Activity 1: Discrimination or Diversity? URL: 1) What might the different characters represent in this animation? 2) How have these groups been discriminated against in the past? 3) What does this animation suggest would be the effect of accepting diversity? Activity 2 - Do One Thing For Diversity and Inclusion URL: 1) planet Continents Countries Billion people 2) 9 Differences include: 3) The ‘mutual goal’ being … 4) Diversity means … D I V E R S I T Y /4 marks 202110 Government & Society Red Cliffs Secondary College Activity 3: ‘Straya’ Parody and ‘Australian Lamb’ videos URL: 1) What does this clip say about being Australian? 2) Is this how we want the rest of the world to see us? URL: 1) What does this clip say about being Australian? 2) Is this how we want the rest of the world to see us? (4 Marks) Activity 4: Australian’s as global citizens URL:!/media/526677/australians-as-global-citizens 1) What are the ways that Australian’s can be global citizens? (4 Marks) 2) Now produce a brochure, poster or video about what it means to be an Australian who is a global citizen. (5 Marks) 202110 Government & Society Red Cliffs Secondary College Activity 5: Are we good global citizens? (5 Marks) URL: 1) Is Australia, as a nation, a good ‘global citizen’? Using this article as a stimulus, investigate this question. Start by listing reasons why we are and why we are not. Finish by writing an opinion piece in response to this question. You may type up your final response. We are good ‘global citizens’ We are not good ‘global citizens’ Opinion piece – planning space /10 marks /40 marks 202110 Government & Society Red Cliffs Secondary College