PrE 6 Accounting for Special Transactions Genevieve A. Cadornigara, CPA, MMBM Course Objectives: 1. Solve problems by applying the appropriate accounting principles and recognition criteria in accounting for partnership formation, operations, dissolution and liquidation. 2. Discuss the accounting process for joint arrangements. Course Objectives: 3. Apply the revenue principles in accounting for installment sales and construction contracts. 4. Account for franchise operations. Class Schedule: * BSA 3A * Monday and Thursday 5:30 to 7 pm * BSA 3B * Monday and Thursday 7 to 8:30 pm Course Topics (tentative schedule): 1. Partnership: Basic Consideration and Formation 2. Partnership Operations PRELIM 3. Partnership Dissolution 4. Partnership Liquidation 5. Joint Arrangements MIDTERM Course Topics: 6. Accounting for Installment Sales 7. Accounting for Long Term Construction Contracts 8. Franchise Accounting FINALS Reference: Performance Evaluation: COC Grading System: Term Grade = 50% Exam + 50% Class Standing Class Standing: • 25% Quizzes • 25% Recitation/Assignment/Seatwork/Project/Term Paper/Research Paper/Other Outputs Note: Passing rate for all activities, quizzes, assessments is 60%. Final Grade Evaluation: Computation of Final Rating: Final Rating ꞊ (Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Final Grade) / 3 Note: Passing rate for all activities, quizzes, assessments is 60%. Class Attendance: 1. Attendance will be checked (F2F or online). 2. In case of absences due to medical reason: Medical Certificate will be presented on the next class meeting. 3. In case of school activities, a letter from the organizer is required to justify the absence. Expectations from Students: 1. Attendance (F2F or online) 2. Active participation discussions; during class 3. Listen when lecture is ongoing or when a student is being asked to answer; Expectations from Students: 4. Respect each others answers; 5. Submit assignments and others tasks given; 6. Follow the University rules & regulations; 7. Pass the quizzes and exams. Reminders: 1. Be on time; 2. Raise your hand if you want to go out for some personal necessities; 3. All gadgets in “SILENT” mode during classes; Reminders: 4. During quizzes/exams, ONLY test papers and calculators will be on your desks. 5. Eating snack is allowed during classes but be discreet and remain focus. How to contact the teacher: Messenger: TenJab Dorm Email: Thank you and to a productive semester ahead of us!