Writing Field and Technical Reports To survive and thrive in the knowledge Age, you are expected to know hoe access, process, and prepare information to accomplish your various personal and professional objectives. If not for any other reason but for personal development , and to be “in loop”, you should know how to read and prepare different kinds of reports. Knowing how to preparethese reports enhance your ability to organize logically and present clearly your data and insights. You would appreciate this skill more when you go looking for a job after graduation because this is a basic requirement in all kinds of workplaces. On the hand, knowing how to read these repots helps develop the skill of information processing, which is vital not only to learning but also to succeeding in this globalized world where there is always a flood of information flowing your way. CONATION After reading the lesson , you should be able to: 1.Name the basic parts and purposes of different report sections; 2.Describe writing conventiond related to these parts; and 3.Apply these writing conventions in rewriting short report sections. 4.To help you finalize your proposal, as a group, evaluate your concept paper based on the rubric below. CRITERION POOR (1 pt) FAIR (2 pts) GOOD (3 pts) EXCELLENT (5 pts) Content and Development Content is incomplete. Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Content is fairly comprehensive,acc urate, and persuasive. Content is through, accurate and persuasive. Major points are a little clear but not well supported. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. Major points are very specific, clear, and wellsupported. Organization is confusing. Structure of the paper is not easy to follow. Organization is easy to follow. Organization is clear and easy to follow. Concepts disconnected and lack transition of thoughts. Concepts are disconnected.Para graph transitions need improvement. Some concepts are connected and some paragraph transitions are logical. Interconnection of concepts is very clear.Transition within and between paragraphs is ligical. Major points are not clear or persuasive Coherene and Organization Research No research and was done. Documentati on Paper shows inadequate research and improper documentati on. Paper shows inadequate research.Mo st parts of the paper are properly documented . Scholarly research was done. Proper documetatio n is observed intext and at the end of the paper. Grammar and Mechanics Paper has few errors in grammar and mechanics. Most of the paper is written following correct grammar and mechanics. Paper has no errors in grammar and mechanics. Paper has a lot of errors in grammar and mechanics. Writing Style for Reports Concise writing- means efficient writing.Your text should state an idea with the least number of the words without affecting meaning.This means editing your report in order to cut unnecessary words and shorten expressions. Clear writing- means writing that transmits to the reader the exact idea that you havein mind.Ideas are clear if they are expressed in concrete terms.”Concrete” means something that can have percieved; its opposite is abstract ,something that cannot be percieved. Objective writing- means writing that is free of emotionally loaded or biased wors, so that the report appears neutal or factual . Nondiscriminatory writing- refers to writing that treats all people equally and with respect.Be careful to use nondiscriminatory language when referring the following: Gender- Your language should refect equal treatment of people of different gendrs.Avoid using words like man, mankind, or he to refer to people in general, as “people” icludes varius genders.Rather use gender-neutral terms like people humanity.In addition, do not assume that the default gender is masculine. PARTS OF A REPORT Report parts may vary depending on the type and the teacher’s requirements.(So pay attention to your course or department guidelines.) However, it can be said the most reports contains the following sections. *Are report sections found before the actual report, such as the: -Tittle Page -Abstract or Executive Summary *Report Proper- Is the actual report, which usually has the following elements. -Introduction -Procedures -Results Discussion -Conclusion -Appendix -References