Uploaded by Vuong thi hong lien


KY: 1. who do you live with: list out
Topic : time management:
1- 2 main parts- i always learning- > joining class--> too long
2- intonation good- speed too slow- schedule: wp
not full answer
Topic: email
1. adult: wp--> good idea
2. clear answ
Topic: cars
1. wrong teneensse-> nearby-? not say why enjoy part 2: villa
some soundsi cant catch
đồ giàu có này part 3: 1. many skyscrapper
not focus on the point
2. can't understand trời ơi
small house- 1 floor -nearby river
Sin: 4.5- 5.0
1. where do you live? dn city
Topic website: 1. fb- youtube--> slow answ
2. website--> i think- repeated --> the website is 4. Topic:watching sports
1. rarely watching-> dont watch tv- vague ans
2. prefer to stay at home
Topic: stress
1. stress from study or work
--> they can lead to depression
part 2
cozy good ideas
not enough ideas to present
part 3:
1. city- convenient for -learn and buy sth that only in city
2. benefits- living - internet learning online- workers -success in working
1 Do you have a job/ are you a student: ok
Topic: dreams
1. scenery--> x appear in my mind
2. quite oke-> interested story
Topic: drawing and art
1. i am have some interested in draw
extended answ--> innovative thinking
3. good answer
Topic: cinema
1. wt--> ok idea
3. that is the scenery
part 2:
button to make it expensive
located everywhere in the world go everywere
rent a house when --> good idea- clear
part 3:
out of topic
good answer
Vanessa: 6.5
what kind of house-> detached house-> not spacious
Topic: take photos
1. good idea-
3. gt-> not finished sentence- gidea
4. inept --> ok
1. i have to say: repeated --> waste time
2. crucial -->
4. paper- save time topic: adver
1. platform-> ok
2. ok-> not quite impressive
part 2: good introduction
good illustration
good intonation
over look whatever i want
part and parcel
hanging garden
exquisite view
close to nature
part 3:
1. good
2. hơi vòng vo
what is ur favorite rôm : bad? room-> sleeping topic: meeting:
1. depend on situations-> formal event-> with private--> to chat / to chart? --> to home--> unformal party
2. not clear
Topic: watch
1. used to wear- relative clause--> good
2. my mom or parents---> doll? 3. financial condition>< ok
Topic: sitting down
1. in the? have some ? at school
--> âm lệch
2. not clear answe-> out of topic
part 2: this kind of house? castle
maybe may have
good tense
immerse relative clause
âm đãi qía part 3:
1. without very big spaces
2. comfortable