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A Lion's Skin

A Lion's Skin by W.S. Maugham
I am going to say a few words about the story. I’ve recently read.
The story is written by the famous 19th-century English writer William
Somerset Maugham.
The title of the story In the lion's skin.
Main Characters:
1) Captain Robert Forestier - English man; cane under Eleanor's care in a
hospital unit; played bridge well, keen golfer, used to like hunting, was proud of
his wine cellar; grey hair, moustache, healthy skin, tall, lean and broadshouldered.
2) Mrs. Eleanor Forestier - American woman - born in Portland, Oregon; rich
by English standards; neither charming, beautiful, nor intelligent; on the
contrary she was absurd, homely and foolish; tall as an average man, large
mouth, great hooked nose, pale-blue short-sighted eyes, golden hair, clumsy.
3) Sir Frederick (Fred) Hardy - lately came into baronetcy, said to have been
very wild in his youth, handsome and so on; had two small boys, swore he knew
Robert - turned out to be Captain Hardy.
4) Lady Hardy actress, well-mannered and ladylike.
Setting: handsome villa on the hills behind Cannes, Riviera, France.
The scene is set in a hospital in 1916. There Eleanor met her future husband,
Captain Forestier.
The book tells the story of a man who all his life dreamed of becoming a
gentleman. The war gave him a chance. Eleanor's money provided the means.
There are several sad, tragic episodes in the book.
One day when Forestier was not at home, their villa caught fire. It was too late
to do anything about it, and suddenly Eleanor exclaimed, " My little dog, it's in
the fire!"" Forestier turned and ran back to the house. He wanted to save the dog
and show how a gentleman behaves.
To cut a long story short, they found him dead on the landing with a dead dog in
his arms.
Overall, the story is good. It's worth reading.
Analyzed by: Shaimuratova Dilnaz