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Biogeochemical Cycles Booklet
Objective: Create a booklet about the biogeochemical cycles.
Directions: Collect 3 pieces of copy paper and fold in half to make a
booklet. Staple the binding of the booklet. Follow the directions below to
create your booklet.
- All diagrams must be hand drawn.
- Pages must be in the order listed below
- Use a textbook, internet, or notes to help you complete your
- Use color and show effort!
Page 1: Front Cover
• Titled “Biogeochemical Cycles”
• Interesting Picture of something related to the cycles
• Your name and class period
Page 2 – Leave Blank
Page 3 – Biogeochemical Cycles
• Title the page “Biogeochemical Cycles”
• Define the terms:
o Biogeochemical Cycle
o Matter
o Nutrient
o Limiting Nutrient
• List four examples of nutrients cycled in biogeochemical cycles
• Describe what happens to nutrients and matter in a biogeochemical
• Explain how nutrient availability relates to the primary productivity of
an ecosystem.
• Draw a picture or diagram representative of any topic on this page.
Page 4 – The Hydrologic (Water Cycle)
• Title this page “Hydrologic (Water) Cycle”
• Define the terms:
o Evaporation
o Condensation
o Precipitation
o Transpiration
o Percolation
• Explain how the water cycle is powered.
• In your own words, explain a journey that a water molecule could
take from evaporation to percolation.
• Predict what could happen if a pollutant such as air pollution from
burning fossil fuels enters ground water.
Page 5 – Water Cycle Diagram
• Title this page “Water Cycle Diagram”
• Draw a diagram of the water cycle.
o Use all the terms you defined on page 4.
o Label and color your diagram.
Page 6 – The Carbon Cycle
• Title this page “The Carbon Cycle”
• Define the terms:
o Respiration
o Cellular Respiration
o Combustion
o Decomposition
o Carbon Reservoir
• Describe how carbon moves through living and non-living things.
• Predict what could occur if there were no carbon reservoirs on Earth.
• Explain the impact of excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
Page 7 – Carbon Cycle Diagram
• Title this page “Carbon Cycle Diagram”
• Draw a diagram of the carbon cycle.
o Use all the terms you defined on page 6.
o Label and color your diagram.
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Page 8 – The Nitrogen Cycle
• Title this page “Nitrogen Cycle”
• Define the terms:
o Nitrogen Fixation
o Assimilation
o Ammonification
o Nitrification
o Denitrification
• Describe why nitrogen is essential to living things.
• Explain bacteria’s role in converting nitrogen within the nitrogen
• Describe lightning’s role in the nitrogen cycle.
• Predict how excessive human use of fertilizers could disrupt the
nitrogen cycle.
Page 12 – Back Cover
• Which cycle do you think is the most important to life on Earth? Write
a paragraph about why you think it is the most important cycle to
you. Include facts, evidence, and reasoning in your paragraph.
• Draw a picture of yourself interacting with the cycle.
Double Check Your Work!
Page # & Title
Possible Points
1. Front Cover
3. Biogeochemical Cycles
4. Hydrologic Cycle
Page 9 – Nitrogen Cycle Diagram
• Title this page “Nitrogen Cycle Diagram”
• Draw a diagram of the nitrogen cycle.
o Use all the terms you defined on page 8.
o Label and color your diagram.
5. Water Cycle Diagram
6. Carbon Cycle
7. Carbon Cycle Diagram
8. Nitrogen Cycle
Page 10 – The Phosphorous Cycle
• Title this page “The Phosphorous Cycle”
• Describe why phosphorous is essential to life.
• In what locations is the phosphorous on Earth located?
• How does phosphorous enter the ocean and how do marine
organisms utilize it?
• Draw a simple diagram of the phosphorous cycle.
o Label and color your diagram
9. Nitrogen Cycle Diagram
10. Phosphorous Cycle
11. Sulfur Cycle
12. Back Cover
Page 11 – The Sulfur Cycle
• Title this page “The Sulfur Cycle”
• Describe why sulfur is essential to life.
• What are the main ways that sulfur enters into the atmosphere?
• Describe how sulfur is recycled in the sulfur cycle.
• Predict the environmental impacts of releasing excessive amounts
sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
• Draw a simple diagram of the sulfur cycle.
o Label and color your diagram
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