Escuela San Andrés PLANILLA DE ORIENTACIÓN ESCUELA SECUNDARIA ALUMNO/A: MATTAR, Conrado Año: 4° DIVISIÓN: - DEPARTAMENTO: CIENCIAS ASIGNATURA: PHYSICS CO-ORDINATED PROFESOR: GRIJALBA, Federico CICLO LECTIVO: 2019 1. CONTENIDOS DE REFERENCIA /CONTENTS : IGCSE Co-Ordinated Science syllabus 2019 Topics: P7: Waves P8: Light P9: Electromagnetic spectrum P10: Sound P11 Magnetism P12: Electricity P13: Electric circuits P14 Electromagnetic effects P15 Radioactivity Find the syllabus on Google classroom 2. ESTRATEGIAS DE ORIENTACIÓN /DEVELOPMENT SKILLS: (Para preparar el examen se sugiere realizar las siguientes actividades / To prepare exam it is suggested to do the following activities) Review all activities completed during the year and consolidate understanding. Supplement review with use of the IGCSE Physics book. Any questions or doubts regarding any topic ask your teacher. 3. PERÍODO DE ORIENTACIÓN /ORIENTATION PERIOD: 5/12/2019 (coordinar con el docente) 4. CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL EXAMEN /KIND OF EXAM: Written: Multiple choice and structured questions based on contents described in 1. 18/12/2019 8:00 Firma del Alumno /Student´s signature Firma del Padre o Madre /Parent´s signature Firma del Profesor /Teacher´s signature