Uploaded by Felipe Dematei

Mini Course PDF 1

Most of the people reading this are dropshipping. What is
dropshipping? It’s just a shipping fulfillment model. That’s it.
It has NOTHING to do with how you build your store, the theme
you use, how you set up your ads, your creatives, your offer or
whatever else.
This is the biggest mindset change that you can do which will
separate you from others in the space.
You’re simply not holding stock yourself and your supplier, agent
or manufacturer is shipping your product(s) out for you.
I'll talk about this more in the Product Research PDF but choosing
the right product for you to sell is probably one of the biggest keys
in success. Why?
Because almost everything in ecommerce comes down to
marketing in my opinion. How can you sell and market the product
to the right audience? How can I market this product better,
different or special? Is there anything I can bring new to the table
for this product within the niche it’s in?
The other 90%+ of dropshippers are just choosing trending or
“winning products” they found on pipi ads or whatever. The reality
is a winning product is only a winning product IF the person
behind that product knows how to make it a winner.
Ecommerce With Michael | Ecom Optimization Discord
That’s exactly why you see like 20+ people selling the same
product but only 1-2 people actually succeed with that product
because they most likely did their market research, have better
creatives, better offers, better store and other aspects that can
include experience/knowledge. Those 18-19 other people will go
back in a circle trying to find the next and newest trending product
to sell and repeat the cycle again.
Dropshipping is not testing a bunch of products and hoping you
find a winner. So whenever you hear someone say that it takes X
amount of products to find a winner or you should be testing X
amount of products a week or a month then they are simply
yapping and spreading bullshit information to gullible people.
Yes, all you need is one product so why spend your time and
money trying to find a winner rather than try to find the best
product you think or know you would have the most success with.
I’m sure the majority of people want to create and build something
long term like a brand and not always be going in a circle.
When you choose your product, you want the product itself never
to be the problem or to blame for.
I always hear people say “the product is the problem”. However I
like to say that pretty much any product can be a “winner” with the
right offer/marketing/creative and optimized site to convert the
traffic and the person behind it.
Ecommerce With Michael | Ecom Optimization Discord