TOPIC 6 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT How are Integrated Circuits Made? An integrated circuit or IC is basically the assembly of electronic components fabricated on a semiconductor material as a unit. There are different techniques used to design and construct integrated circuits. In today's world, integrated circuits are used in almost all electronic equipment. Integrated Circuits An Integrated circuit (IC, microchip, or chip) is an electronic circuit made up of small semiconductor devices and other electronic components that are manufactured on a semiconductor material. Integrated Circuits The integration of a large number of transistors on a single chip was a great achievement. It was only possible after a large number of experiments, and then it was found that semiconductor devices could perform the functions of vacuum tubes. The first integrated chip was designed by Jack S. Kilby at Texas Instruments in 1958. Advantages of ICs The discovery of integrated circuits was a great advance in the field of electronics because integrated circuits were much more reliable, capable, and cheaper than discrete circuits. Advantages of ICs The space taken up by electronic components is small as all components are printed as a single unit and much less material is required. Power consumption is another advantage of integrated circuits because the components are very small in size and work as a unit. Designing There are certain circuit design and logic techniques that are used to design an integrated circuit. There are two categories of IC design which are: Digital design Analog Design Designing Microprocessors, memories (RAM, ROM) . are designed by Digital IC design method. Digital designing ensures that the circuits are correct and the circuit density is at maximum. The overall efficiency of the circuit is very high. Designing The analog design method is used to design oscillators, filters, line regulators, op amps, and phase locked loops. The analog design is used when perfect gain, power dissipation, and resistance are required. Analog Design In Analog Design, circuit simulation tools are used to design the ICs with high efficiency and make complex calculations. The first circuit simulator that was used for this purpose was called "SPICE." Analog Design If there are any mistakes in the design cycle, the circuit simulation tools find them so that they can be fixed before the fabrication process. Also other factors such as temperature and doping concentration can be monitored. Diode A diode is a device made of a semiconductor material, which has two terminals or electrodes (diode), which act as an on and off switch. When the diode is "on", it acts as a short circuit and everything happens. When it is "off", it acts as an open circuit and does not pass current. The two terminals are different and are marked as plus and minus in figure 1. If the polarity of the applied voltage matches that of the diode (forward bias), then the diode is “turned on”. When the polarity of the applied voltage is opposite (reverse bias), it turns off.