LEARNING CYCLE and DIRECT INSTRUCTION Arlieza Fazla AS (1801008) Falinsa Almayda M (1807525) Nabilla Hana S (1802081) Learning Cycle • • • • Brief history Definition Theories Application Direct Instruction • • • • Definition Key Principles DI Application Learning cycle and DI LEARNING CYCLE HISTORY known formally as the learning cycle, consists of three basic steps: exploration, concept development (sometimes called invention), and concept application. created by Jean Piaget embraced in science teacher education as a suitable instructional model developed by Karplus and Thier for the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (SCIS) DEFINITON OF LEARNING CYCLE “Learning Cycle” is a teaching model based on the knowledge organisation process of the mind. It helps students to apply concepts and to make their scientific knowledge persistent. The learning cycle is an established planning method in science education and consistent with contemporary theories about how individuals learn. LEARNING CYCLE HELPS STUDENTS TO construct concepts connect their new knowledge to real-life situations develop reasoning patterns 01 02 Karplus LEARNING CYCLE THEORIES Kolb and Fry 03 04 Honey and Mumford 5E 01 Karplus Theory The learning cycle developed by Karplus and Thier is an inquiry-based teaching approach. Exploration Phase Students interact with materials and each other. Concept Introduction Phase Naming of objects and/or events. Concept Application Phase Students apply information to a new situation. 02 Kolb & Fry developed the experiential learning model (ELM) that composed of four stages Concrete Experience doing/having an experience Active Experimentation planning/trying out what you have learned Abstract Conceptualisation concluding/learning from the experience Reflective Observation reviewing/reflecting on the experience 03 Honey & Mumford Concrete Experience doing/having an experience ACTIVISTS Active Experimentation planning/trying out what you have learned REFLECTORS Reflective Observation reviewing/reflecting on the experience PRAGMATIST THEORISTS Abstract Conceptualisation concluding/learning from the experience 04 5E specifically for use in teaching science. Extend Explore construct knowledge questioning and observation apply concept in similar situation capture interest and establish topic explain and discuss with teacher’s lead teacher evaluate students’ knowledge Engage Explain Evaluate LEARNING CYCLE APPLICATION in 2010 Pilkington and Gelderblom from South Africa had done a research regarding Karplus’s learning cycle. They used the Karplus learning cycle to teach learners with ADHD introductory computer programming. Learners are expected to learn through autonomous action and reactions. On this case, the learners were being introduced to the topic through experimentation. Learners acquire new reasoning patterns to explain the new concept. The teacher will be more active providing direct instruction. On the research, the teacher provides the formal terminology for the programming structure that have been used before in the exploration phase. EXPLORATION C. INTRODUCTION The newly learnt concept or skill is applied to new situations, thus extending its range of applicability. In the researchers’ context, a newly acquired programming skill is now applied in new practice programs. C. APPLICATION DIRECT INSTRUCTION Direct Instruction (DI) is a model for teaching that emphasizes well-developed and carefully planned lessons designed around small learning increments and clearly defined and prescribed teaching tasks. It is based on the theory that clear instruction eliminating misinterpretations can greatly improve and accelerate learning. Anticipatory set to prepare learners for the lesson by setting the students' minds for instruction Stating the objectives to alerts learners to what they will need to do and the purpose of the lesson. Check for understanding when the teacher checks to see if the learners understand the concept or steps and how to enact them to achieve the objective. Instructional input where the learner gains the knowledge needed to achieve the objective Guided practice when the learners do the objective under the guidance of a support system that can assure success. Modeling when the instructor, or learners, demonstrates how to achieve the objective. Independent practice when the students practice what they learn, after they are capable of performing the objective without support Key Principles Be clear Teach to mastery Be efficient Beware intuition Celebrate success In a physics class with Electricity Static as topic “What is this?” “Bulb, Miss.” Anticipatory Set “Today, we will learn about Electricity Static.” Objectives “Please take the materials and combine it!” Instructional Input “Why don’t you combine it like this?” Modeling Checking for Understanding Guided Practice or Independent Practice Relation Between Learning Cycle And Direct Instruction We use direct instruction model to organize and instruct lessons for the learning cycle. References Hanuscin, D. L., & Lee, M. H. (2008). Using the learning cycle as a model for teaching the learning cycle to preservice elementary teachers. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(2), 51. 2NUHOÐLU, H., & Yalcin, N. (2006). The Effectiveness of The Learning Cycle Model to Increase Students' Achievement In The Physics Laboratory. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 3(2), 28. 3Lorsbach, A. W. (2002). The learning cycle as a tool for planning science instruction. Tersedia:(http://www. coe. ilstu. edu/scienceed/lorsbach/257lrcy. html).[12 Juni 2013]. 4 Duran, E., Duran, L., Haney, J., & Scheuermann, A. (2011). A learning cycle for all students. The Science Teacher, 78(3), 56. 5 Kolb, David A., Fry, Ronald E. (1975). Towards an applied theory of experiential learning. Theories of group processed, 33-58. 6 Mumford, Alan (1997). Putting learning styles to work. Action learning at work. 121 7 Pilkington, C., & Gelderblom, H. (2010). Using the Karplus learning cycle to teach learners with ADHD introductory computer programming. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(1), 73–84. 1 http://www.homeofbob.com/pedagogy/theories/instructnl/drectLrnen/directOrLrnCycle.html https://www.nifdi.org/15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=27 https://www.thalesacademy.org/academics/5-keys-of-direct-instruction https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-learning-cycle-model-steps.html https://www.jackhassard.org/mos/7.5.html https://web.archive.org/web/20080923034649/http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/nasaeclips /5eteachingmodels/index.html