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Group Project Guidance: Presentation & E-Report Prep

Guidance for Preparing Your Group Project
Prepare your team’s PowerPoint presentation
The total slide show should be no longer than 45 minutes so make sure that you can
narrate your portion of the project in 45/(# of team members) minutes.
Once your group is comfortable with the presentation, then e-mail it to me:
susan.wozenski@umaryland.edu. I will post it to the Blackboard for your classmates to
review by 10:00 am on the day your presentation is scheduled.
Along with your PowerPoint presentation, please send your project abstract and
presentation learning objectives and these will be posted as well.
Each student in the class will also provide written feedback for your group on the
comment sheet attached in Blackboard on the day of the presentation.
When all of the presentations are completed, on May 10 you will rank the
presentations. I will compile the votes and announce the winner of the best
presentation to the class.
Guidance for Preparing Your Group Project
Prepare your team’s E-Report that includes the following files:
Learning Objectives
Presentation Outline
Powerpoint Presentation
Work Log for Group
Copies of Data Collection Instruments
List of Persons Contacted or Interviewed
Group Dynamics (can be e-mailed)
Due May 10, 2023