SAME SEX MARRIAGE Lucas Mtimkhulu INTRODUCTIONS Same sex marriage is the marriage between people of the same sex. Man marries another man=gayism Woman marries another woman=lesbianism They are homosexual couples. It is a great threat to the family and institution of marriages. The topic is inevitable as the Scripture is undermined. DEFINITIONS Another word for “gay” is homosexual. Lesbian is a female homosexual. As an adjective “lesbian” may also describe a sexual and/or romantic relationship between two women. Homosexuality is defined as a deficit in the child’s ability to relate to the parent of the same sex in general (coupled with) a corresponding drive to make good the deficit- through the medium of same sex or homosexual urges. FOUR DISTINCT STAGES There is a change in behaviour. There is increased self-esteem. There is a deepening same-sex relationship. There is also the discovery of the heterosexual or complementary-sex relationship. LEGALISATION It is true that it has been legalised in S.A. If same-sex marriage is legalised then people can marry their pet. Words like “husband/wife” “mother/father” are meaningless This means there is no more adoption. No consideration is given to birth of babies. GOD’S WORKMANSHIP. Gen 1: 27- Created in the image of God. Male and female He created them. Not male and male/female and female. He commanded them to be “fruitful”. Male and male cannot be fruitful. Female and female cannot be fruitful. Male + female=multiplication. WHAT IS VERY GOOD? Compare Gen 1:25 with Gen 1:31 After the creation of plants and animals He said “It is good”! After the creation of male and female He said “It was very good”!! Very good because it was male and female and not male and male or female and female. WHO SAID IT? Genesis 2:18-25 The Lord God said it, no one can change it. Rev 3:7 “It is not good”-The Creator speaking. “I will make him an helper comparable to him…” Animals were brought…to no avail! WHAT A PLAN! Since no helper comparable was found, God came up with a plan…Jer. 29:11 He came up with “…thoughts of peace not of evil…for the future (creation) and hope. “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep…” That was the first operation conducted by God Himself. Adam responded positively. GOD’S FIRST OPERATION “He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place…” Wow! And He made a woman (He equiped her with a womb) and took her to Adam. Adam acknowledged her (maybe the drug was still on) “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…” “She shall be called woman… for a reason” A WOMBED MAN! Womb + man= wombed man in short woman i.e a man with a womb. Adam gave her the name woman because he saw a womb in her. Reason for the name “…because she was taken from a man.” “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife…” INSEPARABLY LINKED! Mat 19:4-6- So they are no longer two…(of the same sex)…but one (of different sexes) “…what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Don’t separate (put asunder) man from woman. “Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate His art by cutting them apart.” (The Message) WHAT A DISTORTION! (Jer.29:11) Homosexuality, fornication, adultery and prostitution are all in the same group. God came up with a “plan” for sex. Animals decided to obey God’s plan. Man decided to go his own way and defy his maker. This is a distortion of the Maker’s plan! SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Gen 19, 2Pet 2:7, Jude2 “The men…said; Where are the men that we may know them carnally?” (v4-5) Lot said “Please, my brethren, do not do so wickedly!” (v7) Lot said “I have two daughters…you may do to them as you wish…” (v8) “Only do nothing to these men…this is the reason they have come under my roof.” “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you! Escape to the mountains (Calvary)!!. (v17) GOD COMMANDS! Lev 18:22 “Do not lie with a man as with a woman, that is detestable.” Mark 7:20-23 All these evil defiles a man! Mat 5:27-28 You better cut it off! We have to quote the whole Bible for clarity! Lev 20 Penalties for breaking the law! PAUL’S VIEW ON HOMOSEXUALITY. Rom1:18-32 Watch out “The wrath of God!” (v18) They changed the glory of the incorruptible God. (v22) They dishonour their bodies among themselves. (v.24) They changed the truth of God for a lie. V25 Lesbianism and gayism. (v26-32) HOMOSEXUALS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD 1 Cor.6:9 “Do you not know?” “The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” “Do not be deceived!” Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers and extortioners are all in one basket! WHY HIV AND AIDS? It is not necessarily a direct judgment from God. It is, but a devastating consequence of sin. It is as a result of sinful behaviour. JESUS’ SILENCE. His fulfillment of the law is recorded in Mat 5:17-19 Adultery in the heart. Mat 5:27. Homosexuality is the only exception for divorce.. Mat 5:31-32. His teaching on celibacy. Mat 19:11-12 HOMOSEXUALITY AND DEMON POSSESSION It is caused by demons which still exist today, hence the existence of problems. A person can be demon possessed. In Greece: daimonizomai= demonized. They can invade a Christian’s life. Hammond says there are 53 types of demons. HOMOSEXUALITY AS CONDUCT DISORDER An impediment of psychosexual development. This is a sign of undeveloped aspect of their personality. Homosexual behaviour and homosexual orientation. Biblical passages: Deut 23:17, 1Kings 14:24;15:12, 2Kings 23:7. Not genetic. Dysfunctional family relationships. Sexual abuse, incest or gay lifestyle. HOMOSEXUALITY AS AN ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE A homosexual Christian? Caused by discrimination by society and church. The different cultures and periods of time. Some churches accepts them and allow them to worship God. The Christian gay theology. The gay pastor? IS THERE A CURE OR TREATMENT? For the demonic possession, the cure is spiritual and instant. Change is possible through the grace and the power of God. For the emotional and/or psychological origin, the cure would be psychotherapeutic For a lifestyle, there is no reason to be cured. THE FOUR STAGES OF HEALING 1.CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR The first step is change in behaviour. It will produce a new perception of who you are. Gen 4:6-7: “Why are you angry for your brother?” A complete cutting off of all associations with gay friends. Eze 33:11,14,15: Obedience is very important. Making these first steps can be traumatic but God is faithful if only we obey. 2.SELF-ESTEEM Establish self-esteem for yourself. Remove the guilt of the past. The love of God embraces you. See the love , grace and forgiveness of God in your life. Accept yourself who you are. Learn to see yourself as God sees you. ESTABLISH SAME-SEX FRIENDS Establish good friendship with good friends. It is needful to heal the hurts of the past. Forgive those members that were hurt and ask for forgiveness from those you have hurt. After the heal achieve full health. ACCEPT THE REALITY Accept the reality about the heterosexuality. This can only happen when the same-sex need has been addressed. After accepting yourself as a member of the same-sex gender then attraction from the opposite sex will begin. THE SOLUTION Jer. 8:22, Jer. 46:11 Is there no balm in Gilead? Why then are the daughters of my people not healed? Go up to Gilead and get a balm for the healing. All else will be in vain. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world…”