Common Core State Standards vs. Old IL Learning Standards

Common Core State Standards vs.
Old IL Learning Standards
Common Core State Standards
Old IL Learning Standards
Reading for Information Standard 1:
6th Grade
RI.6.1: Determine a theme or central idea of
a text and how it is conveyed through
particular details; provide a summary of the
text distinct from personal opinions or
Goal 1 –Reading: Middle School
1.C.3d Summarize and make
generalizations from content and relate
them to the purpose of the material.
Common Core State Standards vs.
Old IL Learning Standards
Common Core State Standards
Old IL Learning Standards
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Goal 6 –Mathematics K-3
Standard 2: Kindergarten
CC.K.OA.2 Understand addition as putting IL.K-3.6.B.1 Solve one- and two-step
together and adding to, and understand
problems with whole numbers using
subtraction as taking apart and taking from. addition, subtraction, multiplication and
Solve addition and subtraction word
problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g.,
by using objects or drawings to represent the