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Personal statement

Name: ALi Sabeeh
Course applied: Software Engineering
Looking back at my frustration with issues that I had with computers were all solved by very simple
solutions that made me very interested how this machines works and thankful I had the internet
which made look up at these problems and how solve when I was 12-13yrs old I used to modify and
edit my cousins gaming console which what made think fun and mystery. An from then I just started
wondering how far you could go with computers and what places it will took us.
the A-levels I chose to study helped me both myself and my understanding of my subject. Physics
helped me who parts of computers work like electricity topic helped me. Maths helps me develop
my logic which is essential for programming and solving problem And grinding with maths helps me
prepare with hard programming sessions and I am also a strong communicator and team worker. I
understand the importance of collaboration in software development and am always excited to
work with others to create the best possible outcome. I am confident that I have the potential to
make a positive impact
I am interested in applying for the role of Customer Assistant with your company Lidl as an A Level
student who tries to spend more of his time productively by Either helping himself and his family or
other people by applying to this job I'm going to help others by ensuring your customers get best
experience and have the easiest time in your stores and to make sure as team of customer assistants
that your stores are clean, well-organised and well-kept. And beside my love for Lidl as a brand and
their products, I would like to part your growth and push the business forward. Once in the holidays
I worked with my father for 4 days in the store he used to work in, so he started directing me to do
certain tasks like unpacking stock and helping him to place them on shelves that I was too short to
reach. I really enjoyed the team working aspect and neatness aspect and enjoy the range of Lidl
offers in day-to-day work of customer assistant very much suits me and my likings and enthusiasm.
Ready for the Wonders and challenges I will be faced during this experience.