible, no Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

In your writing journal, answer the following questions:
1 . What was new and creative with how JUDITH VIORST
described Alexander’s horrible day? (Literary devices)
2. Sum up the idea in one simple sentence.
3. List three details that show NEW thinking about the idea.
(Not your same old boring bad day).
4. List details that draw upon the five senses (sight, touch,
taste, smell, hearing).
In your writing journal, write the Main Idea of the story.
As details (support) are shared with you, write a list of what
happens to Alexander that supports his main idea. Do not use
complete sentences; just list them
Working with a partner, review your list of Alexander’s day.
Group the details into what might be a paragraph and write an
introductory statement for each paragraph.
Ex: “I hadn’t even been up an hour and I already knew it was
going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.” – Allie,
Aimee, and Mikayla (A3) ** Showing the grouping of the first
set of details: Morning
How many do you have?
Wakes up with gum in hair
Tripped on a skateboard
Dropped sweater in sink
No toy in cereal box
Squished in the car
Teacher didn’t like picture
Sang too loud
Forgot 16
Lost best friend
No dessert in lunch
Cavity at the dentist
Elevator closed on foot
Fell in mud
Caught punching brother
Sneakers without stripes
Messed up Dad’s office
Lima beans for dinner
Kissing on TV
Bath too hot
Soap in eyes
Marble down the drain
Railway PJs
Nick took back pillow
Night light burned out
Bit my tongue
Wakes up with gum in hair
Tripped on a skateboard
Dropped sweater in sink
No toy in cereal box
Squished in the car
Teacher didn’t like picture
Sang too loud
Forgot 16
Lost best friend
No dessert in lunch
Cavity at the dentist
Elevator closed on foot
Fell in mud
Caught punching brother
Sneakers without stripes
Messed up Dad’s office
Lima beans for dinner
Kissing on TV
Bath too hot
Soap in eyes
Marble down the drain
Railway PJs
Nick took back pillow
Night light burned out
Bit my tongue