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1to1 CDP Assignment

Patient Name: Jane Doe
Patient Number: *outpatient facility, was not assigned*
Date of birth:
Admission Date: *outpatient facility*
Date of Evaluation: 03/01/2023
Type of report: Comprehensive exam
Attending provider: Dr. Allen
Psychiatric Evaluation
Identifying Information: Jane Doe is a 65-year-old African American female referred by her
primary care physician, presents with bipolar manic symptoms (racing thoughts, grandiosity, and
risk-taking behaviors). She lives in Hahira, Georgia, with her husband (whom she has been
married to for 20 years) and ten-year-old son. She does not work, drives her appointments, and
can care for herself. Positive history of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations.
Estimated Level of Intelligence: She is of average level of intelligence based on her
Chief Complaint: “I came here because the doctor told me I talk too much and that I am busy in
everyone’s business. My bitch niece said I busted in her house and been driving around town and
I got a speeding ticket for nothing”.
History of present Illness: Jane doe has experienced a distinct period of abnormally and
persistently elevated, expansive, irritable mood and abnormally and persistent increased activity
and energy that has lasted more than one week and presents nearly every day. During this period
she has shown the following symptoms: inflated self esteem/grandiosity, decreased need for
sleep, more talkative than usual with pressure to keep talking, flight of ideas/racing thoughts, and
distractibility. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social
functioning yo necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others. This episode is not
attributable to the physiological effects of a substance. She denies any auditory or visual
hallucinations. She denies suicidal or homicidal ideations, intentions, or plans.
Past Psychiatric History: She states she did partake in self harm to her wrists when she was 16
years old. She has been hospitalized 4-5 times in her life, states “those motherfuckers kept me for
10 whole days”. Her most recent hospitalization was 5 years ago. States Dr. Allen called the
sheriff to have her admitted to the psychiatric hospitalization. Was once prescribed lithium and
states that lithium gave her “shakes and tremors”. Also used to take Depakote but did not enjoy it
because it made her gain 50 pounds.
Psychiatric Review of Systems:
Mood: increased irritability, decreased need for sleep, spending sprees, increased energy
and activity, flight of ideas.
Anxiety: denies
Thoughts: denies auditory and visual hallucination, grandiose delusions, flight of ideas,
loose associations
Family History: Mother has Bipolar disorder. Unknown of any others.
Medical History: Anemia. Had a c-section with birth of her son.
Current Medications: None
Psychotropic Medication Black Box Warning: I have discussed the above-mentioned
Medication regimen with the patient at length to include the diagnosis, target symptoms being
treated, the benefits and intended outcome of treatment, the risks, side effects of each
medication, known interactions with other medications and or foods, the alternative to the
proposed medication treatment and the possible results of not taking the recommended
medication. I have informed the patient that the medications dosages may need to be adjusted
over time through the tapering dosage to prevent any adverse effects. I made the patient aware of
the right to actively participated in treatment by a thorough discussion or medication concerns or
questions with the prescribing provider. The patient is aware of the right to with draw voluntary
consent of medication at any time unless medication in the treatment plan are required in a Court
Order. Medication education was conducted for each medication ordered. The patient voiced
understanding of the information presented and is in agreement with the planned medication
Lab Test Reviewed: None
Allergies: Lithium, Depakote
Social History: Attends pentecostal church. She was raised by her grandparents, ran away from
home when she was 12 years old. Her mom’s boyfriend raped her repeatedly starting at the age
of 5, causing her to no longer speak or have a relationship with her mother. She states that she
feels as if her mother knew she was being raped and chose to not do anything about it. She does
not have a relationship with her father. She has one sibling, a sister. She only has the one
marriage that she is currently in, she has a very health relationship. States her husband takes very
good care of her.
Developmental History: Does not recall any issues with mother’s pregnancy. Graduated highschool. Has a positive history of sexual abuse. Patient has no occupational history nor military
Violence History: History of violence to self. Cut self when she was 16 years old.
Substance Abuse History: None
Legal History: Denies
Trauma History: Raped by mother’s boyfriend when she was 6 years old.
Review of Systems:
Constitutional: No complaints
ENT: No complaints
Pulmonary: No complaints
Cardiovascular: No complaints
Gastrointestinal: No complaints
Neurological: No complaints
Musculoskeletal: No complaints
Renal and urological: No complains
Endocrine: No complaints
Hematological: Anemia
Skin: No complaints
All other systems reviewed and are negative.
Vital Signs: (Did not assess in evaluation, would have this done normally)
Work History: She does not work.
Mental Status Exam (With Diagnostic Impression)
She is casually dressed and ambulates with normal gait and station. Speech is clear and relevant.
She is oriented as evidenced by knows today’s date, time, place and current situation and able to
give me that information appropriately. Her thought processes are unclear, unorganized, and
racing. Her thought content was negative for suicidal homicidal ideations or any symptoms of
psychosis, paranoia, delusions or persecutory thoughts. She does have flight of ideas, no thought
blocking, no derailment or psychotic content. She denied auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory or
gustatory hallucinations. Memory was intact for recent and remote issues as evidenced by
recalling. She was not attentive with distractibility noted and interacted inappropriately during
this conversation. She has poor judgment and is in denial as she believes that does not need to
meet with a mental health care provider. Impulse control was inadequate based on her inability to
stay on topic and not bounce from topic to topic or interrupt. No psychomotor agitation or
retardation noted during the interview.
ADLS: She reports he is independent of all ADLs
Assets/Strength: General fund of knowledge, capable of independent living, great physical
health, she lives at home with husband and son.
Estimated Length of Stay: 5 days
Psychiatric: Bipolar Disorder Type I, PTSD, Acute stress disorder
Medical: Anemia
Stressors: Her child, her husband, her doctor, “talking to you”.
Substance abuse: None
Mental illness: Positive history
Descriptions of Attitudes and Behaviors Required to Change: She can benefit from
outpatient treatment, meeting with health care provider every two weeks. Informed her it would
be best to stay compliant with her medication to avoid possible hospitalization. She could also
benefit from individual psychotherapy to process her childhood trauma and rape.
Case Formulation:
Plans and Recommendations for Treatment: Informed Jane Doe of the risks of not staying
compliant with her medication and attending appointments. Prescribed Seroquel 50mg PO QHS
with a follow up appointment in two weeks. Informed her that she is presenting with Bipolar
Type l symptoms and went over why she meets the criteria. She does not need to be admitted to
inpatient facility at this moment. Will adjust medications as needed based on clinical responses.
Collateral information will be obtained as necessary. Laboratory test results will focus on
education and developing coping skills to deal with stressors.Greater than 50% of this time was
spent in counseling and coordination of care with this patient.
Short Term Goals: Stay compliant with medication(s), stay compliant with follow up
appointments, identify that she is having mental health issues.
Long Term Goals: Stay out of inpatient care, decrease manic episodes, recognize and cope with
triggers and stressors.
Erik Erikson with Rational: Based on patient’s age and situation Jane doe is in the Ego
integrity VS. Despair stage of life. “This stage takes place after age 65 and involves reflecting on
one's life and either moving into feeling satisfied and happy with one's life or feeling a deep
sense of regret. Success at this stage leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret,
bitterness, and despair” (Mcleod, 2023).
Signature of Practitioner
American Psychiatric Association. (2017). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders: Dsm-5.
Mcleod, S. (2023, March 29). Erik Erikson's 8 stages of Psychosocial Development. Simply
Psychology. Retrieved April 15, 2023, from https://www.simplypsychology.org/ErikErikson.html
Wheeler, K. (2022). Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse: A how-to
guide for evidence-based practice. Springer Publishing Company.