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The Great Depression - (1929-39)
(DVD-THE GREAT DEPRESSION & other resources, handouts used in class)
1. Stock Market crash- Banking crisis
2. overproduction
3. decline in auto, housing, and manufacturing sales
What took us out of the Great Depression?
United States Leadership and public opinion of each president:
1. Hoover-​ blamed for the Great Depression- “Hoovervilles”-plywood or
cardboard houses, “Hoover Blankets”-newspaper, “Hoover pocket” empty
pocket w/ no $$
2. Roosevelt-​ FDR-popular- people had hope in him
What were some of the pastimes/activities of people during the Great Depression?
1. Marathon Dancing
2. Movies: ​King Kong​ and ​Gone With Wind
3. Radio
New Deal​- What does it mean?
3 parts of FDR’s plan: ​Roosevelt believed t​ hat​ together R
​ elief, Reform, and Recovery
could bring economic stability to the nation.
List ​New Deal program​ w/ abbreviations and what they were to
“Alphabet Soup”
1. WPA Works Program Administration they build infrastructureroads,bridges, buildings
2. CCC Civilian Conservation Corps environmental projects which help build
or improve our national parks
3. TVA Tennessee Valley Authority created under the Tennessee Valley
Authority Act. Planned river basin development based on dams and
hydroelectricity. It helped stop flooding and brought electricity into areas
that didn’t have it.
4. NRA National Recovery​ ​Administration was a prime agency established by
U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in 1933. The goal of the
administration was to eliminate "cut throat competition" by bringing industry,
labor, and government together to create codes of "fair practices" and set
5. The FDIC is an independent government agency that “preserves and
promotes public confidence in the U.S. financial system by insuring
depositors for at least $250,000 per insured bank; by identifying,
monitoring and addressing risks to the deposit insurance funds; and by
limiting the effect on the economy and the financial system when a bank or
thrift institution fails”
6. WPA Work Projects Administration the majority of WPA projects built
infrastructure, such as bridges, airports, schools, parks, and water lines.
7. Social Security Act SSA established for elderly as a pension & also
physically and mentally impaired. Also pays for children under 18 who
have lost a parent who has paid into SS.
8. Agricultural Adjustment Administration AAA, restored agricultural prosperity
during the Great Depression by curtailing farm production, reducing export
surpluses, and raising prices.
What and where was the ​Dust Bowl​? ​(google Great Plains location)
Name 2 effects of it:​ (black blizzards-severe dust storms that were
1. no crops
2. people left area to better- “Okies” the people who OK during the DB
Who was ​Dorthea Lange​? How did she use her skill to show the United States during
the Great Depression? (5 or more sentences- include descriptions & names of works)
Started photographing the rich/elite, then Great Depression. “White Angel
Breadline”. “Human face was a grim statistic.” The face shows the mood,
attitude, etc of the people during this time. Facial expressions= “universal
language”. Photographed “the walking wounded” of the Great Depression.
“Migrant Mother” most famous photo and 20,000 pounds of food sent after this
photo published!
“Gentlemen of the Road”, over 1.5 million
“Bums begged, hoboes worked”; alphabet of their own
“Big Rock Candy Mountain”= California
1. fireside chats w/FDR
2. Hindenburg explosion
3. Invasion of Austria-HITLER
4. War of the Worlds segment read on radio; latecomers thought Martian
Famous radio journalist: Edward MurrowHe reported from Europe during WWII.
Minorities in the Great Depression and how they were treated:
African Americans: ​“last hired, first fired”, Harlem Renaissance- Af/Am
writers, poets, authors, entertainers, etc.. could entertain but not be customer at
various nightclubs. Harlem Riot of 1935 frustration after hearing
Mexican Americans: ​look up
Native Americans: ​look up
1. Eleanor Roosevelt: first lady, called “eyes and ears for her husband” as
it was difficult for him to travel. Held press conferences with women journalists,
later was involved in the UN and declared a Declaration of Sentiments for childre
2. Dorthea Lange: ​had polio as child, also famous for her Japanese
internment camp pictures
3. Mary McLeod Bethune: ​look up
4. Marian Anderson: ​African American singer who was refused concert by
DRA and Eleanor Roosevelt had her sing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to
a crowd of thousands.
Write your Arizona New Deal Project #_____
using the 5 Ws:
Who was the New Deal Group?
What was it?
Where was it?
Why was it made/built?
Notorious Outlaws:​ 1st and 5th period only
Pretty Boy Floyd- bank robber--left $20 tips and was like a “Robin Hood”.
People liked him as they lost their $$$ or homes to banks. Gunned down
1. 1934 largest strike ever; walked out of textile mills. “Flying Squadrons”
went from their mill to others to close down and go on strike. It was an
opportunity of self expression! Violence erupted and 7 killed. Even in the North
disgruntled workers also struck. When strikers returned lost jobs, company
homes, etc.. and felt betrayed by FDR.
2. “Memorial Day Massacre” 10 steel workers. shot to death in Chicago.