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page 6 writing stuff

This page mainly explores ideas of distortion and reflection. Main objects used in this
page are jars and crumbled plastic wrap. Medium used in most of these pieces is color
pencils. The process of experimenting this theme starts from examining different ways of
taking photos. This includes intensity of the warm lighting, face visibility, distortion of
face, and different angles. The turtle is present in the jar but barely visible to convey fear
and insignificance, as the turtle is hiding or camouflaging in darkness. The distorting
image produced by the jar reveals the inside of a human being. A person might empathize
and mention about the importance of preventing turtle extinction, but the little acts of
littering or collection of shells pollutes that empathy. The photos were taken in a way to
create an illusion of the jar (the jar may represent habitat, acting as a fragile barrier
against the distorted human) pouring out plastic which emphasizes its usage. The
reflection of bright yellow light may symbolize hope.
The focus on plastic wrap (drew on brown paper) showed messiness and frustration of both
the turtle and me. The detailed painting (at the very left of the page) of the end of the jar
contains variety of colors including yellow, orange, blue brown, black and white. The
detailed painting amplifies the significance of the jar. The fact that the end of the jar is
painted shows how important an outcome might be. The piece at the bottom indicates the
focal point of the photo. It is where the main distortion occurs. A big empty jar was drawn
on the right-hand side of the page to not only represent the main object of the topic but to
also highlight the emptiness of the jar itself. Without adding items in a jar defeats its
function. Without organisms in the ocean, defeats the function of an ocean.
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