ECD Educator

Assignment 1.
Abin Maharjan
My Early Childhood Educator Essay
Learning starts in infancy, long before formal education begins, and continues
throughout life (Heckman & Schultz, 2007). With reference to the given quote, it would be
quite just enough to highlight over education in the early age. Any individual with proper
care and support from the young age has high chance of success in the later phase. Having
importance in this crucial period, the various development projects have given priority over
early childhood development. In this regard, the Millennium Development Goal, which
primarily focuses on developing education has accepted that reaching towards global
sustainable development goal consists on achieving a comprehensive development of early
childhood (Londoño et al., 2019).
Context Setting:
As a grown up professional, when I observe back to my initial days as an ECD learner
in the school, I feel that there were limited sources of guiding students. Facilitators mostly
focused on memory of literacy and numeracy. We had some fun sessions related with fun
making and games however, the priority was still on written exam. Which somehow limited
my learning with in examination point of view only. During the early childhood years,
particularly from birth to aged five, young children need exposure to literacy and numeracy
in everyday life experiences (Resource and Development Unit, 2011).
The primary component about literacy and numeracy was included in our learning but
as learner I did not enjoy rather, I feared for making mistakes. In reviewing over these
contexts, I feel my school environment was not child friendly. A school that provides a
learning environment suitable to the children is a child-friendly school (Department of
Education, 2010). As I my school was private and had to depend solely on students’ fee, the
school management had pressure to show performance through term wise performance. At
the same time, parents also assumed inscription of alphabets was an indicator of students’
learning. This is where, my learning rooted towards exam point of view and writing only.
Primarily, the causes behind lack of parental awareness and incompetent teaching force back
stepped my probability to blossom well. Child in the age of roughly 3-5 there is seen that
intervention in combination with effective parenting increases interest in child with “ready to
learn” attitude when they enter primary school (Dodge, 2007).
ECD Facilitator through Current Perception
Early Childhood Development period which covers age 0- 8, has primary founding
role in preparing any qualified human force in the days ahead. There is no doubt, facilitator
filling the role as ECD should hold attributes to fit in the position. As of the given standards
in NAEYC, there are particularly 6 standards: 1) Promotes child development and learning,
2) Builds family and community relationship, 3) Observes, documents, assess to support
young children and families, 4) Uses developmentally effective approaches to connect with
children and families, 5) Uses content knowledge to build meaningful curriculum, and 6)
Identifies with and acts as an early childhood professional.
With prior reference to the given standards, when I peer over my ECD facilitator I
assume that it was solely focused on memory part of learning only. Which is regarded as
lower order things system in Blooms taxonomy. At the same time, the prior need of early
childhood development has five major development phases: 1) Physical, 2) Emotional, 3)
Social, 4 Linguistic and 5) Cognitive. With regard to these necessary components of ECD, I
rarely experienced such strategic pedagogy that helped grow my learning and make my
foundation for learning ahead.
In gist, back then there was core space to: writing, memory and some fun activities.
Whereas, the essentials like maintaining standards, development phases and curriculumbased learning was left apart. The influencing factors that contributed in slow progress
include: lack of parental awareness, lack of updated facilitation skills among teachers and
lack of child friendly environment in the schools. To conclude, as an ECD learner I feel that
my learning was backed on poorly guided learning with low space to blossom my capacity
and strengths.
Department of Education. (2010). National Framework of Child-friendly School For Quality
Education. Ministry of Education.
Dodge, D. (2007). Human Capital, Early Childhood Development and Economic Growth. In
Improtance of Early Childhood Development. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood
Heckman, J. J., & Schultz, H. (2007). Invest in the Very Young. In Improtance of Early
Childhood Development (2nd ed.). Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development.
Londoño, S. P. V., Soria, A. B. M. de, & Rivas, S. (2019). Early Childhood Development and
Education: Theoretical Convergences and Divergences. Canadian Center of Science
and Education, 12(7). https://doi.org/10.5539/ies.v12n7p1
Resource and Development Unit. (2011). Early Literacy and Numeracy Self-Guided Learning
Package. Community Child Care Victoria.