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The Domination
Michael Haines
Copyright © Michael Haines 2016
By Michael Haines
1. The Prison Of Sexual Deprival
GODLIKE CONFIDENCE………………………………………………………………. 4
TODAY…………………………………………….…………….…………………… 5
USING THIS GIRL-GETTING SYSTEM……………….…………….…………………. 17
2. The Conspiracy
FEMINIST QUOTES ABOUT MEN……………….…………….……………………… 19
II. THE FORCES THAT KEEP US ENSLAVED……………….…………….……………… 20
3. The Truth About Female Sexuality And What
Women Really Want
Step #1: Select A Target
YOU……………….…………….…………….…………….……………………… 47
ON YOU……………….…………….…………….…………….………………….. 51
Step #2: Project Desire
MEETING……………….…………….…………….…………….…………………. 68
ACROSS AS CREEPY OR WEIRD……………….…………….…………….……….. 74
YOU WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT……………….…………….………………………. 82
A GIRL GETS BITCHY OR RUDE……………….…………….………………………. 89
X. SEXUAL BODY LANGUAGE……………….…………….…………….…………….. 91
CREEPY……………….…………….…………….…………….…………………. 95
Step #3: Get Her Pussy Wet
CONVERSATIONS WITH WOMEN……………….…………….…………………….. 101
YOU WITHOUT HER KNOWING……………….…………….…………….……….. 105
YOU BY REVERSING THE POWER ROLES……………….…………………………. 108
THEM SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED……………….…………….…………….……….. 111
HORNY……………….…………….…………….…………….…………………. 114
NIGHT……………….…………….…………….…………….…………….……. 118
UNCONTROLLABLY WET IN SECONDS……………….…………….……………… 122
FUCK HER IN A PUBLIC PLACE……………….…………….…………….………. 123
FUCKED BY A COMPLETE STRANGER……………….…………….……………… 124
COMMAND……………….…………….…………….…………….……………. 128
Step #4: Neutralize Resistance
LIFE EXPERIENCE OF A HOT GIRL……………….…………….………………… 153
II. WHY WOMEN MUST TEST US……………….…………….…………….………. 154
HAS TO SLEEPING WITH YOU…………………………………………………….. 157
MUCH SHE TRIES TO RESIST……………….…………………………………… 164
Step #5: Make Her Chase You
TO YOU……………….…………….…………….…………….………………… 173
MINUTES OF MEETING……………….…………….…………….………………..
Step #6: Train Her To Obey
PLEASURABLE CONTEXT……………….…………….…………….……………… 181
BEDROOM AND OUT……………….…………….…………….…………….……. 182
IN REAL LIFE……………….…………….…………….…………….……………. 187
PUNISHMENT……………….…………….…………….…………….…………… 191
THE BASIC THEME……………….…………….…………….…………….……… 198
SAME DAY YOU MEET HER……………….…………….…………….…………… 205
TIME……..…………….…………….…………….…………….……………….. 206
CARE)……………….…………….…………….…………….…………………... 210
COMMAND……………….…………….…………….……………………………. 212
ORGASMS……………….…………….…………….…………….………………. 214
TECHNOLOGY……………….…………….…………….…………….………….. 222
THE INVENTION OF “SLUTS”……………….…………….…………….…………. 270
“Man is born free but is everywhere in chains.”
— Jean Jacques Rousseau
1. Do you feel sexually frustrated?
2. Does your appetite for sex exceed your ability to procure it?
3. Do you often feel inadequate, shy, or embarrassed in social
4. Does it ever feel like you’re invisible to women?
5. Do you masturbate regularly to online pornography, yet never
feel fully “satisfied” sexually?
6. Do you ever see a woman and want to approach her, but
suddenly you become paralysed with fear for no apparent
If you’re a healthy heterosexual male who cannot attract a
woman, you are in a prison. This prison is not made of steel and
concrete, but it is just as real, and just as soul-destroying, as an
actual prison.
Whether someone else put you in this prison, or you put yourself
there, does not matter. What matters is that for a man in prison,
there can be only one rational aim: to escape.
A kissless virgin
Several years ago, I had never been kissed. In fact, I had never
even been touched by a woman in a sexual context.
I went to a good school and seemed to have a bright future
ahead of me. But at the center of my life there was a black,
gaping hole: the total absence of women.
While my peers were having their first sexual encounters with
girls at dances and parties, I was sitting home alone, playing with
myself and crying.
I had never been on a date. I had never gotten a girl’s number. I
had never had a crush on a girl who “liked me back”.
Not even once.
It’s not that I lacked desire. I jerked off to porn every night and
every morning. I lusted after every pretty young thing in a
miniskirt. I had intense fantasies about bending over my female
teachers, classmates, and random girls I saw on the bus.
I stared at women’s bodies the way a starving homeless person
must stare at a family having Christmas dinner — pushing his
nose up against the glass from outside.
From bad to worse
At first, I thought I was just unlucky. Maybe when I got to college
I would have more success with women. Everyone gets laid in
college, right?
Not me. Instead I watched bitterly as everyone had fun except
me, and the girls I wanted got drunk and had casual sex with
other guys. But they never got so drunk as to want me.
As the years passed, things became worse, not better. I became
increasingly desperate. I would drink a fifth of vodka then go to a
park or the mall and try to talk to girls, hoping that one of them
would like me and become my girlfriend.
Mostly women just ignored me if I tried to say hi and quickly
walked away. Others would just look at me and laugh.
The breaking point
One night while laying in bed I just started sobbing
Oh please God, I prayed. Please help me find a woman to love so
I can stop being so lonely. I can’t go on like this anymore. I’ll do
anything I need to do — anything to get rid of this terrible pain in
my life and finally have sex with a woman after all these years. Oh
god please help me!
That night, something in me snapped. I decided that I was going
to figure out this “getting girls” thing or die trying.
The next day I bought a set of barbells and started training
religiously. I quit masturbating and watching porn, after reading
an article which said that not masturbating could make a man
more confident and outgoing by raising his testosterone levels —
which I soon found to be true.
I forced myself to be more talkative and friendly with people. With
the help of some basic online resources, I learned the
foundations of “game” (i.e. seduction techniques and social
The job
Most important, I started approaching women. Not haphazardly
like before — but systematically. I made it my aim to go out to a
bar at least 3 nights a week, and do 10 approaches per night.
I took all the emotion out of it. It was like clocking in to do a job.
Once 9pm hit, I put on a hoody, got on a train into the city, and
walked to a nightclub. Then I approached every woman I found
attractive — or tried to.
The goal was not to get laid. The goal wasn’t even to make
friends. The goal was simply to approach enough women that I
became desensitized to doing it.
I figured that if I did enough approaches and talked to enough
girls, eventually talking to girls would become as natural as tying
my shoelaces.
And that’s exactly what happened. Within about 3 months, I
could approach nearly any woman and keep my cool long
enough to get her phone number.1
At first, “approach anxiety” was a major struggle. I managed to more or less eliminate it
completely with a mixture of desensitization, habit, and a self-hypnosis technique known as the
“Swish Pattern.” Google it.
My success came in dribs and drabs at first, and for every date I
went on, there were at least a dozen girls who brutally rejected
me, gave me fake numbers, or flaked on plans.
Yet somehow the confidence I got from talking to women,
working out regularly, and not masturbating was starting to
compound like a snowball. My shyness had disappeared. My
social anxiety — gone. And my sex drive had gone nuclear. I felt
like a horny stag.
I was transforming, becoming more animalistic. Friends
complained that they could no longer hold a conversation with
me for longer than ten seconds without my eyes wandering over
the body of a supple 19 year old girl in the distance.
Then suddenly there’d be a Mike-shaped dust cloud where I’d
been sitting and when they looked around to see where I’d gone,
I’d be making out with the 19 year old in the corner.
The next two years were a blur.
A flash of bare leg.
A glimpse of peroxide blonde hair.
A teenage girl’s figure in yoga pants.
…and I was instantly “on”.
In set, everything slows down.
There’s only you and the girl in front of you.
Everything else melts away.
Your eyes are not an organ of sight — they’re a device for
projecting sexual tension.
Your mouth is not a hole to put food in — it’s a weapon for
disarming your target’s resistance.
Your body is not just a body — it’s an instrument through which
sexuality is expressed and made contagious.
A tanned brunette bent over a bed.
A blonde smiling shyly as she pulls her panties down in a
nightclub bathroom.
A black girl’s hand on my wrist as she drags me out of the bar.
Two co-eds making out.
A go-go dancer pulling me into a spare room away from the
An 18 year old girl rolling onto her front and raising her nude ass
in the air.
A dark-haired stripper unhooking her Victoria Secret brassiere to
get in the shower with me.
Pickup as art form
Within 18 months, I had slept with somewhere between fifty to a
hundred women, although I don’t keep count.
To paraphrase Donald Trump, I don’t seduce women for sex. I get
more than enough sex already from girlfriends, fuckbuddies,
friends with benefits.
I do it to do it. Seduction is my art form. Some people paint
beautiful pictures or write poetry. I like picking up girls. It’s how I
get my kicks.
Some like to jump out of aeroplanes. Some like to snort cocaine.
Other still like to start street fights, gamble millions on the turn of
a single card, or engage in extreme sports.
Well, I found an extreme sport which is better than all of these
put together. It’s called cold approach pickup.
And it’s more than just a way to score a hot piece of ass on
Saturday night.
It’s a new and better way of life.
What if I told you there is a way to
walk into any bar in the world and
leave with the hottest girl there in as
little as 15 minutes?
Probably you’d say I was pulling your leg. In which case, I would
bring you to the nearest club and say “Watch and learn.”
Or maybe you’d say that such a method might work only on
drunk or ugly girls.
In which case I would open my phone and show you pictures of
some of the women I’ve dated — including not only models and
exotic dancers, but also “girl next door” types, Ivy League
graduates, and high powered professionals who earn more in a
month than I make in a year.
At that point, you might say — “Well, this is all well and good for
you. But it won’t work for me. I’m different. I have limitations. I’m
ugly, I’m fat, and I smell bad. And not just that — but I’m on
welfare, I have alopecia, and I live in my mom’s basement despite
the fact that I’m 58 years old. So what do you have to say NOW,
Here’s what I have to say.
It is my belief that every man on earth — without exception
— can learn to be attractive to
I don’t believe this because it “sounds good”, or because I heard
it in some Disney movie. I believe this first, because of my direct
experience and second, because a cold and dispassionate view
of the facts allows for no other rational conclusion.
Consider the following:
(1) Every one of your direct male ancestors successfully mated
with a woman.
(2) Because our abilities are determined by our genetics, every
one of your direct male ancestors must have had the genetic
ability to attract a woman.
(3) Because genetics are passed on from generation to
generation, you must possess the same genes as your direct
male ancestors.
(4) Therefore, you have the genetic ability to attract women. This
ability does not have to be “put in you” artificially. It’s already
hardwired into every cell in your body my
by million of years of
(5) The only way for any of the above to be untrue is if you were
never born, and are therefore not reading these words right
now. But if you exist, then the above train of logic must
necessarily be correct.
You were built to dominate.
Inside your skull is a 200,000 year old machine designed to
conquer the surrounding environment, bend nature to its will, and
impregnate every fertile 19 year old girl within reach.
Like every other male animal on the face of this earth, your
Creator endowed you with an all-powerful, all-consuming
biological drive to FUCK.
God wants you to fuck. Nature wants you to fuck. Evolution
wants you to fuck.
Not just a little bit. But a lot. And not just with mediocre women.
But with beautiful women.
Within your DNA are encoded three primal, biological drives:
• The drive to have a lot of sex, and to fuck just about everything
that moves (Quantity)
• The drive to mate with the most beautiful women (Quality)
• The drive to fuck many different types of women, and to
regularly attract new and interesting sexual partners (Variety)
God Himself personally installed each and every one of these
drives directly into your biological software.
When you ignore them, spurn them, repress them, pretend they
don’t exist, or act as if they are in some way “wrong” — you are
quite literally spitting in the face of God.
How do you think He feels about that?
Aside: some of the atheists and agnostics reading this might be
uncomfortable that I’m talking about God, because they don’t
believe in Him. Trust me — after you’ve fucked your first perfect
10, you may find yourself re-evaluating that belief.
The paradox
If you already come “hard-coded” with a white hot desire to fuck
truck-loads of beautiful women, then why is it so damn hard to
approach a girl without shitting yourself?
With millions of years of evolution on your side, attracting a mate
should be easy. It’s literally what you were built to do.
Yet if you’re reading this book, your experience has probably
been the exact opposite.
Far from feeling natural, attempting to “seduce” a woman feels
like the single most awkward, embarrassing and un-natural thing
on the face of the earth.
So what in the hell went wrong with our species?
“Let me tell you what I see. I see a system that’s designed for
you to fail.”
— Coach Carter
The problem is that we live in a society that programs men to
be sexual failures.
No sooner does a male pop out of the womb, then he starts
having the following “lessons” drilled into his head:
• Sex is bad
• Girls don’t like sex
• Girls think boys like you are gross and disgusting
• Expressing your sexuality is creepy
• Looking a girl in the eye is rude
• Touching a girl is sexual assault
• Being attracted to a woman means you’re a perv
• Marriage is the only legitimate way to have sex
• Sex = disease
• Sex = unwanted pregnancy
• Sex = male oppression of women
• Sex = rape
QUESTION: Do you think it’s possible that if messages like these
are expressed to a child with enough force and repetition they
will eventually be accepted as true, and become lodged in his
subconscious mind?
Yes / No?
QUESTION: If yes, what do you think the effect of such
subconscious programming might have on the child once he
grows up to be a man and wants to attract women for fun, casual
sexual encounters?
Will it help him in his efforts?
Is it likely to breed in him a healthy confidence around females?
Or is it more likely to make him feel paralysing, unnatural fear
when he sees a woman he would like to mate with?
What do you think?
Zen Buddhism teaches that we’re born innately perfect, but are
corrupted by wrong and stupid conditioning, which leads us into
Nowhere is this more true than in the area of finding a mate.
As a man, you’re born fully equipped with everything you need to
attract women.
No one is born shy or socially disconnected. Remember being a
little kid? You walk up to someone and say “be my friend”, and
they say, “ok”. Now you’re friends.
In fact, when I was just 5 years old, I went up to every pretty girl
in my class and said, “Be my girlfriend.” I made 12 “girlfriends”
this way.
I even drew a picture with crayons of my 12 girlfriends standing
in a row holding hands. My parents thought it was funny.
I went through two decades of excruciating pain and struggle
trying to figure out which “seduction techniques” work — only to
realise that I pretty much had the game on lock at five years of
“Be my girlfriend.” “Ok.”
No shame
Young children have no shame or “social anxiety”.
The problem is: our parents and teachers teach us to have social
They tell us things that fuck us up and mess with our little brains.
Or, more commonly, we simply imitate them — and become as
fucked up as they are.
We’re not born being afraid to approach a woman. We learn it.
We’re not born thinking that expressing sexuality to a woman is
wrong, weird or awkward. We learn it.
We’re born free, yet somewhere along the way, we find ourselves
in chains.
Escape from Alcatraz
One day you look around, and realise you’re in a prison.
For some guys it’s a long dry spell they just can’t seem to break
out of.
For others it’s a breakup that just doesn’t stop hurting.
And for others still, it’s outright celibacy — involuntary virginity.
On our own, it is impossible to escape this prison.
The walls (made of our past experiences of pain and rejection)
are too strong.
The guards (our wrong beliefs formed on the basis of our past
negative experiences) are too cunning.
To escape this prison, you must have a map — an exact blueprint
of the escape route out.
Not just any blueprint — but a blueprint which has been
personally designed by a man who has already escaped himself,
and who therefore knows of the dangers that lie ahead.
What you hold in your hands is just such a blueprint.
With its help, you will escape the prison of sexual frustration and
you will arrive on the other side — a new and better world where
sex is abundant, women spread their legs on your command,
and getting a beautiful girlfriend is as easy as picking an apple off
a tree.
The blueprint is called The Domination Principle.
Its function — to reveal to you an exact sequence of behaviours
which will allow you to have sex with any woman you so desire,
and to do so within hours, not weeks, of meeting her.
Why the name “Domination Principle”?
It’s simple. I could have called this the Seduction Principle, the
Attraction Principle, or the Success With Women Principle.
But II don’t
I want Iyou
to you
And that is
don’t you
to succeed.
what the Domination Principle is here to show you how to do.
“I sell here, sir, what all the world desires to have —
— Matthew Boulton
The superempowered individual
Many books on success with women aim to turn their readers
into normal, well-adjusted men who can get a date.
Fuck that. I have no interest in “normal”. Never have.
My goal is not to create men but to create MONSTERS.
This is not a seminar. This is not a weekend retreat. Where you
are now you can’t even imagine what the bottom will be like.
You will not just change. You will mutate.
Your shyness will disappear. Your mind will become clear. Your
words will cut through resistance like a knife through butter. Your
eyes will become lethal weapons, capable of putting even
married women “in heat” if they make the mistake of getting too
Your room is going to become a revolving door of nubile 21 year
old girls. Your floor will be littered with panties.
You are going to need to get used to changing your sheets every
second or third day. You are going to need to buy a bigger bed to
have threesomes in. You are going to need to institute a “filing
system” for storing girls’ numbers in your phone.
(There are only so many “Ashleys” you can have in your address
book before you lose track of which is the blonde you met a
Starbucks and which is the redhead you made out with in the
The question is not whether you want this kind of power. Of
course you do.
The question is, what are you prepared to sacrifice for it? Are you
prepared to go out and embarrass yourself like I did until you get
good at this? Are you prepared to put yourself through the fire of
humiliation and failure in order to learn? Are you willing to look
foolish and stupid?
Are you ready to radically change your beliefs? To uproot all the
old assumptions you have about women, sex and even life itself?
If you do not have an open mind, close this book now. Nothing
new can be learned by a man who already believes he knows
But if you desire to have power — not imaginary power, but real
power, the power to sleep with nearly any woman you desire —
then it’s time to change some fundamental assumptions.
Feminists on men:
“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political
act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the
class that is oppressing them.”
— Robin Morgan
“All heterosexual intercourse is rape.”
— Catherine MacKinnon
“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel
shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.”
— Andrea Dworkin
“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at
approximately 10% of the human race.”
— Sally Miller Gearhart
“All men are rapists and that’s all they are”
— Marilyn French
“I do want to be able to explain to a 9-year-old boy in terms he
will understand why I think it’s OK for girls to wear shirts that
revel in their superiority over boys.”
— Treena Shapiro
“Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain
from the experience.”
— Catherine Comins
Invisible forces
There are forces within our society which are actively trying to
prevent you from getting laid.
These forces are engaged in a vast and far-reaching conspiracy.
A conspiracy to marginalise male sexuality. A conspiracy to
destroy your sex life. A conspiracy which aims at making you feel
small and pathetic, because it makes you easier to control.
This conspiracy does not deal in guns or bullets like the
conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Instead, it deals in thoughts and
feelings. Beliefs and assumptions. Cultural norms and social
Who is behind this conspiracy to marginalize male sexuality?
Some say the modern feminist movement is behind it. And
they’re right.
But who’s behind the feminist movement?
It’s a historical fact that the feminist movement of the 1970s was
supported by millions of dollars in funding from the CIA and the
Rockefeller family.
But who’s behind the CIA? Who really runs the Rockefeller
Who benefits from programming men to be sexual failures?
The answer is, we all do.
The engine of capitalism
Repressed male sexual desire is the engine of capitalism. It fuels
consumerism, powers our economy. It is the lifeblood of
Sexual frustration is the reason we spend thousands of dollars on
cars, clothes, property, watches, gym memberships, plastic
surgery, bottle service, and prescription drugs.
It’s the reason we work at jobs we hate, to buy things we don’t,
to impress women we’ll never fuck.
Make no mistake about it. It is not optimism, but a sense of
gnawing despair that fuels our economy.
And the more that you feel like a piece of shit who is innately
undesirable to women, the more profitable you are to the forces
who control the economy.
It’s in their direct interest to keep you enslaved. If you stopped
being a slave, the system would break down.
They keep you in prison by lying to you. This way, you become
your own jailor. You police yourself, so they don’t have to.
LIE #1
Far from being a natural evolutionary drive, the forces who
control us want you to believe it’s “creepy” and “wrong” for you
to desire sex with as many women as possible.
They want you to feel afraid when you talk to a woman, rather
than turned on, and the best way to accomplish this is to make
you feel like you’re an evil rapist for having normal sex desires.
Furthermore, they want you to be in a constant state of confusion
and guilt about your sexuality. This is best accomplished by
bombarding you with images of healthy, sexually available 18-22
year old models in the media and advertising, then telling you
that you’re “disgusting” for wanting to have sex with young girls
and that you should “stay in your league” and only dare to flirt
with ugly fat women who are no longer fertile.
LIE #2
The conspiracy against male sexuality wants you to masturbate
as much as possible, ideally from the age of 12 or earlier, thus
destroying your sex drive so that you never go out and talk to
real women.
Feminists promote the idea that masturbating is good because
they think it will reduce rape. They’re right. In the past several
decades, as masturbating has become more and more socially
acceptable and “normalised”, rape has gone down.
The problem is that there’s scientific evidence that masturbating
dramatically lowers your testosterone levels, thus making it much
harder to attract women.2
Millions of men all over the world swear that giving up
masturbation has dramatically improved their confidence with
women. (Google “NoFap Movement”.)
The conspiracy against male sexuality hates it when you feel
confident talking to a girl, however, and so they do everything in
their power to normalise masturbation, such as mocking and
ridiculing anyone who dares to suggest it might not be “good for
“Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week
sexual abstinence”, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788. “The relationship between
ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men”, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
LIE #3
The forces that are arraigned against us hate testosterone,
because having high testosterone makes men feel like… well,
men. It raises sex drive, improves your mood, gives you energy,
makes you strong and fit, enhances your intelligence and
memory, and destroys all residue of depression and anxiety.
Can’t have that. Men have to be made to feel small and pathetic,
otherwise they might rape a woman.
So let’s lower testosterone by every means at our disposal. First
we’ll do it by telling men that masturbating all the time is actually
good for them. But why stop there? Why don’t we put female
hormone mimickers in everything from shampoo to deodorant?
And while we’re at it, let’s tell people that being fat is good, that
lifting weights is bad, and that anyone who says different is “fatshaming”.
This hormonal engineering has been a runaway success.
According to a recent study, 1 in 4 men over 30 now has low
LIE #4
Ever heard of “pick up artists”? If so, the image that comes to
your mind is probably not a positive one. When most people hear
the term “pickup artist”, they assume it’s a bunch of creepy
virgins sitting around in a basement discussing different
techniques for manipulating women into having sex.
The reality is that although there are creeps and weirdos in the
PUA movement (just as there are creeps in every movement) the
vast majority of guys who are involved in pickup are simply
normal men who were not satisfied in their sex lives and decided
to make a systematic and disciplined effort to learn about what
women actually respond to sexually so that they can attain
satisfaction in this area of their lives.
What makes them so dangerous to the establishment is that
many of the techniques these guys have discovered to attract
women actually work.
There are broad swathes of society for whom such a fact is
deeply threatening.
Imagine that you’re a thirty-nine year old single woman. You’re
overweight, overworked, and lonely. The few attractive men you
know are either married, or enjoying a string of casual affairs with
soft, tight-skinned 21 year olds.
One day you come across these guys called “pickup artists” who
strive to teach men how to be even more selective — to give
them even more sexual choice and power, so that they can
attract ever hotter 21 year olds.
Does this make you feel:
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) indifferent?
The answer is it makes you feel bad — very bad. It actually feels
deeply threatening and hurtful.
And so media — which panders to women because they spend
more on consumer goods and thus generate higher advertising
revenues — demonises pickup. It mocks the idea of PUA, tries to
“expose” it as a fraud, or paints it as an evil and frivolous activity.
In fact, learning success with women is more important to a
man’s development than learning math, science or geography. In
any kind of sane society, pickup would be a mandatory subject in
school from the age of 12.
But that will never happen, because then men would actually be
happy and well-adjusted, and the entire system which is based
on male misery would collapse.
LIE #5
The powers that be want you to feel inadequate and repulsive to
women because it makes you easier to control. They do this by
setting unrealistic standards of male physical attractiveness and
telling you that women share these standards.
Yet when we look at the world through a cold and dispassionate
lens, we often see many things that contradict that narrative that
“being ugly = being unattractive”.
Ever seen a 20 year old bombshell on the arm of some scruffy
looking fifty year old? I know I have.
Sometimes guys like this have money. Yet in a surprising number
of cases they don’t. One 26 year old woman I know — blonde
and tall with model good looks — is married to a balding, fat
dude in his forties, who works as a waiter.
Another gorgeous girl I know started dating her scruffy, facially
unattractive Pakistani boyfriend when she was 18 and he in his
early thirties. His job? Cashier at a frozen yoghurt place.
I’ve slept with models and strippers despite being short, “ugly”
by some standards, and skinny as a rake no matter how much I
work out. I met and seduced my current (professional model,
perfect 10) girlfriend while unemployed and living with my
How is this possible?
The answer is that women don’t think like we think. Their brains
are wired differently from ours. This creates confusion, but also
To put it in simple terms
• Men attracted to looks
• Women are attracted to power
This is because we’re all slaves to our genetics.
Think about it this way.
Once upon a time in “caveman days”, there were two types of
women: those who liked pretty boys, and those who liked
powerful, dominant men.
The women who liked handsome guys went on to produce
daughters who had a preference for handsome guys too.
The women who didn’t care about looks but only cared about
dominance, however, produced daughters who shared the same
But eventually the dominant males killed all the pretty boys, and
raped their women and daughters.
Now there is only one type of woman: those who are attracted to
dominance above all other traits.
What is dominance?
Defined simply, dominance is your ability to control your
environment — instead of being controlled by it.
A lot of guys think you have to be tall, muscular or strong to be
dominant. This is untrue.
For example, who is more dominant: a fitness instructor, or the
CEO of Goldman Sachs?
The answer is that the CEO — despite possibly being bald, fat,
ugly, old or all four — is more clearly dominant and more
powerful than the jacked fitness instructor.
Dominance = the capacity to control and
shape your environment rather than being
controlled and shaped by it
Dominance is power. In caveman days, power came from being
big and strong. Later, power was the domain of kings, soldiers,
large armies.
But in the modern world, power is a function of your
communication skills.
Dominance in a modern context is not about your size or your
strength or even your ability to wield a sword or gun. It’s about
your ability to influence and persuade other people.
Think about it. Do you really think the handful of men who are
sitting around in a smoky boardroom running the world from
behind the scenes feel threatened by a guy who's bigger than
Of course not. Society is different now. Power is gained not
through brute force but through soft skills. That’s how those men
got a seat at that table. Not through violence, but through
persuasion, influence. In a word, psychology.
You don’t need either riches or good looks to get girls. What you
need is personal power — the ability to persuade and influence
others using your words and communication.
Money and physical attractiveness are just indicators of
dominance and power — and not always accurate ones.
Just as many rich men are wimps who can’t get a date, there are
poor men who exude a powerful animal magnetism that makes
rich and beautiful young women chase them and spoil them.
Likewise, while online bodybuilding forums are filled with ripped,
jacked guys who can’t get laid, many of history’s most notorious
seducers were also notoriously ugly.
Raw animalistic sexual attraction is not a function of your looks
or your bank account. It’s a function of your personal charisma.
And unlike having a great jawline or being born into money,
charisma is a learnable skill.
LIE #6
QUESTION: A man approaches a woman, talks to her until they
are comfortable with each other, then subtly presents her with the
opportunity to satisfy her desire for sexual release by going to
bed with him.
Is he “misleading” her and “manipulating” her into doing
something wrong?
Or is he providing a service?
QUESTION: When a single woman is horny, should she repress
her natural desire for sex because she doesn’t have a boyfriend?
Or is it okay for her to satisfy her sexual needs with an attractive
If not, why not?
What special knowledge do you have which makes you a better
judge of what she should do with her body in that moment than
she is?
The lies people tell themselves
The fact that people consider picking up girls to be morally
wrong or unethical assumes two things:
1. That women don’t like sex, and have to be cheated into
“putting out”, whether by lies, manipulation, or coercion
2. That casual sex is always a “losing proposition” for the
woman, and that when a woman consents to having sex with
a man she just met, it somehow “degrades” her or “stains her
The reality is that women are just as sexual as men, on average,
and many women are far more sexual than most men. In most
periods of human history, the female sex drive was regarded as
being stronger, more wild and more uncontainable than the male
sex drive.
If you cling to the erroneous and unscientific belief that “women
don’t like sex” and that by sleeping with a woman you are
somehow permanently damaging her or hurting her, then
seduction becomes immensely difficult, because rife with internal
However, if you believe that women are fundamentally sexual
creatures at their core, and that sex for pleasure can be highly
enjoyable and uplifting if done right, then seducing them will
become not only easy and fun, but also morally virtuous.
Seduction is not something you do “to” her. It’s something
you do for her
Unfortunately, the mainstream “default” view which most people
have is that women are less sexual than men, don’t enjoy or
desire sex as much, and therefore have to be somehow “tricked”
into it.
This total reversal of the truth ignores the fact that:
• The female sex toy industry generates $15 billion per year
• Erotic novels for women generate more revenue than the entire
porn industry
• Women are multi-orgasmic and can derive much more pleasure
from sex than men can. (Don’t believe me? Well, when’s the
last time you had a screaming orgasm — or came so hard you
tore cuts in your partner’s back? When’s the last time your legs
trembled so much after sex that you couldn’t walk?)
• Unlike men, women have an entire organ (the clitoris) which
serves no other purpose than to make them feel exquisite
sexual pleasure
• Unlike most other animals, human beings have no mating
season. Human females are “in heat” 365 days a year
The roots of repression
In ancient times, sexually inferior men set up ways to control
women so as to secure sex for themselves with no competition.
Religious and social taboos, arranged marriages, laws against
prostitution and adultery were all developed to regulate female
sexuality and keep women sexually enslaved to men.
Now, women who have sex for pleasure alone are called “sluts”
and “whores” — despite the fact that they’re just following their
natural animal instincts.
(For more on why humans are so screwed up sexually right now, I
recommend reading “The Parable of the Evil King: A Renegade
History of Human Sexuality”. You can find it in the Secret
Chapters section of this book.)
Female sexual obsession
Women are conditioned to repress their sexual desires — but this
just makes their sex drive all the stronger and turns sex into an
obsession which they can’t stop thinking about.
If you read any book of women’s fantasies — such as My Secret
Garden, by Nancy Friday — you’ll quickly realise that women
actually have a higher sex drive than most men, and have a
capacity for perversion that dwarfs that of all but the most sexy
All of the hottest girls I know — without exception — regularly
masturbate with a vibrator, watch porn or hentai, read erotic
fiction, and often fantasise about being sexually dominated and
even raped.
(Of course they won’t just come out and tell you this. You have to
sleep with them first, gain their trust, and show them that you’re
non-judgemental about sex. Most guys can’t pass even one of
those three hurdles.)
Female sexual fantasies exposed
All statistics taken from a 2015 survey conducted by The
University of Montreal and published in the Journal of Sexual
• 81% of women surveyed have fantasised about “having sex in
an unusual place (e.g. in the office; public toilets)”
• 64% of women fantasise about “being dominated sexually” —
compared to just 53% of men
• 36% have fantasised about “being spanked or whipped to
obtain sexual pleasure”
• 56% of women have fantasised about “having sex with more
than three people, both men and women” — compared to just
15% of men
• 34% of women fantasise about “having sex with someone
much older than me”
• 49% of women have fantasised about “having sex with an
unknown person”
• 41% of women have fantasised about being ejaculated on by
their partner
• 28% of women have fantasised about “having sex with three
people, all men”
• 29% have fantasied about “being forced to have sex”
• 16% have fantasised about “showing myself naked or partially
naked in a public place”
• 72% of women have fantasised about giving head
• 32% of women have fantasised about having anal sex
• 41% of women have fantasised about “tying someone up in
order to obtain sexual pleasure”
• 1 in 10 women have fantasised about “sexually abusing
someone who is drunk, asleep or unconscious”
• 1 in 10 women has fantasised about “forcing someone to have
• 19% have fantasised about “petting with a total stranger in a
public place (e.g. metro)”
• 57% of women have fantasised about “making love openly in a
public place”
• 36% of women have fantasised about “being masturbated by
an acquaintance”, 33% have fantasised about “masturbating
an acquaintance”, and 33% have fantasies of “being
masturbated by an unknown person”
“It seems that the more liberated I become, the more I
fantasize about the spanking and the bondage. Since I’m fully
liberated in my work situation, social life, etc., it’s almost as if
I’m trying to achieve some sort of counterbalance to this
liberation in my sexual life... I am sure there are other women
like me, who having emerged from being under male
domination, crave to return to it in bed.”
— anonymous woman, age 29, quoted in My Secret
Garden by Nancy Friday
“Other fantasies of mine include a fraternity initiation where I
am tied to the bed hand and foot and all the brothers take their
pleasure with me while the initiates watch. Then the new ones
take their turn with me… Or I fantasize that I am a ‘bottomless’
waitress; every time I bend to serve a customer, someone
attacks me from the rear. As waiting on tables is my sole
means of support, I’d have no choice.”
— anonymous woman, age 24, quoted in My Secret
Garden by Nancy Friday
“I pretend that I am being humiliated in some way. Or that I am
being displayed by a man, such as a slave owner, for the
benefit of his friends. Heaven knows why, but if I can think of
this intensely enough, I have a fantastic orgasm.”
— anonymous woman, quoted in My Secret Garden by
Nancy Friday
“…at times I crave to be dominated. I think about sex a lot and
can get turned on easily by erotic reading material… My first
fantasy is that of being spanked: I have always provoked the
spanking, it’s never unjustified. My innate female bitchiness
causes my lover to say very quietly, ‘All right, that’s enough!’ I
say, ‘Don’t order me around.’ He says, ‘You’re asking for a
good spanking.’ I say, ‘I’d like to see you try it,’ in a very
taunting manner. At which point, he grabs me, grasps both
hands firmly behind my back, pulls down my panties, turns me
over on his knee, and traps my kicking legs between his. I am
embarrassed and scared. He usually uses his hand, spanking
me maybe two dozen times, very hard… I am sobbing and
enraged. The rage turns to humiliation, which turns to
submission. At the end he forces me back on the bed and
enters me, not roughly, but without foreplay either. Or
sometimes I like to think of myself staying at the enraged part
throughout the spanking. He pushes me back on the bed,
hovers over me, and shoves his erect penis into my mouth,
ordering me to suck it. I refuse and bite him, which brings on
another, still more painful spanking, at which point I am eager
to do whatever he asks…”
— anonymous woman, age 29, quoted in My Secret
Garden by Nancy Friday
“I imagine that I’ve been brought to some warehouse, or place
like that, against my will. I’m stripped naked and the only thing
I’m allowed to wear is a black silk mask. This is because
whatever powerful person has brought me there does not want
the men – yes, always more than one in this fantasy – for
whom he has procured me, to know who I am… they’re so hot
with desire for me that they can barely control themselves. But
he can take me away from them whenever he wants to. In my
mind I can imagine the men, all big and powerfully built.
They’re naked, too, while they wait their turn with me… So it’s
always exciting this way, because I seemingly have an endless
supply of men fucking me…but they never know who I am.
Even if I met one of them on the street the next day, or had
lunch with him, he wouldn’t know.”
— anonymous woman, quoted in My Secret Garden by
Nancy Friday
“My second fantasy is as follows. Screaming and scratching
and struggling, I am tied or strapped on my back to my bed. I
am spreadeagled, and my arms and legs are forced just past
the point of being comfortable.... I am utterly mortified,
because I have no control now. I can’t shield myself or put my
legs together or roll over. My whole crotch is so exposed and
open to his eyes and mouth and/or penis. I’m totally at his
mercy. I keep saying, ‘What are you going to do to me?’ and
he just sits there. Then the fantasy takes one of several
courses. Sometimes he loves me all over with his mouth, until I
beg him to enter me. Sometimes he enters me without foreplay
and seemingly just takes me as if I’m nothing... the fantasy
ends with him releasing me and hugging me and massaging
my sore muscles and my sobbing with relief and thanking him
– not for letting me go, but for tying me up!”
— anonymous woman, age 29, quoted in My Secret
Garden by Nancy Friday
The real self and the persona
Externally, of course, women won’t admit to their domination
fantasies, and pretend to have little interest in sex — just as most
guys are conditioned to pretend they don’t want these girls for
their bodies.
Essentially, modern women (as well as men) now suffer from a
kind of “split personality disorder”.
Their psyche is literally split between a real self, and an artificial
persona which they put up around themselves.
A woman’s real self is rooted in her body and in her “cave-girl”
brain — the raw emotional part of her brain that loves sex, has
sexy fantasies, and wants nothing more than to get fucked by a
man right now with no consequences and no strings attached.
But the woman knows that engaging in such an activity openly,
or admitting to wanting it, would cause people to view her as a
“slut”, resulting in pain and humiliation.
So she puts up a wall around herself, a shield which prevents her
from being hurt. Some call this the persona, the shell identity, or
the false personality. Others call it the ego.
A woman’s ego tries to suppress her cavegirl brain desire and
control them, but deep down it’s her cavegirl brain that’s really in
control. It causes her to wear revealing outfits and seek attention
from males.
Fake self
Hormonal cycles of horniness
Most men suspect — if only subconsciously — that women love
sex as much as they do, and they can intuitively feel the inherent
truth of this when they’re given the facts.
But here’s something most men don’t know:
Every woman goes through hormonal cycles of intense horniness
and sexual frustration as a natural result of ovulating and being in
a state of heightened fertility at certain times of the month.
A woman who’s ovulating will wear sexier clothes, be more
flirtatious, and will be much more likely to go home with you
hours or even minutes after meeting.
If you know how to identify such women and communicate with
their cavegirl instincts, you will quickly find yourself becoming a
magnet for hot, horny girls who are seeking instant sexual
So how do you pick such a girl out from the crowd and get her to
reveal herself to you?
That is the subject of the next chapter…
STEP #1:
“…a skilled fisherman cast his net into the sea. He brought
it up out of the sea full of little fishes, and among them the
skilled fisherman found one that was big and excellent. He
threw all the little fishes back into the sea without
hesitating, and chose the big fish.”
— Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas
Let me say something that might seem obvious, yet is not widely
The best way to get laid fast is to find a woman who is already
horny before you have even arrived on the scene.
Women who are horny have a pre-existing need for sexual
arousal and stimulation. You can fulfil that need.
And let me assure you: horny women are everywhere. With the
right set of eyes, you can identify them a mile off.
The trick is to train yourself to see them, and then put yourself in
contact with them.
Why sweat and strain trying to seduce a woman who is not
interested when there are millions of women out there who are
incredibly horny and have perhaps even consciously decided
that they want to feel a man inside them tonight?
Some guys will remark here: “well, I don’t want a slut. I want a
good girl.”
There are no good girls. Women are women. And all women are
horny little sex kittens if you get them at the right time.
Women go through hormonal cycles of intense sexual arousal,
which peak around the time they’re ovulating. By focusing your
efforts exclusively on the women who appear to be ovulating,
you will triple your results.
The reason is simple: you’re going “with the flow” of the river of
nature instead of trying to swim against the current.
A woman’s DNA is actively looking for a man to fuck her when
she’s ovulating. This is why it causes her to get horny at this time
of the month.
Seek these women out and prosper.
How to identify horny girls
(i.e. women who are ovulating):
1. Be on the lookout for women in tight or
revealing clothes.
One study found that ovulating women buy sexier clothing to
out-do more attractive women. If a girl is dressed sexy — high
heels, short skirt, showing lots of skin, wearing a lot of makeup
— it’s a good sign that she’s horny and wants to be fucked.3
An added bonus of approaching girls who are scantily clad:
sexual desire is contagious. The hornier a woman makes you feel
with her sexy outfit, the easier it will be to infect her with your
own sexual desire.
2. Go to places where humans traditionally seek
out mates.
Nightclubs. Bars. Parties. Festivals. These are the places women
typically tend to go when they’re on the prowl for a sexual
“Ovulating women unconsciously buy sexier clothing to outdo attractive women”, https://
Nightlife events draw people in with the magnetism of sex. Sex is
the center of gravity of all social gatherings.
While I’ve gotten a lot of good results meeting women on the
street, in coffee shops or in colleges, it’s simply more efficient to
go to clubs and bars.
You’re going to be surrounded by women who have preselected
themselves as wanting sex — or else most of them wouldn’t be
“But girls in clubs don’t really want sex…”
Perhaps you think that the hot, scantily clad women in clubs
don’t really want sex, and they just get dressed up in sexy skirts
and high heels to “show off” or “get attention”.
If that’s you, then I’ve got a question for you:
Imagine you had a girlfriend, and one night she got all dressed up
in a sexy little miniskirt and high heels that put her legs and butt
on display, then she leaves you on your own in the house to go
out to a club with her friends.
How would you react? You probably wouldn’t be too happy,
would you?
That’s because deep down you know women go to nightclubs to
get fucked — not just “for attention”. So stop talking shit, put
your coat on and get your ass to the club. It has what you seek:
sexy, horny girls in large numbers.
3. Pursue the hottest girls. They’re probably
“The perfect victim does not have certain facial features, or the
same taste in music, or similar goals in life. That is how a banal
seducer chooses his or her targets. The perfect victim is the
person who stirs you in a way that cannot be explained in
— Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction
A stripper I dated once told me that exotic dancers make more
when they’re ovulating than at any other time. I was skeptical of
this at first, although I later read a scientific study that said
exactly the same thing.4
Ovulating women have a kind of “glow” of beauty and femininity,
and emit pheromones which make men horny.
When you see a girl like this, you call her “hot”. Actually she’s just
a pretty girl who’s ovulating, and thus seems sexier because
she’s dressed in sexy clothes and because of various biological
tricks your body is playing on you to try and spread your genes.
When you see a woman you find particularly irresistible — a girl
who literally makes your dick rise — there’s a high chance that
she’s ovulating and horny, and she’ll prove more receptive to
your advances than other girls.
Kinda cool, right?
“Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers: economic evidence for human estrus?”
Nature is pretty neat that way.
The myth of “lowering your standards”
Many men fall into the trap of “lowering their standards” when
they hope to get a quick lay in a bar.
This strategy is actually counterproductive, for 3 reasons:
(1) The hotter the girl is to you, the better the odds are that she’s
ovulating and therefore horny… as the stripper study makes
clear. Go with nature, my son. Let the dick guide you, and
(2) Less attractive girls get hit on more because guys aren’t as
intimidated by them. This makes them way more bitchy and
defensive than true 9s and 10s.
(3) Desire is contagious. The hornier the girl makes you, the more
you will contaminate her with your desire. Scientists call this
emotional contagion — and it’s the subject of the next
chapter. When you hit on a mediocre girl, she can sense you
have no real desire for her and are simply desperate —
causing her to reject you. But when you hit on a hot girl who
really makes your cock hard — she can feel that sexual
electricity coming off you and it makes her wet.
The importance of raw, animalistic sex desire
Many of the fastest lays I ever got were also with women who
were the hottest.
By way of contrast, the worst rejections I've ever had came from
girls who I wasn't really attracted to in the first place — I was just
“going through the motions” mechanically.
Understand that passion, emotion — in particular, the emotion of
strong sexual desire — is the single most important element in
pickup. (This will be covered in more detail in the next chapter.)
If the girl herself is not pretty enough to inspire your animalistic
passions, you won’t get her. Move on to a girl who is.
4. The “horny girl” eye contact test.
Never break eye contact with a woman first.
Wherever you go, whether you’re in a bar, a club, a mall, a park,
or even at work — never be the first to break eye contact with a
When she looks away, then you can break eye contact — but not
If the girl holds eye contact with you for more than 3
seconds, she’s horny and wants you to make a move.
I call this the “horny girl” eye contact test.
By getting into the habit of always maintaining eye contact with
women until they break it, you will observe three things.
1. Some women will not hold eye contact with you.
2. Some women will hold eye contact with you.
3. And some women will hold eye contact with you for way
longer than is socially normal. We call this “eye fucking”.
The latter group are ovulating, horny and want to be fucked.
The eye contact test allows you to immediately identify girls who
are in a sexually receptive mood, while saving yourself the hassle
of trying to get with girls who aren’t.
Our goal in the target selection phase is not so much to select a
woman to sleep with as is to get her to select herself.
If she’s wearing sexy clothing, if she stirs up desires in you that
you can’t quite put into words, if she’s at a nightclub or bar, or if
she makes extended eye contact with you — these are all solid
indicators that she’s ovulating, and is therefore horny and a ripe
target for seduction.
Any one of these on their own is a “green light” to approach. But
all of them combined? Sexual jackpot.
The reason is biological. Women who are ovulating are
subconsciously looking for a mate. Unconsciously, their bodies
are sending out signals to try to ensnare a man. They want to be
fucked, and if you’ve got a working dick, you can be the one to
fill that need. It’s easier than you think.
Once you’ve identified a horny girl, there are three ways you can
make contact with her.
1. Indirect approach
2. Direct approach
3. Getting her to approach you
The indirect approach
This works best if the woman who caught your eye is in a group
of people.
In this case, approach the group, and introduce yourself to
everyone. Smile, look people in the eye, and be friendly. Ignore
your target.
Make small talk with the group and show an interest in each of
them individually.
(If you have trouble socialising with people, I recommend reading
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It
will teach you some excellent techniques for becoming more
charismatic in a social environment.)
Once you’ve won the group’s trust and respect (which shouldn’t
take longer than a few minutes of light, normal conversation),
point to your target and say to the group, “Do you mind if I
borrow your friend here for a minute?”
They’ll say, “uh, yeah, sure”, or “yeah, if it’s alright with her”.
Then take your target by the hand and lead her to a different part
of the venue.
It’s critical to understand that women will never get sexual with a
stranger while their friends are watching, so if you meet a woman
in a group, it’s important to isolate her in this way before anything
sexual can happen.
Note: everything in this system will work best on a girl who you’ve
gotten alone using the above technique or one like it. This makes
it very unlike “The Mystery Method”, for example, which is all
based on group dynamics.
The direct approach
This is my personal favourite. It works best on “lone wolves” —
girls who are on their own, and not surrounded by their friends at
that moment.
In a direct approach, the objective is to project a powerful and
animalistic sexuality from the very first second of meeting. Stand
very close to the girl, as close as you can get away with (think
“prison staredown” close).
Stare into her eyes and visualise yourself fucking her. Then say
something deliberately provocative, such as “you are fucking
Is this obnoxious, rude, imposing? Yes. It’s not polite, but don’t
worry about that.
Politeness doesn’t make girls panties wet. Dominance does.
In the direct approach, the two most important aspects are
dominance and sexuality. You work yourself up into a state of
intense horniness over the girl, then you approach her.
If you can get yourself horny enough in that moment, your
emotional state will literally infect her so that she becomes horny
too. The direct approach creates an immediate feeling of sexual
It is this kind of approach which will get you laid the most and the
fastest — particularly when you’re starting out learning success
with women.
Direct approaching displays a lot of dominance to women. It will
also give you a powerful thrill to express your sexuality in such
pure a way. This can make it highly addictive.
My absolute favourite activity on earth is to run direct approaches
on very sexy, scantily clad girls in a nightclub. It’s very primal,
very animalistic. The normal rules don’t apply in that kind of
sexually charged environment, so you can get away with more.
Often you’ll end up making out with girls before they’ve even told
you their name. Get good at this and it can become more
pleasurable than sex itself.
How to get a woman to approach you
This will first of all require you to master the skill of never being
the first to break eye contact with people. (See the “horny girl”
eye contact test above)
When you’re able to make eye contact with women without
looking away first, a certain percentage of girls will maintain eye
contact with you longer than is “socially normal”.
As you’ve already seen, this is a solid sign they’re horny and
want you to approach.
However, an even smoother way of making contact is to get
these horny girls to approach you.
How do you accomplish such a supernatural feat?
It’s actually very simple.
Smile at her while still maintaining eye contact, then motion her
to come over with two fingers. The hand gesture you use is
important here. Your arm should be outstretched in a relaxed
way, but not fully extended, palm facing up. And you’re
motioning her over in the “come hither” gesture while staring in
her eyes and smiling the whole time.
Important: If you’re stony-faced and expressionless when you do
this, it has about a 0% chance of working.
This is a gesture which subconsciously conveys power and
authority. It’s the type of gesture her boss might use, and so
she’s been habitually trained to obey it. The whole movements
should be slow and relaxed, not fast and jerky.
At this point she’ll walk over to you and now you can introduce
yourself and move straight into the attraction-building techniques
that are explained in the following chapters.
If she won’t come, hold up a finger in the “just one minute”
gesture, and mouth the words: “one minute”. Then gesture her to
come to you again. At this point, assuming you had good eye
contact before, she’ll usually come to you.
In the 10% of cases where the girl still won’t budge, she’s
probably too shy to approach a guy she doesn’t know. (It’s most
likely not something she’s ever had to do.)
In that case, just swallow your pride and approach her. If you’ve
already made eye contact and she held it for more than three
seconds, then she wants to be banged today. Are you going to
deprive her of that just because you’re too proud to do an
approach? Of course you’re not.
Note: The ideas expounded in the rest of this chapter on
“sexual state” owe a great debt to the Gunwitch Method —
a controversial seduction system that emerged in the early
pickup community nearly 2 decades ago. I disagree with a
lot of the Gunwitch Method. However, Gunwitch’s ideas on
attaining sexual state and projecting it on women are pure
gold and have resulted in so many “same night lays” for me
that it would be idiotic not to acknowledge it. If you are a
serious student of seduction, I strongly recommend
googling “Gunwitch method” (you can get the whole thing
for free online) and reading his section on Sexual State.
Get horny before approaching
When you see a woman you’d like to approach, visualise yourself
fucking her. Get horny. Work yourself up into a frenzy. Then make
a move while in that state.
I cannot stress this enough: think sex when you’re talking to
women. Always think sex. Visualise yourself fucking that woman
and having your way with her right before you approach her.
In fact, get in the habit of immediately visualising sex with every
woman you see in your day who you find attractive. If you do this
consistently enough, it will train your nervous system to start
getting horny immediately upon seeing a woman.
The advantage of this is that you will never be nervous before
doing an approach. The fear of approaching an unknown
woman and potentially being rejected is strong — so strong that
for many men it literally keeps them imprisoned in a sexless life
of misery.
However, lust is stronger than fear. It may be the only human
emotion stronger than fear.
If you work yourself up into a sexual state of horniness before
approaching the girl, and really visualise yourself fucking her
naked body, you will feel no fear when you approach her.
That emotion of nervousness will be completely short-circuited
by your horniness. By imagining yourself fucking the girl and
getting physically horny before you approach her, all trace of fear
and anxiety will be blasted away, leaving only a primal,
animalistic desire to fuck.
In turn, your horniness will be contagious to the girl you approach
and will put her in an identical state. This is referred to as
emotional contagion by psychologists.
Our most intense emotions are transmitted to the people around
us and infect them. No one knows exactly how or why. Some
says it’s something to do with “mirror neurons”. Others suspect
pheromones play a role.
Essentially, all you need to know is that people are imitating each
other unconsciously all the time. If you’re in an angry state, or a
sad state, or a depressed state, and you come into contact with
someone — they will unconsciously mirror your body language
and other signals and start to feel a similar state to what you feel.
Sexual state
“State” refers to the emotional, physical and psychological
condition of your organism at a given time. The state you’re in
brings forth a completely different personality and a different set
of behaviours and responses.
Sexual state is the state of horniness, of sexual arousal, of
powerful physical desire. It is part of your natural wiring as an
animal to go into sexual state when you see an attractive girl.
However, society promotes various habits of thought and
behaviour that prevent men from going into a natural sexual state
when they see a woman.
For example, regularly masturbating can depress your natural
sexual state by decreasing its intensity. This can make it much
more difficult to attract a woman for sex in real life, because there
just isn’t the potency of sexual energy behind your words and
actions necessary to arouse her.
How to make horniness contagious
When you see a hot girl, don’t try to “avoid” sexual thoughts.
Intensify them. Indulge in them. Work yourself into a white hot
frenzy of sexual arousal. Before you approach your target,
visualise yourself fucking her. Then approach her while in that
As you’re talking to her, stare in her eyes and think about how
she just wants to be bent over. Visualise yourself stripping her
naked and having your way with her exactly how you like it as
even you’re talking to her about the weather.
You will find that being in sexual state not only removes your fear
of approaching, but it totally changes the whole “vibe” of the
conversation. It creates a powerful erotic tension. If you become
a master of going into sexual state on command, you will
effortlessly convey a magnetic sexual energy which pulls women
into your orbit like gravity.
I have found that sexual visualisation of my target to get myself
into a state of horniness before approaching her not only
completely eliminates my fear, but it has also resulted in her
getting turned on within the first 10-30 seconds of our
conversation. Often this will result in us going home together to
screw within a matter of minutes — not hours.
Importance of internal sexual tension
Having a lot of “sexual tension” bottled up inside you is essential
to making everything in the Domination Principle work. If you do
not feel a real and urgent sexual desire for the girl in front of you,
you need to do whatever you can to change this situation fast.
Stop jerking off so much. Eat healthier. Lift weights. Take
supplements which boost testosterone and sex drive. All of these
things will enhance your sexual energy to the point that it’s
infectious to others, and attracts women almost magnetically.
Drugs and sexual state
I first discovered the power of sexual state while doing MDMA at
a house party one night many years ago. (Note: I am not
advocating drug use here. I gave up doing drugs a long time
The ecstasy loosened my inhibitions to the point where I found
myself almost effortlessly making out with a very hot woman.
This made me extremely aroused and I started dancing with
another woman, and then making out with her.
The combination of loosened inhibitions, extreme horniness and
increased confidence from kissing two girls in a short space of
time created a kind of snowball effect of momentum.
Pretty soon I was making out with nearly every woman at the
At a certain point, words were no longer necessary. I would
simply walk up to a group of girls, babble something nonsensical
to the hottest one, and then we’d start making out as if it were as
natural and innocent as saying hello.
By the end of the night I had fooled around with several girls, and
a blonde woman actually whispered in my ear to “meet her in the
bathroom in five minutes” while her fiancé was standing nearby,
completely oblivious.
Nothing like this had ever happened to me before up to that
point, and it made me resolve to figure out exactly how this
situation had occurred so I could replicate it on command
without drugs.
It took me many years of experimentation and study, but I am
now I am able to attain this deep “sexual state” on a fairly
consistent basis while completely sober. The result of this is that
it now looks as if I have superpowers. My friends will see me
approach a stunning girl, make out with her, lead her by the hand
to the bathroom to fuck her, then make out with three more girls
over the next twenty minutes.
It seems miraculous, but it’s actually quite simple. You simply
have to become an expert at inducing sexual state in yourself
immediately upon seeing the girl you want.
Once you can do that, talking to women is no longer scary, and
simply being near you infects them with your desire and makes
them horny.
It’s like the boundaries between yourself and the external world
break down. Other people become like an extension of yourself,
and you can get them to do things almost as easily as controlling
the movements of your own body.
(I will say more about how to attain this sexual state in the
“secret” chapter, Voodoo Sex: How To Make Any Girl Your Lust
STEP #2:
“Nothing is more seductive to people than the feeling that
they are desired.”
— Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction
The female irresistibility fantasy
Conveying animalistic sexual desire is, by far, the single most
important ingredient in rapid seduction. First because desire is
contagious. Second, because the idea of being desired by a man
who must have her now is electric to a woman.
A woman wants to feel that she is irresistible to men, that they
cannot control themselves around her. She wants to be so
sexually desirable that it overpowers men’s minds and makes
them helplessly infatuated with her. She wants to have an almost
supernatural power over men which inspires obsession, love,
adoration, infatuation and insatiable sexual desire.
This primal, irrational craving to be the ultimate object of a man’s
desire is called the irresistibility fantasy — and it is hardwired
into the DNA of every woman on earth.
Every woman wants to be sexually irresistible. Every woman
wants to be the femme fatale. And every woman — deep down
inside — wants to be so scorching hot that every man who walks
by her gets hard just by looking at her.
“The desire of the man is for the woman. But the desire of
the woman is for the desire of the man.”
— Madame de Stael
Women will not admit this, but it’s true. Read romance novels
and erotica. It’s not so much that women want a particular type
of man — it’s that they want a man who desires them so much
that he’ll conquer any obstacle to get her.
The most primal drive of all human being is the craving for power.
And for a woman, no form of power is as satisfying to her as
sexual power — i.e. erotic irresistibility.
To attain this feminine sexual power, women strive to make
themselves objects of desire and allure.
It’s why girls take hours to get ready before leaving the house,
and spend thousands of dollars on makeup, clothes, shoes and
cosmetic surgery. It’s why they watch hours upon hours of
makeup tutorials on YouTube, and spend their paychecks on
things like lip fillers and collagen injections.
Female rape fantasies decoded
This primal desire to be sexually irresistible is actually at the
basis of women’s rape fantasies.
Sex researchers Dr. Cindy Meston and Dr. David Buss estimate
that between 31-57% of women have “experienced rape
fantasies at some point in their lives”, although they note that
“these are almost certainly underestimates, given that rape
fantasies are perceived as socially undesirable and hence are
potentially embarrassing for women to admit to, even on a
seemingly anonymous questionnaire.”5
Why do so many women fantasise about being raped? Is it
because they want to be raped?
No. Absolutely not. But they do find the idea of being so
desirable that a man must have them right now to be sexually
“…a woman pinned against an alley wall, being ravished.
Here, in Meana’s vision, [is] an emblem of female heat. The
ravisher is so overcome by a craving focused on this
particular woman that he cannot contain himself; he
transgresses societal codes in order to seize her, and she,
feeling herself to be the unique object of his desire, is
electrified by her own reactive charge and surrender.’”
— Daniel Berger, paraphrasing feminist psychology
professor Marta Meana, “What Do Women Want?
Why Women Have Sex, Cindy Meston and David Buss, p. 233.
Discovering What Ignites Female Desire”, New York
The irresistibility fantasy is unrealistic — that’s what makes it
so powerful
Like any fantasy, the female irresistibility fantasy is not realistic.
No girl is perfect. Every woman has flaws and imperfections. And
even the most beautiful women in the world are “7s” when
they’re not wearing makeup, and haven’t showered or shaved
their legs.
Beautiful women are immensely self-confident, but they’re also
enormously insecure — because they know better than anyone
else that their beauty is an illusion.
Beauty is a performance. There is no such thing — in reality — as
a beautiful woman. There are merely average looking women
who are good at creating the deception that they’re beautiful.
(Don’t believe me? Sleep with a couple of “10s”, turn them into
your girlfriends so they lower their defences, and take a good
hard look at them when they’re not dolled up. What you’ll be
looking at is a textbook 7.)
The secret to any woman’s heart (and her panties)
Indulge a woman’s fantasy of being sexually irresistible. Flatter
her. Tell her honestly the effect that her appearance is having on
you. Nothing is more intoxicating.
In the Domination Principle, we call this a statement of desire.6
Stating desire is NOT a compliment. It’s NOT hitting on the girl.
And it’s NOT a “come on.”
Rather, it’s a sincere and primal expression of your sexuality.
The key to it is that it’s:
(a) honest and sincere
(b) so overtly sexual and unguarded as to make you somewhat
This is what differentiates it from merely complimenting the girl.
You’re expressing your raw, authentic self to her. You’re letting
her know the sexual desire she has ignited in you. And you’re
doing this unapologetically, and with no shame or guilt attached.
Examples of strong Statements of Desire you can say to a
girl to immediately get her aroused:
(A) “Lower risk”
• You’re absolutely adorable
• You’re so cute
• You’re so hot it hurts my feelings
• I’m completely obsessed with you
In other seduction systems, they call it a Statement of Intent. That strikes me as overly
abstract, however. I prefer to call it stating desire, because that’s what it is.
• I’m sorry but do you realise how horny you’re making me?
Could you please jut tone it down and put a bag over your
head so that I can regain control of myself?
• I’m infatuated with you
• You’re so sexy when you smile like that
• When your nose wiggles like that it’s unbelievably sexy
• The way you’re crossing your legs like that is so fucking hot
• You don’t know how hard it is to stop from kissing you right
• You look so fucking adorable in that cute little outfit, I can
barely keep my hands off you, sorry to say it but it’s true
(B) “Higher risk”
• You’re sexy
• You’re hot as fuck
• Your figure is spectacular
• You look spectacular in that dress /skirt / bikini / shorts / heels
• Your legs look phenomenal in that skirt / dress / those heels
• Your face is absolutely gorgeous
• You don’t even want to know what I’m thinking about doing to
you right now
• I know you’re probably an intelligent and well-rounded person
with a fantastic personality but I have to tell you that skirt
makes your ass look absolutely incredible
You want her to know you want her.
Letting her know you want her is essential.
Who taught you that girls were attracted by lies and deceit?
Probably some fucking dummy who didn’t get laid himself, so he
decided to make himself feel like a big man by spreading his
stupid theories about attraction.
Guys try to play these stupid games of being indirect, befriending
women, then getting to know them for months before finally
“making a move”.
Yet the reward they get for their months of scheming and plotting
is to end up stuck in the friendzone, while the girl is out getting
drilled by the first man who had the balls to approach her and
express desire like a man.
Better to be direct with women from the very start. It saves time.
More importantly, it makes her aroused, because it plays to her
irresistibility fantasy.
No, not if it’s sincere.
Sincerity is the most important part in all this.
Girls detest it when guys cat call-them or make insulting
comments about their bodies when they’re trying to get on with
their day. Why? Because in these cases, the guy’s not acting out
of his true nature.
He’s being weird and creepy, to try and get a reaction. Or he’s
trying to impress his friends and seem like a big man.
That’s not what I’m advocating.
The key to stating desire — and the reason that it is arousing
rather than offensive — is that you’re deliberately making yourself
vulnerable when you do it.
You’re comfortable about expressing your sexuality, because
ultimately you understand that having sexual desire for a woman
is normal and natural. This is attractive.
Women want to be wanted. Always remember that. They want it
more than they want anything else. Never treat a woman like
she’s a man — it’s a massive insult.
So long as it’s sincere, stating your desire for the girl right off the
bat rarely elicits a bad reaction. On the contrary, most girls
become visibly intoxicated when you validate their beauty and
desirability in this way.
The media, together with certain elements within the modern
feminist movement, have demonised male sexuality.
They’ve painted normal male desires as somehow “wrong”, as if
the healthy urge to mate with every fertile young woman who
crosses your path is somehow “seedy” or “creepy”.
This is their primary means of control: Make you feel small. Make
you feel pathetic. Make you feel like your natural biological drives
are somehow “perverse” or “wrong” — when in fact the real
perversion is to repress these drives so that they become dark
and weird and compartmentalised.
Men are taught that desiring a woman makes them a “sleaze”, or
a “pervert”, and they’re brainwashed into believing that women
want a man who has no sexual desire for them.
In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Sexual desire is infectious. When somebody feels a strong desire
for us, it infects us and makes us excited and aroused. When
someone feels no desire for us, we feel nothing.
Thus, all this anti-sexual programming which teaches men they
have to “restrain” themselves and hide their urges is nothing
more than a way of programming the modern man to be
involuntarily celibate.
When you communicate your true desires for a woman from a
place of deep sincerity and respect, you cut through the bullshit
and the false persona like a knife through butter.
You show her that you’re unafraid to be sexual, real and raw —
not later when you “get to know each other better” but right now,
in the first 5 seconds of meeting.
In turn, this gives her the confidence to show you her true sexual
nature, often resulting in fast sex.
That can work.
What I prefer to do personally is to approach, smile warmly, look
the girl in the eyes, and introduce myself normally, like so:
Me: Hi, I’m Michael, what’s your name? [hold out my hand]
Girl [shakes my hand]: I’m Laura.
Me: Laura, you’re absolutely fucking adorable.
Girl: Hahaha thanks!
So introduce yourself first. Shake hands casually — almost like
you’re meeting at a networking event. Let the girl give you her
Then start launching into your statements of desire.
The girl will be aroused, nervous and excited when you approach
her out of the blue. Therefore, you don’t want to do “overkill” by
telling her she’s hot — not just yet.
Let her get her bearings as she realises, “Oh, there’s a man in
front of me, I’m now in a conversation.” Then start escalating
things to a more sexual place.
This is not to say there aren’t situations where simply
approaching her and saying “you’re hot” can’t work. In fact, if it’s
an extremely loud environment like a nightclub dancefloor or a
concert, my preferred approach is to touch the girl on the arm to
get her to look at me, then lean in close and say into her ear
“You’re hot” or “You’re adorable”.
This cuts through the crap and gets straight to the point — which
is necessary if the girl is unlikely to hear you properly because of
the noise of the music.
However, in most environments, approach by introducing
yourself first. Then start flirting and getting sexual straight
Without Seeming Creepy Or Sleazy
Women want to be wanted, and if you convey that you desire
them with your words and body language, they will be turned on.
The problem with this approach however, is that it can quickly
become stale, or worse, creepy and overly aggressive.
As such, I’m going to show you a simple yet powerful
conversational formula which allows you to go very sexual very
quickly, while also allowing you to “walk it back” to a more
normal conversation at any time.
This keeps things fresh, exciting and unpredictable and it also
provides an easy out if you ever accidentally go “too far” and find
yourself upsetting a girl or coming across as the “creepy sex
pervert guy”.
The basic formula is this:
1. Introduce yourself normally to break the ice. Go up to the girl,
big smile, say “Hi I’m Michael, who are you?” Shake her hand.
2. Once she tells you her name, start going sexual right away.
Tell her she’s adorable. Tell her she’s unbelievably cute. Say
matter of factly that she’s so hot it actually makes you angry.
Lay it on thick.
3. If you go too far, you can always walk it back by saying
something like, “No, this is ridiculous, I’m not going to let you
get to me with your looks. I’m a real person, I’m not
superficial. Could you please just be a little bit less sexy so I
can get back in control of myself? Ahh, thank you, that’s
better.” Now you can just talk to her normally about boring
stuff (“what do you do” etc).
This allows you to do two things simultaneously. First, you can
get her extremely aroused by going sexual early on while
indulging her “female irresistibility” fantasy.
But if you accidentally cross over a line, or if you simply run out
of steam and want to talk to her normally, you can walk it back at
any time using the third step of the formula.
You: Hi I’m John, nice to meet you [shake girl’s hand]
Girl: Hi.
You: What’s your name?
Girl: Karen.
You [hugging the girl]: You’re absolutely adorable. You’re just so
cute. I can’t even look at you right now, I’m obsessed.
Girl: LOL you’re crazy!!
You: Seriously Karen I’m absolutely infatuated with you. You look
like a cute little Pokemon — it’s ridiculous. I just want to cuddle
you all day and night. No, this is too much, I’m not going to
submit to your charms this easily. I refuse to be seduced without
at least getting to know you first. What is it you do?
Girl: Hahah I’m in college, what do you do? [etc]
You: You’re so hot
Girl: haha thanks
You: I just find you so sexy. What’s your name
Girl: Emma
You: Emma, you are so beautiful. Are you from around here?
Girl: No, I’m on vacation.
You: I love how that dress makes you look, so sexy.
Girl: Wow, you’re pretty forward
You: What can I say, I’m not usually like this but you’re making
me go crazy with lust. I can’t help it. I mean, I’m only flesh and
bones, darling. I’m just some guy. I can’t turn it off.
Girl: Hahaha you’re crazy
Man: I’m Tim, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emily. So
what do you for work?
Notice how versatile this little two-step manoeuvre is?
In the example above, the guy goes incredibly sexual from the
very beginning. This excites the girl and instantly gets her
But the moment he senses that it’s overkill, he’s able to deftly
take a step back, “regain control of himself”, and then he goes
straight into a regular normal conversation.
This ability to go back and forth from being highly sexual to being
normal and chill is extremely arousing for women.
If you just go sexual and don’t let up, the girl will start to feel
pressured and tense. Not good. Women like guys who are chill.
Women are inherently not chill by their nature — they worry a lot,
they overthink things, and they get extremely awkward and
nervous very easily in social situations.
As such, women need a guy who can be more relaxed than they
are — thus calming their naturally anxious state and providing
them with a grounding masculine energy.
However, if you go in “chill and normal” and don’t arouse her at
all, unless you’re highly skilled at seduction, this will very often
result in being put in the friendzone.
For example, imagine that in the above exchange, the guy
started by saying: “Hi, I’m Tim. What’s your name? It’s a pleasure
to meet you, Emily. So what do you for work?”
Boring. It’s like every other nice guy who approaches her. There’s
no emotion, no arousal, and he’s not making himself vulnerable.
So why should she?
Yet the “two-step manoeuvre” allows you to get the best of both
worlds — sexual and highly erotic from the very start, yet also
laid back and chill when you need to be.
This continuous pattern of alternating emotions and alternating
vibes is the key to arousing a woman sexually. She never quite
knows what you’re going to say next.
Be sincere.
Be funny and creative.
Be outrageous.
Be unapologetic.
Let the dick guide you
Tell the girl honestly how you feel about her. Guys are
conditioned to think that if they express their honest and sincere
desire for a woman, she’ll reject them.
In reality, most rejections happen because the woman senses
some kind of insincerity.
If you find yourself feeling a powerful, almost indescribable
attraction for a woman, do your best to amplify that state even
further and put what you’re experiencing into words.
• Oh my god, you’re so sexy, you don’t even know what you’re
doing to me with that outfit.
• You look adorable right now. I just want to cuddle you all day
• I don’t mean to offend you but I just need to say right now that
your body is absolutely stunning. You are honestly making me
so turned on right now, and I don’t say that to many women.
• You have such a pretty face
• I love this whole “hot evil ice princess bitch” thing you’ve got
going on. It reminds me of the bitchy cheerleaders I went to
high school with. It’s a major turn on.
These are just some examples of things I’ve said to women.
You can experiment with using some of the basic statements of
desire above, as “training wheels” to expressing your sexuality.
However, once you’re more or less accustomed to
communicating with girls in this way, I recommend that you
formulate what you’re going to say to the girl on the spot.
The importance of spontaneity
Let that specific girl inspire you. Don’t say the same canned
rehearsed line to every girl. When you see a woman who’s
sexually attractive, indulge that feeling for a moment. Let yourself
become horny. Think about what you’d like to do to her to work
yourself up into a sexual state.
Then, once you’ve got yourself into a frenzy, approach her and
just let rip. Whatever comes out of your mouth is fine. Let the
dick guide you.
By getting in touch with your desires and your sexuality, you will
think of something to say. It comes from your body — and more
specifically, from your dick — not from your head-brain.
Major key alert: it doesn’t matter if what you say verbally is
clunky and awkward so long as the sexual energy behind it is
real and sincere.
The more spontaneous your statements of desire are, and the
more specific they are to that particular girl and that particular
situation, the more impactful they will be.
Expressing sexuality can range from cave-man simple (“You’re
hot”) to ornate poetic reverie (“I don’t mean to catch you off
guard by saying this, but you look absolutely exquisite tonight.”)
What matters is not the specific words you use. The words
themselves will depend on your personal style of expression, and
what best fits your personality.
What’s important is not the verbal content but the sexual energy
behind it and the raw sincerity with which it’s expressed.
No — not “ha ha” funny. More like: playful.
Make light of yourself and the situation. Draw attention to the
inherent humour behind the idea that “the girl is so hot it
overpowers you”.
You: Could you please try to be at least somewhat less hot so
that I can regain control of myself?
Girl: Hahaha what!? How?
You: Ok here’s what we’re going to do. First, cross your eyes.
Now stick your tongue out. Now stick your finger up your nose.
Ok, that’s better. Now I can talk to you and get to know your
personality without being overwhelmed by your beauty.
A powerful feature of humour is that it allows you to playfully
insert very sexual images and ideas in the woman’s mind under
the camouflage of “joking around”.
She can’t get mad at you or offended, because then she’d be a
party pooper. And if she does take offence, you can always say,
“Just kidding!” and immediately defuse the tension.
• No, this is too much. No more trying to manipulate me with
your looks. I’m not going to let you take advantage of me, you
tempting little seductress. From now on, we’re keeping this
conversation purely platonic, understand?
• Hey now, settle down or I’ll have no choice but to bend you
over my knee and spank you
• I’d be careful if I were you. If you keep turning me on like this I
might have to throw you over my shoulder, kidnap you from
your friends and have my way with you in the bathroom.
• Stop trying to manipulate me into having sex with you in the
bathroom — I’m a gentleman, it’s not going to happen. Stop
thinking about me slamming you against the wall and running
my hands all over you body. And definitely stop thinking about
me kissing your inner thigh and going down on you, because I
don’t do that on the first date. I’m serious — from hereon out,
we’re keeping this conversation 100% NON SEXUAL. And if I
even so much as sense you’re having another sexy thought
about me I will bend you over my knee in front of all these
people and spank your ass for being a bad little girl.
• If you keep looking at me like that you’re at risk of getting
• You look so fucking sexy in that dress, better not wear it
around me on our first date or you’ll end up getting fucked in it
• Listen, I’m trying to control myself, I really am, but could you
just try to make yourself just a little bit uglier? I can’t stand up
to this kind of weaponry
• Could you please stop being so hot so I can regain my
composure? I mean, I’m just some guy. I can’t just turn it off…
That’s better. Now, what were saying?
The vibe here is humorous and playful, yet also highly erotic. By
camouflaging desire in being funny and playful, you can get away
with a lot more.
Additionally, there is a degree to which the more shocking and
outrageous you go with a joke, the funnier it is because of the
implicit tension.
Learn to walk the line between being offensive, and being
playfully provocative in a humorous way. It adds a powerful erotic
tension into your conversations with women.
Another way to express desire through the lens of humor is to
basically blame the girl for being hot. Essentially, you accuse her
of being too sexy. You act as if she’s trying to make you lose
control, and you’re resisting. Be playful with it.
• Tell the girl to gain 100 pounds and become a fat pig so that
you can restrain yourself around her.
• Tell her she’s so hot that you can’t control yourself around her:
could she please put a bag over her head so that you can get
to know her real personality without getting a hard on?
• Tell her she’s so sexy it’s lowering your IQ by 10 points for
every minute you spend with her, so could she please knock
herself down a little looks-wise so that you don’t end up being
retarded by the end of the conversation?
• Tell her to cover up or wear a different outfit that doesn’t make
you so horny.
• Tell her to stop using that tone of voice because her voice is so
sensual it makes you want to bend her over and do her.
• Warn her of the animalistic pounding she’s going to get if she
doesn’t stop turning you on.
This plays to her sexual irresistibility fantasy, but by framing it in a
humorous context, you can get away with much more sexual
content than you could if you were completely straight-faced.
Don’t be afraid to be a little bit shocking.
Remember, women love bad boys. They like a guy who breaks
the rules. Particularly if he’s breaking the rules because he finds
her sexually irresistible.
You [looking her deep in the eyes like a serial killer]: Who the fuck
are you.
Girl: Excuse me?
You: I said: Who — the fuck — are you.
Girl: Uhh… Katie?
You: You’re fucking adorable, Katie.
Girl [flustered but aroused]: Hahah, uh thanks
Always bear in mind that if going this extreme, you must be
holding strong eye contact with the woman at all times.
Women are like dogs. If a vicious dog senses weakness, it will
tear your throat out. But if you go in and immediately display
dominance to the dog you can grab it by the throat or do what
you like with it and it will be quiet and submissive because it
recognises you’re the leader.
Likewise when being a little outrageous with women. Always
convey dominance through calm, penetrating pupil-to-pupil eye
contact and a loud voice and you can get away with anything.
It is her job as a woman to pretend to be offended to test you. It
is your jobs as a man not to react. Women will always try to
control you. They get horny when they can’t.
You: Come home with me.
Girl: Hahah wow, I don’t think so.
You: Ok, well how about we get out of here and grab some food.
Girl: Hahaha, um… ok! You’re weird, what’s your name.
The above exchange actually happened to me by the way. I
opened the hottest girl in the club by telling her straight up to
come home with me. No small talk, no “getting to know you”
chat — just raw sexuality straight from the get-go.
Obviously, she declined to come home with a random guy. But
she said yes to my offer of getting food together. We then spent
the rest of the night making out and talking, and later dated.
The lesson is that you’d be surprised by how much you can get
away with so long as you’re unapologetic.
If the girl gets offended by any of this, apologise for the
disrespect. Do not apologise for the fact that you feel desire for
First, because it’s not your choice whether you feel desire or not
at a given moment. Just as it’s not your choice whether your feel
hungry or not.
Apologising for feeling desire is like apologising for the fact that
you exist, and are alive.
In other words, it’s the worst form of weakness, and although it
will appear to satsify the woman, it will instantly turn her off.
You have a right to feel sexual desire for any woman. Just as in
any Western democracy, every woman has a right to make
herself look as sexy as she wants.
Being sexually attracted to women, wanting to fuck them, loving
how their bodies look — this is part of your DNA, and it’s what
drives our species forward.
Never, ever apologise for being sexually attracted to a woman. A
great man once said that the secret to a happy life can be
summed up in four words: never apologise, never explain.
So if the girl says, “you know, that’s really offensive”, or “how
dare you speak to me like that”, then apologise for the
disrespect, but don’t apologise for the fact that you desire her.
Hold the line. Tell her: “I’m sincerely sorry I offended you. I didn’t
mean to cross your boundaries. I merely intended to find them.”
Dominance tests
It’s very important to understand that women are always testing
you to see whether you’re a dominant or submissive male.
Women want to see if you’re a dominant male, because dominant
men have superior genes.
They could ask a man they like if he’s dominant, but then men
would lie to them.
So instead, women give men little tests to gauge his personal
Pretending to be outraged or offended when you say something
sexual is one of these tests.
If you instantly back down and apologise, it shows the girl you
have no back-bone and are willing to let people walk all over you.
In most cases, this will paradoxically make her more angry.
It also telegraphs that you have few sexual options and are
desperate — because a man who has a lot of sexual options
doesn’t care whether a woman gets offended or not.
Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke. Such is the attitude of the man
with options. You know… the man women want.
There are a number of ways to pass a woman’s “outrage test”.
Described below are four of the most reliable ones.
1. A charming apology
Girl: There’s really no call for being so rude
You: I am deeply sorry. I did not mean to cross your boundaries,
my dear, only to find them. Will you ever forgive me?
2. A sincere apology
Girl: What you just said is really offensive
You: I’m sorry that I offended you. That wasn’t my intention at all,
and I didn’t know you would react like that.
Girl: Haha that’s okay. So what’s your name anyway?
3: “I’m just kidding” (then immediately change topic)
You: You’re outrageously beautiful. I want to fuck you behind a
Girl: That’s offensive and absolutely disgusting
You: I’m just kidding. I have a really fucked up sense of humor.
So where are you from?
Girl: I’m from blah blah blah
4: Blow it wildly out of proportion (when “just kidding” fails)
Girl: That’s offensive and absolutely disgusting
You: I’m just kidding
Girl: I would hope so, you shouldn’t speak to women that way. If
you say something like that to me again I’ll get the bouncers to
kick you out
You: Oh my, I am SO sorry. I’ve been such a bad boy!
[start spanking yourself on the bottom ridiculously like Austin
I must — not — behave — so — badly — in — public — ever —
[Offer your ass to the girl as if to let her spank you. She gives you
a mean look.]
You [still poking your ass towards her]: I really think you should
join in. Go on, give it a slap. Take your rage out on me. My
therapist says I need a lot of negative reinforcement…
Girl: [gives you mean look but starting to crack a smile]
You: Come on, you know you want to give me just one little
spank on the bum-bum. It will make you feel better. Go on.
[Girl is now laughing, lightly smacks you on the butt]
You [pretending to orgasm the moment she touches you]:
Ohhhh!! Was that as good for you as it was for me?
Deal with objections in a light-hearted, playful way that
communicates social dominance, and she will be immensely
more attracted to you than if she had never given you an
objection at all.
Body language is absolutely critical to conveying desire and
sexuality to a woman. About 93% of human communication is
body language and vocal tonality, while only 7% is the actual
content of the words we use.
It follows that if you’re focusing on the words you say to the girl
instead of what’s being communicated nonverbally by your body
language, you’re putting the cart before the horse.
The Human Mating Ritual
Every animal has a mating ritual or “dance”. Humans are no
It is important to realise that the mating ritual for human beings is
very ancient. It evolved long before we had language. As such, it
is based entirely on non-verbal cues like body language, touch
and eye contact.
There are basically 4 aspects to the human “mating dance” — all
of which must be working for you together if you can hope to
attract a woman sexually from very early in the interaction.These
four aspect are:
#1: Body proximity (physical closeness)
When talking to a woman, stand as close as you can get away
with. This is called “cutting the space”. If it’s in a nightlife venue
like a bar or club, you can usually get away with being right up in
her face — noses nearly touching. Is this polite? No. But your
aim is to get laid, not make friends. Standing close to a girl
conveys dominance and will make her aroused. Breath mints are
#2: Eye contact
Stare into women’s eyes at all time. This is an essential part of
the “human mating ritual”. Without strong, calm, steady eye
contact from the very beginning of the conversation, you will be
rejected. Guaranteed. That’s how essential this is.
Eye contact can be intensified by visualising yourself fucking the
girl as you look into her eyes. The lust you feel will infect her and
gradually make her feel horny.
#3: Dominant Vocal tonality
Be loud. Much louder than you currently are. Again, it’s not
“polite” to be loud. But politeness doesn’t make girls horny.
Dominance does. And being loud is among the most obvious
cues for a dominant male, because it shows that you’re not
intimidated by anyone in the environment and you don’t care
whether they approve or disapprove of what you’re saying.
Once you’ve got her attention off the initial approach, you should
immediately transition into speaking in a lower, more sensual
tone of voice, like you would with a girl you had just fucked and
who you were lying in bed with.
#4: Physical touch
Touch the girl regularly. Physical touch release a hormone called
oxytocin which plays a role in human bonding and emotional
In fact, one study showed that when a man approached
women in the streets and asked them for a date, lightly
touching the woman on the arm more than doubled the
number of affirmative responses he got to this request.7
You can touch her lightly on the arm or shoulder while you talk to
her, as if to emphasise a point. Don’t go overboard with physical
contact — especially in the beginning.
Less is more.
However, it is of paramount importance to make some kind of
physical contact — however light — from early on in the
interaction. Elsewise you fall into the friendship zone by default.
Furthermore, the longer you wait to make physical contact with a
woman, the more awkward it will become when you eventually
“Courtship compliance: The effect of touch on women’s behavior”, http://
If you set a “precedent” of being physical from early on in the
conversation using light touch, when it later comes time to
escalate physically with kissing and more sexual touching, the
transition will not be jarring and unexpected.
Other forms of light, inoffensive touching which you should
use early on in an interaction with a woman include:
• Hugging her (Note: You don’t actually need a “logical” reason
to hug her. Simply ask a bland question like, “where you
from?”. When she tells you she’s from XYZ Place say, “Oh cool!
I love XYZ Place” → Hug.)
• Playfully ruffling her hair
• Hi-fiving her
• Taking both her hands in yours and lightly squeezing them
(note: if she squeezes back it’s a sign she’s into you)
• Playfully getting her in a “headlock” and giving her a light
• Throw her over your shoulder like a caveman
• Picking her up and spinning her around
• Kiss her neck playfully
• Hug her from behind (girls love this)
• Get her to hug you from behind
• Offer to massage her
• Run your hands up and down the material on her tights and
say, “I love the material on this… wow it feels so nice I can’t
stop touching it :-) ”
• Say “you look freezing, let me warm you up,” then grab her and
hug her close (this is especially funny if the temperature is very
• Link arms with her, then lead her somewhere else in the club.
Don’t ask, just lead. It’s best to do this early — within the first
few minutes of meeting a woman. It establishes a rhythm of
you leading and her following. Later, when you go to lead her
out of the club and back to your place, it won’t be jarring, and
she’ll willingly follow your lead without resistance because
she’s already become habituated to doing so. This is called
creating a compliance ladder. More on this in the final chapter:
Train Her To Obey.
Touching should always be playful, not sexual. You’re not trying
to molest the girl: that will be a major turn off and could get you
arrested. Instead, it’s more like you’re an older brother teasing his
little sister’s bratty friend.
If the girl ever gets mad at you for touching her, take your hands
off her immediately and say: “I’m sorry, I’m just a touchy feely
type of guy. I didn’t mean to cross your boundaries. My whole
family are very tactile, so it’s just how I was raised.”
Unfortunately, many of the exact behaviours which attract
women are “beaten out of us” at an early age by the modern
education system.
For example, you’ll notice that women respond extremely well to
you when you speak loudly, touch them, and stare into their eyes.
Yet what are we taught from a young age as boys?
“BE QUIET!!!!”
With this kind of unnatural and restrictive social programming
being forced into our brains from our earliest years, it’s not hard
to see why so many men find it so difficult to attract a mate. They
have been programmed to fail by our sick and crazy educational
Touching is natural
At first, it will feel “unnatural” to adopt the new behaviours you
see in this book. Many guys find it incredibly difficult to even
touch a woman.
It can help if you recognise, however, that it’s not your fault that
you feel this inner resistance: it was unintentionally “programmed
into” you from childhood onwards. For example, watch how a
small child behaves. Little kids have no problem with touching
A toddler on a train will walk up to a complete stranger and rest
their hand on the person’s leg, completely oblvious that what
they’re doing is “not normal”. Over time, their mom will yell at
them repeatedly: “Don’t touch strangers. It’s rude.”
And if that command is repeated enough, it gets imprinted onto
your brain like a scratch on a vinyl record, causing you to have an
irrational and incorrect expectation that if you touch a girl, she’ll
freak out.
Liberating yourself from this limiting programming will not be
easy, but it’s something you must do if you desire to succeed
with women. The best way to attack it is to take baby steps. Next
time you’re talking to a woman, just touch her lightly on the arm.
When she doesn’t freak out like you expected she would, you’ll
feel more confident and be able to go further next time.
With practice, the behaviours which convey dominance and are
attractive will become automatic and you’ll no longer need to
think about doing them. It will be natural for you to speak loudly,
touch women casually in conversation, and make eye contact
with everyone, because you’ll simply have so many positive
experiences from acting in this new way that it would be crazy to
go back to your old programming.
STEP #3:
“To continue further, you are going to have to start to get
her conscious mind engaged. But it must be done in such
a way as to not raise an objection. This can be
accomplished in a ‘hypothetical’ situation, a situation that
is possible, but that she wouldn’t actually do. Or, in other
words, a fantasy. In a fantasy, a woman can imagine that
she is doing something that she would never ‘really’ do, but
can experience the situation anyway. When she imagines it
vividly in her mind, it’s as good as her actually doing it.
Fantasy is the perfect scenario for her ‘experiencing’ [the
sex] without actually ‘doing’ it. Once she experiences it in
her mind, it will be much easier for her to experience it later
‘for real.’ Using fantasy, you can magnify the excitement of
an activity. And for a woman, the activities that are exciting
are the ones that are naughty.”
— David Shade, Give Women Wild Screaming
Sexual fantasies
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to introduce sexual fantasies and
roleplays into your interactions with women.
If you have followed the first 2 steps correctly, you should already
be triggering a fantasy in a woman: her fantasy of being sexually
irresistible, almost to the point that it causes a man to lose
control and ravish her (although of course you always stay in
control of yourself — but just barely).
In this section, you will learn how to deepen this fantasy, magnify
it, intensify it, and sharpen the girl’s mental image of its fulfilment
until she can see, hear and feel the sex with you so vividly in her
mind that actually going through with it in real life becomes a
mere afterthought.
The structure of fantasy
“Although the heroine in romance novels holds sexual power
over the [male] hero, there is, almost paradoxically, a way in
which she yields or submits to his uncontrollable sexual
passion for her. This fusion of sexual power and sexual
irresistibility through submission occurs frequently in erotic
romances, and was cited by women in our own study as a
reason they have sex… A plausible explanation is that being
submissive can cause a woman to feel sexually desirable, and
her sexual desirability, in turn, gives her power and control
over her partner. Overall, we found that two reasons women
gave for having sex —‘I wanted to submit to my partner’ and ‘I
wanted to “gain control” of the person’—were related;
statistically, they clustered together, suggesting that sexual
submission can in fact be a means of gaining control.”
— Dr. Cindy Meston and Dr. David Buss, Why Women
Have Sex
As has already been explained, a woman’s most basic and
irrational sexual fantasy is one of sexual irresistibility. One one
hand, this gives her power and a sense of control.
On the other, it easily ties into women’s fantasies of being
helpless, of being forced to submit to a man and sexually
dominated in a way that verges on rape — because being
irresistible means, by definition, that a man cannot resist her
sexual pull, and will do anything he has to possess her body
sexually, up to and including forcing himself on her.
The domination fantasy
Women have a genetic need to be dominated just as men have a
genetic need to dominate. Without domination, there is no sexual
desire. In fact, in the words of neuroscientist and sexuality
researcher Dr. Ogi Ogas, “gender equality inhibits arousal.”
In a recent survey conducted by the Journal of Sexual Medicine:
• 65% of women admitted to having fantasies about “being
dominated sexually”
• 52% of women fantasise about “being tied up by
someone in order to obtain sexual pleasure”
• 36% of women fantasise about “being spanked or
whipped to obtain sexual pleasure”
• And nearly 1 in 3 women fantasised about “being forced
to have sex”
Another study found that the second most common sexual
fantasy among women surveyed was one in which “I imagine I
am being overpowered and forced to surrender”.8
Another survey found that 30% of women had experienced the
sexual fantasy “I’m a slave who must obey a man’s every
Of course, let me make it clear for any idiots reading this: never,
under any circumstances, force yourself on a woman when she
doesn’t want it.
The point is not that rape is okay or that women secretly “want”
to be raped. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I’m not telling you to overpower her physically. I’m telling you to
play with that theme, using your words and language.
You hint at it, allude to it, suggest it indirectly. This creates a
powerful tension with a lot of erotic fantasy potential.
And remember also: this is a fantasy, not reality. You’re painting a
picture with words — you’re putting a series of images and ideas
Why Women Have Sex, Cindy Meston and David Buss, p. 208
Why Women Have Sex, Cindy Meston and David Buss, p. 208
in the girl’s mind using language which makes her uncontrollably
Actual coercion and rape — where a man forces himself on a
woman against her will — is a heinous and unforgivable
crime that deserves to be punished with the strictest
possible severity.
You should always have a woman’s total consent before doing
anything sexual with her.
The lust to submit
The point is that women’s sexual fantasies about being
overpowered give a clue as to their deepest desires and their true
It’s simply a genetic fact that the vast majority of heterosexual
women find sexual submission arousing, as do most female
And if you know how to skillfully activate a woman’s submission
fantasy, without going overboard, you’ll never have to worry
about getting consent — because she’ll be the one tearing your
clothes off.
The Domination Fantasy Formula
The basic formula is this:
Her hotness + overpowers you = you have to have her right
now and can’t be responsible for your actions around her
(ripping her clothes off, dominating her, fucking her, making
her your toy, etc)
So that’s your fundamental theme — the baseline of every
fantasy. One of domination, possession, the girl being so hot that
it overpowers your logical mind and forces you to overpower her.
Yet now we have a dilemma: We know as a matter of scientific
fact that women respond to male domination. Yet we can’t come
out and say it outright to a woman we’ve just met without
offending her, coming across as creepy or seeming overly
The solution is to camouflage the fantasy, to disguise it, to
conceal it. For this, we have 6 “secret weapons” at our disposal.
Secret weapons
There are six basic techniques you can use to get a girl imagining
sex without coming off as creepy or overly aggressive. They are:
1. Humor
2. Role reversal (or “stealing the woman’s frame”)
3. Misinterpretation
4. Negative suggestion
5. Stories and fables
6. Roleplaying
Together, these techniques are like “stealth weapons” which
allow you to plant sexual imagery and thoughts in a woman’s
mind while appearing to be completely innocent.
By “sexual imagery and thoughts”, I mean:
• sexual fantasies
• sexual taboos
• erotic situations
• the implication of a sexual relationship between you and the
• the implication of a long-term relationship between you and
the girl
The more different sexual images and scenes you can get her to
imagine, the hornier she will get.
When introducing a sexual fantasy into the conversation with a
girl, you should always start out by framing it as just “joking
This defuses the potentially “creepy” nature of talking about sex
with a woman you’ve just met.
Humour is highly persuasive.
Humour allows you to camouflage a sexual message and make it
seem innocent while it burrows into the person’s subconscious.
By mastering humorous communication, you can get a girl to
imagine sexual fantasies while appearing to be completely
innocent — you’re not a sexual predator, you’re just a “funny
guy” with a wild, slightly outrageous sense of humour.
In addition, being funny is in itself regarded as a trait which is
immensely attractive to women: it signals mental health, genetic
fitness, social ease, and usually some degree of dominance
(people who feel inferior rarely crack jokes).
The imporant thing is that you want to fuse both sexuality and
humor. The words you’re saying are humorous, yet the underlying
vibe is highly erotic (mainly accomplished by body language and
eye conact).
So it’s not just being “funny”, and it’s not just being “sexual”, but
rather, a fusion of the two which is irresistible.
I’ve said that you want to be humorous while being sexual at the
same time. How? One technique is to use a lot of role reversal.
This is when you flip the normal gender roles. Act as if it’s her
who’s trying to seduce you, while you’re attempting to resist her
charms. This “role reversal” technique is highly entertaining and
compelling to women, and will score you major points for making
her laugh.
Yet more importantly, if you act as if it’s her trying to chase you
and get you into bed, over time this will often tend to become a
self-fulfilling prophecy.
Role reversal is excellent because aside from being funny and
letting you communicate sexually without being creepy, it also
subtly changes the woman’s perception of the situation and
shifts the power in the interaction away from her and towards
You: Look, I know you want to get into my pants but just get a
hold of yourself, ok? We barely even know each other yet. I don’t
even know your last name. Let’s at least get acquainted before
we go jumping into bed with each other.
You: What do you do for work?
Girl: I’m an accountant.
You: That’s good, I need a woman with money. Do you think you
have enough income to support both of us though? I’m fairly high
You: I’m not giving you my number so don’t even try. I know what
girls like you are like. Calling constantly, texting to “hang out” at
2am when you’re drunk and horny, drunk dialling and trying to
get me to come over to your place to bang you in the shower.
Well, none of that’s going to happen. We don’t even know each
other’s names yet, miss, I will not let you use my body for your
sexual perversions. I have self-respect.
You [to girl at checkout]: So how much of this cash do you get to
Girl: Haha, none. I wish.
You: Oh, that’s too bad. I was assuming you pocketed about
20%. I’m looking for a rich girl who can support me. But now I’m
not interested.
You: Would you like to join my fanclub?
Girl: Haha, and what does that entail?
You: Oh, not much, just the normal things. Cheerleading for me
as I walk past, following me through the streets and applauding
when I speak, buying me drinks, dancing for me, all the stuff the
average groupies do.
You: Nice “fuck me” heels”. Someone’s trying to get lucky
Her: Hahah shut up I’m a good girl
You: It’s working. You’ve successfully made my dick hard.
Another excellent way of reversing roles is to use women’s own
lines against them. For example:
• We’re definitely not having sex tonight
• You’re too much of a nice girl for me
• Let’s just be friends
• I can’t go home with you, I have work tomorrow
• We’re not going home together, I’m not that easy
• I can’t have sex with you, it would ruin the friendship.
• Sorry I can’t bang you, I’m gay / I have a girlfriend / my
girlfriend has bigger boobs than you
• I’d love nothing more than to rip your panties off and fuck you
right here but it’s just too awkward. I mean we don’t even know
each other, let’s just be friends
• I’m not sleeping with you tonight, I have a headache.
• The age difference is too big between us, you’re just a baby
• Nothing is going to happen between us
• I don’t know enough about you to feel comfortable sleeping
with you yet
• Let’s take things slow. I don’t want to get hurt.
• Don’t think you’re going to get something just because you’re
buying me this drink
• You just want me for my body
• I’m not ready to be in relationship right now
• Don’t try to sweet talk me, I know what girls like you want.
You’re just trying to get me alone so you can do me.
This is a close cousin of role reversal. Basically whatever the girl
does or says, you misinterpret it as her trying to have sex with
Again, this accomplishes not one but many things: (1) It
captivates the girl with humour and a playful vibe, (2) it subtly
flips the power dynamic so that she’s the one chasing you,
though it does this under the guise of humor, (3) it allows you to
rapidly sexualise the conversation without being obvious or
crude about it.
Girl: We're not having sex tonight.
You (playing dumb): We're having sex tonight?
Girl: NO! I said we are NOT having sex tonight!
You: I’d love to have sex with you but I’m afraid I can’t tonight. I
have an early morning tomorrow.
Girl: Arggg, asshole!!!
You’ll know you’re doing this right when she’s punching you on
the arm out of frustration yet laughing in delight at the same time.
That’s the sweet spot.
Girl: You’re a nice guy but I have a boyfriend.
You: I can’t be your boyfriend, we hardly know each other.
Girl: I said I already HAVE a boyfriend! You’re so arrogant!
You: It’s cool, I like you, but let’s just take it slow, then maybe
later we can be boyfriend and girlfriend. Let’s not rush into
Girl: I need to go to the bathroom
You [look at watch]: I’ve only known you for ten minutes, I’m not
having bathroom sex with you.
Girl: I have to go home
You: I can’t go home with you, I’m too shy
Girl: I need to go find my friends
You: Ok let’s get em but I’m not having a threesome with you
guys so don’t try any funny stuff
Girl: I have to go
You: Oh yeah, where are you taking me? It better be good
Girl: I’m not having sex with you
You: You think about sex so much, you must be sexually
Girl: We’re not going home together
You: Could you stop thinking about sex for one moment? Please,
try to be just a little bit CLASSY. We barely even know each other
and you’re already obsessing over the idea of us boning. It’s sad,
If she does something with her hands, fiddles with something
nervously, rips up a piece of paper, or anything else, point to
what she’s doing and say: “You know, psychologists found that
people who hold their phone like that are 69 times more sexually
Girl: I like your accent
You: Thanks, I work out
Girl: You’re hot
You: Flattery will get you everywhere
The fourth secret weapon at your command for getting a woman
thinking about sex without being creepy is called negative
suggestion, a.k.a. reverse psychology.
If I tell you “don’t think of a pink elephant”, it actually forces you
to visualise one. That’s negative suggestion.
You can implant an image or idea in a person’s head by telling
them NOT to think about it. As for instance, if you tell the girl:
“We are not having sex tonight.”
What have you done here?
On one hand, you appear to be completely innocent. You’re not
hitting on her — you’re doing the opposite.
Yet what you’re actually doing is forcing her subconscious mind
to think about having sex with you tonight. And the more you can
get her focused on that idea, the more receptive she’ll be to
actually doing it.
Verbally resist, physically move forward
Skilfully used, Pink Elephant Theory is a powerful form of
psychological manipulation. It is also undetectable to most
people so long as they’re not trained in hypnosis or persuasion.
I constantly pepper negative suggestions into my conversations
with women. It works best when you’re maintaining a highly
charged sexual vibe with your body language, eye contact and
This combination of “verbally resisting, while physically
escalating” is crack cocaine to women. You’re turning her on with
your body while disarming her objections with your words. It’s
A versatile persuasion technology
What makes negative suggestion such a versatile tool is that it
allows you to implant outrageously sexual images and fantasies
in the woman’s mind without triggering her resistance.
For example, if you told a girl, “I want to bend you over and
spank you”, she might respond well, or she might get offended
and try to test you.
Compare this to saying something like: “Don’t make me bend
you over and spank you. I know that’s what you want, ok? But
just stop it, it’s not going to happen, I’m a gentleman.”
The first way of putting it is very crude, and potentially triggers
resistance. But by framing it in the negative, it’s much more
humorous and playful, and so triggers less resistance.
Yet ultimately, the exact same image — of you spanking her and
dominating her in a sexual way — is now lodged firmly in her
subconscious mind, and she starts to get horny as she thinks
about it.
You: I’m not going to have sex with you. You’re too much of a
nice girl. I only date sluts.
[Girl’s subconscious: “Oh yeah? Well wait till you see just how
slutty I can be, asshole!”]
You: You have no idea what I’m thinking about doing to you right
now… No, I won’t say it, it’s too dirty, you’re a good girl, you’d
never be into it.
Girl: Hahaha what do you mean, why not!
You: Because I’m a bad man, and you wouldn’t be safe around
me. If I got you alone I don’t know if I’d be able to control myself.
If we were in the same room alone I think I might not be able to
stop myself just jumping on you, to be honest. I mean, I would
never do that because we’ve just met, but if I did do it then I think
it would turn me on so much to run my hands all over your sexy
body that I wouldn’t be able to take no for an answer… First I’d
throw you on the bed and rip your clothes off like a kid tearing
open present on Christmas morning, it would be terrible, really,
you wouldn’t be able to handle it. Then I’d get you naked and
bend you over my knee, and when you tried to wriggle free I’d
spank your naked ass for being a bad little girl and wearing such
a sexy outfit trying to get me turned on… I can think of a few
other things I’d like to do to you, but you probably don’t want to
Girl [blushing shyly but aroused]: …what else would you do to
You: I’d make you my slave. I’d turn you into my little fuck toy to
have my way with whenever I wanted. I’d keep you locked in my
room, and I’d keep you dressed you up in sexy lingerie with
crotchless panties so that I can fuck you whenever I desire. And
when you misbehaved I’d spank your ass for being a bad little
slave girl and then I’d pin you face first against the wall, spread
you legs like a cop, and hold you down as I fucked you from
behind until you begged me to stop.
Girl: omg you’re actually making me so wet right now
Notice here two things:
(1) The fantasy is framed at first in the negative. You’re not saying
“I want to throw you on a bed and rip your clothes off.”
Instead, it’s more subtle. You’re saying, “you know, we
shouldn’t go further… because if I got you alone I would throw
you on the bed and rip your clothes off, you’re so hot I
wouldn’t be able to control myself.” There’s a tension here:
she’s so hot it’s overpowering your rational mind, but you’re
resisting it. This is much more arousing to women than simply
saying “I want to fuck you”
(2) The use of “open loops” to get the girl participating before
describing the more dirty sexual scenes. This is key. Tease
her. Give her a taste of what you’d like to do to her… but
before going further, say, “well, you wouldn’t want to know
about it, it’s too dirty”. This will ignite her curiosity and get her
begging you to finish the story. In this way you can now
describe some really sexy and outrageous things to her. And
she can’t get mad, because it’s her who “made you” tell her
about it
You: You shouldn’t invite yourself over to my place. It would be
wrong. We’ve just met, and you’re a good girl, so you would
never do something like that. And also, if you did come back to
my place — and I’m not going to let you by the way — but if you
did come back with me, honestly I don’t know if I could control
myself around you, so it’s not going to happen
Girl: Lol what do you mean
You: Nah forget it… you wouldn’t be able to handle it
Girl: Lol wouldn’t be able to handle what? You’re such a jerk. Tell
You: Nah, you’re too much of a nice girl, let’s just change the
Girl [punching you on the arm and staring into your eyes like a
puppy begging for its dinner]: Shut up! Tell me! Tell me right now
or I’ll leave
You: What I was about to say was I think you’re great and I’m
having a lot of fun with you, but there’s no way we’re going home
together. I’m only human and if I keep looking at you in that short
little skirt then… we can’t be alone in the same room together.
Just let’s leave it at that, ok? Because — and this is true —
there’s no one in my apartment right now, no roomates, nothing,
and so there’d be no one to keep me in check…. and if I had a
cute little girl like you walking around my bedroom in that skimpy
outfit then I’m afraid what I might do to you if there was no one to
hold me back.
Girl [going into aroused state]: Like what?
You: Well for starters I would have to bend you my knee and
spank your adorable little ass you for wearing such a slutty little
skirt. I wouldn’t be able to control myself, I’d just have to do it to
you. Then I’d order you stand in front of me and take your skirt
off, and take your top off so that I could examine your pussy and
make sure you’ve been a good little girl and haven’t been slutting
around with boys. I’d push you against the wall, and I’d run my
hands all over your skin and I’d feel your breasts and nipples and
I’d run my hands down your stomach and legs. Then I’d feel your
pussy to make sure you’re not wet for me, because only naughty
little sluts get wet and you’re a good girl so you’re not allowed to
be wet under any circumstances or else I’ll punish you. But I’m
so hard for you that I don’t know if I can restrain myself and it
would so wrong if anything happened, so to restrain myself I’d
yell at you that it’s your fault for being a naughty little slut who’s
trying to make me hard, and I’d force you onto my lap. Then I’d
start spanking your adorable little ass and taking my anger out on
you, to try to make my boner go down. I’d spank you and
discipline you until you realise what a naughty little girl you’ve
been by trying to tease me, but the more I punish you the more
turned on I get, until finally I can’t hold myself back any longer
and I pull your panties down and grab you by the waist like an
animal and…
[At this point, before describing the sexual act, you can plant
another open loop to drive her completely insane. Just stop
talking, look past her as if you’ve just spotted someone you
know. Or you take out your phone and start fiddling with it in a
distracted way.]
Girl: Don’t just ignore me! You can’t just stop! What happens
You: You can’t come home with me is the point. Not under any
circumstances am I letting you up to my room and into my bed.
And definitely not when you’re wearing that litte skirt. We don’t
even know each other. Let’s just take it slow, ok? Don’t come
back to my place. Don’t follow me out of the club when I leave,
no matter how hard I try to get you to come. Don’t get in a taxi
back to mine with me, because you’re a good girl and I don’t
want to — no, I refuse to — corrupt you, ok. And listen to me,
Amanda. This is the most important part. This is a moment of
clarity right now, but I can’t trust myself not to turn into a
complete animal if I keep looking at your eyes and lips and your
body. So no matter how hard I try to get you to come home with
me, do not do it.
Girl: But why not? Why can’t I come back??
You: Because it wouldn’t be safe for you. You don’t know me.
You don’t understand the amount of desire I have for you right
now. Let’s just take it slow and be friends, ok? There’s no way it
would work out between us anyway. You’re too much of a good
girl for me, so just forget it.
[She’ll now start arguing with you about all the reasons why you
should let her come back to your place. Slowly, concede to her
demands, and agree to let her come back with you, “but only for
15 minutes, then I’ll have to kick you out, because I have an early
morning tomorrow.” If, on the other hand, she plays along with
your teasing and “agrees” that you should just be friends, then hit
the jealousy trigger, e.g.:]
Girl [playing along but secretly disappointed]: Yeah I guess you’re
right, we did only just meet, we should just stay friends.
You: Yeah exactly, and like, because you’re such a sweet girl, we
would never get on well anyway if we did end up in bed together.
I would just want to dominate you sexually and be rough with you
and you wouldn’t be able to handle it, because you’re so sweet
and innocent, and maybe you’re even a virgin for all I know.
Girl: No I’m not a virgin!!! You’re an asshole LOL!! And what
makes you think I don’t like rough sex? I might surprise you…
You: It’s ok, you don’t have to make up stories to impress me, I
don’t want to take your virginity. I’ll find a bad, naughty girl who’ll
let me do all the dirty things i want to do to her… You and me will
just be good friends who nothing sexual ever happens between,
and no cuddling or spooning either, no matter how much you beg
me, because that only ever leads to sex. And when you want me
to take your virginity, I’ll say NO, because we’re just friends, I
don’t see you that way, you’re a good girl, you would never go
home with a guy you just met… [etc]
By the time you’re done running this routine, the girl will be
begging to go back to your place. Making something forbidden
automatically makes it desirable. That’s the heart of why negative
suggestion works.
In this way, negative suggestion can be used to get girls to do
whatever you want, by telling her to do the opposite. Think of it
like reverse psychology on steroids.
You: What’s your name.
Girl: Jessica.
You: You’re adorable, Jessica, but we cannot go out with each
other under any circumstances. I’m a selfish, emotionally
unavailable dick head. And if we ever dated, I’d only end up
cheating on you, banging your sister, and fucking all your friends
when you’re on vacation. Then you know what I’ll do next? I’ll
con you into marrying me, divorce you and take you for
everything you’re worth. I’m a bad man. You should stay very far
away from me.
More examples of Pink Elephant Theory in action:
• To get her receptive to coming back to your place, tell her, “You
can’t come home with me, I don’t trust myself to be alone with
you when you look like that. You can come home with me but
only on the condition that you immediately take your makeup
off, take your heels off, and put on ugly sweatpants, and then
rub dirt all over your face. That’s the only way I’m going to be
able to control myself and — to tell you the truth — even that
might not be enough. I might need you to put a paper bag over
your head so that I’m not distracted by your beauty. Only then
can you come home with me. Plus, I have to get up early
tomorrow morning, so there’s no way you can stay for long
even if you did come over…”
• While kissing erotically or during foreplay, tell her, “Don’t get
wet, you’re a good girl and good girls don’t get wet for a
stranger they don’t even know. Don’t become wet or else I’m
going to have to discipline you for being a bad little girl. Stop
getting wet. Stop it. If you get wet for me I’m going to have
punish you and make you my slave.” The girl will start getting
uncontrollably wet.
• During sex, tell her “Don’t cum. Don’t cum, yet, baby. I’m not
finished with you yet.” Keep insisting that she doesn’t cum —
this paradoxically takes the pressure off and makes her more
likely to cum. Then when she’s on the brink of orgasm,
command her to cum. She will have an incredible orgasm.
As you can see, negative suggestion is a versatile tool which
works in many different contexts. It can be a way to tease the girl
and poke fun at her, or to introduce and deepen a sexual fantasy,
or to simply put her off balance and disarm her resistance as you
escalate physically.
The secret of it is that women are so used to resisting men and
constantly telling them “no” that if you tell her to do the opposite
of what you want her to do, she’ll end up resisting and thus play
right into your hands.
Public sex, and other taboos
Fundamentally, negative suggestion allows you to appeal to
every woman’s repressed desire to be “naughty”, to break the
rules, to transgress social taboos.
You can use whatever the environment or situation is as the main
material to make her horny, simply by making it forbidden. This
allows you to turn weaknesses into strengths.
For example, you meet her in a farmer’s market, in the middle of
the day, where she’s with three of her friends and there seems to
be no chance of having sex.
Use it to your advantage. Talk about how “wrong” and “naughty”
it would be for the two of you to sneak away from everyone and
fuck like animals in one of the bushes. Talk about how naughty it
would be: “people could see us”, “what if your friends found out
you were a dirty little slut fucking a complete stranger?” etc.
In this way you turn the very obstacle that was in your way into a
motivating factor which makes her want to break the rules this
time just for the thrill of it.
If you meet her in a nightclub, you talk about how naughty it
would be to hook up in the bathroom — especially while her
friends are right there, and they have no idea that you’ve
kidnapped their friend to have your way with her right under their
Take whatever the environment or situation is and make it
For example, did you know that 1 in 2 women have had sexual
fantasies about “having sex with an unknown person”?
Instead of trying to play like you know each other so well — use
anonymity to your advantage. Draw attention to how you’re
complete strangers, you just met, and so it would “so, so bad” if
you were to start rutting like animals.
If she’s in your room and you’re alone talk about how naughty it
is for her to be in a boy’s room alone with him, and how her
friends would think she’s slutty and naughty, how she shouldn’t
be tempting you by being alone with you while dressed in that
skimpy little outfit, how it’s not safe for her to be alone with a wolf
like you without someone to protect her, etc
If she’s younger, talk about how she needs to stop looking at you
like that because you’re only human and if she keeps making you
horny you’ll have to overpower her and spank her ass for being a
bad little girl, and that you can’t fuck her because it would be so
wrong for an old dirty perverted man like you to fuck an innocent
little girl like her, how you’d break her in half, corrupt her virtue,
degrade her innocent mind with filth.
If she’s older, talk about how perverted she is for seducing a
“young boy” like you, how she’s a sexual predator who’s just
trying to get you alone so she can molest you, how she’s a
dangerous predator and you have to be on your guard around
her or else she’ll pin you down and rape you, how she reminds
you of a babysitter you used to have who turned you into a
sexual experiment when you were a kid and how ever since then
you’ve been irresistibly attracted to much older women. And so
Or, you draw attention to how wrong you are for her — then you
amplify this even further. You tell her you’re a selfish asshole who
would only hurt her. Or you tell her that she should stay away
from you because you’re a sexual predator and if you got her
alone she wouldn’t be safe.
All of these are examples of factors which — if not addressed —
can harm your chances with the girl. But by drawing attention to
them and making them “forbidden and taboo”, you actually turn
them to your advantage — because human beings always want
what they can’t have.
How to fuck much younger girls
Let’s take as an example the age gap. A lot of guys in their forties
and fifties get into learning success with women after going
through a divorce, and want to know how to get younger girls.
Men are evolutionarily wired to be attracted to younger women
— including girls in their teens — because these women are at
the peak of their fertility. Society represses this natural and
normal desire and makes it taboo. But you can thank society for
creating this taboo about women having sex with an older man,
because it automatically makes it sexy.
For example, a girl I went to high school with was blonde, thin,
popular and very pretty — your typical spoiled princess. She
ignored me in school but years later I fucked her and we became
One day we were reminiscing about high school and she
admitted to me that she’d always had a crush on our geography
teacher — who was this old, fat, gross guy in his fifties, balding,
and with greasy grey hair.
This hot blonde 17 year old had been spending her geography
classes dripping wet and trying to restrain herself from fingering
herself under the table as she fantasised about this old fat slob
holding her over a desk, lifting her skirt up and pounding her
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. More than 1 in 3 women
surveyed admitted to fantasising about “having sex with
someone much older than me”.
To activate this fantasy, it helps if you’re older than her, and if
you’re in a position of authority, but you don’t have to be. You
only have to roleplay that you are. The subconscious cannot tell
the different between an imagined situation and a real one.
Simply making her imagine that she’s a teen girl who’s just been
called up to the principal and now you’re going to bend her over
your knee and spank her until she’s good will turn her on even if
you’re both in your twenties.
Important for any idiots reading this: I am not stating that you
should break the law by having sex with minors, or abuse your
position as a teacher, professor, or boss by having sex with
women under your authority. That would be a very dumb thing to
What I am saying is that you can use the taboo erotic theme of
“younger girl being sexually exploited and corrupted by older
guy” in your conversations with women who are over the age of
consent, as a way to heighten their arousal by adding an element
of the taboo to your roleplay.
You: What age are you?
Girl: 18
You: Oh my god, you’re just a baby!
Girl: You’re too old for me
You: Don’t worry, I won’t hold your youth and inexperience
against you.
Girl: But what about the age difference…
You: You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about that and you’re
absolutely right. You’re too young for me. It would be so wrong
for us to have sex, I’d feel like a pervy old teacher calling his
student after class, then spanking you with a ruler and bending
you over a desk. It would be terrible really, just really sick stuff. I
mean think of it, your young smooth body being corrupted and
sexually dominated by an older guy, you would hate it. And I’m
really bossy in bed, too, we wouldn’t be compatible because you
want a young little boy who’s your own age. And if were to get
together, I would be bossing you around, giving you commands,
dominating you completely — you’d hate it really.
“No, we would never be compatible. You should go for a little
boy your own age. That way you won’t feel intimidatd, because
you’ll be in control and he’ll be so happy to even touch a girl’s
boobs that he’ll let you walk all over him and he’ll be your little
puppy dog. Whereas with me, I’m kind of an asshole to be
honest, you would hate dating me because I’d never let you have
your way and I’d just tease you constantly for being a little brat.
Plus, a young girl like you, and this isn’t politically correct to say
but if I saw your tight young little body walking around my
apartment I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from pouncing on
you and ravaging you like an animal. You’d hate it, being
dominated like that. I might even be so turned on that I’d be
forced to hold you against the wall and pull your skirt up and fuck
you even when you tried to wriggle free. It would be so bad, just
so wrong, with the age difference between us. I’d feel like a
stepfather who gets horny and can’t control himself and fucks his
hot stepdaughter, it would be absolutely terrible. I can tell you
would never get turned on by something like that, because you’re
a good girl, and you never have fantasies about older men.
Telling pre-prepared stories is a very effective way of influencing
the woman’s subconscious mind without the appearance of
Telling a story allows you to communicate “subliminal
messages”, get her turned on, and lower her defences, while
keeping her captivated by you at the same time.
You: …you know, it reminds me of a girlfriend I had. She told me
that once when she was sixteen, she was at a dance. She was in
the cloakroom alone to get her coat, and there was no one there,
and it was dark.
“She bent forward to pick up her coat. But as she did, a man
came in behind her, lifted her dress up and put his penis into her.
She wasn’t wearing any tights, or any panties, and so it just slid
right in, and he fucked her without her looking around at him or
even knowing who he was. She never saw his face.
“She told me she came so many times, and when he was
finished he just zipped up his pants and walked away and she
collapsed into the pile of coats and then she was still so aroused
she started fingering herself right there on the pile of coats.
“The crazy part was that she was never caught, and everyone
thought she was such a good girl. She even had a reputation as
being a prude who never put out, and except for that one
incident with a stranger at a dance when she was 16, she was
actually very straight laced.
“Every guy wanted to marry her because they believed she was
such a beautiful and innocent girl, and you know what? She was.
But sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and give in to what
feels good in the moment. My respect for her actually went up
after she told me that story. I like it when people have a wild side,
don’t you? What’s the craziest thing you ever did when you
thought no one was looking?”
The story above is a complete fabrication. I actually lifted it out of
My Secret Garden, a book which compiles women’s sexual
A story like this, however, will allow you to come in “under the
radar” and introduce very arousing and taboo sexual themes and
fantasies without seeming perverted.
The more richly and vividly you can describe the sexual scene to
the girl, the wetter her pussy will become. However, because
you’re framing this as a “story” which happened to someone
else, you can get away with implanting powerful erotic imagery in
her head, and she can’t get mad no matter how much of a prude
she is, because, well, you’re just telling a story, right? And it’s
“not your fault” that the people in the story did what they did.
The story in the format I’ve put it also subtly allows you to
communicates “subliminal messages” which disarm objections.
For example, notice how the girl in the story giving into her
animalistic impulse to be taken and fucked by a stranger is
something you approve of and which made you “respect her
This hidden “moral” will subconsciously make your target much
more open to letting go and having sex with you fast, because
you’ve subtly communicated that you won’t judge her for it, and
you’ll even admire her if she does.
Another example:
You: You know, it’s funny, I really like your face, I just think it’s so
adorable. You remind me of a girl I used to go out with. She
looked really innocent and everyone thought she was a good girl,
but deep down she was a naughty little slut who was addicted to
sex. She wanted to have sex every thirty minutes, a complete
nympho. One time she told me she had a fantasy of being tied up
and spanked by her step father. She even admitted to me that
when she was 16, she babysat one of her neighbour’s sons, and
she used him as a sexual experiment and took his virginity.
Girl: No way, that’s insane!
You: Yeah she was really a free spirit, we used to have sex in
public all the time. One time we actually hooked up in the
bathroom of this club [point to it] — that bathroom right over
there. I kept telling her we shouldn’t do it because it was wrong,
but you know what she did?
Girl: What?
You: She tricked me into it. She said that she had a secret to tell
me, and that she could only tell me in private. Then she told me
she was going to the ladies room to do her makeup but that
she’d tell me in there. So I followed her into the cubicle but then
she locked the door and started peeling her clothes off. I tried to
resist, but she kept molesting me and teasing me with her naked
body until I was rock hard (she knew the effect her body had on
me). Then she slid her pussy onto my cock and got me to fuck
her. It was crazy, she was so wild, I loved that about her, the fact
that she was adventurous. Come to think of it, that incident in the
bathroom was actually the first night we met. We dated for three
years after that. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever
Again, notice that in the above example you’re framing the idea
of having sex fast being a good thing — and not just that, but
you later got into a relationship with the girl who did it.
This psychologically assures your target that you won’t view her
as a “slut” if she sleeps with you right now, in the bathroom of
the club.
Stories can be real, or they can be fabricated versions of things
that really happened to you, or they can be completely made up
out of thin air like the stories above. Never let the truth get in the
way of a good story. It’s not lying — it’s flirting.
Anyway, if you feel guilty about “lying” to the girl, at the end of
the story, you can simply say “just kidding.” In either case, the
story itself will have served its purpose of getting the girl to feel
certain emotions which make her more receptive to your sexual
Here you take the girl on a mental journey with you, by describing
a future scene of the two of you doing something sexual or
Remember, our subconscious mind fundamentally cannot tell the
difference between an imagined experience and a real one.
Therefore, the more you can get her to imagine herself and you
as a couple or as sexual partners, the more it “feel” like that’s
actually the case — thus making her much more likely to go
home with you.
Roleplays don’t have to be sexual. They can be purely romantic
and whimsical. However, I’m a very sexual person, so I like to use
roleplays to implant sexual imagery in the woman’s mind.
This is best done (at least initially) under the guise of “humour”,
particularly if the fantasy is somewhat taboo.
You: You’re so adorable, when we’re dating I’m going to keep
you handcuffed to the bed so that I can cuddle you whenever I
wanted. I’ll make you my little cuddle slave and shower you with
affection and kisses.
You: I’m going to make you my girlfriend. I’ll dress you up in
lingerie, and keep you locked in my room for my amusement. I’ll
feed you strawberries and fruit and salads three times a day, but
no carbs, because I want you to be nice and skinny so you can’t
escape. You’re allowed to leave the house once a day — but only
to go to the gym. However, if you decide to leave the house you
have to wear a dog collar and crawl around on your hands and
knees, either completely naked, or wearing lingerie and heels that
I’ll buy for you.
Girl: Sounds more like a sex slave than a girlfriend you creep!
You: Now you’re getting it
You: I like you. You’re my new girlfriend. I think I’m going to dress
you up in a little maid outfit and make you water my plants. If you
do a good job I’ll reward you with 1 minute of oral sex. But you’re
only allowed 3 licks, so you better savor them.
Girl: Hahaha there is no way that’s going to happen
You: Well then I’m breaking up with you. It’s over between us. It’s
sad, actually. This is the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a
Girl: Hahaha I don’t doubt it
You: Hey now, don’t start getting sassy with me or I’m going to
have to bend you over my knee and spank you
Girl: Sounds fun
You: I think I recognise you from somewhere. Did we have sex in
a plane one time? No, seriously, I’m pretty sure it was you. In
fact, I’m 100% certain. Don’t you remember? You told me I was
the best you ever had. Then you invited one of the air hostesses
to have a three-way with us. It was so hot, I can’t believe you
forgot about it.
Girl: No way, I would never do that!!
You: That’s too bad you don’t remember it, it was the best
experience of my life. I fell in love with you that day and was
going to ask you to marry me, but then we landed and never saw
each other again. I’m still heartbroken about it to this day. And
now here we are — reunited at last. It must be fate.
You: I love you, I’m making you my new girlfriend. But before we
become boyfriend and girlfriend you have to know my rules so
that you can obey them. Rule #1: I only date super sluts. You
must prove yourself to be a complete and unadulterated slut or
else it will never work between us.
Girl: Haha I’m not a slut though so I guess it wasn’t meant to be
You: Don’t interrupt me. That’s rule #2: you will speak when
spoken to. #3: You will either be naked, or wear lingerie and
crotchless panties that I buy for you, at all hours of the day. #4:
You will not have a job, or a cell phone, or any social media
accounts. All contact with the outside world is now banned. I’ll
be keeping you barefoot and pregnant from now on. #5: No
leaving the house except when you’re wearing a dog collar so I
can walk you around on a leash and show my pretty little slave
girl off to all my friends.
Girl: Hahaha that’s never going to happen
You: That’s too bad, I guess I have no choice but to break up
with you. Let’s get a drink to celebrate our divorce [lead girl arm
in arm to the bar]
You: You’re so fucking adorable. I just want to dress you up in
cute little lingerie and keep you as my personal plaything. But
nothing sexual, not until you earn it by being a good little slave.
[Lean in and smell the girl’s hair in a sensual way. Then make a
face as if she smells weird]
You: Eww, you smell funny. I think I might need to bring you back
to my place and give you a bath. But nothing sexual. Get your
mind out of the gutter. I’m not going to let you exploit me for
sexual pleasure like you do with the other guys. I’m not that easy.
You [approaching girl]: I have a proposition for you.
Girl [bored, skeptical, looking at her phone]: Oh yeah? What.
You: I’ll give you one hundred thousand dollars if you’ll kill my
Girl: LOL what??!
You: I said, I’ll give you one hundred thousand dollars if you’ll kill
my wife. She’s a very rich woman, and we never got a prenup, so
I’ll inherit all of it. Then the two of us will flee the country with her
money and move to Costa Rica to live happily ever after.
At this point the girl will be laughing her pretty little head off and
you’re in. Then you can double down on the “conspiracy” theme
and keep going with it, and describe all the things you’ll do
together in your new fantasy life, or you can just tell her you’re
kidding, or whatever. Either way it’s a fantastic little gem, the “kill
my wife” routine. (It’s a funny role reversal of the trope from old
movies where a smoking hot woman will ask a geeky guy to kill
her husband in return for sex.)
Other variations on this theme are that you ask the girl to kill your
wife for you, and in return you’ll give her sexual favours and let
her go to bed with you.
And it should go without saying: DO NOT under any
circumstances use this if you actually have a wife or ex-wife!
You: Let’s play a game
Girl: Okay!
[Note: girls love games]
You: It’s called the soulmates game. Scientists wanted to find out
if they could make two strangers fall in love, and they found that
if two people stare into each other’s eyes for 2 minutes without
looking away, they instantly started falling in love. Crazy right?
And a lot of the participants actually ended up getting married.
Girl: Wow, no way, that’s crazy
You: So here’s how the soulmates game works. We have to stare
into each other’s eyes without laughing or smiling and without
saying anything for at least 2 whole minutes, and we have to try
not to fall in love with each other.
Proceed to play the game. Don’t smile or smirk or anything. Just
have a completely relaxed face and get the girl to be relaxed as
you stare into each other’s eyes. This can become very intense.
You will legitimately start to feel very tender, raw feelings for the
girl if you do this, as she will for you.
After it’s finished, say: “Oh my god, I feel so connected to you
now. I just want to cuddle you and hold you close all day and
make you my girlfriend. You’re so adorable.”
Get her to participate verbally
The sexual charge the girl gets from roleplaying a fantasy with
you can be greatly intensified if you command that she plays
You: [after getting her wet by vividly describing a fantasy] Now
say, “I love you.”
Girl: What?
You [smirking arrogantly]: Say “I love you”. Say it. Look me in the
eyes and say “I love you master”
Girl [laughing]: I love you, master.
You: Now, say, “I’m your slave, master, and I adore you.”
Girl: LOL no!
You: Say it! Repeat after me: “I’m your slave, master…”
Girl: Hahahah I’m your slave, master.
You: “and I adore you”
Girl: and I adore you
You: “Your wish is my command”
Girl: Your wish is my command
You [hugging her]: You have no idea how aroused I am right now,
I think I’m in love with you.
Girl: Lol I am actually kind of wet to be honest
You should build these little exchange into the interaction as
often as you can, and from as early on as you can get away with.
Getting her to participate in a roleplay (particularly the “masterslave roleplay”) accomplishes two things:
1. It trains her to obey you. When you tell her what to say or
do, and she does it, she is implicitly obeying you. Of course,
her conscious mind doesn’t see this — it just thinks this is a
fun little joke. But the unconscious mind doesn’t recognise
humor — it takes everything literally. When you tell her to do
something, she obeys you, then you reward her, you are
training her unconscious mind to obey whatever you tell her to
do in future.
2. It alters her identity. Studies show that if you can get
someone to describe themselves in a certain way (as
“generous” for example), it will influence their behaviour to live
up to the identity they’ve described in order to avoid seeming
inconsistent. Psychologists call this consistency bias. By
getting the girl to verbally commit to the idea of being your
slave, you will subtly change her identity so that she actually
sees herself that way and becomes more receptive and turned
on by that mental image.
More will be said about this technique in the final chapter, Train
Her To Obey.
If you project a strong sexual energy, you will sometimes find
yourself making out with girls within minutes or seconds of
meeting them. It’s easier than it looks.
Believe it or not, girls (especially hot girls) don’t view making out
as a big deal. Assuming you’re at a nightclub or party
environment, girls will often make out with a bunch of random
guys they just met. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a natural part of
Realising that making out with a girl you just met is not a big deal
is the most important step towards being able to do it.
If you know that it’s normal and fun to make out with a random
girl at the bar, this will be communicated to her subconsciously,
and she’ll feel the same way.
However, if you believe on some level that it would be weird or
awkward to try and make out with her, you’ll give off a weird and
awkward vibe, and when you go for the kiss, she’ll feel… yep,
weird and awkward.
It’s not rocket science.
The remainder of this chapter will address techniques for
kissing a girl who you’ve just met seconds before.
It might seem strange that I should devote this space purely to
ways to make out with a girl instantly.
My reasoning is that if you can sexually escalate to a kiss with a
woman you’ve just met (which is actually easier than you’d think),
then you’ll have zero problem doing so with a woman you’ve
been talking to for half an hour or longer.
I am NOT saying you need to make out with a girl within minutes
of meeting her in order to get laid.
That is not the case at all. I’ve slept with several girls who I didn’t
even kiss until after we’d first fucked.
However, if you master the skill of getting physical with women
straight off the approach, then not only will you have a powerful
tool in your toolbox, but kissing a girl you’re on a date with will be
child’s play by comparison.
The Textbook “Instant Club Makeout"
Here I’m going to tell you a very simple way to get a girl to kiss
you within just seconds of meeting her.
Sound impossible?
With practice, it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s what you need to
1. Create sexual tension with animal proximity.
In other words, get right up in her face — “nose to nose and toes
to toes”. This is (paradoxically) less awkward if you begin the
interaction by getting close to her, instead of waiting to do so.
Important note: if it feels weird to you to stand this close to a girl
and hold sexual tension then you need to practice this part on its
own first, without trying to go for the kiss.
2. Maintain deep, yet calm sexual eye contact. You should be
gazing into the blacks of her eyes. This creates an almost
hypnotic effect.
3. Observe the woman’s eyes before going further.
If the girl is aroused, her pupils will be dilated. That is to say: the
black parts of her eyes will be very big. In this case proceed to
the next step.
If the girl is not aroused, her pupils will be small. If this is the
case, do not proceed further until you can make her more
4. Maintain the sexual tension and heighten it using Triangle
Gazing. This is where you alternate between looking in the
woman’s left eye, into her right eye, then down at her lips, then
back to her left eye, and so on.
This is a subconscious pattern that women are programmed (by
movies, TV, etc) to respond to sexually. She will start to anticipate
the kiss.
5. Move your face towards the girl’s slowly until your lips are
almost touching. But only go 90% of the way. Let her move in to
close the other 10% of space that will result in a kiss.
If she moves in, you can now kiss her.
If she doesn’t move towards you for the kiss, hold the sexual
tension with eye contact and say these exact words: “You'll
never see me again”. Then move in for the kiss.
Why “You’ll never see me again”?
There’s something magical about that line that will get girls to
kiss you practically any time you use it. I’ve kissed literally
hundreds of girls with it — most of whom I had just approached
in the club mere seconds before using it. I’ve never known it to
There’s something about that line, coupled with the sexual
tension of standing close, that completely disarms all resistance.
It’s like it crosses it her wires and somehow “overrides her
programming” to make her kiss you.
(Please note. I did not invent the “you’ll never see me again line”.
As far as I know, Tyler of Real Social Dynamics came up with it.
Watch a video of Tyler using it here: “Infield — A Typical Night
Out In the Game, (Tyler Durden)”: https://youtube.com/watch?
v=cEFgvbNBTbk )
The “Eyes Closed” Kiss
Another technique to kiss a girl very early on is the Eyes-Closed
Kiss. Once you’ve established sexual tension by cutting space,
do the following:
1. Tell her “close your eyes”.
2. If she asks why or hesitates, say something nonsensical like
“Trust me. I love you.” Then tell her to close her eyes again.
3. When she closes her eyes, kiss her.
The “Kiss Of Death” / Mafia Kiss
1. Approach and introduce yourself normally. “Hi, I’m Mike who
are you.”
2. Ask her a random question. “Where are you from”, “what’s
your name”, or whatever.
3. Whatever she answers say, “I love [that answer]!” → Hug her,
and hold the hug for 5 seconds. This establishes physicality
off the bat.
Example: she says she’s from Sweden. Say, “Oh my god, I
love Swedish girls!” and hug her. It doesn’t need to make
logical sense. In fact, often the more illogical the better.
4. Then, as you break the hug, wrap both your hands around the
back of her head and kiss her on the cheek (“Italian style”)
5. If she goes along with it, kiss her on the other cheek, while still
cradling her head in both your hands.
6. If she still goes along with it, now give her a peck her on the
lips. Again, you should still be cradling her head in both hands
and holding her close this entire time — like a mafia don
giving the “kiss of death” to one of his associates.
7. If she let you kiss her on the lips, then go for the full makeout.
The whole thing should take no longer than 5 or 10 seconds to
do. It should be a single fluid movement. The different “steps”
shouldn’t be visible. Practice this until it’s completely natural and
This little sequence works like black magic to get girls to make
out with you almost immediately.
I first discovered it when I was at a festival, and I ended up
making out with five different girls in the space of 20 minutes.
You can use it at any stage of the interaction, but very often, if
I’m in the zone, I’ll use this as my opener in the club.
The Mafia Kiss is very dominant, and for this reason it turns girls
on. At the same time, it’s a very sneaky, cunning little manoeuvre
because it’s actually not necessarily sexual up until the very last
But by then you’ve conveyed so much dominance and got the
girl on a “slippery slide” of physical escalation that when you go
to make out with her, it feels completely natural for her to do so.
If you feel her resisting or pulling away at any of these 7 stages,
then don’t go any further with it. But if she seems keen, then you
can go all the way to the kiss.
The “Question Game” Kiss
A slightly more involved way to kiss a girl is with the “Question
This works great on a date, or in any more laid back, less
“primal” atmosphere where you don’t want to risk launching into
the kiss so quickly (i.e. not a loud sexually-charged nightclub).
It’s also playful and fun.
You: Ok, let’s play the Question Game.
Girl: Sure!
You: Here’s how it works. I ask you a question, and you have to
answer truthfully. Then you ask me a question, and I answer.
Then I ask you a question again, and so on. There are two rules.
#1: you must be ABSOLUTELY HONEST. This is like truth or dare,
but without the dares. No lying. #2: You can’t ask the same
question that the other person asked you. Understand?
Girl: Yeah, let’s play!
You: Ok, I’ll start…
Then you basically just ask her a series increasingly sexual
questions, such as:
—How many boyfriends have you had?
—Do you kiss on the first date?
—Do you wear thong or underwear?
—Shave or wax?
—Have you ever kissed a girl?
—What’s your favourite sexual position?
—Have you ever asked a guy to tie you up?
—When’s the last time you masturbated?
—What’s the last sexual fantasy you had?
The idea is that you start fairly innocent, and gradually turn up
the heat by asking more and more suggestive questions.
As your questions become increasingly sexual, the girl gets
hornier and hornier. Finally you ask “Do you want to kiss me?”
If she either “yes”, “maybe”, “I dunno”, or nothing, lean in the for
the kiss. Again, move in 90% of the way and let her make up the
other 10%.
If she says “no” say, “I didn’t say you could, dork, it just looked
like you had something on your mind.”
Aside from being a smooth way to move into a kiss, this is also a
lot of fun, and can result in ten or twenty minutes of sexually
charged, entertaining conversation. This makes it perfect to use
on a girl when the conversation is getting stale and you run out of
It’s also an excellent way to screen the girl and see if she
matches up to what you want in a sexual partner.
Act like you’ve been there before
There’s a saying in football: when you get to the endzone, act like
you’ve been there before. The same goes for making out with a
pretty girl if you’re not used to doing such a thing.
After you’ve kissed a girl, always act like it was no big deal…
even if on the inside you’re all excited and happy.
For example, this how a textbook kiss will usually go with me:
In this case, I’ve been in the club for 30 minutes and “warmed
up” by approaching at least 3 different girls. I am now in a social
and confident mood. I see a petite young blonde girl standing
against the wall on her own, texting on her phone. I approach her
in a very sexual way, standing close from the very start, and
staring deeply into her eyes. The sexual tension is palpable. I hold
eye contact and maintain the tension for a few seconds before
opening my mouth.
Me: Hey.
Girl: [smiling shyly but looking directly in my eyes] Hi.
Me: Are you having a good night.
Girl: Yeah, I lost my friends though.
I kiss her for a couple of seconds, gently pushing her up against
the wall. After a few seconds, I pull back, but I stay standing very
close to her.
Me: I lost my friend too. What age are you.
Girl: 18. What age are you? [etc]
I then went on to make out with her for most of the night and got
her number, although I eventually left with a different girl.
Point is: notice how in the above exchange I pulled back pretty
quickly after making out, kept asking her boring questions, and
there was no change in my demeanor?
That’s how you want to be after the makeout. You keep the
conversation moving as if nothing even happened.
Your whole demeanour is that you’re the guy who makes out with
every girl he talks to without even thinking about it. It’s just “the
way it is” with you.
The Cuddle Bubble (or “Bubble of Love”)
This is a somewhat advanced sexual escalation technique which
I don’t recommend trying until you’ve got some solid experience
approaching a lot of women and you’re comfortable getting
physical with girls.
However… it’s ungodly powerful if you can pull it off, and it works
to create both sexual arousal and a deep emotional bond straight
Essentially, you just hug the girl, and you hold the hug
Then you keep talking to her and flirting with her by speaking
softly in her ear, but all the while you’re just holding her close.
Cuddling while standing up, basically.
This is incredibly intimate and will make the girl feel super
connected to you, because it’s almost like you’re already
sleeping together, even if you just met 3 seconds ago.
As you hold her close, you can also rock her gently from side to
side — like a slow dance, except there doesn’t need to be any
This creates a “you and me” bubble with the girl which feels like
you’re both suddenly in your own world. It’s just you and her and
everyone else has disappeared.
See this infield video of Madison from RSD for an example of the
“cuddle bubble” in action: https://youtube.com/watch?
Another good example is this one of Tyler infield (from 1:14):
The rules of advanced sexual physicality
A few ground rules for getting this physical straight off the
i. You need strong eye contact to pull this off.
ii. You must genuinely love women. If you harbor any kind of
negativity to women — even subconsciously — advanced
physicality is definitely not your friend. Do not pass go until
you fix your underlying issues.
iii. You must be in a good mood. If you feel creepy doing it, the
girl will feel creeped out herself (emotional contagion). If you
feel great bonding with another human being like this,
however, it will feel great for her too.
iv. Be assertive, yet responsive. Aggressive, yet tender. It’s a
fine balance. The girl will always squirm a little bit initially,
and you just need to hold her there and she’ll gradually
submit to your love like a puppy being cuddled.
On the other hand, if she is really uncomfortable and she’s
trying to pull away, let her go. Never impose yourself
physically against someone’s will. Duh. But you do need
to be assertive initially. It’s a fine balance which you can only
learn through experience.
STEP #4:
Imagine you’re a hot 25 year old girl. Let’s say you get hit on
twice a day on weekdays, and 10 times a night when you go out
to bars and parties. (And that is a conservative underestimate.)
That means that since you were 16 years old, you’ve been hit on
by 12,960 different men — all of whom wanted nothing more
than to pound your tight young body.
Now, you could be the horniest little Energizer bunny super slut in
the world, but you physically cannot not sleep with all these
guys. Your body would literally fall apart. And that’s to say
nothing of the potential reputation damage.
So as the years have gone by, you’ve developed strategies to
filter out the majority of guys who hit on you.
NOT because you don’t want to have sex with them (necessarily).
NOT because the majority of men are unattractive to you (quite
the opposite may in fact be the case).
And NOT because you’re some kind of super-prude who doesn’t
like sex.
No — the reason you filter men out is simply because there isn’t
enough time in the day to hook up with them all.
So it’s like a recruiting department of a large corporation. Before
anyone even looks at a CV, there has to be a way to “thin the
herd” of applicants down to a manageable number.
The bottom line
Girls filter out guys. They do this using tests.
What’s a test?
A test is any obstacle or other manifestation of resistance which
the girl puts in front of you — just to see how you’ll handle it.
Example of failing a woman’s test:
Woman: You’re a nice guy, but you’re not really my type.
Man: What do you mean? Why not?
Woman: Well, because..
[Woman now explains all the reason why she can’t date him — as
she does, she ends up convicing herself that he’s wrong for her.
Now, nothing he does is going to change her mind.]
Example of passing a woman’s test:
Woman: You’re a nice guy, but you’re not really my type.
Man: Yeah you’re right, I’m a selfish dick, we’d never get along.
And even if you grew to like me, I’d just betray your trust, fuck
you over, sleep with all your friends, bang your sister at
Thankgiving dinner, knock out your dad, and choke your dog.
Then I’d trick you into getting married to me without a prenup,
divorce you, and take all your money.
Woman: LOL, you’re crazy
Man: [taking her arm in his] Come with me. I want to introduce
you to my friends.
Woman: haha sure
The woman wants to see that you’re unfazed by resistance.
Remember, her genetic hardwiring is propelling her to mate with
a man of dominance and personal power — a man who calmly
overcomes obstacles and bends the world to his will.
You pass her tests, therefore, by being non-reactive to her
attempts to put you off balance.
Remember being a kid in the playground?
A bully would come up to you and raise his fist as if about to
punch you.
He wasn’t going to punch you — but he just wanted to see you
In other words, he wanted to see you react.
When you react by flinching in fear, and he doesn’t punch you —
you look like a cowardly fool, and he feels empowered, laughs at
you, and walks away.
But when you don’t flinch, what happens? Now it’s the bully who
looks like a fool to everybody.
Picking up girls is the same way.
When a woman is attracted to you, she will try to put you off
balance by testing you. Like the bully she wants to test your
Unlike the bully, she does this because she wants to fuck you —
but needs to be certain that you’re a dominant powerful man
before her DNA can allow her to risk getting impregnated by you.
Evolutionary theory
Remember, to the girl’s unconscious mind, all sex potentially
means having a kid with the guy in question. Will the kid be a
killer? Or a chump? Well, what’s the father like? That’s what the
girl’s biology is trying to find out by testing you.
The main kinds of tests
A test can come in many forms, such as the woman:
• insulting you
• ignoring you
• mocking you
• making a joke at your expense
• belittling you in front of people
She’s trying to bait you into reacting — just like the bully who
holds up his fist to try to punch you. Don’t.
Be unreactive.
The art of passing tests and being unreactive
There are many ways to show a girl you’re unreactive, and
therefore pass her test.
We will cover three:
(1) Humour
(2) Agree and amplify
(3) Killing her with kindness
1. Using humor to pass tests
Humour inherently shows that you’re unreactive. When
somebody succeeds in putting you off balance, you lose the
ability to joke around and be playful. Therefore, responding to
tests with humour is an excellent way to both defuse the
objection, and to demonstrate that you are emotionally unmoved
by the woman’s adorable attempt to bait you into reacting.
Girl: I have a boyfriend
You: I won’t hold that against you, you hadn’t met me yet.
Girl: Buy me a drink
You: What do I look like, an ATM?
Girl: Buy me a drink right now or I’ll leave
You: I do not negotiate with terrorists
[This works for any threat or ultimatum a woman gives you]
Girl: You’re too short for me.
You: Yeah I don’t usually date taller women but for you, I’ll make
an exception
Girl: You’re too old for me
You: I won’t hold your youth and inexperience against you.
Girl: You seem gay.
Me: I wasn’t until I met you.
Girl: [says something bitchy]
You: Hey now, play nice or I’ll have no choice but to bend you
over and spank you. Although knowing you you’d probably enjoy
Girl: [makes snarky comment]
You: Settle down. Don’t make me pin you down and do you. I
know it’s what you want but just control yourself, ok? There’ll be
plenty of time for that when we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. For
now let’s just get to know each other.
Girl: You’re fat
You: It makes me more attainable
[Works for any attempt to insult your appearance, clothing, hair,
height, etc]
You: [going in for the kiss]
Girl: I have a boyfriend
You: It’s alright, I’m gay [You go for the kiss and she kisses you]
Tests come in many forms. It’s important to understand that
women are not consciously aware that they’re testing men in
order to screen out inferior mates.
It’s like how someone who’s addicted to drinking soda doesn’t
realise that unconsciously his body is trying to store as much
sugar as possible for a cold ancestral winter. He just feels the
craving for the soda, and he drinks it — little does he know his
behaviour has been scripted for a specific survival purpose by
millions of years of evolution.
Likewise, when a woman feels attracted to you, she will almost
instinctively start getting an urge to be a bitch. She doesn’t know
why, or the evolutionary causes of it, she just does it.
2. The “Agree and Amplify” Technique To Pass
Any Test
Dealing with this resistance can be tricky. One one hand, you
must command her respect and neutralise the objection. On the
other hand, the harder you “fight back” against resistance, the
stronger and more stubborn it becomes.
The best way of passing a woman’s tests and objections,
therefore, is not to try to resist them — which only ends up
strengthening them.
Rather, it’s to agree with what she’s saying, then do what you
were going to do anyway.
Think of it like objection-jujitsu. Rather than trying to resist your
opponent, you use their strength to your own advantage, by
channeling their force and momentum to put off them balance.
This principle is known as “Agree and amplify”. Let’s look at
some examples of it in action.
Girl: You’re just trying to pick me up
You: Yep, I predict we’ll be married in the week. Do you think we
should have a large ceremony or family only?
Girl: You’re a player, you probably try to bang everything in a
You: You’re god damn right. You can’t be the first, but you can be
the next.
Girl: Sorry, I have a boyfriend, he’s coming here to meet me in 2
You: Sounds hot, I always wanted to have a threeway
Girl: You’re just trying to get me into bed
You: Get you into bed? Honey, why would I go to all that trouble
when I have the rape van parked out back?
You: You’re hot
Girl: [ignores you]
You: You can ignore me all you want, but you should know that
there’s nothing that attracts me more than a girl with resting bitch
face. So you can keep pretending I don’t exist, but be warned:
the bitchier you treat me the more turned on I get.
Girl: [unable to crack a smile]
You: No, stop smiling! Please, keep being bitchy! I love bitchy
girls! Be more bitchy please. It makes me so aroused.
Girl [now laughing her ass off]: OMG you’re ridiculous who are
Girl: You are way too old
You: If you sit on my lap for a few minutes I’ll let you roll around
in my motorised wheelchair and try my meds
[Girl is in her mid-twenties while you’re an older guy]
Girl: It’s too bad about the age difference between us
You: Yeah I know, you’re a little too old for me. I mean, I was
hoping to bang an 18 year old tonight but I guess you’ll do for
now. Just so long as you put on a schoolgirl outfit and let me
spank you with a ruler.
Girl: You never take me out anywhere!
You: I know, I’m too busy spending all my money on my other
Girl: You always flirt with other girls in front of me.
You: You don’t know the half of it. You should see how much skirt
I chase when you’re not around.
Girl: I saw you looking at that girl. Do you want to fuck her or
You: What makes you think I haven’t fucked her already?
You: [undressing the girl in your room]
Girl: We can’t do this
You: [continuing to undress her] I know baby, this is so wrong,
we can’t do this
The principle of agree and amplify is a powerful one. It allows you
to neutralise resistance — not by fighting it, but by agreeing with
it, and sometimes by blowing it out of proportion until it becomes
Just as a skilled aikido practitioner uses the momentum and
force of a bigger, stronger opponent to his advantage, so a man
skilled in the “agree and amplify” technique can turn even the
most stubborn resistance into arousal, delight and enhanced
sexual tension.
Sometimes women will test you outright by insulting you,
belittling you or mocking you. As indicated, you can masterfully
pass these tests (and actually turn them to your advantage) using
the agree and amplify technique.
However, very often the tests a woman gives you will be subtle —
not clear-cut and obvious.
In fact — and this is especially true with “9s” and “10s” — some
of the most common tests are simply that the girl is acting bored,
aloof, or indifferent, or is refusing to respond to you altogether.
The “boring” test
These are the most insidious of all tests. They work so effectively
for women to filter out inferior men, that the men themselves
don’t even realise the woman was testing them.
Instead, when a guy approaches a pretty girl, and she acts
indifferent, he simply gives up and tells his buddies she was
“boring” and he “couldn’t be bothered” making an effort for such
a girl.
Little does he know that she was testing him — and he failed.
His consolation prize? He gets to sit home alone and masturbate,
while convincing himself he didn’t bother with that hot girl
because she was “boring”. Meanwhile, she’s having hot rough
sex with a guy who passed her “indifference test.”
3. Killing her with kindness
So how do we get past the woman’s bitchy indifference? I call it
killing her with kindness.
When the girl acts bitchy or indifferent to you, she expects you to
hate her for spurning you and walk away.
Instead, do the opposite. Smother her in affection and love. Be
sweet as treacle. Carpet bomb her with romance and affection.
Make it utterly ridiculous and over the top — yet at the same
time, oddly sincere.
Girl: [seems tense, and is acting cold, boring and indifferent, and
refusing to respond]
You: You know what I love about you? You seem to have no
problem letting go. You seem so adventurous, such a free spirit.
No really, you’re like the most friendly, loving, adventurous
person I’ve met all night. I love that about you — your inherent
kindness and warmth.
You: [approach girl, try to start conversation, but she coldly
ignores you]
You: I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about you that
just puts me at ease and makes me feel comfortable. You seem
like a really warm, genuine, loving person. I love that about you.
Girl: [starts to smile — she knows that what you’re saying is the
opposite of the truth in this moment, and it makes her laugh]
You: You know what I love about you? It’s that you pretend to a
cold bitchy ice princess but I can tell you’re secretly a little goof
ball. And every time I make you smile I can see that cold outer
shell melting away, a little bit at a time. It’s really adorable. I think
I’m falling for you. You’re so special to me. I just love being with
you and looking at your pretty little face. Even if we never have
sex tonight or whether or not this ever turns into a relationship, I
just love being here with you right now. You’re so feminine and
elegant and pretty it makes me so happy just to be close to you.
There’s no one else I’d rather be here with.
Girl [melts]
Girl: Well… it was nice to meet you
You: You know, I could go back to my friends, but I’m just
enjoying standing here looking at you so much right now. You’re
so feminine and elegant. I much prefer looking at your face to my
friend’s face
Girl: [smiles shyly and tries to keep being bitchy but secretly
You: You’re becoming really special to me, you know that? I’m
finding it hard to resist your charms, although I am struggling
with it.
You [to supermodel]: I like you, you’re kind of goofy looking, it’s
cute. Why are you getting mad, it’s a compliment! I like dorky
girls. You can be my dorky little side chick.
Treating hot girls like dorks (because they are)
Another thing you should do is to get in the habit of referring to
the girl as “dork”, “dork face”, or even “goofus”.
These are absolutely lethal because they seem innocent yet they
ruthlessly cut through the woman’s “hot girl” frame and make her
look ridiculous — while being affectionate and playful at the
same time.
I’ve dated strippers, models and other girls who look they could
be on the cover of magazines. Here is what I’ve learned:
The key to every hot girl’s heart is that she is secretly a goofy
little dork — and she wants a guy who she can be goofy with.
Yet men treat these girls with the “utmost seriousness” because
they think they have to be “on their A-Game” to get a woman this
Actually, it’s the exact opposite. She wants a guy who is
extremely relaxed around her, who she can be goofy with and
make stupid, silly jokes with.
Dumb yourself down to get the hottest girls. The hottest
women are, paradoxically, easier to seduce. You don’t even really
have to show dominance or sexuality or anything like that. You
just have to be more relaxed than she is, and treat her like the
goofy little dork she secretly is.
She will resist at first and keep pretending to be a bitch, but if
you persist, she’ll melt.
STEP #5:
How to get her chasing like a bitch in heat
This system is known as the Domination Principle — but in some
ways that is a misleading title.
In reality, our true aim is not to seduce the woman but to get her
to seduce us.
In other words, you need to get her to chase you. What do I
mean by “chasing”?
What it looks like when a woman is chasing you:
• She touches you
• She compliments you, or otherwise expresses interest or desire
• She asks you for your phone number
• She enquires about your life with real rather than superficial
• She hints that she wants to spend the night with you, or better
yet, asks to spend the night with you
• She follows you around and “stalks” you in the club
• She texts you more than you text her
• She begs you to kiss her, touch her, or fuck her
• She hints that she’d like a serious relationship, and when you
don’t indulge her, she begs for one
• If you’re alone in bed together, she tears your clothes off and
practically forces herself on you
Eliciting these kinds of behaviours — and the emotional state
which drives them — is the ultimate goal in seduction. Properly
speaking, we don’t merely want to fuck the girl. We want to make
her fall in love with us.
The domination which we seek is not merely physical but mental,
emotional, even spiritual. We want to induce addictive,
compulsive, obsessive emotions in the woman we have chosen.
When you can trigger a woman to chase you, it makes the
process of seduction infinitely easier — because it’s no longer
you seducing the girl, and the girl reflexively resisting. Rather, it’s
more like the two of you are seducing each other.
Emotion, neuroscience and human motivation
So how do we induce “chasing” in a woman? It’s simpler than it
seems — so long as certain principles are understood.
The first is the principle of human enslavement to the emotions.
All action comes about as the result of emotion. Without an
emotion, there is no action. And by inducing certain emotional
states in a person, you can control their behaviour and actions
with a fairly high degree of precision.
The second principle is that of materiality — that everything in the
universe is material. This includes emotions, and even thoughts.
Science now recognises that an “emotion” is simply a chemical
in the body.
There is a “happiness chemical” — serotonin. Scientists believe
that depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder are
simply the result of an absence of adequate levels of this
happiness chemical.
Likewise, there is also a fear chemical (cortisol), and a desire
chemical (dopamine).
When you feel sexually aroused, that’s dopamine acting in your
brain. When you satisfy that sexual arousal by fucking a woman
and cumming, your brain is flooded with serotonin and various
other reward chemicals, producing a state of euphoria, pleasure
and relaxation.
Pleasure vs. Desire
Now here’s the key thing: Pleasure and desire are not the same
thing, and the chemicals responsible for producing each emotion
are different.
To get a woman chasing you, you need to trigger desire —
not pleasure.
In other words, you need to activate her brain’s dopamine stores,
not her serotonin stores. If you give her too much serotonin, she’ll
feel pleasure and happiness, but she will not feel motivated to
pursue you.
If you trigger her dopamine neurons, however, she will feel an
overwhelming and irresistible compulsion to get you into bed.
And that is the state you want her in.
Heroin = serotonin
Cocaine = dopamine
Think of the difference between a heroin user and a cocaine user.
Heroin releases serotonin. When a heroin user is high they don’t
want to do anything. They’re feeling so much pleasure that they
have zero motivation.
Cocaine, on the other hand, releases dopamine. Cocaine users
are notorious for having higher levels of libido and desire: a
person high one cocaine wants to dance, fuck, fight, fuck, and
then fuck some more.
Our objective is to make the girl “high” on the words we say to
her. But we want it to be a “cocaine high” (dopamine), not a
“heroin high” (serotonin). That’s because the more dopamine she
has in her system, the more desire she’ll feel, and the more
motivated she’ll be to chase us and rip our clothes off.
Scientists who study dopamine have found that it gets released
in response to a “reward” — but only when that reward is
Likewise with women: if you tell a girl she’s pretty, it will release a
surge of dopamine in her brain which makes her aroused. But if
you then proceed to do nothing but tell her she’s pretty, the
dopamine high will wear off, her arousal will drop, and she’ll get
bored of you.
(Sound familiar at all?)
On the other hand, when you continuously intermix positive and
negative statements in a way which is chaotic and unpredictable,
then your positive statements will always be a surprise to her.
Thus, you will release a continuous stream of dopamine into her
body which turns her on and gets her chasing you.
How does this look in practice? Here’s one example:
You: You’re so sexy, you know that?
Girl: Hahah thanks
You: I don’t know why I like you so much, it’s weird
Girl: Haha what do you mean?
You: It doesn’t matter. You’re weird. Let’s just be friends.
Girl: Haha ok
You: You’re too much of a nice girl for me. I hate you. I can’t
stand you
Girl: Hahaha why? What did I do?
You: Get out of here, you’re pathetic
Girl [punching you on arm]: Haha shut up you’re such a dick!!
You: Why are you still here? I told you to leave, didn’t I? Still
sitting here chasing me like a little dog… just a sad old dog
waiting to die. It’s sad, really.
Girl: Hahahah you’re a jerk!!!
You [hugging the girl close]: I’m just kidding, you know I love you.
You’re such a little goofball it’s adorable. I just want to cuddle
you all day, I think I’m seriously falling in love with you, it’s weird.
I can’t stop thinking about you
Girl [melts]
Seduction is counterintuitive
If you’re thinking right now that viciously insulting a woman in
order to get her to like you is counterintuitive, I wholeheartedly
Try it out in real life, though. It works. And it works because of the
science of dopamine. We can only experience pleasure when
there is a clear CONTRAST with pain.
If you just give the girl nothing but compliments and express
desire, they’ll eventually stop making her feel any pleasurable
emotions — because the brain needs a reward to be unexpected
for it to trigger dopamine release.
However — keep her on her toes with a continuous
unpredictable stream of positive and negative expressions, and
your positive expressions will trigger sheer delight and a “warm
fuzzy feeling” inside the girl.
The art of “hot and cold”
You tell the girl she’s adorable, then you tell her there’s no way
she’s getting you into bed tonight — you’re not going to submit
to her charms.
You demand that the girl doesn’t make on a move on you and
continuously tell her “let’s just be friends”, then you gaze deeply
into her eyes and tell her she’s so irresistible you can’t control
yourself around her, you have to kiss her right now or you’ll go
You tell the girl she’s pathetic and needy, then you shower her in
affection and love and tell her you desire her more than anyone
else in the world. (This is not mean — it’s called playful flirting. If
it’s coming across as mean, you’re doing it wrong.)
Positive, negative, positive, negative. One moment you’re telling
her she’s beautiful — the next you’re pushing her away, saying
you don’t want to be hurt again and you can’t trust a “female
player” like her.
The more you can mix positive and negative statements together
and be unpredictable, the more aroused your target will become.
Chaos, paradox, unpredictability, surprise — these are your most
dangerous weapons. The moment a woman feels like she has
you “figured out”, you’re done. She’ll get bored, make her
excuses and leave.
Keep her guessing, on the other hand, and intermix positive and
negative statements, and the girl will become so sexually
frustrated she’ll find herself seducing you.
You: You’re so hot
Girl: Omg do you say that to every girl
You: You’re silly, I hate you
Girl: Why?!
You: [hugging her and nuzzling her close] Stop talking, I can’t
stand you.
Girl: But—
You: [nuzzling her head into your chest] Shhh shhh shhh. Just
stop talking. Every time you open your mouth my attraction for
you drops ten points. It’s sad actually.
Girl [trying to bait you into complimenting her again]: You’re sexy
You: Stop trying to impress me
Girl: LOL you’re such an asshole
You: Let’s spend the night together
Girl: Haha maybe, where do you live
The principle of hot/cold is such a basic technique of romantic
courtship that even a 12 year old girl knows how to use it to
make boys in her class chase her.
Instead of resisting the idea of push/pull as being in some way
“manipulative”, I encourage you to look at it as a natural and
necessary part of the mating ritual which has evolved between
human beings.
When you go “cold” and push the girl away, it’s not that you’re
deliberately hurting her.
Rather, you’re creating a vacuum which adds tension, drama and
unpredictability into the relationship where before it was stagnant
— and this baits the girl into chasing you and expressing
affection for you, thus solidifying her emotional bond with you.
Remember, the human brain needs dopamine in order to feel
desire. And for dopamine to be released in the brain, pleasure
and rewards must be unpredictable.
By being constantly “nice” to the girl, by doing nothing but telling
her you like her and always escalating — you are starving her
brain of the unpredictability it requires to release dopamine.
But by continually alternating between statements of desire, and
statements of disinterest, indifference or even hatred, you ignite a
potent dopamine reaction in her brain which is both more
pleasurable, and more addictive, than what any other guy out
there can give her.
It’s why hot women are notorious for liking jerks, assholes and
even abusers.
But you don’t need to actually be an asshole to make this work.
You just need to learn the skill of periodically acting like one.
I get ya, bro. You’re in this because you love women, and you
want to have a great relationship with a hot, kind, intelligent girl.
You don’t want to treat women like crap. It’s mean. It’s uncalled
for. I used to feel the exact same way.
But think of it like sex.
If you put your cock inside a woman’s vagina, then left it there
without moving at all — are you giving her pleasure?
Not really.
You need to take it out — then slide it back in — then take it out
— then slide it back in again, in order to stimulate her. (Bear with
me here…)
To put it in highly technical terms, the feeling of your cock inside
her is only one half of the pleasure of sex for a woman. The other
half is the absence of that pleasurable feeling… which creates
anticipation for the pleasure to return.
Without the alternating absence and presence of pleasure, there
is no stimulation.
Likewise, during the seduction itself: if you only give the girl
positive emotions, without expressing negative emotions towards
her — this is like putting your dick inside her then leaving it there
without moving.
And that’s no fun for her, is it?
Well, heed my words, grasshopper. Women need to be fucked
emotionally, not just physically. And the way you fuck
emotionally is with the art of “hot and cold”, push and pull.
The art of the mind-fuck
Constant and unrelenting push/pull is the way to a girl’s heart —
and her panties.
One moment, you’re telling her you’re obsessed with her and that
she completely infatuates you. The next moment, you’re telling
her that she’s too much of a “good girl” for you, and that you
would never be compatible sexually, but that a “nice girl” like
here would make a great “friend”.
Never settle on one side of the fence. The moment she gets
accustomed to hearing positive statements, hit her with a
negative statement and throw her into despair.
Let her stew in the fear of losing you for a while, and intensify it,
but then — just as she’s about to give up — you reverse course
completely. You confess your love for her. You tell her all the
naughty sexual things you’d love to do her. You paint a vivid
picture of the two of you going on a romantic adventure together,
having sex on the beach, and even getting married and having a
truckload of babies.
Is this manipulative? Perhaps. But you’ll have to take it up with
God, not me. I’m not the one who designed the structure of the
human brain.
The fruit of sustained labor
If practiced often to the point that you acquire great skill, this
principle of push/pull can, within 15 minutes, result in having the
hottest dancer in a stripclub standing naked before you, pawing
at you like crazy, and begging you to take her home like a stray
dog begging to be adopted by a new owner.
Practice, of course, is required.
STEP #6:
“It's simply enjoyable to submit, when one has to be in
control of one’s life all the time. When I have to spend all
day every day fulfilling responsibilities and obligations and
taking care of business, it’s nice to just let go and give
someone else complete and utter control.”
— woman, age 18, quoted in Why Women Have Sex
by Dr. Cindy Meston and Dr. David Buss
In this chapter I’m going to teach you how to make any
woman your slave.
The secret is simple. Women have a genetic need to be told what
to do and bossed around. Without it, they cannot become horny.
Don’t take my word for it. Get a woman into bed, and then start
requesting that she let you do this or that. Tell her “Hey, um, is it
alright if I touch you here? How about here? May I finger you?”
Watch as her pussy becomes drier than the sands of the Sahara.
But command a woman what to do — “Stand up. Stand over
here. Turn around. Spread your legs” — and watch her pussy get
wetter than a slip’n’slide.
Women may tell you they want perfect equality in the bedroom,
and some of them may even believe it. But biology doesn’t lie.
“‘I just need to be fucked,’ she said as I waited for the elevator
that would take me out of her loft. ‘I just need a bossy guy to
come here and fuck me.’”
— Courtney Love, quoted in The Game by Neil Strauss
Women love to be bossed around
On a deep subconscious level, it’s what all women are looking for
in a man: someone who’ll tell them what to do.
Women want to be led, and if you’re not man enough to lead
them, they’ll find someone who is. Being commanded to do
something is sexy for a woman. Being asked or begged to do
something is not.
When women say they like “confidence”, “assertiveness”,
“decisiveness”, and a man who’s “not afraid to take charge”,
what they really mean is that they want a man who will order
them around.
This is why women are so attracted to authority figures: doctors,
police officers, guys in uniform, CEOs. What all these professions
have in common is that they mostly consist in bossing people
around all day.
Women are biologically wired to become aroused by being given
commands, just as men are wired to get off on giving
In the workplace, women can be just as authoritative as men,
and if your boss is a woman it’s your duty to the business which
employs you to follow her leadership. But in terms of dating,
courtship and sex, it’s your duty to be a bossy dick and to order
your girl around, even if you don’t feel like it.
She can’t get sexual pleasure if you don’t. Give women the gift
of obeying and submitting to you.
“He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to
— Machiavelli
The master-slave fantasy
Deep down, most women you talk to will become very aroused
by the idea of being your personal sex slave, so long as:
• she’s attracted to you
• she feels safe around you
• she totally trusts you
• she knows with certainty that it’s only a fantasy roleplay which
she’s free to stop at any time
If you’re already sleeping with the girl, getting her to act out this
roleplay (or any other sexual fantasy you like) is a simple matter.
She’s already trusts you, feels connected to you, and knows that
you won’t hurt her. In this case, you can simply tell her honestly
that you’re incredibly turned on by the idea of certain sexual
fantasies and that you’d love for her to act them out with you.
You’d be surprised how positively your girl will react to this kind
of honesty. Most women are secretly far more kinky sexually than
men realise, and so they rarely get a chance to act out their
naughtiest fantasies with a guy, because they’re afraid to mention
it in the fear that he’ll judge them.
But what about “installing” the master-slave fantasy in the mind
of a woman you have just met — a woman you haven’t even
kissed yet, let alone slept with? Is this possible?
The answer is yes — though due to the sensitive nature of taboo
sexual fantasies like master-slave, you need to be more subtle in
introducing this theme. In other words, you need to work up to it
in conversation, using humour, stories, roleplays, and so forth.
By “preparing the soil” in this way, you don’t give the girl a
chance to feel resistance, and she finds herself progressively
more and more turned on by the idea of being your obedient little
Compliance ladders
The trick is to lead up to it without shocking her or triggering
reflexive resistance. This can be most effectively accomplished
using a classic sales technique called the “foot in the door”
method (sometimes known as a compliance ladder).
The idea is that when you make a small request and somebody
submits to it, it makes them much more likely to submit to a
larger request, and then a larger one.
It is commonly assumed that the way to get people to like you is
to do them favours. In actuality, most professional persuaders in
business and politics understand that the fastest way to get a
person to like you is to get them to do a favour for you.
The target then backward-rationalises that the persuader must
be a good guy, because why else would they be going to great
lengths to please them?
In this way, you can dovetail one small “command” into bigger
and bigger requests, without eliciting the level of resistance you
would encounter if you simply began with the larger ask.
You: Hold my drink for a second [give drink to girl, and she takes
[a few minutes later]
You [taking the girl’s arm in yours]: Come with me. [she complies]
[minutes later]
You: You know what I love about you?
Girl: What?
You: You seem so innocent and naive but I can tell it’s just an act.
You’re secretly a naughty little nymphomaniac. I can tell.
Girl: Hahah no I’m not!!
You: Don’t worry, it’s a compliment. I only date nymphomaniacs
exclusively. I would never marry a girl who isn’t a nympho. Let’s
play a game.
Girl: Okay!
You: It’s called the mimicking game. You have to repeat
everything I say exactly, word for word.
Girl: Okay!
You: Say, “I am a naughty little girl”
Girl: Lol I am a naughty little girl
You: Good girl. Now say, “I love you Michael, you’re so hot.”
Girl: No!
You: Say it!
Girl: LOL I love you Michael, you’re so hot
You: Very good. You’re so good at this. Now repeat after me. “I’m
your slave, master”
Girl [laughing]: I’m your slave, master
You: “…and I love obeying your every command”
Girl: And I love obeying your every command
You: [hugging the girl] Oh my god, that was so hot, you’re like my
dream girl. I’m so in love with you. You have no idea how
adorable you are [etc]
Notice the use of a compliance ladder in the above example. You
start off with a small request (“hold my drink”).
Then when you later ask for a larger request (“come with me”) the
girl is much more likely to respond. Why? Habit, consistency,
Now, when you ask her to act out a roleplay with you, there’s
very little resistance, because you’ve already set a precedent of
telling her to do something and her obeying you.
Also, roleplays are inherently fun. And to a hot girl in a club, fun is
The fantasy principle
In this way, we don’t tell her to be our sex slave directly. Not at
Instead, we introduce the idea as a roleplay, a flight of fancy, a
harmless fantasy. Women are happy to act things out in fantasy
which they would “never” do in “real life”.
The subconscious mind, however, cannot tell the difference
between that which is imagined and that which is real. If you
imagine a naked woman, your dick will get hard even though
there is no “real” naked woman there. If you imagine someone
poking a needle into your thumb, you will reflexively cringe from
the “pain”, even though there is no pain.
Likewise, when you describe a fantasy to a woman — and better
still, when you induce her to verbally participate in the fantasy as
though it were real — you’ve already accomplished half the battle
of getting her to act it out in real life.
People will only do that which they have imagined themselves
doing in their mind first.
By using roleplays, you can get a woman to imagine herself
doing a whole bunch of thing she would “never” do in real life.
Once she’s imagined it vividly, she’ll become more receptive to
doing it in real life — particularly if the fantasy in question is
something which you know for a fact women are wired to get
horny for, as is indeed the case with the master-slave fantasy.
Escalating compliance
Once you’ve got her participating in the sex slave fantasy, you
can either drop it and let it seep into her subconscious as you
talk about something else, or you can escalate it further, like so:
You: Now say, “I’m your personal slave, master”
[The girl repeats it]
You: “I’ll obey whatever you tell me to do without question
because you’re my master and I’m your willing love slave”.
[The girl repeats it]
You: Good girl. Now repeat after me: “I love using my body to
give you pleasure, master.”
[The girl repeats it]
You: “You can tie me up and use me for your satisfaction
whenever you like.”
[The girl repeats it]
You: Very good. I don’t think I’ll tie you up just yet though. We
barely even know each other, and I only let a girl become my
slave if she’s proven herself to be highly submissive and also a
delight to spend time with. I’m still on the fence about you,
though. What are your three best qualities besides your looks?
Working up to things with humour
If this all seems a little risky or potentially creepy to you, then
either don’t use it, or start it off as a joke.
For example, you can start it off by saying she’s going to be your
slave and you’re going to make her water the plants, do your
dishes, and make her kneel on the ground as a footstool. This is
funny and outrageous, yet not inherently sexual.
Only escalate it sexually and describe more erotic things you
would do to her if she’s responding well (laughter, smiling shyly,
or telling you outright that she’s wet or horny).
If the girl starts giving a lot of resistance, don’t push it. Play it off
as a joke — which it is.
The purpose is just to introduce the theme into her subconscious
so that she’ll gradually come to be excited for it and eagerly
anticipate acting it out in real life with you. It’s not to make her
have sex right now. So there’s no need to rush.
The importance of playfulness
The master-slave roleplay should be always be undertaken from
a light and playful place. This is not about forcing her into some
kind of commitment, or trapping her.
It’s about exploring a taboo yet very erotic theme that many
women get extremely horny for — moreover it’s a theme that no
guy in a club has EVER had the balls to talk to her about.
Don’t take it too seriously. Use humour to introduce this motif
into the woman’s subconscious. Soon, in many cases, she’ll be
the one pushing you to act it out with her in real life, not the other
way around.
Fantasy and reality
Now that you’ve got her to speak these words, if only in jest at
first, you have changed her view of herself and her sexual
Where before if you had asked her to be your “love slave”, she
would have thrown a drink on you. But now that you’ve got her to
try the fantasy on for size, experience how it feels, she will
secretly relish the idea of being dominated completely by a man.
Once she’s tasted the pleasure of total submission — if only in
her own imagination at first — it can become highly addictive. If
you do this right, you’ll sometimes find yourself in a situation
where the girl herself isn’t even particularly attracted to you, but
she wants to come home with you and try out the sex slave
fantasy with you just because you’ve got her so curious about it,
and she knows no other (non-creepy) man is likely to offer it to
her again.
The importance of rewarding obedience
When the girl does what you tell her to do, reward her.
Behavioural change research has identified four steps that are
necessary to modify a person’s behaviour and install a new habit:
(1) clearly establish the goal behaviour
(2) induce the subject to perform the goal behaviour
(3) reward them
(4) repeat
The behaviour we want in this case is for the girl to obey us. The
way we induce this behaviour is with compliance ladders (“foot in
the door” technique of making small requests and working up)
and by getting her to roleplay a humorous but implicitly sexual
fantasy in which she obeys us.
As soon as the girl obeys you, you need to immediately reward
her. This stops her from losing face and becoming embarrassed,
and reinforces that when she does what you tell her, she gets to
feel good.
Same as how animals like dolphins or dogs are “programmed” to
perform complex behaviours which are completely unnatural for
them. The trainer rewards them with a little treat when they do
something right.
You can program a woman to follow your commands in exactly
the same way — by rewarding obedience with a “little treat” in
the form of expressing affection, love, or emotional connection.
With repetition, this turns the process of obeying you into an
addiction for the girl, something which it is hard or even
impossible for her to resist.
The reward provides the brain with a hit of dopamine — the
neurochemical associated with desire, motivation, and learning.
With repetition, the brain of the subject comes to associate the
new behaviour with the chemical high provided by the dopamine.
Thus a new neural pathway is formed, and a new habit created.
Once established, these neural connections are very difficult, and
according to some researchers, actually impossible to uproot.
Reward with statements of intimacy
So how do you reward the girl? What even constitutes a “reward”
for a hot girl in a club?
The best way is by appealing to her vanity and narcissism. And
for a woman, the ultimate vanity is the idea of having a man fall
obsessively in love with her, so much so that he cannot even look
at another woman.
Induce her to perform a submission fantasy with a sexual
context. When she obeys you, reward her by expressing
emotional intimacy, obsession, and even love.
You: Say, “I love you master”
[Girl repeats]
You: Now say, “I’ll obey you like a slave, master. Please make me
your toy”
[Girl is reluctant but you press her humorously and she laughingly
repeats it]
You: [hugging the girl] Oh my god, that was so hot. You have no
idea how connected to you I feel right now. I think I’m in love.
We’re soulmates. I just want to hold you so, so close and spoil
you and cuddle you. You know what we’re going to do when
we’re dating? I’m going to take you on a tropical vacation to
Hawaii and we’re going to make love all day on the beach and
then cuddle for hours. I’m obsessed with, I can’t even think about
another girl now that I’ve met you [etc]
The key with “romantic” talk is to use it strategically, as an
irresistible little “treat” at the end of an already highly pleasurable
sexual fantasy induction.
My favourite thing to do is to describe a very intense sexual
fantasy to the girl — mixing themes of domination, sexual
surrender, and possession — get her to participate in it, then
reward her participation with statements of incredibly intimate
emotional closeness.
The contrast — between telling a girl she’s your slave and you’re
going to fuck hard and use her as your personal plaything, then
telling her you love her more than anyone else in the world and
she’s so beyond any other girl that you just want to kiss every
inch of her body up and down for hours — is wickedly powerful.
It creates a hypnotic effect. Sex and love, domination and deep
emotional connection, become fused in an indissoluble formula
that is twice as powerful as either theme would be on its own. In
this case 1 + 1 does not = 2, but 11.
Thus, in future, when you provide the stimulus of sexually
charged domination fantasies, she will feel in her body the
powerful emotions of love and romance which have been
associated with it — like Pavlov’s dog salivating the moment it
heard the bell which it had associated, through repetition, with
Repeat the process until the girl is fully “trained” to obey your will
and do whatever you command her to do.
You: Now say, “I’m your slave, master, and I’ll let you use my
body for you pleasure whenever you wish”
Girl [smiling shyly but visibly horny]: I’m your slave, master, and
and I’ll let you use my body for you pleasure whenever you wish
You: Good girl. I think I’m going to make you my slave girl and
keep you locked in my room to have my way with whenever I like.
I’ll use you as my sexual object every day, every morning, every
afternoon, every night, because I’m addicted to fucking that tight
little body of yours. I’ll walk you around on a leash for everyone
to see how sexy you are, and sometimes I’ll share you with my
friends at parties. I’ll take you to a party and strip you naked in
front of everyone there. Then I’ll order you to get on your hands
and knees and present your ass in the air and you’ll obey my
orders because you’re a good little slave. And then the men will
queue up to fuck you from behind. But they’re not allowed to
cum inside you. That privilege is reserved for me as your master
and owner…
“And when we get home, I’ll kiss you gently on the mouth, and I’ll
reward you for being my beautiful slave girl. I’ll dress you in your
favourite lingerie like a doll, then I’ll shower your whole body with
soft little kisses. [kiss her on neck] I’ll kiss your body all over, in all
the erogenous zones you love, like the nape of the neck [kiss her
on nape of neck], and the crease of the elbow [kiss her inside the
elbow], and all along your soft delicate arms [kiss her on inside of
wrist]. Then I’ll work my way down your body, kissing my little
girl’s beautiful long legs and her soft inner thighs, and her flat
toned stomach, and I’ll whisper in your ear that [whisper in her
ear] I love you more than anyone else in the world, that I love my
beautiful little doll, and that you’re going to be mine forever,
because our souls are connected, baby, and I love you so much,
I just love you so much it hurts, and it makes me ache, baby, how
close I feel to you and how much I love holding you…”
Notice that you go from the most taboo and forbidden theme of
complete domination, possession and sexual humiliation to one
of love and tenderness.
This “trains” the girl to associate being your slave and following
your commands with the emotional reward of being loved,
showered with affection, tenderly cared for, etc.
Pure evil, yes. But wickedly effective.
Disarming her “anti-slut defence”
Rewarding the girl with expressions of love and emotional
intimacy after a particularly taboo dominance fantasy induction
also neutralises any “sluttiness”, guilt, shame or embarrassment
she might be feeling.
Remember, when you describe a scene in which she is your
obedient little slut and you dominate her body like a piece of
property, although she consciously knows this is just a fun little
roleplay, there is a part of her subconscious mind which cannot
tell the difference between a real experience and an imagined
Though this will make her turned on, it will also elicit some
defensiveness as she feels “slutty” for how she acted in the
scene, and even sluttier if she verbally participated in it.
While her animal brain is turned on her, there’s a part of her
subconscious that’s thinking, “He must view me as a worthless
slut, otherwise he wouldn’t be saying this to me. I’m a piece of
shit and no man will ever take me seriously.”
Obviously, that’s bad. You want the girl to always feel good, to
always feel special. Not only is it the right thing to do, it will also
make her more comfortable and happy about going home with
Obeying you and being a little sex kitten for you should be
something that makes her feel good — like she was chosen over
every other girl, and that she’s sexier and more adorable, way
beyond any other woman.
So tell her that!
After all, it’s true isn’t it? Why else would you be there talking to
her if, in that moment, you didn’t feel that she was more special
to you than any other woman there?
Make her feel good about herself for doing what you want her to
do. Lay it on thick. Learn to express strong romantic emotions:
addiction, obsession, compulsion. Tell her you can’t think about
anything else.
Tell her she’s hijacked your brain. Tell her she’s so special to you,
beyond any other girl, that you’ll never get over it if it doesn’t
work out. When I say lay it on thick, I mean THICK.
By immediately transitioning into statements of romance,
closeness, love and intense, almost magical commitment — you
eliminate any guilt she’s feeling, and neutralise any fear she has
that obeying you makes her a “slut” in your eyes.
You also create a new neural pathway in her brain which
associates the act of being slutty and submissive with the feeling
of being loved. This is in direct contradition to her existing
unnatural social programming, which trained her to associate
being slutty with being undesirable to men as a long-term
If you seek to mate with her while the iron is hot, which you
should, then you must neutralise this old, stupid and
counterproductive programming that sleeping with a man who
she’s just met is a bad thing.
You do this by rewarding “slutty” and promiscuous behaviour
with expressions of love, intimacy and connection.
How to intensify the master-slave fantasy once you’ve
established it (other variations on the theme)
• Command her to kiss other girls (Make her say: “I want to be
your little bisexual slut and kiss every girl you tell me to”)
• Get her to beg to touch you and be touched by you (Make her
say: “Please touch me, master” or “Michael, I love you, you’re
so hot, please let me kiss you” before physically escalating on
• Hypnotist fantasy: roleplay that you’re going to hypnotise her,
make her spread her legs and use her body for your sexual
pleasure and there’s nothing she can do about it
• Get her to beg you to be “allowed” to become wet. Make her
say: “Please master, let your slave become wet. I want to be so
wet for you, master.” Then deny her request. “No. Do not
become wet. You are my slave and you will become wet on my
command, not before then. Stop getting wet, or I will punish
you like the naughty girl you are.” The girl will become
uncontrollably wet. The more you tell her it’s “wrong” and
“bad” for her to be wet, the wetter she’ll become.
Get her to “qualify” herself to you as a good
All people have an instinctive need to belong, to be approved of
and accepted by others. By demonising the qualities that hinder
you in seducing a woman, while turning those qualities that help
you into a virtue, you can subtly cause her to alter her own
personality and identity to suit your purposes.
• “You’re too much of a good girl for me” → Gets her to start
convincing you why she’s a “bad girl” and talking herself
into going home with you because that’s the standard
you’ve set as being desirable
• “Are you adventurous? I’ve never fallen in love with a girl who
wasn’t. Every passionate relationship I ever had started
passionately” → Gets her to think and say, “yeah, I’m
adventurous, of course!” This renders her much more
receptive to going home with you.
• “You’re too much of a nice girl, we wouldn’t get along, you’re
very sexy physically but what’s more important is a sexy
mindset: a girl who is submissive, who likes to be dominated
by her man, who wants to please her man and gets pleasure
from being completely dominated” → Gets her to see being
obedient as a virtue (in your eyes). Thus, she will
subconsciously start playing this side of herself up, and
become more submissive and less resistant
Push-away selling
In marketing, this is known as “take-away selling”, though I prefer
the more accurate term, “push-away selling”. The idea is that in a
skeptical world, it’s far more persuasive to tell people up-front
who the product is NOT for.
By doing this, you deliberately alienate and “push away” a certain
percentage of potential customers who wouldn’t have bought
anyway. At the same time, this has a MAGNETIC effect on those
who are right for your product or service, and makes them
irresistibly want it all the more.
Let me give you a simple example — using this book.
Imagine you had never heard of me and you came across one of
my ads online. It says something like “Buy my book and I’ll teach
you how to make any woman your sex slave! Just $67 — here’s
the order form!”
Sounds like B.S. right? Immediately, you’re resistant. You don’t
believe the claims.
But what if instead, I said something like this: “This book is
probably NOT for you. In fact, there are many things in this book
that are absolutely disgusting, and could literally destroy a
woman if they got into the wrong hands. There’s even an entire
chapter on how to make a woman your sex slave. It’s sick, really.
You would never be into it. Although, if you are interested in the
psychology, then here’s where you can buy the book — only out
of curiosity of course. This is very dark stuff, and you would
never use it on a girl in real life.”
Well, the second one is a lot more intriguing isn’t it? By framing a
message in the negative, you lower people’s resistance. It’s the
same exact principle with girls.
Get her to start seeing herself the way you want her to be
You qualify the girl based on her suitability to be a good
submissive and obey your commands without question.
The unspoken subtext here is “I like you, but I have very
particular tastes. I find you attractive but I only involve myself
with girls who are very submissive, who do what I tell them to do,
who want to be dominated. This is what turns me on the most. If
you don’t fit this criteria, that’s okay, we can be platonic friends,
and I’ll find a girl who will be a good submissive for me.”
This combination of selectivity, push away selling, and the
implicit invitation to live out her submission fantasy in a safe and
fun environment with a guy she likes and trusts creates a
powerful cocktail of desire. When she complies and qualifies
herself to you (“yes! I would do that, I love doing that!”) she gets
a REWARD in the form of a statement of desire, statement of
intimacy, future pacing a romantic relationship, touching, etc.
If she doesn’t comply (“eww that’s gross, you’re weird!”), then
you agree and amplify to pass the shit test, followed by
PUNISHMENT in the form of withdrawing attention, statements
of disinterest, etc.
This attempt to “push away” anyone who isn't the “right fit” will
polarise women into two distinct camps. That is, it will
automatically get rid of the ones you don't want, while triggering
the ones you DO want to become immediately bonded,
connected and loyal to you — making them highly receptive to
As Herbert Swope famously wrote, “I can't give you a surefire
formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: try
to please everybody all the time.”
Q: Why do we have to get the girl to be submissive? Why is
this trait specifically the one to emphasise?
A: First of all because it’s what turns her on, and if you can get
her in a sexual mindframe, then having sex with her obviously
becomes easier. Second, because it serves your aim — i.e.
getting her into bed in a short amount of time.
The whole idea of the submission fantasy is that you’re the
master, she’s your slave. You boss her around, and she follows
your commands without question. This is what all women want,
deep down inside — to be ordered around and even
overpowered and forced to obey sexually (so long as the man is
attractive and it’s actually consensual).
At the same time, the very structure of the fantasy itself primes
her to be receptive to your attempt to seduce her.
When you take her arm and lead her out of the club to go home
with you, she comes willingly, instead of resisting and giving you
excuses and objections.
Why? Because you’ve already set the frame that you give orders
and she follows them. You’ve programmed that habit into her, by
eliciting her participation in the roleplay then rewarding it, so that
when the time comes when you want her to do something, she
does what you command without question almost automatically,
out of habit.
Other qualities you should encourage are:
• Adventurousness
• Spontaneity
• Impulsiveness
• Going with the flow
• Doing what “feels right in your body”
• Being independent-minded and not waiting for her friend’s
Every girl already has a side of herself which values these
qualities. Your challenge is not to “install” these qualities into her
artificially but simply to elicit them. And the best way to elicit this
adventurous, spontaneous side of herself is with the principle of
reward and punishment.
You talk about how you only value a girl who’s adventurous,
spontaneous, etc, and how if she isn’t like that, then you’re sure
you’ll be great as friends but you’d never get on as lovers, let
alone boyfriend and girlfriend.
Be subtle about it. Ask her, “so what kind of qualities do you
most like in a guy?”
Listen to what she says. She will inevitably ask you the same
question back, and this gives you an opening to start saying how
you like an adventurous girl, a sensuous, sexually open girl, a girl
who likes being dominated by her man at times, and so on.
Her need for approval will cause her to overemphasise these
traits. And due to the principle of consistency bias — which
causes us to act in aligment with how we have described
ourselves verbally — by describing herself as adventurous, she
will become adventurous, thus allowing you to more easily lure
her home with you.
Women want to told what to do and to submit to your
commands. They crave leadership. So lead them.
When you meet a woman you like in a nightclub, take her hand
and lead her somewhere else in the club. Don’t ask. Just lead.
Do this early on in the conversation. In fact, it’s best to do it
within the first few minutes, just to set the right tone and
establish yourself as a dominant male. Err on the side of “too
much boldness rather than not enough”.
When you reach the next area of the club, talk to her there for a
while, then take her arm in arm with you and lead her somewhere
else. Repeat. Simply by leading a woman around in this way, you
will condition her by habit to come with you and follow your
It’s another example of a compliance ladder. Start with small
requests. Then “trade up the chain” with larger and larger
When the time comes for you to take her arm in yours, lead her
out of the club with you, and tell her to get in the taxi back to
your place, she will do so willingly because you’ve already got
her in the “habit” of being physically led by you.
You’ve already been moving her from place to place, room to
room, venue to venue, throughout the course of the interaction.
So when you now make the transition from the place you met her
to a more private location where you can have sex, it doesn’t feel
This principle of building compliance momentum by moving the
girl around frequently instills a feeling of familiarity and trust in
your target, and can cut the necessary time from meeting to sex
down from hours to minutes.
Once you’ve got a girl to come home with you, slow everything
way down. Don’t mention sex. Continue to touch her in a light,
playful way, but don’t be overwhelming.
By agreeing to come home with you, the girl has put herself in a
potentially vulnerable situation, so before anything else can
happen, you need to make her feel totally comfortable and not
The best way to achieve this is to hang out with her for a while,
have some drinks, listen to music and get to know each other
If you’ve communicated from a sexual context from the
beginning of the interaction, the girl will by now, in many cases,
actually start escalating on you.
This can include:
• Coming over and sitting on your lap
• Touching you
• Kissing your neck
• Playfully wrestling with you
1 step forward, 2 steps back
If the girl doesn’t start hitting on you, she’s probably too shy. In
this case, build comfort for a while, then say, “Why don’t you
come sit over here?”
When she does, continue to build sexual tension gradually, by
touching her lightly, smelling her hair, kissing her neck, and lightly
kissing her lips.
Don’t push for sex. Practice the principle of 1 step forward, 2
steps back. In other words, get the girl aroused with touching,
kissing and escalation.
But then, for no apparent reason, pull away. Go and get a drink,
then when you come back sit down somewhere else in the room.
Get her to feel the loss. This will get her chasing, and will build
anticipation for the sex.
Repeat this process several times. Get her horny, then pull away
— get her feeling the loss.
Every time you go further with her — such as progressing from
making out to taking off clothes — stop and pull back, then go
and do something else. This will build an incredible amount of
sexual frustration and get her desperately begging you to fuck
Women are animals
Once, I brought this girl back to my place. It had taken me nearly
6 solid hours to finally batter down her resistance and get her to
come home with me from the club. I even had to go head to head
with another guy who was competing with me over her.
By the time we got home, it was nearly 4 in the morning and I
was completely exhausted. My innate competitiveness had
fuelled me to keep pestering her until eventually she gave in and
came home with me — especially once it became clear that
another guy was trying to take her from me. But now I was so
exhausted I barely even wanted to bang her anymore.
We were making out on the bed, and she was half naked, when
suddenly I pulled away. She tried to make out with me some
more and I indulged her, but I’d had it with this girl. She was hot
but really annoying. I just wasn’t in the mood.
So I pulled away again and started talking to her as if we were
just good friends. Polite, but not sexual.
You should have seen her! She started going crazy, grabbing at
my dick, wrestling me onto the bed. She literally started pleading
with me to fuck her — it was sad, actually, to tell you the truth.
She was so wet she was dripping all over the bed. When I
wouldn’t give in, she literally forced herself on me, tearing my
pants off and sliding her pussy onto my cock.
This was a girl who — just an hour before — had been resisting
me, testing me, acting bitchy, and insulting me all night, until
finally agreeing to go home with me. But just by getting her
horny, then denying her sex, it was like I’d unleashed a wild
Women are not used to being denied sex. It’s counterintuitive,
but the fastest way to get laid is to be patient, take your time, and
once you’ve got a naked woman in front of you — actually
become a little bit indifferent about the whole thing, as if you
could take it or leave it.
Women (especially beautiful women) will go absolutely crazy
trying to get you to give them the good hard fucking they need.
It’s really quite amusing. Get a woman horny, then tell her no, and
it makes her wild like nothing else.
Denying her gratification will make her eager to be your
personal fuck-toy
This principle of getting a girl horny in the bedroom then denying
her gratification is the key to making her do just about anything
you like.
The sad fact is that when people are in a state of white hot
sexual desire and craving, they’ll do just about anything you
command them to in order to satisfy it.
Think of yourself. If a playboy model was to come back to your
room, get naked for you, and start teasing you and playing with
you sexually until you just couldn’t take it anymore — is there
anything you wouldn’t do at that point to get her to fuck you if
she asked? Probably not. Once she got you in that state, she’d
be able to convince you to do just about anything in exchange for
The same works in reverse.
Ask a woman to do XYZ in the bedroom and she may say yes or
no. But get her so horny, then pull away to tease her and repeat
until she’s dripping all over the bed and begging you to fuck her
— and there’s little she’ll refuse at that point.
This creates the perfect opportunity to roleplay a sexual fantasy.
You can use the roleplay technique explained already in this
chapter to get her involved in a master-slave fantasy.
Now that you’ve used teasing to get her so horny that she’s
begging for it, you’ve got much greater leverage. This means you
can get away with being much more explicit with the fantasy, and
also making bigger commands.
The fantasy quickly starts to become a concrete reality.
Whatever it is you want her to do, don’t ask. Command. You
don’t ask her to spread her legs, you command her to. You don’t
request that she takes her clothes off, you just look her in the eye
and say: “Take your panties off.”
You can continue the roleplay right into sex itself, e.g.
You: Now say, “please fuck me master”
Girl [horny as hell and writhing around naked on your bed]:
Please fuck me master!
You: I can’t hear you. Be a good little slave girl and speak up.
Girl: Ugggh! PLEASE FUCK ME, MASTER! I’m your slave, I’ll do
whatever you command!
You: Good. Now get on your hands and knees and stick your ass
in the air like a good little doggie. Good girl. Now I’m going to
fuck you. Do you want me to fuck your little pussy?
Girl: Yes!!!
You: Say it. Say, “fuck my pussy, master, I’ll be a good little
Make her say the words, and if she doesn’t, put your dick away
and refuse to put it in her. This will drive her crazy to the point
that she’ll do whatever you ask.
When she obeys, reward her with the stimulation of sex. When
she disobeys, or doesn’t obey with enough enthusiasm, punish
her by withdrawing stimulation and sex.
Total domination
Women are so unaccustomed to being denied sex afer a guy has
got them horny and naked that they’ll do whatever you ask them
to — so this is the ideal time to get her to play along with the
most outrageous fantasies and roleplays you can think of.
Get her to say that she’s a dirty little slut and that she’s your
possession to do what you want with. Get her to say “I’m your
property, master. You can use my body for sex anytime you want
and I’ll always be horny for you. I’m wet for you 24 hours a day,
master, you can slide your dick inside my pussy every day and
use me as your toy. I love being your toy and giving you pleasure,
master, please fill me with your cum. I want to service your every
The girl will be incredibly aroused by saying all this. Hearing you
describe the sex slave fantasy is one thing, but actually
participating in it will take her pleasure to a whole new level.
When she says what you told her to say, reward her with sex. If
she resists, deny her stimulation and physical contact until she
gets in line and obeys.
But this time, because she resisted, be even more strict: make
her say even more outrageous and degrading things. And if she
does it, say that she’s not doing it with enough enthusiasm, and
make her do it again, but put some spirit into it this time.
At this point the girl’s pussy will be drenched, and when you start
fucking her, she’ll often start cumming within just a few strokes.
Take your time
Always reward her for sex by making her cum as many times as
possible. Be generous with giving pleasure. Take your time, slow
down, and really make it the best possible experience you can
for the girl, with the use of both physical and psychological
This book is not a sex manual. If you want a guide on being great
in bed, I recommend The Sex God Method by Daniel Rose.
After sex, spoil her with affection and love
After you’ve fucked her, shower her body with little kisses, and
kiss her gently and sensuously on the mouth. Show some
vulnerability and really spoil her with emotional talk. Otherwise
she’ll feel very degraded for acting out such dirty fantasies with
you earlier.
Tell her you feel so connected to her and that you’ve never cum
so hard as you have with her. Hug her close and cuddle her,
stroke her, caress her body, massage her. Give her lots of
attention after the sex, whisper in her ear, tell her all the things
you love about her and all the non-sexual things you want to do
with her in future.
Remember, you want to train your girl to be a good little slut for
you — so when she complies, REWARD her. Create a new neural
connection in her brain between doing what you command in
bed and being showered with love and affection afterwards. This
will make her sexually addicted to obeying your every command.
Give her a lot of foreplay, build anticipation, and get her to
participate in the fantasy. Tease her until she’s begging you to
fuck her. Give her a little bit of your dick, then take it out and
make her jump through more hoops to get more.
Finally, when you get into steady sex, start telling her “Don’t cum,
baby. Don’t cum. You’re a good girl, and good girls don’t cum.”
Many women feel under pressure to orgasm, and it is
paradoxically this pressure to cum that makes them unable to do
You can take this pressure off by constantly telling her to relax
her whole body, and also by using reverse psychology: Tell her
not to get wet. Tell her not to cum (until you tell command her to
do so).
Remember, you can get women to do practically anything you
want by telling them to do the opposite. This includes even
bodily functions which they have no conscious control over.
By telling her she’s “not allowed” to cum and that if she cums
you’ll “punish her for being a bad little slut and spank her
naughty ass for disobeying her master”, she’ll naturally start to
resist what you’re saying, and will therefore get closer to orgasm.
When you sense she’s nearly about to orgasm, tell her: “Now I’m
going to command you to have an orgasm, baby. I’m going to
command you to cum for me like a good little slave and when I
do you’re going to cum for me harder than you’ve ever cum
Just as she’s on the verge of cumming, say: “Now!” Command
her to orgasm.
The trick here is that you only do this when you know she’s very
close to cumming. Then, when you “command” her to cum and
she does, she thinks she came because of your command!
She thus comes to associate your authority, your commands,
and even the sound your voice with the powerful chemical
reward of orgasm. If this sequence is carried out repeatedly over
several different sessions of lovemaking, her pussy will become
“erotically fused” with the sound of your voice, such that if she’s
in a heightened state of arousal in future, simply ordering her to
cum will make her cum on your command.
You can further reinforce this by adding a specific trigger. For
example, I recently read an interview with a girl who said her
boyfriend trained her to cum on his command by stroking her left
eyebrow whenever she was in the process of having an orgasm.
Then, any time in future that he reached over and stroked her left
eyebrow, it caused her to orgasm.
I unintentionally did a similar thing with my girlfriend. I like to
spank her as I fuck her doggystyle, and usually when she cums
I’ll be spanking her ass. So now whenever I spank her ass she
instantly becomes horny — because she associates that stimulus
with orgasm. It’s funny, because if we’re lying in bed and she’s
asleep, if I try to kiss her and caress her she’ll often push me off,
but if I randomly spank her on her bare ass she instantly
becomes wet and wants to fuck. Such is the universal power of
Pavlovian conditioning.
(Bonus Content)
Most of the hot girls you will meet have bisexual tendencies and
fantasise about sex with other women.
A recent survey by the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that:
• More than 1 in 3 women have had sexual fantasies about
someone of the same sex
• 36% of women have fantasised about “having sex with two
• 27% of women fantasised about “indulging in sexual swinging
with a couple I do not know”
• 42% have had sexual fantasies of “watching two women make
However, because women are naturally passive, it’s almost
impossible for a predominantly straight girl to initiate sex with
another straight girl — though both women may want to.
In most cases, girls are just too shy. Many straight women have
female friends they desire to have sex with, and who desire them
back, but neither girl will make a move because it’s just not
something women ever learn how to do.
As a man, you can act as a facilitator for a woman’s bisexual
desires — the desires she’s always had to taste another
woman sexually, but which she doesn’t have the courage to
set up herself.
“Have you ever kissed a girl?”
Tyler of RSD specialises in getting threesomes. A tip that he gives
is to ask a woman “Have you ever kissed a girl before?” within
the first 30 seconds of meeting her.
Usually, she’ll say yes. Most hot girls have, and if you ask them
early on enough (before she gets to know you) she’ll have no
embarrassment about telling you, because you’re still a complete
stranger to her.
Then you can ramp it up and continue to subtly intensify her
fantasy by asking her to point out girls in the venue who she feels
sexually attracted to, or pointing to girls and asking if she’d ever
kiss them.
When she expresses interest, take her by the hand and lead her
over to the second girl.
Say to the second girl, “my girlfriend thinks you’re really
pretty.” (It doesn’t matter if you just met Girl #1 thirty seconds
ago, refer to her as your “girlfriend”. This will make Girl #1 feel
validated and special, while subtly implying to Girl #2 that you’re
sexually in demand.)
Run solid game on the second girl just as you did on the first for
a minute or two (express desire, charm her with sexually-charged
humor, disarm objections, etc).
Then dare the girls to kiss for “just one second”. If they resist,
keep pressing on it, but in a playful, humorous way. Girls make
out with each other in clubs all the time — it’s not a big deal. If
you’ve got each of them in an aroused state, they will have no
problem briefly making out “as a joke”.
Once they’ve kissed each other, kiss your “girlfriend”. Then bring
the second girl in and kiss them all together. Continue this until
they’re horny enough to come home with you. Don’t ever suggest
a threesome overtly — unless one of the girls suggests it.
Instead, just talk about how much fun you’re all having together
and suggest going back to your place to continue having fun.
When you’re back at your place, get drinks for the girls, put on
music, and let everyone get comfortable in the new surroundings.
(Note: if possible, you should set your room up such that there
are no chairs, and any girl who comes back with you has to sit on
the bed.)
Dual Massage Induction
To transition to the threesome itself, use the “Dual Massage
Induction” invented by Neil Strauss and described in the book
The Game.
It basically goes like this:
You: “You know, I just had the most amazing experience. I went
to a shaman, and he gave me this incredible massage called the
Dual Induction massage. What is it? Well, basically, if two people
massage your back in synchronised movements at the exact
same time, your brain can’t process it, and it feels like you’re
being massaged by thousands of hands. It’s totally amazing, I
have to show you what it’s like. [to Girl #1] Lie down now and I’ll
do it to you.”
So you get the first girl to lie down and take off her top, then you
and the second girl massage her back. Next, you take off your
shirt, lie down yourself and get the girls to massage you. Finally,
you get the second girl to take her top off and lie down while you
and the other girl massage her, but this time you start making it
more sexual.
You massage up her legs, you stroke her inner thighs, you start
touching her ass — and you get the other masseuse to do the
same. Note: buy some Karma Sutra oil, or virgin coconut oil, and
heat it up for this. Though it’s not necessary, it will definitely
make things much more erotic.
Both the girls are now going to be feeling horny. At this point you
simply stop massaging the girl who’s lying down and kiss the girl
who’s facing you. The third will look up when you stop
massaging, and that’s when you gesture her to join the kiss.
Once both the girls have started kissing each other, it’s on, and
the threesome is now the natural progression. Always use
Fallacies of social conditioning
We’re taught from a young age that girls find sex “gross” or
“icky” and that if you make your arousal for a woman known to
her, she will become disgusted or offended.
This may be true with a tiny minority of women, but the vast
majority of women become highly excited when they find out that
a man is horny for her.
It gives a woman a sexual charge to know that she is making a
man aroused and causing him to get an erection. She may not
admit that she finds it exciting, but you can be assured that she
secretly does, and it makes her start to feel horny herself.
Boner game tight
When I’m on a date with a girl, or even talking to one at a club
and I happen to get an erection, not only do I not try to hide it,
but I actively draw the girl’s attention to it. This usually results in
her staring at the bulge in my jeans as if in a trance. Very often
she’ll just start uncontrollably touching it.
One 19 year old college student I did this with asked me if I was
a sex addict. After our date she told me to come back to her
parents’ house with her and promised she’d hide me in her closet
if her dad walked in on us.
The quickest and least complicated way to make girls horny is to
become horny yourself and then actively draw their attention
towards it.
Mating triggers
Getting a boner for the girl, and letting her see the effect she’s
having on you, can create a powerful magnetic attraction. It’s
animalistic. Seeing that a man is hard for her and is
physiologically primed to mate flips a switch in a girl’s head
which will have her tearing off your clothes the moment she gets
the opportunity.
The sight of a rock hard boner (whether naked or through pants)
is the equivalent — for a woman — of when you see a naked
woman on her hands and knees, raising her hips and presenting
her ass to you.
It’s a mating trigger. It activates her “cavegirl” brain — the ancient
animalistic part of her brain which loves getting fucked and
wants to be sexually dominated by a man.
The shell identity and the true self
Remember, every woman is really “two” different people. There’s
the outer persona — the character which she projects to her
family, friends, and coworkers.
And there’s her real inner self — including her sex drive, her
fantasies, her erotic urges and passions, and her irrational
romantic emotions.
The only way to trigger a woman’s true inner sexual nature is
to express your own true sexual nature first. If you’re only
showing her the surface of your personality — being polite,
talking to her about the weather — she will feel too selfconscious to reveal her true sexual nature to you, for fear that
you’ll judge her.
But if you express your true desire for her, and give her a glimpse
of the animalistic sexual passion she inspires in you, she’ll be
emboldened to show you her own sexual side.
Getting in touch with your animal nature
We go through most of our lives inside our heads, and out of
touch with our bodies, our physical instincts and our physical
intuition. The vast majority of our body’s energy is used by the
brain, wasted on excessive thinking, analysing, and re-analysing.
Most of us perform jobs that require a large amount of mental
effort, or “head work”, but which don’t require us to be in touch
with our bodies at all.
It’s not a coincidence that men whose work requires a lot of
physical exertion — construction workers, police, soldiers,
athletes, extreme sports instructors, fitness coaches — tend to
do pretty well with women, while men who spend most of their
day creating spreadsheets or writing reports usually find that it
feels “unnatural and weird” to talk to a woman.
Your body knows the answer
Seduction is a function of your entire body, not just your head. In
getting in touch with your body, you will also be more in touch
with your true nature as an animal, and this will give you a
magnetic sexual energy which infects the people around you.
Go to the gym and throw some weights around at least a couple
days a week. Walk to work instead of driving. Practice “body
awareness” meditation when you’re carrying out physical tasks
like washing the dishes or walking up stairs.
The more in touch with your own body you are — the better the
“relationship” you have with your body, so to speak — the easier
and more natural it will be for you to attract women.
Unleashing your inner animal
There is literally an animal inside each of us — the ancient
“mammalian” brain which we’ve inherited from our prehuman
ancestors. In Jungian psychology, this inner animal is known as
“the shadow”.
Uncontrolled, the inner animal can destroy you and hurt other
people. It is the underlying force which is responsible for rape,
murder, spousal homicide, incest, and honor killings. This sexual
“dark side” of man fuels everything from domestic violence to
international terrorism.
But if your “shadow” is brought into the light — explored,
examined, observed, and ultimately integrated into your
personality — it can be a source of great energy and action. It
can be a wellspring of creativity and genius, and it can be the
gasoline you need to fuel a permanent change in your life.
The realm of fantasy
Sexual fantasies give us a clue into our inner animal nature — the
part of our psyche that gets turned on by rough sex, forced sex,
domination-submission, “barely legal” girls, and various other
taboos, and which doesn't respect the boundaries society tries
to enforce on our minds.
If you find yourself being turned on by a girl in a situation you’re
not “allowed” to be, or not “supposed” to be, explore the fantasy
instead of suppressing it. Let it inspire you to take action with real
girls, instead of using it as a comforting fantasy to retreat from
the real world as most guys do.
Girls also have an inner animal — what I call her “cavegirl brain”.
If you've ever seen a girl sunbathing by the pool in a swimsuit
and you got hard as you fantasised about what you'd like to do
to her, she was very likely having similar kinds of thoughts —
triggered by the pleasurable arousal of having her body so
exposed and vulnerable to the gaze of men.
Girls are pervy little sluts
When you express your truest sexual desire for a girl, you might
be surprised how closely her own thoughts were mirroring your
Back in high school, I used to have intense sexual fantasies
about a girl in my class. She was tall and slim with blonde hair, an
innocent face and an amazing body. She was also kind of a
One of my fantasies involved stripping her naked and putting a
dog collar on her, then walking her around on her hands and
knees, spanking her, and finally fucking her — to punish her for
being such a bitch to me. Of course, I never breathed a word of
this fantasy to anyone for fear that it would make me seem like a
perverted creep.
I later ran into this same girl after we’d graduated high school
and she became my fuckbuddy and ultimately my girlfriend. I
never told her about the fantasy I’d had about her, but to my
surprise, after we had slept together the first time she not only
confessed that she’d always had a crush on me, she also told
that nothing turned her on more than the idea of being spanked
and completely dominated by a man to the point of near rape.
I had always thought she was so bitchy and prudish, but it turned
out she had the exact same naughty desires I did, and our
perversions complimented each other perfectly.
Field Effect Theory
It is my personal opinion that all living beings are connected by
an invisible “energy field”.
This field is like a web which connects all humans and animals,
and through which it is possible both to communicate with others
wordlessly, and to detect other people’s inner thoughts and
In other words, your presence and intentions can be felt by
others on an unconscious level without you saying or doing
anything. And if you give yourself a very sexual presence — if
you induce a sexual charge within your body — it will effect any
woman you come near, because all human beings are
connected, and in a sense, “one” with each other (to use
Buddhist terminology).
Women can detect your strongest emotions and states from a
distance. If you learn how to channel certain emotions like sex,
passion and the desire to make her submit sexually, you can
“infect” her with the equivalent and corresponding state from a
distance, as if by telepathy or telekinesis.
Pheromones + emotional contagion
You may not yet believe as I do that there is an invisible energetic
field connecting all life forms.
Even if no such “field” exists, however, the Field Effect concept
can be a helpful way of modelling some other, more complicated
mechanisms by which people unconsciously influence each
For example, recent research has revealed that when a person
experiences a strong emotion such as fear, they literally emit a
“fear pheromone” in their sweat that infects people around them
with the same emotion.
Other studies have demonstrated that men emit a sex
pheromone that makes women sexually aroused. Inhaling the
male pheromone made women rate men as more attractive, and
activated parts of their brain that are associated with sexual
arousal. Further, college men who were doused with these
pheromones had more sexual encounters with women over a
given period than a control group.
Personal magnetism
Induce a sexual state in yourself, and channel your own latent
sexual energies, and you can infect any woman who comes near
you with the same energy, and put her in a state of heightened
arousal, desire and lust very quickly.
The results of attaining “sexual state” are instant compliance,
and nearly effortless persuasion. Women will willingly make out
with you without even saying a word, and will often come to the
bathroom with you to hook up several minutes into talking.
When you reach this state, you simply project such a playful,
innocent energy of fun and experimentation that it sucks girls in
like a vortex and they drop all their usual rules and requirements.
Your sexual energy, playfulness and innocence is contagious to
them and they are magnetically attracted to you and happy to
fool around.
When the raw primal sexual state is fused with deep technical
competency and mastery of the other persuasion techniques
detailed in this book, you will be able to control women’s
thoughts and actually play them like a puppet.
It might be objected here that such a thing sounds unethical, and
like it would take away a woman’s willpower. In reality, it is not
the case. Attaining this kind of sexual state is simply impossible if
one is actively trying to manipulate and control others. On the
contrary, it is dependent on regaining a state of childlike
innocence, and even naivety.
The paradox is that this kind of total mastery over another
person’s thoughts and behaviours can be attained only after you
have totally purged yourself of the hunger for control, and have
eliminated such impure and defiling tendencies from your
subconscious mind.
The “Magical Ritual” That Makes Any
Woman Your Love Slave
In former times, sorcerers and witch-doctors tapped into a
certain inner force to put spells on their enemies, to heal the sick,
and to attain power and influence within their communities.
In the eighteenth century, Franz Mesmer concluded that this
power was the result of a mysterious “substance” which he
called animal magnetism. Mesmer claimed that all organic life
gave off a kind of chemical energy field, and that by harnessing it
one could put people under a hypnotic trance and heal their
mental and physical illnesses. Mesmer himself healed hundreds
of his patients this way.
Mesmer’s theories were later discredited when it was discovered
that the hypnotic force which he used to put people in a trance
did not require physical closeness of any kind. In fact, scientists
now know that a person can by hypnotised over the phone. All
that is required is the power of the voice, language and words —
there is no “animal magnetism”, only natural human
Or is there?
Scientific rejection of Mesmer’s theories occurred long ago —
when science was not as advanced as it is now. The recent
discovery of pheromones and the role they play in affecting
human cognition and perception lends new credence to
Mesmer’s original hypothesis, that being:
(1) that all men are surrounded by a chemical field composed of
subtle energy and matter, most of which is too fine to be
detected by all but the most exquisitely sensitive scientific
(2) that this “magnetic” field can be actively developed and
refined so as to make it stronger and more powerful
(3) that if animal magnetism is honed to a certain degree, it can
produce striking effects on people — such as making them
more suggestible, making them more receptive to hypnosis, or
even instantly putting them into a hypnotic trance
In this more sophisticated view, there is not just animal
magnetism or human suggestibility. Rather, the effects which
Mesmer attained were the result of a mixture of pheromones,
emotional contagion, and normal hypnotic suggestion.
The question is: how can this state of “animal magnetism” be
Mesmer is vague about this, but from the results of my five years
of personal experimentation with the idea of personal energy
fields, it is as clear to me as daylight that animal magnetism —
the “mysterious substance” which allows us to influence others
and makes us more charismatic and persuasive — is rooted in
sexual energy.
The benefits of cultivating “animal magnetism”
By storing sex energy within the body, and “transmuting” it into
higher energy forms through various means, a man can attain a
degree of personal force and power which can be procured in no
other way.
The results of accumulating such a “sexual energy field” are as
• Any fertile woman who comes within a five yard radius will
instantly go into a state of sexual receptivity and arousal,
unless she is distracted by her phone, work, or some other
external draw on her attention
• Women who are ovulating will make passes at you (flirting at
work, smiling at you in the street, standing nearby in the hope
you’ll approach, holding eye contact with you for longer than
“appropriate”, using any excuse to strike up a conversation
with you, shamelessly trying to turn you on by exhibiting
themselves to you via sexual dancing etc)
• Women will appear less resistant and hesitant to get into
conversations with you. Instead of being aloof and standoffish,
they will seem shy, nervous, quiet and attentive (Note: this can
seem like “awkwardness” to a guy who’s unexperienced with
talking to girls. In fact, so-called awkwardness is a sign she’s
attracted to you. Awkwardness = sexual tension.)
• Certain women will throw themselves at you in a very direct
way, such as by saying you’re hot, grabbing your ass, asking
you to kiss her “friend” (what she usually means is she wants
you to kiss her)
• By contrast, some other women will become more shy and
withdrawn around you than before. This is actually a good sign
— she likes you and is nervous (doesn’t want to “blow it” by
doing something dumb). Don’t be discouraged by shyness like
this. Some women become very forward when they’re horny —
others become unusually submissive and passive. Both want
sex, they just have different personality styles and ways of
expressing it. In either case, lead.
• You will feel unusually confident and will effortlessly dominate
social situations. Other men will respect you more. You’ll
automatically start to have a “hundred yard stare” when
walking through the streets — a kind of animalistic, dominant
vibe that nobody ever fucks with. Think of it as a “king of the
jungle” vibe. You don’t do this consciously, it just kind of
happens. (Note: don’t try to force this, it will come on its own.
Trying to project this vibe when you don’t naturally have it
makes you look weak to other men while scaring off girls)
Animal magnetism which is rooted in sexual energy will basically
automate many aspects of your game. The more sexual energy
you have accumulated within your body, the less need there is to
explicitly “go sexual” in your conversations with the girl or use
any kind of “PUA techniques” at all.
The sexuality is already being communicated so much by your
presence and magnetism alone that you can “get away with” just
talking about boring subjects and asking the girl normal
questions and she’ll still be aroused by you and willing to go
home and hook up.
“Wild Fox” game
I’m going to tell you how to attain the sexual energy field in a
But before I do, I should warn you here that this is a double
edged sword. In the short term, animal magnetism makes the
game easier — because you have to do less work to get a girl
horny and pull her home for sex.
In fact, when you’ve got potent animal magnetism it will not be
uncommon for you to walk up to a pretty girl, talk to her about
random bullshit for half an hour, then go home with her and fuck
her — without ever mentioning sex or even kissing her.
Sound good?
It is good. The only problem is that in the long term, this style of
game can negatively effect your skills by making you reliant on
animal magnetism instead of technical competency.
(I call it “Wild Fox game” after the parable of the Zen monk who
was turned into a wild fox for five hundred lifetimes for denying
that an enlightened man falls under the law of cause and effect.)
The advantage of technical skill is that it is completely external —
like tying your shoelaces or playing the piano. Once a technique
has been mastered and habitually internalised, it doesn’t matter
how you feel when you use it — it will generally work.
Magnetism is a result of a high level of sexual and physical
health. The only problem is that there are many fragilities to the
magnetic state. It requires great discipline and a certain amount
of personal austerity to maintain. It can be easily disrupted if you
fall into bad habits like over-indulgence in masturbation (which
for many guys, including me, means any masturbation at all).
If technical competency hasn’t been achieved at that point, then
you have nothing to fall back on. You’ve become dependent on
being in a certain state, and when that state is taken away, you
lose all your powers.
For this reason I encourage you to use sexual energy as a tool —
but not as a crutch. I have attained incredible results with women
with my wild fox ways (“sexual energy” based game). At the
same time, all of the biggest weaknesses and flaws in my game
currently are a direct result of the fact that for years, my game
lacked a healthy respect for technique and was nearly 100%
state- and energy-dependent.
The technology of sex magik
Sexual energy, and the power it gives, is neither good nor evil.
Like any technology, it depends on how it’s used.
Jesus used it to heal the sick and make the blind see. Cult
leaders and charismatic religious figures use the same power to
enslave their followers, to control people’s minds and to produce
infatuation in their victims. Media companies, advertising firms
and political figures harness the same forces to sell billions of
dollars of products and attain power and influence.
In primeval cultures, shamans, sorcerors and witchdoctors would
strengthen themselves and give themselves potency through the
use of certain herbs and potions, through the use of rituals, and
by purging themselves of all impurities. In this heightened state
of strength and potency, their personal magnetism was increased
and they were more effectively able to work their “magic” on
those who they wanted to influence — whether for good or ill.
The Five Pillars Of Sexual
Energy + Animal Magnetism:
1. Retention of the semen
2. Herbal remedies, vitamins, minerals, aphrodisiacs and other
“potions” to intensify sexual state
3. Increasing testosterone with weight training
4. Increasing testosterone with proper diet
5. Regularly being around women and putting yourself in contact
with “feminine energy”
#1. Retention of the semen
Modern society fears male sexual energy and tries to repress it.
Men are encouraged to masturbate frequently and to look at porn
on a regular basis.
Modern feminism teaches us that masturbation is a virtue and
that everyone (especially men) should masturbate all the time.
Their thinking is that the more men jerk off, the less sexual
tension they’ll have, and the less women will get raped.
This campaign to make masturbation widespread among men
has succeeded in lowering incidences of crime as well as rape in
recent years. But it has come at a cost: plummeting testosterone
levels among males, and skyrocketing levels of involuntary
celibacy and suicide.
Testosterone and masturbation
The campaign to drain men of their sexual power by promoting
masturbation may be good for women, but as a man, it is not
good for you.
A 2003 study, for example, revealed that healthy male subjects
who abstained from ejaculation for just seven days experienced a
45.7% increase in testosterone.10
Hundreds of thousands of men report that quitting masturbation,
or at least minimising it as much as possible (such as by only
doing it every 7 days), had dramatic effects on their sex lives and
allows them to talk to women with a new and unaccustomed
confidence and ease.
“The relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men”, http://
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12659241. See also: “Endocrine response to masturbationinduced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence”, http://
The root of male power
Sexual energy (i.e. semen and testosterone) is at the root of a
man’s power. By cultivating it and accumulating it, you will
acquire a magnetic “charge” which allows you to attract women
without talking and makes female heads turn everywhere you go.
Don’t believe me? Try it and see.
If you’re a frequent masturbator, try going without
masturbation or porn for a period of just 14 days. You will
inevitably notice that you find it easier and more desirable to talk
to women, and that they are more interested in you.
It’s important to note here that everyone’s body is constructed
differently. I know of several men who are highly successful with
women and who masturbate constantly. And, in fact, they even
report that regular masturbation improves their ability to seduce
women, because it relaxes them and puts them into “sexual
state” more easily.
Therefore, I recommend experimenting with BOTH strategies.
The one month Excess vs. Abstinence experiment:
1. Take 15 days to masturbate to porn frequently. Embrace
complete excess. Fantasise as much as you want. Look at
porn constantly. Jerk off as much as you want, as often as you
want, until you’re completely empty inside. Many people find
that masturbating regularly gives a Zen-like calm around
women. Perhaps you’re one of them? Go out at least 2 nights
a week during this period, approach and talk to women, and
observe their responses to you. Also pay attention to your
inner state: is it characterised by confidence and social ease,
or the opposite?
2. Next, spend 15 days in which you don’t masturbate at all.
Don’t look at porn. Don’t even touch your dick. This will only
work if you commit to a total abstinence — not only physical
but also mental. Don’t even permit yourself to fantasise
(except for sexual visualisation to get in sexual state right
before approaching a real girl). I recommend installing a porn
blocker on your computer for this, then writing the password
on a piece of paper and hiding it (I use the free K9 web
protection porn-blocker software). During this 14 days, go out
and talk to women 2 nights a week, and observe the results.
It’s important not just to observe how women react to you but
also how you feel when interacting with them.
At the end of this one month experiment, you will be able to
clearly determine whether you benefit most from non-ejaculation
or from total excess.
My own experience has been that whenever I cut out
masturbation and porn, women are all over me like ants on sugar
and are practically chasing me through the streets.
When I relapse into jerking off and watching porn, the attraction
and interest I get from women usually plummets — so much so
that talking to them literally becomes impossible for me, even
after 5 years doing cold approach pickup.
I put this down to the testosterone-boosting effects that not
masturbating has been shown to have in some studies. However,
it might be the exact opposite with you. So try both gorging on
porn for a few weeks AND abstaining completely from jerking it
for a week weeks, and see what your DNA responds better to.
How to become sexually magnetic to women
Assuming you are healthy and hygienic, you will tend to find that
women become almost magnetically drawn to you after around
10-14 days without ejaculating.
They check you out in public, hold your eye contact, act more
flirtatiously, and are more receptive to your advances. This is not
magic but science:
1. Not ejaculating for several days is scientifically proven to
increase testosterone
2. Increasing testosterone will also increase your pheromone
levels (the male sex pheromones like androstadienone and
androstenone are metabolised in the body from testosterone)
In other words, when I advocate not masturbating as a way of
attracting women, I am not speaking of psychology but
Not ejaculating for 7-14 days quite literally increases your
pheromone levels, thus automatically increasing female attention
and attraction.
If female attention and attraction is something you are currently
struggling to get — why not try this simple experiment? It may
change your life.
Turning sexual energy into actual sex with girls
Ok, so you’ve stopped masturbating and looking at porn. You’re
now 2 weeks into it and you’re feeling the effects: more
confidence, improved mood, greater desire to talk to women, and
you’re hornier than a wild stag.
What now? How do you go about actually getting sex while in
this state?
The whole trick to it is in this:
1. Open your front door.
2. Step outside of the door and close it behind you.
3. Go to a place where there are a large number of desirable
4. Put your physical body in front of one of these aforesaid
females. Now start to speak words to her though the hole in
your face called the mouth. She will speak words back at you.
5. Congratulations. You now know each other. Celebrate by
getting a coffee or a beer.
6. Repeat the above several times a day. Biology will take it from
7. Congratulations. If you have followed the above instructions to
the letter, within 1-2 months you should now be getting laid a
couple of times a week.
Even watching pornography without physically masturbating
seems to have a negative effect on sex energy.
I have no plausible scientific way of explaining this, but it has
been my repeated personal experience. There seems to be a
certain psychic aspect to sex energy, in addition to the physical
and chemical energy of the sex hormones and pheromones.
If abstinence from masturbation is not combined with a
corresponding “mental abstinence” from indulgence in sexual
fantasies and porn, the accumulation of erotic energy does not
reach the desired level of potency and force. If we entertain the
premise that thoughts themselves may be physical, then this is
not implausible.
(Again, full disclosure, I have no empirical evidence for this
statement besides my own experience. Results may differ for
Q. Giving up jerking off seems like a major sacrifice to make
in the hope of getting laid more.
A. It is precisely because of the sacrifices required that most men
are unable to rely on a steady diet of regular sex with new girls.
I use the word “rely” here in a very deliberate way — in the sense
of something being “reliable”, i.e. “like clockwork”.
It is of course possible to have fairly regular if intermittent sex
with new girls without going to these lengths.
And if you're not interested in trying this out, no worries: the rest
of this course will all still work very well.
But if you want to reach a point where sex comes to you almost
effortlessly, then accumulating sexual energy within your body is
in my experience the surest as well as the fastest possible route.
Everything in life is a trade-off. In the pursuit of any aim,
discipline of one kind or another is required. Whether you believe
the aim worthy of the effort required is a judgement call that is
yours — not mine — to make. But for a certain kind of man, with
certain kinds of appetites, this sex energy technique is a gift from
the gods.
Q. I struggle in my journey to get good with women. Every
seeming success seems immediately to be followed by
heart-breaking failure. I suspect that maybe I could be doing
better if I committed fully to sex energy accumulation on a
permanent basis. Is abstaining from masturbation mandatory
in order to get good at game? Or is it simply like an optional
A. It's case by case. In my own case I am convinced that it was
and continues to be absolutely indispensable.
For others, it may not necessarily be so. Everyone’s body is, of
course, constructed differently. As Bruce Lee put it: “Adapt what
is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is uniquely your
Tyler from RSD — among the greatest (in terms of impact) pickup
teachers who's ever lived — has been highly critical of the idea
that abstinence from masturbation has any effect at all on picking
up women. Same with Jeffy of RSD — another legend who’s
word on pickup should generally be regarded as law.
If one were of a conspiratorial turn of mind, one might entertain
the notion that the pickup artists seek to delegitimise and mock
the idea of not masturbating to attract women not because it
doesn’t work, but because it works too well, and makes picking
up hot girls too easy — thus negatively impacting the market for
their products and services.
All I can go by is my own personal experience, and how this
experience is explained by the available science. My experience
of life before and after quitting masturbation looked something
like this:
Before discovering the “bio-hack” of abstention from
• suffered from shyness, timidity, extreme social anxiety, and
general lack of confidence
• was able to get laid sporadically, from time to time, but usually
only when I happened to have a girlfriend, despite studying
game/PUA intensely
• got average to below average grades in school and college (I
dropped out of school at 15 and spent the next two years on a
drug binge, before barely scraping into college)
• never able to work up the confidence to approach a girl, and
the few times I did when drunk, rejection was swift and
• was physically frail and out of shape due to lack of motivation
to exercise, and suffered from hideous acne and bad
After discovering the bio-hack of abstaining from
masturbation (roughly three years in):
• zero shyness, zero social anxiety, bulletproof confidence
• able to approach the most desirable girls in any situation
• able to walk into any nightclub, on any day of the week, on my
own, and within about two hours, pull a girl (typically ranging
from 7-10 in attractiveness) home with me to have sex. (I can
do this consistently maybe 70% of the time, though of course
fluctuations occur)
• graduated from the top college in my country with the highest
grade in my class, and was awarded the highest distinction of
academic merit that the college offers
• crushing it in my fitness regimen, lifting heavy weights six days
a week, and have never been physically larger or fitter. I haven’t
had acne in years, and even the physical structure of my face
itself seems to have changed, appearing in general healthier
and more masculine
#2. Herbal remedies, aphrodisiacs and “potions”
to intensify sexual state
The second step of acquiring a powerful sexual energy is
While abstaining from masturbation takes a certain amount of
willpower at first, supplementing for testosterone is as easy as
popping a pill. Every man should be taking the following
supplements on a daily basis.
Always read the label, and follow the instructions. Always consult
your doctor before taking supplements. This is not medical
• Vitamin D3: supplementation with this secosteroid in levels of
400-1000 iu per day raises testosterone in men. Make sure to
take with fish oil, or with a meal (vitamin D is fat soluble and
has to be administered synergistically with a fatty acid that can
act as a transporter).
• Zinc: raises testosterone, enhances mood, and is a potential
aphrodisiac. (Low dosage is 5-10mg per day, high dosage is
• Selenium: also critical for high testosterone. Selenium is found
in brazil nuts – just 3 a day will give you the required daily
• Omega 3: Either omega 3 fish oil, or cod liver oil. This last one
isn’t directly related to testosterone, but is a powerful
cumulative tonic for overall brain health, cognition, and mood.
Some studies even noted that fish oil supplementation was on
par with fluoxetine (Prozac) for the effective treatment of
depression, but take a wild guess which vested interests don't
want you to know about that research? Recommended dosage
of about 1,000mg/d.
• You can also supplement with male sexual health herbs like:
1. Panax ginseng
2. Maca root
3. Mucuna pruriens
4. Horny goat weed
5. Tribulus terrestris
A magic potion that makes you irresistible to women
Here’s a little “magic potion” that willl skyrocket your
testosterone levels nearly over night. Every night before going to
bed, take:
• a shot of liquid cod liver oil
• 3 brazil nuts (for selenium)
• vitamin D3 (recommended dose, or more if your doctor says
you’re deficient and advises it)
• a spoonful of grass-fed butter
• 20 almonds
I also recommend taking this 4 hours prior to going out to talk
to girls.
It gives you a KILLER testosterone boost which can be viscerally
I lifted this hack straight from the “Sex Machine” module in Tim
Ferriss’s book The 4-Hour Body — which I highly recommend.
Ferriss experimented with a number of different supplement
combinations for boosting testosterone, and found this specific
synergy to be the most powerful.
(I’ll spare you the scientific mumbo jumbo but he explains the
legitimate science behind why this specific cocktail boots
testosterone in the 4HB for those who are interested.)
Having had his blood tested before and after the period in which
he began deploying this hormonal enhancement hack, his
testosterone went from 244 to 653 in five months, and then later
to 835 when brazil nuts were added.
In other words, just taking this little potion literally tripled his
testosterone levels.
Ferriss describes the increased aura of sexual magnetism which
this supplement cocktail gave him when coupled with a high
protein diet (he seems to have been pretty much living on steak
for two weeks): female eyes turning to stare at him wherever he
went, being straddled by his uncharacteristically sexually
aggressive date in the middle of a restaurant, etc.
I’ve had similar kinds of experiences with this, and the amount of
nights that I've pulled after having taken this natural
“testosterone booster” compared to not having taken it is
statistically significant.
The first night I experimented with it, I pulled an insanely sexy 18
year old virgin from the club within 20 minutes of opening her.
(Note: I was at the club alone and stone cold sober.)
The enormous pleasure I got from feasting on her perfectly
shaved 18 year old pussy while she sucked the cum out of my
dick cannot be overstated. I attribute this particular success
directly to the effect of this testosterone booster — which I had
taken 3-4 hours before hitting the club that night. It just gives you
such a powerful animal energy that a certain type of girl will bang
you without even thinking twice about it.
#3. Raise testosterone by lifting weights
Lifting heavy weights in compound exercises should be a
regular part of your life routine. Focus on squats, deadlifts,
military press, pullups, and incline bench. Aim to work out with
heavy weights at least three days a week – optimally five days a
Consistent weightlifting yields both a short-term boost in
testosterone (which makes it ideal to do a few hours before you
go out to meet women), while also increasing baseline
testosterone over the long-term.
Lifting weights will change your entire energy. And it’s this — your
energy as a man — that women want and are attracted to.
Not lines or routines you learned. Not money, muscles, good hair,
cars, fine clothes, a high performing stock portfolio, a VC-funded
startup, or whatever other illusory nonsense the foolish spend
their stupid lives acquiring in the hope of attaining greater sexual
Combine weightlifting with tight social skills and the playing field
is essentially yours.
Don’t worry about joining a gym. Too complicated and
expensive. Simply buy a set of dumbbells and a barbell and
train at home.
You want to make it as easy and effortless to work out as
possible so that it doesn’t ever become daunting in your mind.
Getting the bare bones of a “home gym” means that you can
have your day’s workout done within twenty minutes of waking
up. It will also save you thousands of dollars in the long term.
It amazes me that this isn’t emphasised more – although when
you think about it, most of the personal fitness and training
profession has a vested interest against spreading this idea,
because its widespread adoption would directly drive down the
price of gym membership and personal trainer fees.
While I consider their profession an essential one to society, I
also would like to encourage you to do what's best for you.
That means making consistency your god. And the easiest way
to do that, is to buy a barbell and dumbbells. (Later, if you like,
you can buy a bench, squat rack and pullup bar like I have. But
for now — start small.)
Exercise every day and eventually you’ll become “addicted” to
the endorphins you get from it. I cured a life-long struggle with
depression through simply buying a set of weights and exercising
every day. I don’t get depressed anymore. The moment I start to
feel even a little bit weird, I hit the iron for an hour, then I go out
and approach women, and I go to bed that night feeling better
than god.
Start small so as not to feel discouraged. To begin, just do the
bare minimum.
Feel free to do as little as twenty or even just ten minutes of
weight training a day for the first several months. Even this will
give you a “kick” in terms of energy and masculinity – especially
if your body isn’t used to exercise.
Then, over time, you’ll actually want to do more and push
yourself harder. But one of the biggest impediments to starting is
viewing it as a larger investment of time and energy than it needs
to be.
Take small actions now to build the habit and the rest will fall into
place naturally — exactly like learning game. It only takes about
15-30 days to form a habit, and then — just like brushing your
teeth — it will become second nature.
When you’re going about your day, observe the feeling in your
Do you feel powerful, virile, energetic? Is your mind calm? Do
you feel physically and mentally in control of the situation, fully
capable of responding appropriately to anything?
Observe your mental and physiological state honestly the next
time you’re walking down the street, and answer these questions
1. If a dog (unleashed, and with no owner in sight) were to run
towards me and start barking at me viciously, would I have the
internal locus of control to prevent myself from flinching like a
little girl?
2. If the same dog were to attack me, would I be able to make it
turn on its heel and run away, purely on the basis of the
authority of my eyes and voice alone?
3. If the dog continued to attack me, would I be able to beat or
choke it into immobility with my bare hands, without serious
injury to myself?
If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, then your
masculine energy is not yet developed to the level that is your
birthright as a man.
The majority of “men” are not men in this respect — they are not
only afraid of every little thing, but even in conditions in which
there is no danger, they invent danger with their minds.
To such a man, actually encountering a genuine physical
challenge from another man or animal will cause him not just to
flee, but to tremble for half an hour afterwards even long after the
threat is out of sight. Such a “man”, of course, is not really a
Fear is physical
In this case, continue to hone the testosterone production of your
machine – especially physically, through becoming stronger. All
fear is physical.
Social anxiety is your nervous system's way of telling you
that you're not physically strong enough yet. It's actually there
to help you: it's trying to communicate a message.
The greater the power you hold in your physical vehicle (that is,
your body) the less fear, or "nerves", you will experience in a
variety of different situations, including talking to women, and
including even legitimately hazardous situations like potentially
violent confrontations.
These days, someone can punch me in the face or throw a bottle
at my head and it literally doesn’t even raise my pulse.
This has happened to me a few times, where a drunk man or
woman tried to intimidate me or even slapped me or punched
me. When I continue to smile and laugh, unflinching, and to
continue talking as if what they're doing is normal, their face
goes white and they start to panic and apologise. They don't
have a behavioural "script" for the situation. It's very interesting
to watch.
When you attain true masculine energy, you’re safe wherever you
go. You could be anywhere, walking through the ghetto, it
doesn’t matter. People give you a silent respect and they don’t
fuck with you. Physical size and height are irrelevant. This kind of
male potency is all communicated through the eyes and through
the way you move — not through muscles or size.
#4. Increase testosterone through proper diet
Men are much like animals in the sense that there are types of
animals: the wild, and the domesticated. Likewise, there are two
types of men — those who project a strong male energy and a
hint of wildness, and those who do not.
The former group are pursued by beautiful women. The latter are
What is the difference between a wild and a domesticated
animal? The main difference is in what they eat.
The cheetah tears into live flesh and blood on a regular basis.
The house cat is being fed airtight packages of some kind of
mush invented in a laboratory, containing something which may
have been, in a distant life, animal protein.
As a result, the house cat is weak, and the cheetah is strong.
The house cat is just about capable of scarpering away from a
dog. The cheetah has more power and aerodynamically
streamlined precision than an exotic sports car.
The house cat is, on some level, an animal which should not exist
— an illegitimate sub-creature which could only have been
created by the folly of man. (And I say this as someone who loves
my cat more than the whole world!)
If you want to be a wild animal rather than a domesticated
animal, and reap the benefit of mating with the most desirable
females of your species, then you need to eat like a wild animal.
Not like a domesticated one.
Here are the building blocks of your diet from hereon out:
• Lean cuts of red meat, especially steak, in large amounts.
• Lean cuts of chicken, in large amounts.
• Eggs, in large amounts.
• Lean cuts of fish, in large amounts. (However, avoid tuna like
the plague — almost all tuna contains poisonously high levels
of mercury, which can for many people cause suicidal
• Raw unsalted nuts, esp. almonds, brazil nuts, in large amounts.
• Large amounts of fresh green vegetables, esp. broccoli, kale,
spinach, celery.
• Berries.
• Fruit.
• 70-85% dark chocolate (in moderation).
• Green tea. (Sweeten with honey if you want a better flavour.
Long-term consumption of green tea improves overall
confidence and reduces anxiety because of its high theanine
• Large amounts of water, ideally with lemon. Can’t emphasise
this enough. Drink water constantly. Sex energy is literally
semen. And semen is mostly water. If you starve your body of
water like most people do, you can expect weak sexual energy.
• Plenty of healthy fats, such as
- extra virgin olive oil
- extra virgin coconut oil
- avocados
- fish
- nuts
CARBOHYDRATES: Limit yourself to clean carbs like sweet
potatoes, brown rice, rye, oatmeal, and wholegrain bread.
If you want to get lean, avoid carbs all together – other than
some clean carbs after your workout. If you want to put on mass,
eat a fairly large amount of clean carbs, especially right after
working out.
GREENS: Every day, at the same time, throw a bunch of spinach
or kale, plus lettuce, in a large bowl. Add a liberal amount of extra
virgin olive oil, and sprinkle with seasalt for flavour. Done. That’s
your daily dose of greens and most of your key micronutrients
Add chicken, baby tomatoes, sliced avocado, or some torn-up
pieces of raw broccoli to mix things up.
COFFEE: I love coffee because of its taste and its nootropic
properties. I drink it occasionally, especially when I’m doing
creative work. However, daily intake of coffee (especially in large
quantities) can cause anxiety and fatigue in the long-term. Worst
of all, high coffee intake means higher cortisol – the “stress
hormone” – and cortisol reduces testosterone, often dramatically.
If possible, replace the role coffee plays in your life with green
tea. The best way to get rid of a habit is to replace it with a
different habit. Green tea contains trace amounts of caffeine, so
it’s a good substitute.
For some guys with certain genetics, drinking coffee regularly
can really fuck up your game by making you jittery and unchill.
The essence of sexual energy is a kind of deep, relaxed calm
which is so invincible that it’s almost hypnotising to the girl.
If you’re anything like me, caffeine can be a major impediment to
attaining that state. For others, it makes no difference
whatsoever and drinking coffee all the time is fine.
If you want to get off coffee without suffering suicidal withdrawal
symptoms, here’s the best way I’ve found to do it:
1. First, slowly cut down on your coffee intake. If you drink five
cups a day, work your way down gradually until you’re only
consuming a cup or two per day.
2. Switch coffee for strong black tea. Let a teabag steep in
boiling water for 4 minutes so that it’s super strong, and mix
with honey. You can add milk or keep it black.
3. Within a week or so, you will now be drinking strong black tea
instead of coffee. Tea is much easier to quit than coffee for
many reasons — the main one being that it’s not nearly as
delicious and therefore it’s less tempting.
4. For best results, switch black tea with drinking lots of green
Quitting coffee makes a huge difference in terms of your game.
You have more energy, you feel hornier and more engaged, and
your mood is a hundred times better. It becomes much harder for
people to throw you off balance mentally and emotionally.
“Approach fatigue” used to be the biggest problem in my game,
but after a month or so of drinking green tea in the mornings
instead of coffee my energy was limitless. I could easily approach
a hundred women in a night without getting tired. Energy levels
make a massive difference for your results.
FOODS TO AVOID: If you value being a man rather than a
domesticated animal, avoid the following foods even if you’re
literally starving to death:
• Anything containing high fructose corn syrup.
• Anything containing refined carbohydrates.
• Premade meals and all other artificially preserved food (TV
dinners, etc).
• Anything which contains ingredients that sound more at home
in a laboratory than in a kitchen or pantry.
• Anything containing sugar. (Exceptions are natural sugar found
in fruit, honey, or dark chocolate.)
CHOLESTEROL: As testosterone and other steroid hormones
are derived from cholesterol, avoid low cholesterol diets. This is
where a lot of the supposedly “health conscious” crowd make a
fatal mistake.
Eat plenty of eggs, red meat and vitamin-rich butter. (Though
note that beef and butter should come from grass fed cows.)
As Dr. Justin Mager points out, most physicians say that
cholesterol is “bad”, but if you ask them what its function is in the
human body, they can’t answer you.
Don’t buy into the mass madness of the “dangers of cholesterol”:
cholesterol is a critical part of every man’s diet. Just make sure
you’re getting it from healthy foods.
FAT PEOPLE: Being a fat dude is pretty cool because you can
be the funny fat guy, or you can be the fat dominant renegade
CEO who does whatever the hell he wants, or you can be the fat,
ruthless gangster like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and Casino.
Joe Pesci got pussy all the time. You fucking kidding me? It’s Joe
Pesci. As a black dude I follow on Twitter said, “Pull a gun out
while you fuckin a chick 25 and younger and watch that pussy
get so wet.” Of course Joe Pesci got pussy.
If being fat wasn’t so unhealthy, I would make myself fat
deliberately, to emulate my heroes Gucci Mane and Roger Ailes.
And if you think being fat is an excuse for not having invincible
self-belief when talking to women, search for these videos on
• “Andrew Dice Clay Works the Broads At Sirius XM”
• “Dice continues to sexually harass the women at Sirius XM”
Problem is: being fat is bad news for testosterone. Fat cells
synthesize the enzyme aromatase, and this converts testosterone
into estradiol, the female sex hormone.
In other words, being overweight literally turns you into a woman
on a hormonal level.
If you’re an overweight dude who doesn’t get laid as much as
you want or with the type of girls that you want, it’s most likely
not because of what you look like but because, on a
physiological level, you lack the masculine energy + animal
magnetism that comes from high testosterone.
If that’s your situation, make it your focus to get lean or die trying.
Cut out carbs completely. Get your protein primarily from white
meat like chicken, turkey and fish, instead of from steak and
Have a protein shake within ten minutes of waking (to reduce
hunger in the morning and early afternoon). Check out Tim
Ferriss’ Slow-Carb Diet (Google it).
Do whatever you gotta do, so long as you get lean. Being fat is
literally turning you – on a hormonal level – into a woman. You
should need no other reason to hit the Iron and never look back.
Food is fuel
From the perspective of getting girls, the difference could not be
more stark between a man that eats the things man is designed
to eat, and a man who eats simply whatever he has been
conditioned to want by the marketing divisions of big agra and
the food laboratories.
Vast majority of nominal “men”:
• are unable to approach more than a few women in a nightclub
without becoming too physically exhausted to continue
• lack the mental horsepower to approach and hold a
conversation with a woman for longer than five minutes
• lack the high libido that comes from eating well, and which
turns approaching and fucking hot girls from a “should” into a
physical must.
Like the domesticated animal, they lack killer instinct. They
don’t have the mental and physical resiliency – the horsepower –
to go and go and go until they get what they’re after.
Hit the Iron, and eat lots of red meat, eggs and greens, and
you’re already head and shoulders above 90% of the male
population in terms of killer instinct alone. Testosterone is the
lifeblood of game.
#5. Increase testosterone by approaching
women and putting yourself around feminine
energy on a regular basis
The final principle of attaining a magnetic sexual energy is
simple: Talk to girls.
Get out of the house. Talk to people. Keep it simple. Go to a
park, a mall, a bar.
It’s fun, it feels good, and it makes the girl you’re talking to feel
special. You like to make people feel good, don’t you?
It might seem strange to talk to a girl out of nowhere, but after an
initial 5-30 seconds of being flustered they usually react well —
as if starting a conversation with them for no reason in the middle
of the day is a completely normal thing to do. Girls are sweet in
that way.
As you’re going about your day and you see a pretty girl, start a
conversation. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t need to get
her number or follow up with her or anything. Just do it for the
fun inherent in the act itself.
Why the fuck not? You leave her there and go back to what you
were doing, and she gets some masculine energy from you that
she didn’t have before she met you — a little excitement, she
feels more alive than she did before. You've enhanced her day a
Meanwhile you get an adrenaline rush and a little feminine energy
from her, and you can take that feminine energy with you for the
rest of the day. Feminine energy has a self-attracting quality. The
more of it “rubs off on you” the more of it you attract. The more
you talk to girls, the more girls will talk to you.
Snake eating its own tail
The science is in: approaching women is good for
Studies have revealed that even having a brief interaction with a
woman raises testosterone in men, while animal studies
demonstrate that an increase in testosterone is triggered when a
male encounters a “novel female”.
There is a circular relationship between testosterone and picking
up women, not unlike like the symbol of the snake eating its own
tail. High testosterone makes you better with women (because it
increases your pheromones, confidence, mood and well-being),
while talking to women itself raises testosterone.
It becomes a self-perpetuating upward spiral.
Here are some interesting scientific facts that you'd do well to
keep in mind:
• Even something as innocent as having a brief conversation
with an unfamiliar woman raises testosterone.
• Having sex with a new girl raises testosterone the morning
after, as does having sexual encounters with multiple partners.
• Falling in love decreases testosterone in men (while raising it
in women). There is speculation that this is what accounts for
what Wikipedia rather delicately calls the “temporary reduction
of differences in behaviour between the sexes” among those in
long-term monogamous relationships.
• Men in monogamous long term relationships tend to have
lower testosterone, while men in polyamorous relationships
have higher than average testosterone.
Sex, seduction and systems thinking
The energy of femininity is a little like money — that is, capital.
Capital doesn’t flow towards the poor. It flows towards those
who are already rich.
Femininity moves in this world in the same way. Feminine energy
flows not to those men who “need” it the most. It flows towards
men who already have lots of it in their lives — those who need it
the least, in fact.
Girls are magnetically attracted to men who already have girls.
They are not attracted to “need” but to abundance. As Jesus
said, “he who has much will have more given to him, while he
who has nothing will have even the little he has taken away.”
So what do you do if you’re starting with nothing? Answer: hack
the system.
As the science makes clear, simply interacting with a new female
will measurably raise your testosterone levels.
That means that even the habitual act of going to a club and
talking to girls – regardless of whether you get laid or get
numbers – will literally rewire your biology to produce more
testosterone and be more attractive to women.
In other words, so long as you go out and approach, you cannot
(A) You approach the girl, hang out with her for a while, and
polish off the night by giving her a long hard fuck on her parents'
kitchen table — and your testosterone rises as a result, making
you more attractive.
(B) You approach the girl, you hang with her for a while, and for
whatever reason you two don’t end up having sex — and your
testosterone rises anyway because you interacted with a novel
female, making you more attractive.
Money in the bank
Every time you go out and approach is money in the bank. Either
you get paid in sex, or in higher testosterone levels and
“experience points” which will eventually result in sex.
Either way, you always get paid for doing an approach. There is
zero downside.
Even in the event that a girl completely "rejected" you straight off
the opener, you’ve still walked away from the encounter with a
bump in testosterone.
Then you can leverage that testosterone increase to approach
another girl, and another, until you find one who’s bored, horny
and wants to get fucked.
Every woman is a living embodiment of feminine energy
By putting yourself in contact with that feminine energy, it draws
masculine energy out of you, like sucking liquid up through a
Regardless of what the girl does or says, that process is
happening. It is always happening while you're in set.
Even if the girl’s personality is initially unreceptive, your biology is
being changed for the better by being in contact with her, as hers
is being changed by being in contact with you.
Roving sex frenzy
Sometimes you’ll have experiences where you spend an entire
day just opening girls, and as a result you slowly but surely begin
to become unstoppable.
After several hours of this, you almost become a different person.
Charisma and confidence levels are insane, and you can pull off
the most preposterous approaches and simply bend reality to
your will.
Girls will actually start approaching you, right out in the street in
broad daylight. Women can sniff out a man who’s in the zone: it’s
in the pheromones. And they will flock to such a man even if it is
inconsistent with the social context, their personality, and all of
their prior behaviour.
“Thine oils have a goodly fragrance… therefore do the
virgins love thee.”
— The Song of Solomon, 1:3
Thirteen thousand years ago, there was no such thing as a “slut”.
Women had sex for pleasure whenever they wanted, and with
whomever they wanted — just as men did. Monogamy did not
When this sex resulted in pregnancy, no one knew who the father
was, and it was almost impossible to determine. If Cavegirl X had
sex with every man in her tribe at some point, they could all
theoretically be the father.
And that was exactly how they behaved.
Children were raised not by their biological parents, but by the
tribe as a whole.
Every man protected and provided for every child just as if they
were his own — because they very well could be.
Life was brutal and difficult, but human beings found escape
through feasts, dancing, and fucking. Lots and lots of fucking.
Orgies and sex parties were common. Sex was a way of
maintaining tribal solidarity and connection.
Og’s invention
But then one day, everything changed. A very clever caveman
called Og discovered the idea of farming.
“Look!” he said. “I put these seeds in the soil and now they’re
growing food for us to eat! We no longer have to run around all
the time chasing after animals. We can stay here, live off what we
farm, and soon we’ll have more to eat in one month than we’re
normally able to hunt all year!”
Everybody loved Og’s idea and thought it was great. And so they
started farming, and everyone was happy. Soon, the tribe
became dependent on the farm, and forgot all about how to hunt
and gather.
An unfortunate turn of events
Og had many sons, one of whom was named Ug. Unlike Og’s
strong, healthy sons, Ug was weak and sickly, and during the
seasonal mating rituals, none of the girls wanted to mate with Ug.
So one day Ug had an idea. He decided he was going to take
over the farm. If he was in control, then girls would have to mate
with him. They would have no choice, because it would be either
that or starve to death in the wild.
Ug was a weak and puny man, but he was also very cunning. He
managed to convince some of the other males to gang up with
him and form an alliance, and together they took over the farm.
They killed all the males who were a threat to them, and turned
all the females into their sex slaves. And they invented a new
social order. Ug proclaimed himself “king”. And he called his
cronies who had helped him “the aristocracy”.
End of the neolithic era
Ug’s new social order worked so well (for him) that he decided to
extend it to other tribes. His gang of thugs roamed around and
took over all of the other farms, and united them under a
common name: the “kingdom”. They claimed that the kingdom
and everything in it belonged to the king and his gang —
including not just the land, food and livestock, but also the
And when people tried to resist and said that no one could “own”
a piece of nature or another person’s body, anymore than they
could “own” a sunset, the gang put them to death. And they put
their heads on spikes so that no one would get any more funny
Trouble in paradise
Of all of King Ug’s sex slaves, there was one he liked the most:
Eve. Soon, after being repeatedly raped by the king, she became
pregnant. And the king proclaimed, “I am about to have the first
of many sons. And when I die, my son will rule the kingdom. And
his son will rule the kingdom after him.”
This made the king’s gang very happy, for they were worried that
after the king died, there would be disorder and the people would
rise up against them.
But there was one problem. One night, the king caught Eve
sneaking off into another man’s tent. The next night, he followed
her and saw the same thing happening again.
This made the king extremely angry. How dare she have the
audacity to lie with another man! the king raged. Am I not enough
for her!
So the king had all of the men Eve had slept with locked in a
cage and burned alive. That made him feel a lot better.
The invention of paternity
But just as the king was starting to calm down, he had a sudden
realisation. What if Eve got pregnant with one of the other man’s
He could kill all of the babies… but then he risked killing his heir
and successor.
He could let all of the babies live… but then he ran the risk that
one of the other men’s sons would claim to be his own son, and
would steal his kingdom away from his rightful heir.
The king sat down and rubbed his eyes wearily. This warlord stuff
was more complicated than it looked.
The king institutes a new law
The next day, the king appeared before his subjects and he
announced a new rule.
“From hereon out,” he said, “there is going to be something
called monogomy. And here’s how it’s going to work. Women are
only — and I mean, ONLY — allowed have sex with a man to
whom they are MARRIED. Any woman found having sex with a
man to whom she is not married will be stripped naked and
locked in the stocks for a week, so that people can throw rotten
fruit at her and humiliate her. And such women are from hereon
out to be called ‘sluts’.”
The king’s new invention proved difficult to enforce at first. After
all, people were still accustomed to having sex with one another
freely and without shame or guilt.
It seemed very strange to them that a woman should be
punished for indulging her natural desires as an animal. If a
woman was “in heat”, what sense did it make for her not to act
on it — especially when there was always a willing male nearby?
But the king persevered. He kept punishing the women who
broke his new rules with a series of cruel and unusual
punishments: public humiliation, public stoning, torture, or
sometimes death.
And yet it didn’t stick. If anything, the threat of punishments just
made women into even more of sluts — because rendering sex
“forbidden” somehow had the perverse effect of making it even
more pleasurable and exciting to everybody.
Mr. Magic Man
Finally, the king was at his wit’s end, so he decided to try a new
He enlisted the help of a rogue wizard who lived in the village,
called Mr. Magic Man.
People were scared of Mr. Magic Man and stayed away from his
hut as much as possible. He was said to have no conscience,
and to be very persuasive — a dangerous combination.
Mr. Magic Man didn’t use force or violence to impose the king’s
will. What he did instead, after being handsomely paid by the
king, was to travel through all the villages of the kingdom
spreading tall tales… which were instantly believed because his
delivery of them was always so energetic and persuasive.
The “tall tales” strategy
For example, Mr. Magic Man told the young girls that if a man
stuck his penis inside their vagina, it would instantly make them
become old and ugly, and then no man would ever want them
And he also said that if they put a man’s penis in their mouth, it
would cause a plant to grow out of their throat and the more they
hacked at the leaves of the plant, the faster it would grow.
But of all the tall tales the Magic Man invented, none was more
powerful than his story about the monster.
Mr. Magic Man would go to the youngest girls in the village and
tell them that there was a giant monster who lived in the sky and
who was watching them at all times.
And if they had “boonga boonga" with any of the men outside of
marriage, the monster would kill them and put their souls in a pit
of fire for all eternity.
Magic Man goes rogue
But the Magic Man was highly devious, and when he came
across a nubile young girl who struck him as particularly
physically charming, he would always isolate her from the rest for
“private tutoring”, and add a little “something extra” to his tall
For example, he told one such girl that if a man put his penis in
her vagina she would instantly become old and ugly — except if
(a) the man was a wizard, (b) his penis was covered in a specially
prepared “juju potion” that only Mr. Magic Man could procure,
and (c) it was inserted into her anus rather than her vagina.
In this case, Mr. Magic Man assured the impressionable young
maiden, taking a wizard’s penis in this way would not cause her
to become old and ugly — it would, on the contrary, give her
eternal youth and beauty.
New world order
Soon, with the help of the rogue wizard and his tall tales, the
king’s invention of monogamy became very popular — especially
with the inferior and less attractive men who had always found it
difficult to get a mate during the seasonal orgies.
Building on the invention of the king and the tall tales of Mr.
Magic Man, these sexually inferior men set up all kinds of ways
to control women’s bodies and secure sex for themselves with no
competition, such as arranged marriages, institutionalised sex
slavery, and laws against prostitution and adultery.
As a result, the psyche of females of the human species quickly
became “dual”, so to speak, and remains so to the present day.
The division is between a woman’s inner thoughts, emotions and
desires (such as her desire to mate while in heat), and the
“external persona” which she must project to others (such as
pretending to be “proper” and uninterested in sex, despite going
to considerable lengths to give herself a sexually alluring
appearance at great personal cost).
Perhaps what society needs right now is another Magic Man,
though with opposite aims to the original one.