Uploaded by Cassidy Branch

Ad campaign

Hip Hop and Rap Involvement campaign
Get involved today!
Have Musical talent and want to share your storiy
and talent with the world? Sign up today for an
interview where we ask you to share your story
about the impact Hip Hop and Rap have had on you
and share some of your music with us so we can
help share your story and talent with the world!
Rationale #2
This ad campaign was created to help bring awareness to people's stories involving how Hip Hop
and Rap have positively impacted their lives and is offering them an opportunity to share their
talents and story with the world. Not only is this a positive way to bring awareness to how Hip
HOp and Rap have positively impacted peoples lives but is a way that people could also be able
to share how that genre has truly touched them. It would allow for new artists to be found and a
new meaning behind HIp HOp and rap and its impact on its listeners. The colors chosen in this
ad were picked to help it pop and draw attention to it. Additionally the use of the image of the
microphone was a way to quickly show that this ad was pertaining to music. I used only a few
words in this ad to get to the point quicker and prevent the ad from losing attention from people
due to its long length. The colors, length, and photo help to bring attention to this ad, get the
point across quickly, and reach out to new and upcoming artists for them to share their stories
and their talent with the world. The ad is a quick and easy way to draw attention and bring about
participants. By pushing for involvement and sharing of stories, people will not only be more
likely to participate but more people may be interested in watching and seeing the meaning
behind music. By including the spread of peoples stories and by playing one of their songs in the
interview, will help find new artists, share even more amazing stories and help bring newstars to
the light. This will help to show how meaningful and impactful rap and hip hop truly are to those