American Imperialism

A Journey into How the United States
Become an Imperial Power
can explain the economic and cultural
factors that shaped American foreign policy
at the turn of the 20th Century
will be able to analyze and compare the
actions of the United States between 18961909 to action of the United States between
 When
a stronger country takes over an area
through economics, politics or military
 By
1900, it was a global trend
 European
nations were colonizing Africa
 By
1900, British Empire controlled a quarter
of the world’s land and people
 Japan
joined Europe in competing for control
of regions in China
 United
States wanted new markets for their
 In
the late 1800s, the United States was
developing a modern navy and wanted to
gain naval based abroad to protect the
nation’s interests
 The
belief by some that American culture
was superior and should be spread to other
regions—extension of Manifest Destiny
 America
wanted to be like Europe and Japan
in gaining control of lands beyond the
borders of North America
 By
the end of the 1800s, there was a desire
for the United States to extend their imperial
power into such areas as Hawaii, Cuba and
the Philippines
 Late
19th Century, Africa was the focal point
for European expansion—considered before
that as the “Dark Continent” because the
interior was virtually unknown
 Britain,
France, Belgium, Italy, Germany,
Portugal, and Spain desired to gain resources
from Africa and create new markets for their
 By
early 20th Century, only Ethiopia and
Liberia remained independent in Africa
 Great
Britain expanded into Africa and Asia,
coining the phrase, “The sun never sets on
the British Empire”
 During the reign of Queen Victoria (18371901), Britain built an empire that included
one quarter of the world’s land and people
 Europeans
avoided war through diplomatic
agreements that resulted in dividing Africa
 Nations
claimed land for colonies, then
signed treaties with each other to reserve
areas for colonies
 Mid
1800s, Germany and France called for a
conference to discuss African colonization
 14
European nations and the United States
met in Berlin, Germany in 1884
 Nations
agreed to respect each other’s prior
claims for colonies in Africa
 Agreed
to establish rules for future colonial
 First
international agreement on imperialism
in Africa
Late 19th Century, Japan had political reform
from feudal order to a central government
modeled after European nations
Japan believed that a strong military would
increase industrialization by obtaining raw
materials in other areas
Japan joined in the competition with Europe for
control in China in the 1890s
US watched other nations in the 1880s and 1890s
gain economic success and had a desire to
expand trading opportunities with China
 Extension
of the old belief of Manifest
Destiny, which had pushed people from the
Atlantic to the Pacific
 With
the closure of the North American
frontier, by the 1890s, many Americans
supported the idea to expand beyond its
borders for economic growth
 United
States wanted to join in the economic
competition with other industrialized nations
 United
States by 1900 had a strong naval
belief in the racial and cultural superiority
of people of English descent
 By
the end of the 19th Century, technology
increased the ability of American farms and
factories to produce more items
 Production
was more than Americans could
consume, so America needed new markets
 With
increased production, the United States
needed to find more raw materials for its
factories and new markets to sell the
manufactured goods
Belief in the Imperialist view of increased foreign
trade would solve the issues of overproduction and
economic issues such as employment and the
economic depression of the late 1880s
Senator from Indiana, he was a strong imperialist
Advocated obtaining new territories for
economic gains
“Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of
the world must and shall be ours….We will
establish training-posts throughout the world as
distributing points for American products…Great
colonies governing themselves, flying our flag
and trading with us, will grow about our posts of
 Exports
had total $234 million at the end of
the Civil War, increased to $1.5 billion
 Exports
exceeded imports to produce
favorable balance of trade
 Favorable
balance of trade led to American
economic power
Admiral Alfred T. Mahan, president of the Naval
War College advocated a strong American
military expansion
Mahan’s book, The Influence of Sea Power Upon
History, 1660-1783, stressed the need for a
strong navy to defend the peacetime shipping
lanes, which would increase America’s economy
could grow
Mahan believed the United States needed to
strategically locate bases in areas such as the
Caribbean where its fleet could refuel and urged
to develop a modern fleet
 Urged
the United States to construct a canal
across the Isthmus of Panama
 Increase
desire to acquire Hawaii and other
Pacific Islands as naval bases and economic
Between 1883-1890, US built 9 steel-hulled
After the construction of the Maine and Oregon,
the US developed the world’s third largest navy
 Cultural
factors justified imperialism
 Social
Darwinism: a belief that free-market
competition would lead to the survival of the
fittest—emphasized racial superiority
 Social
Darwinism viewed that it was the US
responsibility to spread Christianity and
civilization to the world’s “inferior” people
 Not
only racial superiority was encouraged,
but this belief supported the idea of defining
civilization by one culture’s standards
 Believed
imperialism as a threat American
Anglo-Saxon heritage based on moral and
practical concerns in imperial practices
 Nothing
justified American domination over
other countries
Constitutional protections were not granted to
newly acquired territories claimed by the US
Maintaining a military large enough to enforce
American influence and protect newly acquired
territories was too high
Cost of new territories prohibited American
economic growth
 The
Americans: Reconstruction through the
20th Century. McDougal Littell