Is Jesus the Only Way to God?


Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

Jesus’ Most Controversial Claim

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the

Father, but by Me.” John 14:6

Three Great Myths

About Christianity

Myth #1: All religions are basically the same.

- all spiritual paths lead up the mountain to God

- all religions essentially teach the brotherhood and sisterhood of men and women and the universal Fatherhood of God.

Other religious leaders say...

“Follow me and I will show you how to find the truth.”

Jesus says, “I am the truth.”

“Follow me and I’ll show you the way to salvation.”

Jesus says, “I am the way to eternal life.”

Other religious leaders say...

“Follow me and I’ll show you how you can become enlightened.”

Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.”

Other religious leaders say...

“Follow me and I will show you many doors that lead to God.”

Jesus says, “I am the door.”

“Follow me and I’ll show you how you can find spiritual nourishment.”

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.”

Then Jesus said, “So, follow


World religions - all based on the idea of people DOING something to earn the good favor of God.

-Tibetan prayer wheel

- go on pilgrimages

- give alms to the poor

- avoid eating certain foods

- pray in certain way

- series of reincarnations

All are attempts of people to reach out to God.

Christianity: God reaches out to people in Jesus Christ

- we are all guilty of wrongdoing

- our wrongdoing separates us from God

- Jesus volunteered to be our substitute

- when we receive His sacrifice we are reconciled with God

All other religions are spelled “DO”

Christianity is spelled


Other Major Differences:

Christianity says there is one God

Hinduism says everything is God

Islam denies that Jesus was God

Buddha was non-commital about the idea of God

Three Great Myths About


Myth #2: All religions have equal claims on the truth.

Christianity is only as valid as any other religious system. You have your truth. I have my truth.

They are both equally true.

How do we know Jesus was telling the truth?

Reality: Only Jesus backed up His claims with unique credentials that gave Him unique credibility.

Jesus’ Unique Credentials:

1. Jesus fulfilled ancient prophecies

2. He validates His claim by

His unprecedented character

3. He validates His claim by performing miracles

4. Jesus fulfilled His own prediction of His resurrection

Three Great Myths About


Myth #3: Christians are arrogant when they say that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Agree if there are many ways to get to heaven and we are just saying, “Ours is the best.”

Reality: It is not arrogant to act upon the evidence.
